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By Truth Seeker (from 19/09/2012 @ 03:08:58, in en - Science and Society, read 3427 times)


Vatican Tyranny

THE ORDER WAS SUPPRESSED 21 JULY 1773 BY POPE CLEMENT XIV (for which he was promptly poisoned).  THE ORDER WAS

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

      I read a book some years ago that started my research, that I am still involved in today.  The information I have, I believe, if it were ever brought to a trial, would prove so conclusively of what I am about to tell you that not even the perpetrators themselves would try to deny it.  In the past, when confronted with their prior history of atrocities, their only response has been: "we don't do that anymore", or sneer at its improbability, or a gratuitous imputation of bigotry and intolerance against the writer, while at the same time telling all their followers: "we never change".  As you read it will become only to apparent that the latter is the case.

      Before I begin, and you start thinking I'm an "extremist", let me say that I'm not the only person to find this information.  It is readily available (at the finger tips of those on the internet) to anyone willing to put in a little time and research.  I have found, what I believe to be, the common denominator for a very large percentage (if not all) of the events perpetrated and/or carried out by departments of government and/or its agencies, that are totally negative to the rights and freedoms of the American people, hence, also to the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.  This organization is responsible for the wholesale slaughter of multi-millions of peoples all over the world.  It is responsible for the "Dark Age" (inquisition) period leading up to the founding of this country:  As you will learn, this organization, though having periods of civil and military power fluctuation (due to losses from their own tyrannical acts and resultant exposure) not only still exists: but is far more powerful (lethal) today than ever before:  This is especially true in the United States, where the order has its highest concentration (at least seventeen times that of any other country).

      A zeal for the discovery of new territory marked the fifteenth century.  The first navigations for this purpose were concerted and directed by prince Henry. Born 1394, the fourth son of John I. king of Portugal.  His valor in the assault and capture of the city: Ceuta in Africa 1415, presaged the fame he afterward acquired.  From this period he devoted himself to naval expeditions for the discovery of unknown countries.  His ships subjected divers parts of Africa and the neighboring islands to the dominion of Portugal.  After the success in doubling cape Bojadoy, he gave to his father and successors all the land he discovered, or might discover, and applied to Pope Martin V to ratify the donation.  He engaged that in all their expeditions the Portuguese should have mainly in view the extension of the Roman church and authority of its pontiff.  Pope Martin granted the prince's request.  In his bull of ratification, which was about the year 1430, it is declared that: "whatever might be discovered from the said cape to the utmost India, should pertain to the Portuguese dominion."  Edward, brother of prince Henry, succeeded to the throne of Portugal 1433, on the death of John I.  Pope Eugene IV. by his bull in 1438, ratified, to Edward, the grant made by Martin V.  A bull of Nicholas V. dated 8 Jan 1454, refers to the aforesaid bulls of his predecessors, Martin and Eugene.  It recites the declaration prince Henry made of his achievements "that for 25 years he had not ceased to send annually almost an army" of Portuguese, "with the greatest dangers, labors and charges, in the most swift ships, to search out the sea and maritime provinces toward the southern parts and Antarctic Pole." that these ships "came at length to the province of Guinea, and took possession of some islands, havens and sea adjoining" that "sailing further, war was waged for some years with the people of those parts, and very many islands near thereunto were subdued and peaceably possessed, and were still possessed with the adjacent sea" that "many Guineans and other negroes were taken then by force, and some by barter."  The bull describes Henry as "a true soldier of Christ, a most courageous defender and intrepid champion of the faith, aspiring from his early youth with his utmost might to have the glorious name of Christ published, extolled and revered throughout the world."  It recognizes the exclusive right of Portugal to the acquisitions and possessions aforesaid, in virtue of the letters of Popes Martin and Eugene, which granted to the king of Portugal and prince Henry "free and ample faculty to invade, search out, expunge, vanquish and subdue all pagans and enemies of Christ whosesoever placed, and their persons to reduce to perpetual slavery, and all their kingdoms, possessions and goods to apply and appropriate," etc.  Pope Nicholas's letter then goes on to "decree and declare, the acquests already made, and what hereafter shall happen to be acquired, after that they shall be acquired, have pertained, and forever of right do belong and pertain to the aforesaid king and his successors, and not to any others whatever."  It forbids, on the severest penalties, all Christian powers from settling in the countries discovered by the Portuguese, or any way molesting them in their expeditions for the discovery and conquest of unknown countries.  It speaks of prince Henry's plan and his prosecution of it as "a most pious work, and most worthy of perpetual remembrance, wherein the glory of God, where the interest of the commonwealth of the universal church are concerned."

      Thus was prince Henry's views and operations sanctioned by the highest authority, at that time, acknowledged in Christendom.  A right derived from a source so venerable was then undisputed.  The Roman pontiff bound princes at his pleasure, and as Vicar of Christ, was allowed to have at his disposal all the kingdoms of the earth.  This grant of Pope Nicholas was confirmed by his successor: Calixtus III. 6 August 1458.

