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By Admin (from 30/04/2011 @ 14:00:06, in en - Science and Society, read 2205 times)

An Oxford University study suggests that people living in countries with 'free market' regimes are more likely to become obese due to the stress of being exposed to economic insecurity.

The researchers believe that the stress of living in a competitive social system without a strong welfare state could be causing people to overeat. According to the study published in the latest issue of the journal Economics and Human Biology, Americans and Britons are much more likely to be obese than Norwegians and Swedes.

Oxford researchers compared 11 affluent countries and found that those with a liberal market regime (strong market incentives and relatively weak welfare states) experienced one-third more obesity on average. Their analysis of nearly 100 surveys, carried out between 1994 and 2004, revealed that the highest prevalence of obesity reported in a single survey was in the United States where one-third of the population was classed as obese. By contrast, Norway had the lowest prevalence of obesity in a single survey at just five per cent.

The study compared 'market-liberal' countries (United States, Britain, Canada and Australia) with seven relatively affluent European countries that have systems that traditionally offer stronger social protection (Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden). It concludes that economic security plays a significant role in determining levels of obesity. Countries with higher levels of job and income security were associated with lower levels of obesity.

In the past, the rise of obesity in affluent societies has frequently been attributed to the ready supply of cheap, accessible, high-energy, pre-processed food in fast food outlets and supermarkets. This cause is known by researchers as the 'fast food shock'. Oxford researchers measured the impact of fast food by using a price index, constructed by The Economist magazine*, showing the international variation in the cost of the McDonald's Big Mac hamburger. They found that the availability of fast food may not be as significant as previously thought, as they calculated it had half as much an effect on the prevalence of obesity as the effects of economic insecurity.

Lead author Professor Avner Offer, Chichele Professor of Economic History at the University of Oxford, said: 'Policies to reduce levels of obesity tend to focus on encouraging people to look after themselves but this study suggests that obesity has larger social causes. The onset and increase of large-scale obesity began during the 1980s, and coincided with the rise of market-liberalism in the English-speaking countries.

'It may be that the economic benefits of flexible and open markets come at a price to personal and public health which is rarely taken into account. Basically, our hypothesis is that market-liberal reforms have stimulated competition in both the work environment and in what we consume, and this has undermined personal stability and security.'

The Oxford research team based this study on observations in academic literature about animal behaviour. Animals, both in captivity and in the wild, have been found to increase their food intake when they are faced with uncertainty about their future food supply.

These latest findings suggest that obesity in affluent societies is a response to the stress of economic insecurity. The researchers found that the effects of economic security were considerably greater in causing obesity than other factors measured (the existence of a market-liberal regime; inequality, the price of fast food, and the passage of time).

'Obesity under affluence varies by welfare regimes: The effect of fast food, insecurity, and inequality' is by Avner Offer, Rachel Pechey and Stanley Ulijaszek.

Source: ScienceDaily

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By Admin (from 30/04/2011 @ 11:00:39, in ro - Observator Global, read 2597 times)

 Aflat la 84 kilometri nord-vest de Londra, pe malul raului Chervel, Oxfordul este un oras vechi si elegant, vestit mai ales pentru celebra sa Universitate. Mentionat documentar in 912, orasul s-a grupat in jurul acestui asezamant de cultura fondat in 1168. Farmecul orasului este renumit in intreaga lume. Peste tot esti intampinat de turle, cupole, ziduri medievale, multe dintre ele inecate in iedera.

Galeriile acoperite ale manastirilor, cele 65 de biserici fac din orasul inconjurat de dealuri un loc fascinant cu o arhitectura unica in lume. Universitatea ca emblema a orasului este la fel de cunoscuta si la fel de veche precum cele de la Paris, Bologna, Padova si Salamanca. Multi dintre oamenii de seama ai Marii Britanii si nu numai au studiat aici sau la Cambridge, celalalt oras universitar al tarii situat in nord-estul capitalei. De fapt cele doua universitati sunt cunoscute sub numele comun Oxbridge. Oxfordul a servit ca decor de film pentru numeroase pelicule printre care cele realizate dupa romanele politiste ale lui Colin Dexter, al caror erou este inspectorul Morse.

