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In Romania au fost alegeri prezidentiale in luna noiembrie a anului 2014. Fosta alianta USL (dintre PNL si PSD) s-a destramat, PNL-ul intrand in alianta cu PDL-ul, partidul lung criticat de primii inainte. Cu alte cuvinte, cine inainte vota cu Partidul Liberal (PNL), acum trebuie sa voteze cu fostii lor contra-candidati din PDL. De rasul lumii...

Dar eu nu am intentia sa va vorbesc doar de gastile care au fost recent la putere, ci si de mafiotii din PSD care au dorit sa revina la ciolanul cel mare.

Victor Ponta: cat de prost trebuie sa fii sa il votezi pe Victor Viorel Ponta, plagiatorul securist care lucra pentru Securitate in conflict de interes cu functia de procuror pe care o detinea in trecut.

Ponta este cel care declarase ca este impotriva exploatarii de la Rosia Montana (unde o firma privata canadiana fura bogatiile Romaniei pentru ca romanii nu sunt capabili sa extraga minereurile pretioase din muntii tarii), cel care dupa ce Basescu l-a numit prim ministru a semnat la putin timp PENTRU exploatarea de la Rosia Montana. Ciudat, cei mai multi din simpatizantii acestuia uita acest important detaliu.

Amnezie, inconstienta sau stupiditate crasa?

Adica nu le pasa cetatenilor ca o tara cu atatea resurse precum Romania - o tara distrusa iremediabil in 25 de ani de la lovitura de stat din 1989, tocmai de clasele politice ce s-au perindat la putere - este jecmanita in ultimul hal de firme private straine, dar le pasa sa mearga sa-l voteze ca presedinte?! Trist.

Am auzit de oameni care nu doreau sa-l voteze pe Klaus Iohannis deoarece "acesta nu ar fi fost crestin", uitand ca un protestant, este tot crestin. Aici, cred ca ar putea fi o caracteristica a creStinilor...

Nici cel care a castigat alegerile, Iohannis, nu este mai presus. Ca orice politician, limbajul lui este de lemn, insipid, fortat. De ziua nationala a Romaniei a facut o declaratie despre unitate si nationalism, citind-o de pe cartonase la care s-a uitat din 5 in cinci secunde. Un individ istet, cu siguranta...

Dar vreau sa ma pronunt asupra unui panou publicitar stradal gigant, transformat in panou electoral; cel din imagine: MAFIA PDL VOTEAZA IOHANNIS. TOKES, BLAGA, BASESCU, VIDEANU, BERCEANU, ANASTASE. DACA EI CASTIGA, ROMANIA PIERDE!

Deci, Mafia Partidului Social Democrat (PSD), care cu ani in urma era impreuna cu Partidul Democrat (actualul PDL) - cel care facea parte din Internationala Socialista, mai tarziu declarat partid de dreapta (sic!) - va informeaza ca alianta celor din urma cu PNL-ul (fostii lor aliati) nu este doar o alianta a Mafiei, ci chiar toti cetatenii ce ii voteaza sunt mafioti...

Logic! La alte alegeri, alt partid avea sloganul: "Noi furam mai putin decat ceilalti". Ce sa mai spui?

O tempora o mores! Sfatul meu este urmatorul: stati acasa, cu totii! Daca nimeni nu ar merge la vot, toti mafiotii din politica nu ar mai fi delegati de popor sa va fure pe dumneavoastra personal sau pe tara domniilor voastre.

Pentru ca voi care ati mers la vot, ca ati votat cu sau impotriva castigatorilor scrutinului, ca ati oferit un vot nul, sunteti cu totii partasii celor ce vor fura Romania in urmatorii ani. Daca politicienii nu ar mai fi legitimati de popor prin vot, acesti mafioti, de orice culoare politica, nu ar mai putea sa decida in numele cetatenilor.

Tot ce are nevoie Romania este o Economie Bazata pe Resurse (ce este aceea? AFLA AICI). Conducatorii tarii nu trebuie sa fie avocati legiuitori, ci ingineri, sociologi si oameni de stiinta preocupati de construirea si implementarea spitalelor, caselor de batrani si copii, a scolilor si a infrastructurii de transport. Toate lucruri neglijate si sabotate constient de toti politicienii ce au condus tara din '90 pana azi.

Viitorii ctitori ai noii Romanii vor fi ghidati de o singura LEGE: cetatenii au toate drepturile, este impotriva legii sa impui orice tip de interdictie. Restul e doar bun simt!

Nu va lasati manipulati, TREZITI-VA!

Doru Trifan pentru

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One of the founders of the French New Wave movement in cinema, which rejected the classic narrative style if filmmaking, French director Jean-Luc Godard introduced a number of then-radical stylistic tools in his films, including jump cuts, character asides, and documentary-style techniques, to blur the boundary between fact and fiction.

Though he is regarded as one of the late 20th century's great filmmakers, one of his films was condemned by the Catholic Church for alleged heresy. Which one?

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The accidental release of methyl isocyanate gas from the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, immediately killed at least 3,000 people and ultimately caused 15,000 to 20,000 deaths.

Another 500,000 survivors have since suffered ailments related to the disaster.

The company paid $470 million in compensation to the victims, and several former employees were convicted of death by negligence in relation to the incident.

Yet, it maintains that it is not to blame for the gas release. Why?

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In 1974, Erno Rubik, a Hungarian architecture professor, invented the puzzle now famed as the Rubik's Cube.

The standard 3x3x3 version has colored faces made of 26 smaller colored blocks attached to an internal pivot.

The object is to rotate the blocks until each face of the cube is a single color.

