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Trials Underway in UK: Cannabis Cancer Drug Trials Underway in UK.
By Admin (from 07/12/2011 @ 17:00:04, in en - Global Observatory, read 1634 times)

When Rick Simpson first announced he had cured cancer by using his home-grown cannabis oil, it would have been fair to expect fanfares and Nobel prizes at the very least.


Rick Simpson and his home grown cancer treatment

With Cancer expected to directly impact on 1 in 3 of our lives at some stage, it is in its self a huge proportion of the entire healthcare spend. So to suggest here was a substance which could reduce tumors for just a few pence/cents a dose, was big news. Or so you would have thought.

What actually happened beggars belief.
Rick Simpson was arrested, branded a snake oil peddlar and cast off from his native Canadian homeland, forced to live in the US under the threat of re-arrest should he return to Canada.

Today however its been announced the cannabis extract marketed by UK based biotech GW Pharmaceuticals is expected to achieve universal approval in the treatment of (wait for it) cancer.
Sativex was initially brought to market as a treatment for the spasticity associated with Multiple Sclerosis. But as more evidence becomes available its becoming apparent Rick Simpson was onto something with his cancer treatment.

And with sales for the treatment of cancer expected to double the £150 million pounds it made as a MS treatment when licensing is completed, that would be a fair assumption.

So are the cannabis laws really in place to 'save our children'? Or is there another, entirely more sinister agenda in play?

Read the entire Rick Simpson story, including step-by-step instructions on how to make your own cancer medicine at http://phoenixtears.ca/

Source: Cannazine Cannabis News