Un colorit aparte il ofera orasului multimea studentilor imbracati in robele largi si purtand toci in culoarea colegiului respectiv. Colegiile au un aspect specific. Fiecare are o poarta prin care se intra in curtea interioara (patrulaterul) in jurul careia se inalta capela, sala mare, dormitoarele si camerele de studiu. Toate se mandresc cu gradini, banci de piatra, cadrane solare si arbori seculari.

Cel mai frumos dintre acestea este Christ Church, a carui catedrala, Sfantul Frideswide a fost ridicata intre 1170-1180 si completata in 1225. Colegiul se mandreste cu numeroase tablouri de Titian, Leonardo da Vinci si Rubens. La colegiul Merton, inaltat in 1264, exista o biblioteca in timpul Renasterii iar la Colegiul Hertford un pod venetian reconstruit, care leaga aripa noua de cea veche. Fiecare colegiu are viata lui proprie, este o organizatie independenta si are o avere considerabila, provenita in special din donatii si dispozitii testamentare.

Colegiile au fost puternic ancorate in istorie. Oxfordul era unul dintre locurile preferate de plimbare ale reginei Elisabeta care discuta si glumea aici cu profesorii in engleza si latina. Tot aici Carol I si-a tinut curtea in timpul Razboiului Civil, in timp ce farfuriile de argint ale colegiilor erau topite pentru a servi cauzei regale.

Una dintre cladirile si institutiile incarcate de traditii este Biblioteca Bodleiana care adaposteste peste 6.000.000 de volume, pe langa inestimabilele manuscrise si tiparituri din secolul al XV-lea. Ea a pornit din donatia testamentara de 256 manuscrise ale ducelui de Gloucester si finantata ulterior de Sir Thomas Bodley. Farmecul orasului este sporit de teatre, muzee, de strazile intortocheate, totul amintind un tablou realizat de un mare maestru.


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By Admin (from 30/04/2011 @ 08:00:15, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 3755 times)

Baveno si trova ad un’altitudine di mt. 205 s.l.m. e conta poco meno di 5.000 abitanti. È una cittadina posta sulla sponda occidentale  del Lago Maggiore, di fronte al golfo Borromeo, in un territorio insieme rivierasco e montuoso. In agevole comunicazione con i maggiori centri del nord Italia e con la Svizzera, grazie all’importante linea ferroviaria internazionale del Sempione ed all’autostrada A26 Voltri-Gravellona Toce.

Rinomata stazione di villeggiatura già dal secolo scorso, come testimoniano le sontuose ville sparse sul suo territorio, tra cui: Villa Henfrey (oggi nota come Villa Branca) dove sono stati ospiti la Regina Vittoria d`Inghilterra e lord Byron e Villa Fedora , appartenuta al noto compositore Umberto Giordano, in cui onore ogni estate si tiene un festival di musica lirica e classica. Nel centro storico del paese interessante è la visita della parrocchiale dei SS. Gervaso e Protaso, risalente ai secc. X-XI, con attiguo Battistero ottagonale e campanile romanico. Particolarmente apprezzata dai turisti è la piccola frazione di Feriolo, antica stazione di transito delle truppe romane dirette ai valichi alpini, che mantiene ancora oggi il suo caratteristico aspetto di villaggio di pescatori e scalpellini.