      On the death of Edward, his son Alphonsus, then in his minority, succeeded to the throne of Portugal, 1438, and died 1481.  Prince Henry died 1460-63.  At his death the spirit of discovery languished, but revived with the accession of John II., son of Alphonsus.  The year after his accession (1482), sent an embassy to Edward IV. of England, to acquaint him with the title acquired by the Pope's bull to the conquest in Guinea: requesting him to dissolve a fleet, which some English merchants were fitting for the Guinea (slave) trade.  The king of England showed great respect to the ambassadors and granted all they required.  The king of Portugal assumed, and the king of England gave him, this style, Rex Portugalie et Algarbiorum citra at ultra mare in Africa.  Pope Sixtus IV., not long before his death(12 Aug 1484), confirmed all the grants made by his predecessors, to the kings of Portugal and their successors.

      In 1481 John II. sent 100 artificers, 500 soldiers, and all necessities to build a fort in Guinea.  The large kingdoms of Benin and Congo were discovered 1484-85, and the Cape of Good Hope 1486.  The Portuguese built forts and planted colonies in Africa: established a commercial intercourse with the powerful kingdoms, and compelled the petty princes, by force of arms, to acknowledge themselves vassals.

      At this period, and by these means, the power and commerce of the Portuguese in Africa were well established.  The wholesome decrees of five successive Roman pontiffs granted, conveyed and confirmed to the most faithful king a right to appropriate the kingdoms, goods and possessions of all infidels, wherever to be found, "to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery or destroy them from the earth", for the declared purpose of bringing the Lord's sheep into one dominical fold, under one universal pastor.  Succeeding kings of Portugal have not forfeited the large grant by any undutiful ness to their holy father.  Portugal long enjoyed the trade to Africa and the East Indies without interference of any European power.  For more than half a century, before exporting any negroes from Africa, she made and held them slaves in their native country.

      The Portuguese first imported slaves into Hispaniola 1508, and into their Brazilian colonies 1517. Their sugar works were first set up in these colonies 1580.  Their union with Spain, at that time, was most unfortunate for them.  The Dutch became their enemy, who took their East-India and Brazilian conquests and parts of their African colonies.  They recovered Brazil and their African establishments 1640, but not that of India.

      After the Dutch gave up Brazil and the gold mines were discovered, the trade of Portugal improved and a great importation of slaves took place: carrying yearly from Loangro to Brazil: 25,000, also many thousands from Goango and Cape Lopos.  They themselves say they carry to Brazil 50,000 and more every year from Melinda, on the Mozambique coast.  Such had been the increase of their Brazilian and African colonies for a century that their increase in English goods, annually, was greater than that of Portugal and Spain combined prior to 1700.

      Spanish America received slaves from the Genoese, Portuguese, French and English.  Every state purchased from Spain seceded from the union (1861).  The Vatican was the only country to acknowledge sovereignty to the Confederacy.   Before, during and long after the African slave trade ended: the heads of state of Spain and Portugal were addressed (and may still be), in formal title, by foreign dignitaries/heads of state, as: "His/Her Catholic Majesty" (U.S. State Dept. records): thereby acknowledging them, only, as emissaries of the pope.

      Catholic priest's dealing in the African slave trade is testified to, in this poem, by the famous nineteenth century poet, J.G. Whittier:

A poem, on the slave block in New Orleans.
A CHRISTIAN! going, gone!
Who bids for Gods own image?-for His grace
Which this poor victim of the market-place
Hath in her suffering won?
                              My God! can such things be?
Hast thou not said that whatsoe'er is done
Unto Thy weakest and Thy humblest one,
Is even done to thee?
In that sad victim, then,
Child of Thy pitying love, I see Thee stand,
Once more the jest-word of a mocking band,
Bound, sold, and scourged again!
A Christian up for sale!
Wet with her blood your whips-o'ertask her frame,
Make her life loathsome with your wrong and shame,
Her patience shall not fail!
Cheers for the turbaned bey
Of robber-peopled tunis! he hath torn
The dark slave-dungeons open, and hath borne
Their inmates into day:
But our poor slave in vain
Turns to the Christian shrine her aching eyes-
Its rites will only swell her market price,
And rivet on her chain.
God of all right! how long
Shall priestly robbers at Thine alter stand,
Lifting in prayer to thee the bloody hand
And haughty brow of wrong!
O, from the fields of cane,
From the low rice-swamp, from the traders cell-
From the black slave-ship's foul and loathsome hell,
And coffle's weary chain-
Hoarse, horrible, and strong,
Rises to heaven that agonizing cry,
Filling the arches of the hollow sky,
How Long, O Lord, how long!