The cube's popularity has sparked many competitions - some emphasize speedy solving, while others require participants to solve it blindfolded.

What did Rubik initially want to call his invention?

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Beta-caryophyllene is present in the essential oils of various plants including rosemary, hops, black pepper and cannabis. Like most terpenes, beta-caryophyllene contributes to the unique aroma associated with plant oils.

But in 2008, German researchers discovered that beta-caryophyllene also acts as a cannabinoid by binding to marijuana pathways in the body.

Although some compounds like THC activate both cannabinoid pathways — CB1 and CB2 receptors — beta-caryophyllene specifically targets the CB2 receptor, which does not produce a high.

"The results also support the involvement of the CB2 receptor"

Interestingly, a new study conducted with mice suggests that beta-caryophyllene may be useful in treating anxiety and depression. The findings were published online in the journal Physiology & Behavior.

"The present study has clearly demonstrated the anxiolytic and anti-depressant effect of â-caryophyllene and its underlying mechanism in a CB2 receptor-dependent manner in rodents," wrote the authors, a team of scientists with the United Arab Emirates University.

"The results also support the involvement of the CB2 receptor in the regulation of emotional behavior and suggest that this receptor could be a relevant therapeutic target for the treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders."

Previous studies have also demonstrated a role of CB2 receptors in reducing anxiety and depression, the team adds.

On the other hand, CB1 receptors, which are more widely dispersed in the brain, are known to exert a ‘biphasic' effect when it comes to anxiety and depression. Studies show cannabinoids that target CB1 receptors can help at low doses, while high doses seem to make things worse.

A better understanding of beta-caryophyllene's properties, however, may help explain why cannabis users often cite relief of anxiety and depression as reasons for their use.

According to a 2013 report in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, "epidemiological studies have indicated that the most common self-reported reason for using cannabis is rooted in its ability to reduce feelings of stress, tension, and anxiety."

Source: LeafScience

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Scientists in the UK have now traced marijuana's ability to prevent the growth and spread of cancer to specific pathways found in tumor cells, known as cannabinoid receptors.

Dr. Peter McCormick of the University of East Anglia (UEA)'s School of Pharmacy explained the findings to Medical News Today:

"THC, the major active component of marijuana, has anti-cancer properties. This compound is known to act through a specific family of cell receptors called cannabinoid receptors."

The study, published last month in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, showed that injecting THC into mice with implanted tumors caused the cells to kill themselves — a process known as autophagy.

It also slowed the growth of tumors in breast and brain cancer cell lines.

While anecdotal reports have suggested that marijuana can fight cancer in some patients, Dr. McCormick notes that pharmaceutical companies have focused on developing synthetics and that the actual mechanisms remain "poorly understood."

But Dr. McCormick hopes his team's discovery will help speed along the development of new cancer treatments.

"By identifying the receptors involved we have provided an important step towards the future development of therapeutics that can take advantage of the interactions we have discovered to reduce tumor growth."

Previous research had already linked the anti-cancer effects of THC to the CB1 receptor, which is the most common cannabinoid pathway found in the body. CB1 receptors, when activated by THC, are also responsible for the marijuana high.

However, the group showed for the first time that CB2 receptors and GPR55 receptors are also involved, lending further evidence that marijuana can treat various cancers by acting through more than one pathway.

Still, Dr. McCormick believes patients shouldn't treat themselves with marijuana just yet.

"Cancer patients should not use cannabis to self-medicate, but I hope that our research will lead to a safe synthetic equivalent being available in the future."

It may not be only THC in the plant that fights cancer, though.

A 2013 study by a team at St. George's, University of London identified six different compounds in cannabis with anti-tumor properties including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabigevarin (CBGV).

Source: LeafScience

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Copii si familie: CINTECE COPII aplicatie Windows Phone Sistem Operativ GRATUITA!

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This app is designed to engage children through a series of upbeat songs and colorful animations. All our songs will have lots of characters and these nursery rhymes will entertain kids all over the world.

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Aceasta aplicatie a fost creata de catre ®  - Educate Yourself with Information © CC - Atribuire - Necomercial - Distribuie in acelasi mod. Navigati sau descarcati aplicatiile noastre gratuite & certificate pentru Windows Phone:

Trebuie să vă conectati cu un cont Microsoft pe telefon inainte de a putea obtine aplicatii din Magazin Windows Phone.


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71 de retete de salate delicioase si usor de pregatit. Alege salata ta si in cel mai scurt timp vei fi laudat la masa. Fiecare reteta vine cu lista de ingredinte, sosuri, instructiuni de preparare si fotografia color a salatei realizate. Pur si simplu divin de te lingi pe mustati! Toate retetele au fost incercate si sunt recomandate de Ratatouille.


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Aceasta aplicatie a fost creata de ®  - Educate Yourself with Information © CC - Atribuire - Necomercial - Distribuie in acelasi mod.

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By Admins (from 08/12/2014 @ 07:04:00, in en - Global Observatory, read 1280 times)

Classic free horror and monster movies.
...horror, terror, affright, dread, fright, fearfulness, dismay, nightmare...

"The movie will begin in five moments," the mindless voice announced. All those unseated will await the next show. We filed slowly, languidly into the hall. The auditorium was vast and silent. As we seated and were darkened, the voice continued, "The program for this evening is not new. You've seen this entertainment through and through. You've seen your birth, your life and death. You might recall all the rest. Did you have a good world when you died? Enough to base a movie on?"


Free full length classic terror films.

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This app was created by ®  - Educate Yourself with Information © CC - Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike.


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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