L’economia di Baveno è di tipo turistico-industriale,  oltre alla buona struttura ricettiva degli alberghi e dei campeggi, vi sono piccole e medie industrie, è sviluppato l’artigianato e l’estrazione del famoso granito rosa, con il quale sono state realizzate la Galleria Vittorio Emanuele a Milano ed il celebre colonnato della Basilica di San Paolo a Roma.
Baveno è ricca di angoli suggestivi, di spiaggette, tra le quali quella di Villa Fedora e di giardini lussureggianti, impreziosita dal grazioso centro storico e dalla Chiesa Parrocchiale, un complesso monumentale che risale all’anno Mille, comprendente anche il Battistero con origini paleocristiane, il campanile, il sagrato e la Via Crucis. Esistono in Baveno centro, due nuclei abitati che hanno almeno in parte conservato le caratteristiche del borgo antico. Questi agglomerati sembrano riproporre un modo di abitare molto diverso dall’attuale. I due nuclei si chiamano “Domo” e “Baitone”. Il nucleo di “Baitone” a nord della chiesa, si articola in una serie di viuzze che scendono verso la strada del Sempione, dove vi è un edificio (ora restaurato) che fu nell’ottocento il più antico albergo del lago: “l’Albergo della Posta”, con la sosta dei cavalli. Qui soggiornavano quanti scendevano verso l’Italia dal Valico del Sempione. Si ricordano anche alcuni nomi celebri come Napoleone I, Schubert e Dumas, Churchill. Dal Sagrato della Chiesa (XII sec.), dedicata ai SS. Gervasio e Protasio, ci si addentra nel quartiere “Domo”, un agglomerato di case addossate l’una all’altra. I cortili interni, i piccoli portici, i lunghi ballatoi di legno, i vicoli stretti e tortuosi, le ripide scale, le piazzette, le cappelle e i dipinti votivi, sono tutte parti integranti dell’alloggio, non inteso come uno spazio chiuso al mondo esterno. Qui può essere più facile incontrarsi, partecipare ad una vita di comunità. Oltre il torrente Selvaspessa si trova la frazione di Oltrefiume; il borgo deve la sua origine agli insediamenti dei cavapietre e degli scalpellini addetti all’estrazione ed alla lavorazione del granito rosa. Nel nucleo più antico, recentemente restaurato,  restano a testimoniare questo passato operoso, molti manufatti in granito inseriti come elementi architettonici delle case.  Da non perdere, infine, la frazione di Feriolo che, pur mantendo ancora oggi il suo caratteristico aspetto di villaggio di pescatori e scalpellini, è divenuto uno dei poli del turismo all’aria aperta.

Fonte: Sito del Comune di Baveno

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By Admin (from 29/04/2011 @ 14:00:44, in en - Science and Society, read 2038 times)

The world has waited with bated breath for three decades, and now finally a group of academics, engineers, and math geeks have finally found the magic number. That number is 20, and it's the maximum number of moves it takes to solve a Rubik's Cube.

Known as "God's Number", the magic number required about 35 CPU-years and a good deal of man-hours to solve. Why? Because there's 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible positions of the cube, and the computer algorithm that finally cracked God's Algorithm had to solve them all. (The terms "God's Number/Algorithm are derived from the fact that if God was solving a Cube, he/she/it would always do it in the most efficient way possible.)

A full breakdown of the history of God's Number as well as a full breakdown of the math is available here, but summarily the team broke the possible positions down into sets, then drastically cut the number of possible positions they had to solve for through symmetry (if you scramble a Cube randomly and then turn it upside down, you haven't changed the solution).

They then borrowed some computing time from Google (one of the principals is an engineer there) and burned about 35 core-years to solve all the possible positions. The number 20 has been the lower limit for God's Number for more than a decade, but the team was finally able to whittle away at the upper limit (which was trimmed back to 22 in 2008).

So far the algorithm has identified some 12 million distance-20 positions, though there are definitely many more than that. Click on this link if you want to see what some of the hardest positions are, and how they exactly tackled this problem.

