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In tratamente, medicina chineză ia in calcul si factorul suflet. Spun chinezii că in vindecare trebuie să participe sufletul bun. Medicina chineză sustine că un om cu suflet rău nu se vindecă. Chinezii sustin că inima este sediul sufletului. Există si un punct pe corpul omenesc prin care se ajunge la suflet. Acest punct este denumit de chinezi vama sufletului si reprezintă un punct energetic aflat la două laturi de deget de incheietura pumnului.


Reamintim spusa filozofiei chineze că sediul sufletului este in inimă, dar chinezii mai sustin că fiecare organ are un suflet, un duh. [Tot de la bătrâni, mai ales babe, aflasem asta, dar liber cugetătorismul m-a prostit. Când mă supăra ceva, din mine, mă rugam de acel organ si - minune ! - el se calma, ce-i drept, temporar.]
Ficatul este sediul sentimentului de mânie, sediul supărării, ficatul este generalul care elaborează strategia, dar vezica biliară este organul care dă curajul de a lua decizii. Un om cu deficit de energie pe ficat este un om care se enervează des.
In mod paradoxal, inima este afectată când sentimentul de bucurie este in exces.
De altfel, componenta Yang este cea a bucuriei, iar contrariul Yin inseamnă tristete. Dar aceste contrarii energetice se transformă unul in altul cănd ajung la limita excesului. Yang cănd atinge excesul se transformă in Yin si invers. Dacă un om se va bucura foarte tare, va urma o perioadă de tristete. [Stări de mine trăite-n nenumărate dăti, încât de pe la 45 de ani mi-am impus să nu mă mai bucur excesiv! Ci, cu prudentă...]
Când pancreasul, dar si stomacul prezintă deficite de energie, omul acela este tot timpul ingrijorat, nemultumit, el despică firul in patru.
Când plămânul se află in suferintă energetică, oamenii sunt tristi, melancolici.
Insă rinichiul dă durata vietii. El este rezervorul de energie al organismului. In rinichi se află energia ancestrală. Părintii lasă descendentilor mostenirea de energie in rinichi. Cand alt organ se află in sărăcie energetică, rinichiul ii donează energie.
[De aceea, te si simti ca "frânt de sale", éreinté, cum ar spune frâncii, uneori, nu doar la solicitări fizice.]

Supărarea este una din cele mai răspândite încălcări ale legilor universului, care poate determina mari neplăceri în viata, atât a celui pe care te superi, cât si în propria ta viată.
Potrivit legii bumerangului, tot ceea ce emitem în atmosferă, din punct de vedere vibratoriu: gânduri, vorbe, dorinte, fapte, sentimente, se întorc la noi producând efecte perturbatoare în câmpul nostru energetic .
De aceea nimeni nu poate face rău altuia, fără să plătească...

Oricând aveti gânduri negative despre o persoană, să meditati în permanentă pentru sănătatea ei...
Când ne gândim la cineva, se creează instantaneu o punte energetică între noi si omul la care ne gândim. De aceea, orice gând rău reprezintă un atac energetic care aduce un prejudiciu omului respectiv. Astfel ne atacăm si ne omorâm unul pe altul în mod inconstient, de multe ori fără să ne dăm seama de acest lucru.

Gândirea noastră dispune de cea mai puternică fortă creatoare din întregul univers.
Gândul este cel care aduce pacea si linistea în sufletul nostru.
Gândul este cel care atrage binele sau răul în existenta noastră.
Toate gândurile emise plutesc în aer ca niste mine amenintătoare pentru a lovi pe cel ce le-a produs.

In cuplu
Neintelegerile într-o relatie de cuplu vin din nevoia de a-l controla si domina pe celălalt.
Fiecare încearcă astfel să aibă controlul si să rămână deasupra întregii situatii.
Când controlezi o altă fiintă îi iei energia, îti faci plinul pe socoteala altuia.
Astfel devii vampir energetic.
Răcirea relatiilor dintre doi parteneri se datorează cresterii nivelului de agresivitate interioară.
Lipsa de compatibilitate duce la lipsa de comunicare...
Lipsa de comunicare duce la dezastru...
Lipsa de comunicare prin iubire duce la ură...