      For those who think the Vatican's attitude, toward black people, may have changed through the ages bear this in mind: (1)the biggest race riot in American history(1864, Brooklyn, New York City) was instigated by Archbishop Hughes (in response to Lincoln creating a draft for more union soldiers), including the burning, and trampling to death of the occupants, of a black orphanage. (2)when the U.S. Army occupied Rome during WWII, Pope Pius XII made it clear to American generals there were to be no black soldiers garrisoned in Rome. (3)over 80% of St. Louis, New York City, Chicago etc. police are Knights of Columbus: bear this in mind when you learn that over 75% of  these cops sell drugs; and when reviewing the facts of the Fred Hampton murder by the Chicago police, 4 Dec 69, 6:00AM: every shot fired in the apartment was from fully automatic weapons used by the police (no return fire);  Amadou Diallo: four cops randomly "check out" Diallo: telling him to show his I.D.: while reaching for his wallet, in compliance with their "order" the cops open up on him: 41 shots fired, 19 striking his body: one bullet traveling almost vertically up each lower leg and another thru the bottom of the right shoe, proves Diallo was flat on his back when the shots were fired: Diallo was unarmed. Officer McMellon - bruised his tail bone falling from stoop; officer Carroll - injured his ankle in fall from steps:  evidently, these four of  "New Yorks finest" conducted themselves with all of the professionalism and expertise of Daffy Duck.   If this is "New Yorks finest" I can't imagine what could possibly be their worst.  The cops, defense lawyers and judge all had a party after the trial.  Every unarmed black being shot in New York City (by police) is a working immigrant.  Special Forces Group's (snipers) have been giving weapons training (and illegally selling weapons) to the KKK in Alabama in exchange for info on black leaders that lead to the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and was financed through, New Orleans godfather: Carlos Marcello (direct associate of J. Edgar Hoover: Knight of Malta; 33d degree Mason).  Portuguese, Raul Maori (director of James Earl Rays movements and actions that set him up as a patsy: actual shooter of Martin Luther King Jr.) is a drugs and weapons smuggler for Carlos Marcello.  To see a direct connection between the KKK, GBI and the FBI, see the docudrama: "Who Murdered Atlanta's Children?"  Blacks are being systematically squeezed out of welfare, while legal and illegal catholic immigrants receive unending welfare.  Blacks fear the police more than street gangs.  Every American city has a predominate catholic influence, and the proportion of mafia/catholic power and influence and crime rate is consistent from city to city:

      Entire tribes of western American Indians were annihilated under the direct orders of the brown robed butchers, i.e. Coronado and his Spanish Conquistadors 1519-1540's.  Not to mention the Aztecs and Incas of Mexico, Central and South America, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Guam, Philippines etc.  With the likes of  Almagro, Cortez, Pizarro, Valverde, de Meza, Gregory, Sepulveda, Valega and, yes, Christopher Columbus (imprisoned by Queen Isabella of Spain for his atrocities against the natives of Grenada), robbing them of all their national wealth and enslaving the people (try finding that in your public school history books.  In the late middle age discoveries, the Vatican viewed all natives of the Americas as "indigenous natural slaves":

"Battle of Wounded Knee" (slaughter at wounded knee):  With the Sioux, unarmed (except for a few skinning knives) and herded together like cattle: a man in a black robe (jesuit) asked the indians if they wanted to prey.  After preying (non-catholic) the "man in the black robe" spoke to the cavalry officer, who then ordered the cavalry troops to form a line across in front of the defenseless indians,  then ordered them to open fire.   