Source: PopSci

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By Admin (from 29/04/2011 @ 11:00:28, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 3494 times)

 Una dintre retetele succesului în lumea artelor de astazi (nu numai în showbusiness) este scandalul iscat în urma reactiilor specialistilor în domeniu sau ale publicului. Este scara de serviciu prin care amatorismul îsi face loc cu coatele printre profesionisti si pare sa fie cea mai buna metoda contemporana de deturnare a conceptului de kitsch. Numai ca acest mod de afirmare cu forcepsul a pseudovalorilor este o palida copie dupa marile scandaluri din lumea artelor autentice pe care le-a cunoscut sfera tuturor artelor în perioadele ei de glorie.

Marii artisti – pictori, cineasti, oameni de teatru, muzicieni – nu si-au dorit nici un moment sa provoace scandal pentru a atrage atentia asupra lor. Dar, publicitatea negativa facuta operelor lor i-a ajutat în cariera, iar ei si-au confirmat ulterior valoarea.

Unul dintre ilustrele exemple ale picturii secolului XIX este „îndrazneala” cu care Édouard Manet (1832-1883) a iesit în public cu „Dejun pe iarba” (1862-63) si „Olympia” (1863), considerate de o indecenta scandaloasa prin promovarea femeii prostituate (culeasa, probabil, din celebrul cartier parisian Bois de Boulogne) si nu a zeitei sau odaliscei, precum la Ingres (de exemplu).

O femeie completa dezbracata, la un picnic, alaturi de doi barbati îmbracati „dandy” si un nud în care dama îsi acopera, totusi, „modestia” au fost opere pe cale de a fi distruse de publicul pudibond si desfiintate de critici – dar aparate de spirite progresiste precum Zola. Cateva decenii mai tarziu, Henri Matisse si André Derain erau numiti „bestii” (Fauves) din cauza stridentelor cromatice cu care „dezgustau” privitorii.

Însa curentul lansat de ei, fovismul (1905-1907), ramane în istoria artei ca o etapa originala si pregatitoare a modernismului. Si daca vorbim de arte vizuale, sa amintim ca gravorul italian Marcantonio Raimondi (1480-1534) a facut închisoare – la ordinul papei Clement VII – pentru suita „I Modi” (Pozitiile), în care ilustra 16 modalitati de facut sex...

Sexul a fost si este samanta de scandal în arta. Închisoare a facut si celebra Mae West (1893-1980). Piesa sa „Sex” (1926), scrisa, regizata si jucata de ea a atras peste 300 de mii de spectatori (timp de un an), dar în cele din urma politia din New York a arestat-o pentru zece zile (obscenitate), fiind eliberata dupa numai opt, pentru buna purtare. Scandalul i-a atras o excelenta cota artistica, ea devenind sex-simbol american.

În muzica, rusul Igor Stravinski (1882-1971) a facut furori cu baletul „Ritualul primaverii” (1913), considerat prea zgomotos si interzis imediat dupa premiera. La fel s-a întamplat cu opera „Salomé” a lui Richard Strauss, compusa dupa lucrarea la fel de scandaloasa a lui Oscar Wilde (întemnitat pentru homosexualitate, în epoca victoriana). Si Alfred Jarry, cu piesa sa absurda „Ubu roi” (1896) a socat Parisul si a fost huiduit si interzis (autorul a transpus-o apoi pentru teatrul de papusi!). Romanul „Ulysses” (1922), de James Joyce (1882-1941) a fost vanat si interzis în SUA (personajul principal se masturbeaza).

Între imoralitate si succesul în arta a existat, în Belle Époque, un anume Anthony Comstock (1844-1915), care a înfiintat în 1873 „Societatea new-yorkeza de suprimare a viciilor”, un fel de cenzura de tip victorian, pe baze crestine, a tot ce însemna obscen si lasciv în arta, inclusiv controlul nasterilor. Dupa atacurile sale împotriva piesei „Profesiunea doamnei Warren” (o prostituata), de G.B. Shaw (1893), dramaturgul a inventat termenul de „comstocarie” (adaptare în romaneste) pentru cenzura împotriva obscenitatii.