O agresivitate subconstientă fată de bărbati / femei se transformă într-un program de autodistrugere.
Dacă doi parteneri abuzează fizic sau emotional unul de celălalt, atunci ei NU merită să rămână împreună.
Cu cât este mai puternică dependenta de persoana iubită, cu atât mai numeroase sunt pretentiile noastre fată de ea.
Dependenta naste agresivitatea, iar agresivitatea produce boala.
Dependenta de dorinte, frica, depresia si supărarea atrag gelozia.
Orice expresie dură, afirmată pe un ton categoric poate provoca un rău atât siesi cât si unui alt om.

Ori de cate ori cădem în acest prost obicei, ne deconectăm de la sursă si intrăm în suferintă.
Cearta, mânia, nerăbdarea emit în tăcere o mare fortă destructivă.
Numai prin iubire poate seca izvorul răutătilor...

În dragostea omenească trebuie întotdeauna să existe o detasare de omul iubit.

Cu cât aveti mai multe pretentii, iritări si nemultumiri fată de omul apropiat, cu atât mai mult creste dependenta de el.
Dependenta de valorile materiale ne va omorî încetul cu încetul si spiritul si sufletul.

Despre problemele personale
Să nu vorbiti despre nenorocirile trăite, pentru că ele pot prelungi durata lor...
Când nu vorbim cuiva despre problemele noastre, noi ne îndepărtăm de ele...
Îndepărtarea de ele este primul pas pentru depăsirea acestora.
Esential este când vorbiti despre problemele si emotiile dvs. să NU căutati milă sau compătimiri...
Dacă aveti o mare supărare sau tristete, încercati să nu aduceti sentimentele acestea acasă.

Iesiti în stradă cu deosebire în locurile înverzite si plimbati-vă...!
Nu faceti din casa dvs. o groapă de gunoi energetic.
Dacă locuiti de câtiva ani si ati saturat spatiul cu regrete, supărări si spaime, amintiti-vă momentele în care v-ati certat si supărat, asezati-vă în acel loc, iertati, anulati agresivitatea fată de iubire, meditati...!

Este mai bine să plângeti,decât să urâti...
Dacă n-ati reusit să vă învingeti pe dvs. însivă, agresiunea se acumulează în mod inevitabil.
Atunci când plângeti, agresiunea apărută se distruge.

Munca NU trebuie să ne omoare, ci să ne dezvolte...
Înseamnă că supraîncărcările nu trebuie să fie permanente si în fiecare ocupatie să găsim plăcerea. Dacă nu există plăcere, orice activitate se poate transforma într-o suprasolicitare si va dăuna sănătătii.
Încercati sa identificati cat mai corect care este munca care v-ar aduce satisfactii prin insasi existenta ei in viata dvs.
Nu cautati neaparat satifactii materiale. Nu căutati plată, nici laudă si nici o răsplată, orice ati face. Săvârsind ceva bun noi pretindem imediat recompensă. Aceste dorinte aduc ca rezultat suferinta.
Cu cât veti intensifica acest tip de pretentii, cu atât va creste nivelul de agresivitate si se va întări programul de autodistrugere.

Când cineva te jigneste, nu te răzbuna pe el, nu-l urî si nu te supăra pe el, întrucât această jignire este un dar de la Dumnezeu.
Dacă n-o accepti, urmează ca purificarea sufletului să se înfăptuiască prin boli si nenorociri, iar dacă nu esti pregătit nici pentru aceasta, ea vine prin moarte.

Această formă de purificare ne este dată prin intermediul celor apropiati, de aceea în măsura în care reusim să-i iertăm, în aceeasi măsură sunt posibile schimbări interioare de profunzime.
Se cuvine să iertăm nu numai în gând ci si cu sufletul. Cel mai mult ne leagă de trecut supărările neiertate. Iertând un om care ne-a jignit sau ne-a supărat, ne putem vindeca de o boală gravă.

Cum dăruiesti asa primesti...!
Mediteaza în permanentă ca toti cei din jurul tău să fie fericiti.

Articol trimis in Redactie de Loredana Unghii Gel.

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Mouse Legend: mouse move - aim, left click - shoot, hold left click - time stopper. Keyboard Legend: W, A, S, D - move player; Q - special attack (bullet burst); E - special attack (spinning opt); SPACE - weapon cycle. MISSION 1: enemy number: 12, time limit (seconds): 35

Tank Wars: Become the top tank warrior and destroy anything in your path!