Until 1960 you could read, in any public library, books detailing Vatican/Jesuit atrocities throughout the European middle age/dark age inquisitions, since 1960 there has been a systematic removal of all publications (after web pages, like this one, became known, several hundred books suddenly disappeared from the Library of Congress; example:  "Confessions of The Conspirators" {to Lincoln's assassination}): evidencing a systematic takeover of all educational material: remember the "book burnings" in Berlin 1933?).  This is further evidenced by the remote location of Machu Picchu.  And all in the name of their "holy mother", the Church of Rome.  Our own war of independence was called a war of spiritual freedom: after seeing the purposeful destruction of every church and synagogue in every city, village and town the British Red Coats marched through.  Every church that is except Roman Catholic.  That's recorded in: "The Light and the Glory", by: Peter Marshall and David Manuel.  Though the authors never mention the Jesuit's as the perpetrators of these atrocities other records leave little doubt ["British Canadian Sir Henry Clinton: commander-in-chief in North America, his troops made up of Oliver Delaney's and Cortlandt Skinner's brigades, New York Volunteers, Queens Rangers, Orange Rangers, Loyal Americans, Pennsylvania Loyalists, Maryland Loyalists, Roman Catholic Volunteers, West Jersey Volunteers, Chasseurs, Royal Americans Reformees, Volunteers of Ireland (Catholic), British Legion, Guides and Pioneers" (Secret History of the American Revolution, by: Carl Van Doren)].  In fact the authors try to exonerate the Jesuits.  However in that attempt they accept the information of a man who was on the team of translators of the "American Standard version" of the bible.  How anyone could put their trust in a person who would associate himself with a group of men of which 33% were known affiliates with communist fronts and causes is beyond me ("None Dare Call It Treason", by: John H. Stormer,1964).  The correlation of the Vaticans role in the instigation and continuance of the Revolutionary War is clearly evidenced in: "The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783".  A synopsis of Vatican orchestrated atrocities can be seen when reading: "Foxes Book of Martyr's".  This book also shows the direct correlation between the submission demands placed on the inquisition victims, by Priests, and the Papal encyclical to the Second Vatican Council, promulgated 25 May 1995 i.e. recognizing the Pope as the vicar of Christ (Christ incarnate); taking part in communion that recognizes the wafer of unleavened bread (Eucharist) as the literal body and blood of Christ, and making it an essential part of being a member of the body of Christ.  For this to be a part of  R.C. dogma is of no consequence, but to say that the R.C. Church has not only the authority, but the obligation and duty to God to apply it to every person, of every religion, that has been baptized in Christ's name (willing or unwilling), and that the sole purpose of the Vatican and its ecumenical movement is to bring about this end, is to expose the fact that the Vatican has not changed its dogma, stand, purpose or methods since the start of the inquisitions.  Here are a few paragraphs: "We can now ask how much further we must travel until that blessed day when full unity in faith will be attained and we can celebrate together in peace the Holy Eucharist of the Lord.  The greater mutual understanding and the doctrinal convergences already achieved between us, which have resulted in an affective and effective growth of communion, cannot suffice for the conscience of Christians who profess that the Church is one, holy, Catholic and apostolic.  The ultimate goal of the ecumenical movement is to re-establish full visible unity among all the baptized" (page 35, last paragraph).  "It is already possible to identify the areas in need of fuller study before a true consensus of faith can be achieved: 1) the relationship between sacred scripture, as the highest authority in matters of faith, and Sacred Tradition, as indispensable to the interpretation of the Word of God; 2) the Eucharist, as the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, an offering of praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial and Real Presence of Christ and the sanctifying outpouring of the Holy Spirit; 3) Ordination, as a Sacrament, to the threefold ministry of the episcopate, presbyterate and diocanate; 4) the Magesterum of the Church, entrusted to the Pope and the Bishops in communion with him, understood as a responsibility and an authority exercised in the name of Christ for teaching and safeguarding the faith; 5) the Virgin Mary, as Mother of God and Icon of the Church, the spiritual Mother who intercedes for Christ's disciples and for all humanity" (page 36, paragraph 7).  "Consequently, for the out come of dialogue to be received, there is needed a broad and precise critical process which analyzes the results and rigorously tests their consistency with the Tradition of faith received from the Apostles and lived out in the community of believers gathered around the Bishop, their "legitimate" pastor" (page 37, paragraph 3).  The enormity of the implications of this edict so staggers the imagination that to refuse to acknowledge this threat to American freedoms and rights, and the enormity of its scope, can only be construed as complicity with its intentions.  If you have any doubts at all about this all you have to do is read this edict.  It is titled: "That They May Be One".  It is interesting that the pope uses the word "they" and not "we", obviously excluding himself.  After all, being the vicar of Christ (Christ incarnate), he can't consider himself a mere mortal (power is intoxicating, even to the extent of total distortion of logic).  This edict has been given full approval by Skull & Bones: Pat Robertson, of the 700 Club.  Also read the first and second points of the second week of "The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola".  Ignatius of Loyola, who's real name was Inigio Lopez De Recalde, founded the Society of Jesus(Jesuits)1534 in Spain, and also the Illuminati (holder of the light) [later instituted 1 May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt (German Jesuit, who's picture is on our one dollar bill) at Ingelstadt (jesuit) University, where he was Professor of Cannon Law, under the direct orders of the "Black Pope"(who is a member of the Masonic Lodge of Europe) and financed by the "House of Rothschild" (In 1777 Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic Order, the Lodge of Good Council, in Munich, to infiltrate and control it.  At the Masonic International Congress at Wilhemsbad July 1782 the Masonic leaders received Illuminati indoctrination) (U.S. branch of the Illuminati is: "Council on Foreign Relations", of which U.S. Supreme Court judges: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Catholic), Stephen Breyer (Catholic) and Sandra Day O'Conner are members, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Newt Gingrich, etc.); "Trilateral Commission" and "Skull & Bones" of Yale University].  De Recalde was also a Crusader (Vatican army that raped Israel, and most of Europe, in the dark age inquisitions).  Interlocked Illuminati fronts are: United Nations, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute For International Affairs (England), Tri-Lateral Commission and Council On Foreign Relations.