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By Admin (from 29/04/2011 @ 08:00:24, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 2125 times)

Il lago di montagna Afritzer See si trova nel distretto di Villach, nella valle Gegendtal della catena montuosa di Nockberge. Come tanti laghi, anch'esso ha un'acqua potabile ed in estate le temparature salgono fino a raggiungere i 26°C.

I giri intorno al lago sono splendidi per il loro panorama che essi Vi offrono, essendo appunto in mezzo alle montagne. La pesca è un divertimento unico per professionisti e principianti, con le diverse specie di pesci ed una vista lunghissima nell'acqua chiara e limpida del lago. Il surf sul lago ed il tennis divertono tantissimo i turisti sportivi.

La pista da slittino estiva vicino al lago, così come un tracciato per go-cart offrono avventura e spasso per bambini ed anche per adulti. Un parco di animali nelle Alpi (quasi uno Zoo) ed il museo delle bambole sarà quello che ci vuole per coloro che preferiscono una gita rilassante ad un'avventura. Oltre agli hotel e agli alberghi troverete un campeggio vicino il lago. In inverno, il surfing sul giaccio sul Afritzersee, uno sport che di anno in anno è sempre più richiesto, affascina tantissimi turisti.


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The instability of large, complex societies is a predictable phenomenon, according to a new mathematical model that explores the emergence of early human societies via warfare. Capturing hundreds of years of human history, the model reveals the dynamical nature of societies, which can be difficult to uncover in archaeological data.

The research, led Sergey Gavrilets, associate director for scientific activities at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis and a professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, is published in the first issue of the new journal Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History, the first academic journal dedicated to research from the emerging science of theoretical history and mathematics.

The numerical model focuses on both size and complexity of emerging "polities" or states as well as their longevity and settlement patterns as a result of warfare. A number of factors were measured, but unexpectedly, the largest effect on the results was due to just two factors – the scaling of a state's power to the probability of winning a conflict and a leader's average time in power. According to the model, the stability of large, complex polities is strongly promoted if the outcomes of conflicts are mostly determined by the polities' wealth or power, if there exist well-defined and accepted means of succession, and if control mechanisms within polities are internally specialized. The results also showed that polities experience what the authors call "chiefly cycles" or rapid cycles of growth and collapse due to warfare.

The wealthiest of polities does not necessarily win a conflict, however. There are many other factors besides wealth that can affect the outcome of a conflict, the authors write. The model also suggests that the rapid collapse of a polity can occur even without environmental disturbances, such as drought or overpopulation.

By using a mathematical model, the researchers were able to capture the dynamical processes that cause chiefdoms, states and empires to emerge, persist and collapse at the scale of decades to centuries.

"In the last several decades, mathematical models have been traditionally important in the physical, life and economic sciences, but now they are also becoming important for explaining historical data," said Gavrilets. "Our model provides theoretical support for the view that cultural, demographic and ecological conditions can predict the emergence and dynamics of complex societies."

Source: EurekAlert

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By Admin (from 28/04/2011 @ 11:00:46, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 2723 times)

 Este situat la sud-est de Anatolia, in apropiere de frontiera cu Siria. In acest sit, aparut la inceputurile neoliticului, se afla cel mai vechi templu din piatra descoperit vreodata (intre 11500-8000 i.Ch.) la care au lucrat sute de oameni timp de 3-5 secole. Civilizatia megalitica aflata la originea acestui sit e insa foarte putin cunoscuta. Situl este de fapt o colina artificiala inalta de 15 metri si cu un diametru de 300 de metri, situata pe varful unui munte alungit. Gobekli Tepe a fost inregistrat ca sit arheologic in 1963, in cadrul cercetarilor arheologice turco-americane.