Controls: Keyboard: Aim and Shoot Mouse, Left Click Time Stopper Hold Left Click Move W,A,S,D Special Attacks Q,E Weapon Cycle Space Bar

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By Admins (from 11/07/2014 @ 05:08:35, in en - Global Observatory, read 1900 times)


4 cups of Cheez-Its
4 oz cannabis oil (for this recipe, we used 2 oz of bud for 4 oz of oil by volume)
Baking pan


Preheat oven to 250F.
Place Cheez-Its in a large bowl.
Pour cannabis oil over crackers and gently toss to coat each piece.Spread crackers evenly on a baking pan covered in tinfoil.
Place in oven for 25 minutes. Once all the Weez-Its are lightly toasted and the oil has been absorbed, take them out of the oven.
Let cool for 15 minutes. Place in a handy jar for snacking.

Source: cookingwithcannabis

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The use of marijuana as a medicine remains controversial, yet marijuana's active ingredient is regularly prescribed in both Canada and the U.S.

In fact, pills that contain THC, like Marinol (dronabinol) and Cesamet (nabilone), are often recommended as substitutes for marijuana.

But while it's easy to think of the treatments as equal, research highlights some important differences.

Time of Onset
A study conducted last year at the New York State Psychiatric Institute was the first ever to compare a THC pill, dronabinol, with smoked marijuana for managing pain.

In the study, smoking a joint took full effect within 15 minutes. Dronabinol, on the other hand, took 60-90 minutes to reach its peak.

As Florida physician Dr. Heather Auld points out in a recent article, a shorter time of onset is better for pain patients.

Duration of Effect
While marijuana and dronabinol performed about the same in pain reduction, the study found dronabinol's effect to last longer.

In this case, experts say a longer-acting treatment is preferable.

Dose Flexibility
The biggest advantage of smoking marijuana is the ability for patients to self-adjust dose. Due to the shorter time of onset, patients can easily adjust dosing by taking additional puffs when necessary.

On the other hand, the delay in onset of THC pills, combined with their extended action, makes it difficult and dangerous for patients to self-adjust dose.

Studies show that both smoked marijuana and dronabinol suffer from inconsistent bioavailability, which also makes it difficult for doctors to predict dosing. This makes the flexibility offered by smoking even more beneficial.

Also, while it might be inconvenient to roll a joint every couple hours, vaporizers are widely preferred by doctors, and provide an easier way for patients to take marijuana throughout the day.

Side Effects
A study concluded that patients get just as high from taking dronabinol as they do from smoking a joint.

On the other hand, some believe dronabinol's delay in onset could make it less subject to abuse.

Source: LeafScience

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A group of researchers from the University of Glasgow in the UK have confirmed the ability of Sativex, a medicine derived from marijuana, to relieve severe chronic pain.

The study, published online Jan. 13 2014 in the European Journal of Pain, involved over 300 patients suffering from a type of nerve pain called peripheral neuropathic pain.

Neuropathic pain is "one of the most difficult types of pain to treat," the authors say. Half of all patients fail to gain adequate relief through standard therapies.

The 15-week study was conducted at 39 different treatment centers, most of them in the UK. By the end, 28% of patients that received Sativex showed clinically-significant pain relief verses 16% that received placebo.

Patients were allowed to adjust dosing themselves, and only minor symptoms such as dizziness and nausea were reported.

Besides pain relief, the researchers observed improvements in sleep symptoms as well, which they say is consistent with prior studies involving smoked cannabis and a synthetic THC pill called Marinol (or dronabinol).

Other studies have also explained how marijuana works to ease pain. By binding to receptors at both the brain and spinal level, compounds in the plant seem to interfere with how the nervous system transmits pain.

The drug used in the latest study, Sativex, is a whole plant extract containing equal concentrations of marijuana's two main ingredients, THC and CBD, along with minor levels of various terpenes and other cannabinoids found in the plant.

The drug is made by British drug company GW Pharmaceuticals and is administered as an oral spray.

The latest findings should help GW Pharmaceuticals with obtaining regulatory approval of Sativex for patients with neuropathic pain. So far, the drug has been approved in 24 countries for treating multiple sclerosis.

The study received funding from GW Pharmaceuticals

Source: LeafScience

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Investigators at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York have found evidence that cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of marijuana, can prevent the accumulation of fat caused by alcohol – known as fatty liver disease.