      Jesuit spiritual exercises are a daily ritual for Jesuits.  A copy is easily obtainable thru the Internet.  Let me quote a couple of lines: "The first point is to put before me a human king chosen by God our Lord, whom all Christian princes and men reverence and obey.  The second, to look how this king speaks to all his people, saying: It is my will to conquer all the land of unbelievers.  Therefore, whoever would like to come with me is to be content to eat as I, and also to drink and dress, etc., as I: likewise he is to labor like me in the day and watch in the night, etc., that so afterwards he may have part with me in the victory, as he has had it in the labors". Third week, first day, fifth point: "The fifth to consider how the Divinity hides itself, that is, how it could destroy its enemies and does not do it, and how it leaves the most sacred Humanity to suffer so very cruelly".  In the bull: Unam Sanctam (by: Pope Boniface VIII, promulgated 18 Nov 1302) we see the Vatican's intention of using governments and their agencies to achieve Vatican goals: "We are informed by the texts of the gospels that in this church and in its power are two swords; namely the spiritual and the temporal.  For when the Apostles say: "Behold here are two swords" [Lk 22:38] that is to say, in the church, since the Apostles were speaking, the Lord did not reply that there were too many, but sufficient.  Certainly the one who denies that the temporal sword is in the power of Peter has not listened well to the word of the Lord commanding: "Put up thy sword into thy scabbard" [Mt 26:52].  Both, therefore, are in the power of the church, that is to say, the spiritual and the material sword, but the former is to be administered-for-the Church but the latter-by-the Church; the former in the hands of the priests; the latter in the hands of kings and soldiers, but at the will and sufferance of the priest":  This self grandiosing butchery is espoused in more definitive terms, in the catholic publication: "Toward a Catholic Constitution", 1996, by: jesuit: Leonard Swidler (professor of catholic thought and interreligious dialogue, Temple University, Philadelphia Pa.): "One need look no further than the now accepted bulwark of orthodoxy (conformity to an established belief or doctrine), Thomas Aquinas, to see how far the prevalent assumptions about the compenetration of religion and politics, with the presumed supremacy of the former, extended at that time.  In treating of heretics Thomas views them as common criminals.  Their crime is even greater than that of counterfeiters, for ""it is much more grievous to corrupt the faith . . . than to falsify money."  Therefore, heretics "may not only be excommunicated, but may justly be killed."  The church should properly tolerate their existence for a while, so long as there is some reasonable hope for conversion, but when that is gone, then heretics (anyone not catholic) must be cut out like rotten flesh," as Jerome says.  They should be handed over "to the secular judge to be exterminated from the world through death." (pg. 58).   This edict was included in cannon law until May of 1983:  This should be sufficient to convince you of the militancy of the Vatican, Illuminati and their method of administration [now we know what was behind the raid on Mount Carmel in Waco (pilot program to establish future policy)].  Nowhere is this policy more obvious than in the Balkans.  The "Dogmatic Constitution on The Church" proclaimed by pope Paul VI, 21 Nov 1964: 20. Paragraph 3: "with priests and deacons as helpers, the bishops received the charge of the community, presiding in Gods stead over the flock, of which they are the shepherds in that they are teachers of doctrine, ministers of sacred worship and holders of office in government."  Ireland is a typical example of this policy.

    "There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.  They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no not one.  There throat is become an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: their feet are swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are in their ways: and the way of peace have they not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes."   Romans, 3:11-18. 

      Ironically the jesuits are feared (and highly disliked) among the Catholic clergy more than anywhere else (there is inner-clergy rivalry within the R.C. orders, not unlike that of the upper-echelon of the Third Reich:  they know the jesuits for what they really are).  Not too surprising since the jesuits answer only to the "Black Pope".  The jesuits do for the Vatican what the, jesuit trained, S.S., S.D., S.A. and Gestapo did for the Third Reich.

      Frans Von Papen, (jesuit) Hitlers mentor, chancellor of Germany (June 1932 - March 1933) and first vice-chancellor of the Third Reich, stated in his book: "My Conversations with Hitler": "Hitler has put into practice the high ideals of the papacy".  This statement was made in reference to the death camps.  As chancellor, von Papen's first act was to dissolve the Reichstag; his second was lifting the ban on Hitlers "Brown Shirts" (SA); he then integrated Catholic youth groups into the "Hitler Youth": setting up the civil and political base for Hitler and the Nazi Party to move into power.  "Mein Kampf" was written for Hitler by jesuit Staempfle.  As papal nuncio to Germany(1917-1929), Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli worked with Germany's Illuminati bankers (Chase Manhattan, in New York City, and Bank of England funneled money's through Credit Swiss (Vatican bank) to the Reich's Bank in Berlin) and industrialist's (I.G. Farben), establishing the financial and industrial base for the Third Reich:  WW II was in its planning stage while WW I was still in full swing.  Thousands of Jews were hidden in the Vatican, as a precaution, in case Hitler lost the war.

      "Yea the time cometh when he that killeth you will think that he doeth God service." (John 16:2)

      The fact that the Vatican entered into a concordat with Hitler [signed in the Vatican by Von Papen and Cardinal Secretary of State: Eugenio Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII), 20 July 1933], as with Mussolini, Franco and Salazar is no secret.  But the Vatican's attempt to seduce Hitler into extending the provisions of that concordat to include every country he raped and pillaged is not so well known, but is recorded in Hitler's own words in his book: "Hitler's Secret Conversations" i.e. "I have shown myself unresponsive to the attempts of the Vatican toward the extension of the provisions of the concordat to embrace the newly acquired territories of the Reich.  The Saar, Sudetenland, Bohemia and Moravia, the Reichsgau Danszig-East Prussia, the Warthegau, a large part of Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine have, in fact, no relations with the Roman Catholic Church which are supported by formal international agreement" (page 516).  "The attitude of the Bishop von Galen affords just one more argument in favor of terminating the Concordat after the war, substituting for it regional regulations and immediately withholding from the Church the financial support at present guaranteed to it by that treaty" (page 520).  Pacelli (negotiating the concordat provisions) insisted, the German State, within the dictates of the concordat, "be bound by any and all proposals of the local bishop regarding teachers of religion, and that the state would be obliged to fire such teachers if the bishop so demanded; meanwhile, the state would be required to meet all financial obligations, and at the same time, guarantee the application of cannon law to the faithful"; [Bill Bennett (and his, Jesuit, brother Bob are KNOWN operatives in CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch -extreme trauma induced multiple personality mind control sex deviates and pedophiles), self professed Jesuit, Secretary of Education under Reagan, propagator of Outcome Based Education (OBE), stated: "All children should be taught by Jesuits" (to profligate Americas youth: Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, at age sixteen, after signing her name to a document {unknowingly authorizing her own execution} she could not read, and could only write her name: being a product of a catholic parochial school)].  This makes me very curious of the content of the concordat: "Conciliar Document on Religious Freedom", being pushed in Washington by John Courtney Murray (R.C. Priest).

