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Schindler's List Movie CLIP, Commandant Amon Goeth (1993) HD. Notes by Richard Clarke
By Admin (from 15/10/2012 @ 02:08:13, in en - Video Alert, read 3106 times)

Ignorance is bliss in the land of illusion ... the United States of Illusion. People have been taught thru out their whole lives what to think and what history was. Those who control the printing houses rewrite history to suit their own needs. Those in control do not care about "We the People", only their own life styles and fortunes. Our country has grown to the point where those in control no longer need "We the People", we have developed machines to do away with manual labor and in essence sealed our own fates by doing so.

Schindler's List Movie CLIP, Commandant Amon Goeth (1993) HD

An educated citizen is no longer needed and in fact is now considered a threat to those who control. For to many years man has been content with only thinking inside the "box" and in the direction he was pointed in, today we must think "outside" the box and see what has been taking place in this country for the past 300 plus years since the "King funded" expedition settled in Jamestown. I use the word funded to show who actually owned whatever was discovered in the New World, the present United States of Illusion. Yes illusion as everything we have been taught has been to keep the “man behind the curtain” hidden from view.

Richard Clarke