Over time, elevated fat levels in the liver can lead to more severe problems such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Published online Jan. 4th in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, the researchers conducted the study by injecting mice with ethanol twice a day for 5 days to model the impact of binge drinking on the liver. Mice in the test group were given CBD prior to ethanol.

The results confirmed that CBD could prevent fat accumulation and other signs of liver injury. Molecular analysis pointed to multiple factors, including CBD’s anti-oxidant properties and its ability to stimulate pathways involved with fat breakdown.

The authors add that CBD can act as both an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, and has been suggested to block the progression of arthritis and type 1 diabetes, among other things.

The hope is to develop a potential drug for the prevention of fatty liver disease, they write, noting that CBD has recently shown promise in blocking alcohol-induced brain damage as well.

The study was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Source: LeafScience

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Marijuana's active ingredient is a chemical called THC, which is thought to trigger psychosis in certain individuals. However, research shows that another compound in marijuana called CBD (cannabidiol) may counteract THC's effect, and could even have antipsychotic properties of its own.

In the latest study, published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology (second LINK HERE - TA note), Dutch and British researchers reviewed more than 66 past studies on CBD and psychosis, and concluded that the compound offers a number of advantages over current drugs.

"Given the high tolerability and superior cost-effectiveness, CBD may prove to be an attractive alternative to current antipsychotic treatment."

The authors point out that CBD, unlike a vast majority of medicines, appears to have no noticeable side effects and no lethal dose. Several lines of evidence, including animal and human studies, also support its effectiveness as an antipsychotic medicine.

One of the most promising studies was published in 2012. The study involved 39 people with schizophrenia, 20 who were given CBD and 19 who were given the antipsychotic drug amisulpride.

At the end of the four-week trial, those who received CBD showed the same levels of improvement as those who received amisulpride. But more importantly, CBD did not cause the hormonal and weight imbalances that amisulpride did.

"The results were amazing," said Daniel Piomelli, Ph.D., a professor of pharmacology at the University of California-Irvine who co-authored the study.

"Not only was (CBD) as effective as standard antipsychotics, but it was also essentially free of the typical side effects seen with antipsychotic drugs."

Unfortunately, despite raising excitement among others in the field, Dr. Piomelli's findings have yet to be followed up. According to PsychCentral, barriers include CBD's relationship to marijuana and the fact that it is a naturally-occurring compound, which makes it harder to patent as a new drug.

The authors of the latest study say that larger trials are necessary in order to bring the medicine to patients.

On the other hand, to get around the patenting issue, they note that identifying the source of CBD's antipsychotic properties "could also lead to the design of new synthetic agents" that mimic its benefits.

The study received funding from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research

Source: LeafScience

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L'unico accorgimento, per evitare di incappare in una denuncia penale, è compilare un modulo e consegnarlo alle forze dell'ordine. Ad investire sulla cannabis è stato anche Antonino Chiamonte, un agricoltore di Mendicino in provincia di Cosenza, che ha sostituito le foglie di marijuana al grano, ormai "non più conveniente per i prezzi troppo alti". Dai mattoni della bioedilizia per costruire case ai vestiti, passando gli alimenti, gli olii e persino i cruscotti delle auto, la sua canapa viene destinata agli stabilimenti per la produzione di diversi oggetti.

Secondo i dati di 'Assocanapa', in Calabria gli agricoltori di cannabis sono già una decina ed in costante aumento in tutta Italia, con piantagioni in 400 ettari di terreni al nord e 450 al sud del Paese. "Lavoro anche come assistente sociale - spiega Antonino Chiamonte, 46 anni - ma dall'anno scorso ho deciso di coltivare cannabis nel mio ettaro di terreno e per ogni piantagione guadagno 1.300 euro". Chiamonte ha piantato i semi un anno fa e subito dopo ha comunicato ai carabinieri di avere la piantagione di cannabis a scopo industriale. Un'orto insolito che fa gola a più di una persona. "Ogni tanto qualcuno si intrufola tra le piante per portarne via una - aggiunge - tanto che sono stato costretto a mettere un cartello dalla scritta: 'Se volete una piantina non strappatela, ve la regaliamo'".