      It becomes apparent that a chain of events of influence by certain people directed R.C. Hitler's life.  Leopold Poetsch, his (Catholic) teacher; Mein Kampf: written, for Hitler, by German Jesuit: Staempfle; his "recruitment" into the Thule Society, 1919 (totally racial, religious, ethnic biased and anti-Semitic satanic cult.  Read: "The Occult and The Third Reich"), as stated in (web page) "Illuminati Outline of History". All of Hitler's "inner circle" were members e.g. Himmler (Knight of Malta), Goebbels & Hoess etc. (and still good Catholics) which were among the thousands of Nazi and Ustasha fascist war criminals smuggled to Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Australia, Canada and the U.S. (with 10,000+) by the Vatican (using forged documents, with Vatican seal, on stolen Red Cross travel cards with Vatican Visa's).  The mass evacuation ("Ratlines") being coordinated by a small cabal of Vatican officials ("Intermarium") such as the infamous Dr. Nix (CIA top secret document: "Illegal Emigration Movements In and Through Italy", declassified: NND 760050: 11 April 90), Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI), Hubal and Dragonovic (worked with U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) organizing the escape of Gestapo head and war criminal Klaus Barbie to South America) under the direction of Pope Pius XII (1945-1950) "Unholy Trinity" by: Mark Aarons and John Loftus); "Those who did rescue the mass murderers from the hand of justice were not Peron (Argentine populist dictator) and his secret police but the [Roman] Catholic Church and its emissaries.  It was the [Roman] Catholic Church, which, through its priests, church's, monasteries and forged Vatican passports, managed to foil the post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals.  Nor was the church's rescue operation inconsistent with the policy it had pursued throughout the Nazi era. Henri du Lubac, a Jesuit theologian, filed a report in 1944, well before the end of the war, on the collaboration of the [Roman] Catholic Church with the pro-Nazi Vichy (French) regime.  Hidden until this month, the report condemns what du Lubac calls the moral and spiritual abdication of Roman Catholic Bishops under the Nazis.  For decade's French cardinals, monks and nuns had helped one of France's worst war criminals, Paul Touvier, escape justice.  It is difficult to imagine that it was possible, in the monolithic [Roman] Catholic Church, for so many to act so uniformly for so long without the knowledge and approval of the highest levels of the Vatican.  Israelis have found it difficult to understand why the Vatican has refused to recognize the State of Israel." Jerusalem Post, editorial: "Maxima Culpa" 14 Feb 92; Adolf Eichmann was issued a Vatican visa and passport (in the name of Ricardo Klement, dated: 14 July 1950) by Franciscan monks in a Catholic monastery in Italy, giving him free passage to Argentina.  At his trial in Jerusalem, raising his right hand in swearing to tell the truth, Adolf Eichmann gave the hand sign of the Pope.  Hitler was backed by Illuminati bankers [the reason Rudolph Hess flew to Scotland (home of the Rothschild's)], in London, New York City and Berlin, after approval by Ivy Lee (probably chosen due to his successful promotion of the image of John D. Rockefeller), who was hired by I.G. Farben for that purpose [I.G.Farben, who fed the notorious "Farben buna soup" to the inmates working at "I.G. Auschwitz" factory (specially formulated to starve them to death in three months) and invented Zyklon B, the poison used to gas the Jews (according to Franciscan, Duns Scotus, Jews were slaves by divine decree), Gypsies etc. and now controls the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S., the A.M.A. and the F.D.A. That's why Laetrile (more recently called Mega-zyme Forte)  was outlawed without ever being tested and not allowed to be tested.  It's a food, (not a drug) vitamin B-17, derived from apricot seeds (and other food sources), that has been proven to cure three out of five "terminal" cancer patients. That's also why the F.D.A. "requires" $210,000,000 and 10 years in research to put a vitamin on the market (effectively stopping all new vitamin company manufacturing).  It really doesn't take much imagination to figure out the annual multi-million dollar income these pharmaceutical companies are raking in ($29 billion in 25 years) from federal grants, which would come to a sudden stop if their were no more "cancer industry" (read: "World Without Cancer", by: G. Edward Griffen):  while treating a congressman, Dr. Francisco Contraras, and the congressman, discussed hopes for an eventual cure: the doctor was told that if he took a total cure to the U.S. President tomorrow, he'd "Probably be killed!" "Cancer is such a big business in the U.S.A."  Now you can see why Dr. Burzynski is being prosecuted in Texas for curing cancer patients.  They will put him away because he is too much of a threat to their mega-buck industry] (in 1996 over 600 hospitals merged with Catholic institutions in 19 states, from Portland Maine to Oakland California).

      Kernersville N.C :  a cancer patient was told, by his doctor, he would have to have half his jaw removed to stop the cancer.  The man went to Tijuana(Dr. Ernesto Contreras: Contreras Oasis Hospital, Playas De Tijuana, Mexico) and was treated with Laetrile and the cancer cleared up.  The man told his doctor about the treatment and the doctor (by federal law) reported it to the American Medical Association: federal agents came and searched the mans home for the Laetrile.  In the U.S: I.G. Farben is BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.