Au fost remarcate mai multe coline ciudate acoperite cu bucati de silex, ceea ce indica o anumita activitate umana. In acea vreme au lipsit finantarile necesare pentru a se proceda la excavatii. Cu timpul, locul a fost dat uitarii. Trei decenii mai tarziu, un cioban a zarit aici un grup de pietre cu forme neobisnuite care ieseau din solul nisipos.

In 1995 au inceput sapaturile, la care au participat si specialisti de la Institutul German de Arheologie din Istanbul. A fost descoperit un sanctuar monumental cu ziduri de piatra, printre cele mai vechi cunoscute in Occident, devansand cu aproape 70 de secole cele mai vechi piramide egiptene. Pana acum au fost degajate 4 incinte si coloane din calcar cantarind fiecare aproximativ 10 tone.

In urma cu cativa ani, la un kilometru de sit, echipa de arheologi a descoperit o enorma piatra in forma de T cu o lungime de 9 metri care parea sa fi facut parte din complexul de stalpi ai templului. Din pacate, in timp ce a fost degajata, piatra s-a sfaramat. Arheologii s-au gandit ca in zona exista si alte pietre de acest gen asa incat au procedat la analize geomagnetice, acestea indicand faptul ca cel putin 250 de pietre se afla ingropate in sol.

In urma sapaturilor au fost degajate 40 de pietre in forma de T cu o inaltime de 3 metri, cea mai mare parte dintre ele fiind gravate cu reprezentari animale: serpi, tauri, vulpi, lei, porci, mistreti, vaci, scorpioni, furnici... Unele gravuri au fost sterse, probabil pentru pregatirea altor reprezentari. In apropierea pietrelor se aflau sculpturi din argila cu forme animale (porci mistreti sau vulpi) sau geometrice, existente si in culturile sumeriana, mesopotamiana sau egipteana, folosite probabil in ritualuri samanice.

Situl din Gobekli Tepe releva faptul ca umanitatea dispunea intr-o epoca pre-agricola de suficiente mijloace pentru a realiza un loc de cult impozant. Nu au fost gasite urme de locuinte din piatra, in schimb au fost identificate varfuri de sageti, ustensile din silex, seminte salbatice carbonizate si oase de animale salbatice. Ceea ce sugereaza faptul ca populatia din Göbekli nu intrase in faza de crescatori de animale. Prin anii 8000 i.Ch. in timpul tranzitiei spre agricultura, situl a fost acoperit cu pamant in mod deliberat, din motive necunoscute.

DORIN MARAN - Revista Magazin

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By Admin (from 28/04/2011 @ 08:00:10, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 2219 times)

Nella punta nord-ovest della Baviera e a circa 80 km da Würzburg, si trova la deliziosa città di Aschaffenburg (68.000 abitanti), soprannominata da re Ludwig I di Baviera la "Nizza bavarese" per il suo clima mite e per una particolare atmosfera che gli ricordava la rinomata città della Costa Azzurra dove morì nel 1868.

Una delle testimonianze della millenaria storia della città è la Stiftskirche, costruita a partire dal 974 ed in seguito diventata chiesa ufficiale del principe-vescovo di Magonza, che stabilì la sua seconda residenza ad Aschaffenburg, donandole il castello Johannisburg, ancora oggi il monumento più importante e maestoso della città bavarese.
Realizzato tra il 1605 e il 1619 su commissione del principe-vescovo Johann Schweikard von Kronberg, questo gioiello del Rinascimento si affaccia sul Meno ed ospita nelle sale interne una pregevole serie di opere di Lucas Cranach ed una collezione di modellini dei monumenti dell'antica Roma. Tra gli ospiti illustri che hanno soggiornato nel castello si segnalano l'imperatrice Maria Teresa d'Austria e Napoleone Bonaparte.