La canapa da fibra prodotta da Chiamonte viene lavorata in uno stabilimento a Taranto e servirà in un cantiere di Brindisi per costruire "la prima abitazione 'a base di cannabis' in Italia". Per ora, invece, l'unico stabilimento autorizzato a produrla a scopo farmaceutico è Rovigo. "La canapa è un ottimo investimento per tanti usi - spiega ancora l'agricoltore - rigenera i terreni, non necessita di diserbanti ed ha ottimi costi. Quella importata dall'Olanda costa anche di più. E allora perché non avviare una grande produzione in Italia? E' ingiusto criminalizzarla e finora la legislazione ne ha compromesso gli utilizzi associandola solo alla droga. In passato ho fumato qualche spinello, lo considero comunque molto meglio di devianze come alcol o droghe pesanti".

Ed ora grazie ai guadagni del "piccolo tesoro" nell'orto di casa sua, Chiamonte ha messo in piedi un'azienda agricola per farne una fattoria sociale dove ospitare i bambini autistici a fare ippoterapia con gli asinelli. Dalla cannabis alla solidarietà, per "sfatare un tabù".

Fonte: Nuovo Sud via

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Now that recreational marijuana has been legalized a whole new breed of tourist are visiting Colorado. It's pretty easy to acquire marijuana, however, finding 420 friendly accommodations is not so easy. It is not legal to smoke in public so don't try smoking in the parks or on the sidewalks. Here are a few things to consider when planning your cannabis vacation in Colorado.

1. Stay at a hotel that allows pot smoking. How do you know if a hotel is 420 friendly? Pick up the phone, call the front hotel, and ask. Be blunt (pun intended). If they say no then keep calling. Hotels have the right to decide if they wish to allow smoking, so you can be kicked out if you stay somewhere that doesn't allow it. Many of the large chains are going to say no.

2. Private residences. There are scores of locals who rent out a 420 friendly room for a reasonable rate. You can find these places through classifieds such as craigslist. Be very careful if you choose to go this route. Security is important so if a situation doesn't feel right then bail.

Here is a list of some of the 420 friendly accommodations including hotels and private residences in Colorado. Please  call ahead to confirm a hotels marijuana policy as it may have changed.

3. Camping and smoking weed legally is more difficult that you think. State parks are a big no no, and national parks are obviously out. This leaves private campground and many have policies against marijuana. Again, if you plan to camp you may want to call ahead. *Many Coloradans claim that many campsites have policies against marijuana, but it is often tolerated as long as you are discrete about it. Use your best judgement, and stay out of state parks and federal land.

4. Do not smoke in a car. It doesn't matter if the car was parked or not. This can easily cause confusion which could possibly lead to you getting into some trouble.

5. Perhaps give edibles a try. They are much more discrete and can be consumed in any hotel room. If you have not done edible before then be very careful to take an appropriate dosage.

The laws are constantly changing, and can vary between cities. Always perform due diligence.

If you enjoyed this article about finding 420 friendly accommodations please use the share buttons below.

Source: maryjanesdiary

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University of Arizona Cancer Center member Dr. Mark Pagel will receive a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effectiveness of personalized baking soda cancer treatment for breast cancer. In other words, clinical trials on the use of oral baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) for breast cancer treatments are about to start![1] Obviously there are people in the know who have understood that sodium bicarbonate, that same stuff that can save a person’s life in the emergency room in a heartbeat, is a primary cancer treatment option of the safest and most effective kind.

Of course I feel vindicated for everything I wrote in Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment, which still stands as the only full medical review on the subject of using simple baking soda in the practice of medicine. When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. It is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use. Everybody’s physiology is under heavy nuclear attack from strong radioactive winds that are circling the northern hemisphere.

Actually it is no surprise that a University of Arizona researcher received this grant because there has been cancer research going on for years there. Dr. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have already demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with baking soda results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. The same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH and also inhibits spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer.[2] It also reduces the rate of lymph node involvement.

I recently published about fungal infections, and breast cancer has been found to be associated with increased frequency of mold-fermented cheese consumption.[3] Fungi produce toxic metabolites called mycotoxins[4] that can cause cancer. Aflatoxin is a mycotoxin with carcinogenic potency that is found in inferior peanut butter and other nut and dairy products. Researchers in 1993 examined human breast cancer tissue and found significant carcinogenic aflatoxin within the cancer tissue implicating aflatoxin and thus fungus as a cause of breast cancer.[5]

The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. In other words, over-acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of cancer.