    Tampa FL :  Dr. James Kimball sentenced to thirteen years, by federal mob, psychopath, judge: richard lazzara :  Dr. Kimballs crime ?:  curing patients of degenerative diseases and slowing their aging processes, using non-pharmaceutical medicines he invented, and the FDA not making any profit from it : having a 100% success rate with his patients, he had to be stopped.  Federal vermin lazzara stated: "he does not have any respect for authority or for the law".  Are you starting to get the picture ?

      Hitler stated in "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", page 44: "Regardless of how much room for criticism there was in any religious denomination, a political party must never for a moment lose sight of the fact that in all previous historical experience a purely political party has never succeeded in producing a religious reformation."  Compare this with page 486-487: "These peoples looked longingly toward their "mother" countries, Hungary, Russia and Germany respectively, though the Sudeteners had never belonged to the German Reich (except as a part of the loosely formed Holy Roman Empire) but only to Austria".  Obviously Hitler saw his Third Reich as a Roman Catholic enterprise ["Center Party"(re-established as Christian Democratic Party" following WWII) Catholic Church political party, who's president was Bishop Ludwig Kaas {one of its political protégés is in Peru with the same name and for the same purpose}), of Germany was disbanded by Cardinal Pacelli, throwing all of its support behind Hitler].  Hitler was baptized in Linz, paid the German state tax (Kirchensteuer) to the Vatican (still required of every German citizen today), was in communion and carried out cannon law and policy until his demise.  With this in mind we can see why Hitler stayed true to his other concordat allies: Franco (who was put into power and assisted for his entire reign by Catholic order Opus Dei (founded by José Maria Escriva), who also assisted the Ustasha in Croatia during WWII and still assists Vatican mercenaries in Bosnia and Kosovo today; Sargent Shriver (and his wife, Eunice Kennedy Shriver), who was George McGoverns running mate in 1972, are Opus Dei (Pope's Mafia: Church and State magazine);  F.B.I. special agent: Robert P. Hanssen (spied for the Russians for 15 years) and F.B.I. head: Louis Freeh are Opus Dei supernumerary: keep this in mind when you learn the sole purpose of the order is the subjugation of governments to the Vatican)  (an annual mass is celebrated in Hitler's memory in Madrid) (the present day Irish Catholic press is full of flattering illusions to Franco of Spain and Salazar of Portugal) and Mussolini (who was put into power by the Vatican) while breaking every other international treaty.  It is significant that Germany, Italy and Spain are together again as they were with Hitler, Mussolini and Franco (with their "Pact of Steel", signed, 22 May 1933).

      2 March 1939: Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli was sworn in as Pope Pius XII; four days later (as Hitlers tanks are rolling into Poland) Pacelli wrote to Hitler: "To the illustrious Herr Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer and chancellor of the German Reich!  Here at the beginning of our pontificate we wish to assure you that we remain devoted to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership. During the many years we spent in Germany, we did all in our power to establish harmonious relations between church and state.  Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral function have increased our opportunities, how much more ardently do we pray to reach that goal?  May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in every domain come, with Gods help, to fruition!"  Pacelli maintained a papal nuncio (Archbishop Orsenigo) in Berlin throughout the Third Reich.  At Pacelli's express wish (20 April 1939) Orsenigo opened a gala reception for Hitler's 50th birthday, which became a tradition throughout the Third Reich, along with Cardinal Bertram sending "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the Bishops and dioceses in Germany", to which he added "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their alters": "Hitlers Pope: The Secret History of Pius VII", by, John Cornwell (all research for this book was done in the Vatican Library).

      Chick Publications ( ), in Ontario California, prints gospel tracts, storybooks and other Christian literature.  This company is very important to this subject matter.  As are the names of Joseph McCabe (former Franciscan monk and internationally famous atheist and author of almost 250 books); ex-Dominican monk: Walter M. Montano, author of "Behind the Purple Curtain"; ex-priest: Bernard Fresenborg, author of: "Thirty years in hell" and "Uncle Sams New Fiancee".  Chick Publications has, in print, the true story of a former Jesuit who, after many years in the service of the Vatican, came out of the Church of Rome and put his story into print, as did Montano, McCabe and Fresenborg.  This former Jesuit (Dr. Alberto Romero Rivera) and Jack Chick, of Chick Publications, have had many attempts made on their lives for publishing these materials, (Dr. Rivera, being poisoned by a dentist breaking off an infected needle in his jaw and systematically fed poison for many years, succumbed 20 June 1997) as have other authors and publishers of like subject matter.  The Vatican does not take lightly the exposing of its practices, or of its secret books i.e."Secret book of instructions for the Jesuits", LCCN: BX3705.A2 M65; "Secret History of the Jesuits": Edmond Paris 1975, LCCN: BX3706.2 .P3713 (these are two books you should definitely read).  They expose the unquestionable clear methods and intentions of the Vatican for the future, (their own publications).  There are enough books, by such a variety of authors, from different time periods, writing from first hand knowledge, saying the same thing that the evidence is inescapable.  Denial of this information can only be done with total bigotry and abstinence of logic, and therefore can only be construed as complicity with its intentions (yes it does bear repeating).  It is very true that tyranny can only prevail when good men do nothing e.g. Chamberlain and the Treaty of Versailles.