Re Ludwig I di Baviera (1786-1868), innamorato di Aschaffenburg, fece costruire una residenza che si ispirava alla casa di Castore e Polluce di Pompei ed affidò il progetto all'architetto Friedrich von Gärtner. Nacque così l'elegante Pompejanum, concepito non come residenza privata del sovrano ma come luogo d'arte e di cultura, un cenacolo dove discutere, studiare ed approfondire quel mondo classico che ammaliava il re fin dalla giovinezza. Nel parco che circonda la villa si trovano i vigneti che ogni anno producono il prelibato vino bianco "Aschaffenburger Pompejaner".
A sud-ovest della città si trova il castello Schönbusch, realizzato nella seconda metà del Settecento come residenza estiva del principe-vescovo e circondato da un ampio parco all'inglese (200 ettari), uno dei primi realizzati in Germania e ancora oggi tra i più interessanti nel suo genere.


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By Admin (from 27/04/2011 @ 16:45:37, in en - Global Observatory, read 4113 times)

Below is the updated Mission Statement of The Zeitgeist Movement.

As many in the community might be aware, The Zeitgeist Movement is no longer in partnership with The Venus Project due to Jacque Fresco's interest to keep a more centralized focus on his work.

While TZM supports and advocates the concepts that encompass TVP, The Movement's focus has now become more open and flexible in its pursuit of a 'Resource Based Economic Model', inviting a larger community of sustainable perspectives and activism than before.

Thank you.

- MISSION STATEMENT [Updated April 24th '11] -

Founded in 2008, The Zeitgeist Movement is a Sustainability Advocacy Organization which conducts community based activism and awareness actions through a network of Global/Regional Chapters, Project Teams, Annual Events, Media and Charity Work.

The Movement's principle focus includes the recognition that the majority of the social problems which plague the human species at this time are not the sole result of some institutional corruption, scarcity, a political policy, a flaw of "human nature" or other commonly held assumptions of causality in the activist community. Rather, The Movement recognizes that issues such as poverty, corruption, collapse, homelessness, war, starvation and the like appear to be "Symptoms" born out of an outdated social structure.
While intermediate Reform steps and temporal Community Support are of interest to The Movement, the defining goal here is the installation of a new socioeconomic model based upon technically responsible Resource Management, Allocation and Distribution through what would be considered The Scientific Method of reasoning problems and finding optimized solutions.

This "Resource-Based Economic Model” is about taking a direct technical approach to social management as opposed to a Monetary or even Political one. It is about updating the workings of society to the most advanced and proven methods Science has to offer, leaving behind the damaging consequences and limiting inhibitions which are generated by our current system of monetary exchange, profits, corporations and other structural and motivational components.

The Movement is loyal to a train of thought, not figures or institutions. In other words, the view held is that through the use of socially targeted research and tested understandings in Science and Technology, we are now able to logically arrive at societal applications which could be profoundly more effective in meeting the needs of the human population. In fact, so much so, that there is little reason to assume war, poverty, 95% of most crime and many other money-based scarcity effects common in our current model cannot be resolved over time.

The range of The Movement's Activism & Awareness Campaigns extend from short to long term. The long term view, which is the transition into a Resource-Based Economic Model, is a constant pursuit and expression, as stated before. However, in the path to get there, The Movement also recognizes the need for transitional Reform techniques, along with direct Community Support.

For instance, while "Monetary Reform" itself is not an end solution proposed by The Movement, the merit of such legislative approaches are still considered valid in the context of transition and temporal integrity. Likewise, while food and clothes drives and other supportive projects to help those in need today is also not considered a long term solution, it is still also considered valid in the context of helping others in a time of need, while also drawing awareness to the principle goal.

The Zeitgeist Movement also has no allegiance to a country or traditional political platforms. It views the world as a single system and the human species as a single family and recognizes that all countries must disarm and learn to share resources and ideas if we expect to survive in the long run. Hence, the solutions arrived at and promoted are in the interest to help everyone on the planet Earth, not a select group.

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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