Sodium bicarbonate medical treatments are the time honored method to "speed up" the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines as it treats the basic acid-alkaline axis of human physiology.

Baking Soda and PH Medicine

The pH of our tissues and body fluids is crucial and central because it affects and mirrors the state of our health or our inner cleanliness. The closer the pH is to 7.35-7.45, the higher our level of health and wellbeing. Staying within this range dramatically increases our ability to resist acute illnesses like colds and flues as well as the onset of cancer and other diseases. Keeping our pH within a healthy range also involves necessary lifestyle and dietary changes that will protect us over the long term while the use of sodium bicarbonate gives us a jump-start toward increased alkalinity.

The pH scale is like a thermometer showing increases and decreases in the acid and alkaline content of fluids. Deviations above or below a 7.35-7.45 pH range in the tightly controlled blood can signal potentially serious and dangerous symptoms or states of disease. When the body can no longer effectively neutralize and eliminate the acids, it relocates them within the body's extra-cellular fluids and connective tissue cells directly compromising cellular integrity. Conversely when the body becomes too alkaline from too much bicarbonate in the blood, metabolic alkalosis occurs, which can lead to severe consequences if not corrected quickly.[6]

Jon Barron presents a way of looking at pH that opens up one of the major benefits of alkaline water:

Hydrogen ions tie up oxygen. That means that the more acid a liquid is, the less available the oxygen in it. Every cell in our body requires oxygen for life and to maintain optimum health. Combine that with what we know about hydrogen ions and we see that the more acid the blood (the lower its pH), the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. Without going into a discussion of the chemistry involved, just understand that it's the same mechanism involved when acid rain "kills" a lake. The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake "binds up" all of the available oxygen. It’s not that the oxygen has gone anywhere; it's just no longer available. Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake (make it more alkaline), oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. Incidentally, it's worth noting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen)—the higher the pH (the more oxygen present in the cells of the body), the harder it is for cancer to thrive.

Understanding this is important for two reasons: (1) it reveals one of the primary benefits of alkaline water—more "available" oxygen in the system and (2) it explains why alkaline water helps fight cancer.

The ocean, the mother of all life, has an average pH of about 8.1. The ideal pH for blood sits at about 7.4, slightly alkaline—not acidic.
- Jon Barron

Barron concludes:

If you’re eating well and living cleanly, then yes, you want to drink water with a naturally occurring pH only slightly above neutral. However, if you are eating the typical Western diet, high in meat, grains, sodas, and sugars that acidify the body, then you have a different problem. Your pH balance is now so far out of normal that you must go beyond normal in the other direction to counter it. My recommendation for daily drinking water pH is about 7.5-8—depending on how acid forming your diet is. Long-term consumption of higher pH water should be reserved for special circumstances. The most famous mountain waters in the world, waters renowned for their healing properties, are highly alkaline. I’m referring to the waters coming down from the Himalayas, and specifically to the waters of the Hunza Valley, which have a pH that runs between 9 and 11.

One does not have to be a doctor to practice pH medicine. Every practitioner of the healing arts and every mother and father needs to understand how to use sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate deficiency is a real problem that deepens with age so it really does pay to understand and appreciate what baking soda is all about.

[1] Baking Soda Might Have Potential Against Cancer:


[3] One sample study is by Le, et al. (1986), in a French case-control study of 1,010 breast cancer cases and 1,950 controls with nonmalignant diseases, found that breast cancer was found to be associated with increased frequency of mold fermented cheese consumption.

[4] Going, et al. (1990) found that weddellite (calcium oxalate) crystals are present in calcifications found in the breast tissue of patients with breast cancer. Calcium oxalate crystals are formed when calcium binds with oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is a mycotoxin that can be produced by a number of different fungal species. Some fungi produce such large amounts of oxalic acid that they are used for commercial production of chemicals. Aspergillus niger fungal infection in human lungs produces large amounts of oxalic acid.

[5] Researchers examined human DNA from a variety of tissues and organs to identify and quantify aflatoxin DNA-adducts. Such adducts are considered to be proof of the mycotoxin’s presence in a particular tissue.Their finding? "Tumor tissues had higher aflatoxin-adduct levels than did normal tissue from the same individual."


Source: drsircus

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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