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SCRUBS - Season 1, Episode 4 - My Old Lady
By Admin (from 05/11/2010 @ 13:00:21, in en - Video Alert, read 1917 times)

J.D., Turk and Elliot each get a patient. Statistically, one of these three is going to die. J.D.'s patient is a 74-year old woman, Mrs. Tanner. Turk has to perform surgery on David Morrison, and Elliot's patient, Mrs. Guerrero, only speaks Spanish.


All three of them try to get close to their patients and talk to them. Mrs. Tanner at one time leaves the hospital to celebrate her granddaughter's birthday in the park. J.D. goes there and takes her back to the hospital. Turk and David watch a classic football game on TV and Elliot learns some Spanish from Carla to be able to talk to Mrs. Guerrero.


In the end, all three of the patients die and the young doctors have their first experience with death. Mrs. Tanner chooses to die because she thinks she is old enough and doesn't want to have dialysis, while Turk's and Elliot's patients died due to their sickness and the doctors couldn't do anything to save them.

Read more: http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/My_Old_Lady#ixzz13SkeD2k1