      "Romes responsibility for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.H316), author: Thomas M. Harris, Late Brigadier General U.S.V. (and a presiding judge over the trial of the conspirators), "The assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.H28 or .H31), also by Thomas M. Harris; "Behind the Purple Curtain" (LCCN: BX1773.M6); "The Great Conspiracy"; "The suppressed truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.M27) by Burke Mccarty; "Fifty years in the Church of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy, ex-catholic priest; "Treason History of the Order of the Sons of Liberty" (LCCN: E458.8.S85) by Felix G. Stidger; "Washington in the Lap of Rome" (LCCN: BXI770.F9) by Justin D. Fulton; "History of the Plots and Crimes of the Great Conspiracy to overthrow Liberty in America" (LCCN: E310.D983) by John Smith Dye; "The Trial of John Surratt" by: John Surratt [John Surratt hid in Catholic monasteries in Canada (6 weeks); England (4 weeks); became member of Zuaves (personal body guard to the Pope, in the Vatican) before, eventually, being extradited back to Washington D.C. to stand trial where (full row of Jesuits paraded, in file, up to John Surratt, at every break in the trial, to shake his hand and making sure the jury saw them) he got off on a hung jury. John Surratt and John Wilkes Booth studied for the catholic priesthood at the Sulpician Monastery, outside Baltimore].  "Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies" series II volume III (federal depository library) shows the Vaticans involvement, on the side of the Confederacy, its complicity in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and attempted assassination of Secretary of State William H. Seward.  As well as their planned control of politics, education [Bill Bennett (and his, Jesuit, brother Bob are KNOWN operatives in CIA/MK-Ultra/Project Monarch-extreme trauma induced mind control sex deviates and pedophiliacs), self professed Jesuit, Secretary of Education, under Reagan (Reagan was shot, 30 March 1981, after balking at assigning Bill Bennett as Secretary of Education: In April of 1982, in a speech made to the National Catholic Education Association: Reagan made the incredible statement: "I am grateful for your help in shaping American policy to reflect God's will ....., And I will look forward to further guidance from His Holiness pope John Paul II during an audience I will have with him in June.") propagator of Outcome Based Education (OBE), stated: "All children should be taught by Jesuits"], immigration [St. Leopold Foundation (Vatican spy network, founded: Vienna Austria, 1828)] and their already, at that time, control of much of the press (which has grown to include every other mode of media communication):  "Liberty of the press, the most dangerous liberty, an execrable liberty, which can never inspire sufficient horror, and which some men very noisily and insistently demand to spread everywhere . . . ": Pope Gregory XVI: (Toward a Catholic Constitution", pg. 59, by: Leonard Swidler.).   Pope Pius wrote a letter to Jefferson Davis, with the specific instruction to have it printed in the Richmond newspaper to get the Irish Catholic's in the Union army to desert. He did and they did (144,000+ deserted in one week).  When Lincoln initiated a draft for the Union Army, in New York City(1864), Archbishop Hughes instigated the biggest race riot in American history, including the burning to the ground of a black orphanage and trampling to death of its occupants.  We know the Illuminati's international bankers supplied Jeff Davis (who's secretary of state: Judah P. Benjamin, was a House of Rothschild agent), J.Wilkes Booth, Sons of Liberty, Knights of The Golden Circle (J. Wilkes Booth was seduced to assassinate Abraham Lincoln by a woman, Ella Turner, and joined Knights of The Golden Circle for the sole purpose of obtaining their assistance to that end; Leon Czolgosz joined Knights of The Golden Eagle and was seduced to assassinate president William Mckinley by the infamous woman anarchist: Emma Goldman), Order of American Knights (Copperhead organizations, still in existance today, with their own quarterly newspaper: "Copperhead Chronicles", with their same old anti-Lincoln and anti-Union rhetoric) etc. with money thru the Bank of Ontario, Montreal Branch, thru Jeff Davis's "Canadian Cabinet", which was planned in detail in the Vatican before Brig. Gen. Beauregard (Catholic) fired on Fort Sumter: "We have the proof that the company which had been selected and organized to murder me was led by a rabid Roman Catholic named Byrne; it was almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics.  More than that, there were two disguised priests among them to lead and encourage them. Professor Morse, the learned inventor of electric telegraphy, tells me that recently, when he was in Rome, he found the proofs of a most formidable conspiracy against this country and all its institutions.  It is evident that it is to the intrigues and emissaries of the Pope we owe, in great part, the horrible civil war which is threatening to cover the country with blood and ruin." (Abraham Lincoln).  All this is in the Library of Congress, along with U.S. State Department record of the U.S. Government breaking off diplomatic relations with the Vatican on 30 June 1867 (for refusing to allow non-catholic religious worship inside the walls of Rome: which should tell you how TBN now has an international religious TV broadcasting station in Rome), which was re-established by Ronald Reagan, 10 Jan 1984.  Reagan only authorized the raid on Moammar Gahdafi after Gahdafi's terrorists set off bombs in Rome, even though he knew about Gahdafi's terrorism and counterfeiting activities for years.


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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