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L-theanine, an FDA approved safe food supplement, is isolated from the tea plant or synthesized artificially and sold in a purified form.

L-theanine reduces cortisol levels and increases relaxation associated with recovery from a stressful task. Importantly, it increases activity in alpha brain waves which improves cognition and enhance mental alertness without any drowsiness. Not only does it helps maintain a calm alertness during the day but also results in deeper sleep at night without morning drowsiness or impaired concentration.

Additionally, L-theanine increases dopamine and serotonin production and decreases norepinephrine concentrations (a stress hormone which affects parts of the brain, where attention and responses are controlled).

Stress Buster
A 2006 study in the "Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy," found increased amount of the inhibitory transmitter GABA present in the brain with the use of L-theanine, and therefore concluded its  "calming" effect on the nervous system.

Depression Use
A 2009 study in "Amino Acids" found that the amount of dopamine produced by the brain was increased by L-theanine. Dopamine is a major neurotransmitter that affects mood, attention, memory and sleep. Similarly there are numerous other studies that show its potential in depression treatment.

Schizophrenia Use
According to a study by M.S. Ritsner et al., at the Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel published in the January 2011 "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry", l-theanine produced modest to moderate improvements in scores on psychopathology evaluation tests done on schizophrenic patients.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
As obsessive-compulsive disorder often occurs alongside depression or other anxiety disorders which are successfully treated by l-theanine, therefore it has also been used in  treating OCD effectively.

Bipolar Use
Many studies postulate that theanine modulates the levels of neurotransmitters, ie - if one's dopamine levels are too high, theanine lowers it. If one's serotonin levels are too low - it raises it.

Corrects Adrenal Fatigue
With Chronic Stress your adrenal gland can be overworked as it would be producing stress hormones constantly which results in its degradation. The relaxing effect L-theanine has on your body helps to reduce stress levels and restore your adrenal glands to proper function.

High Blood Pressure
Department of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol found that L-theanine significantly reduced the blood pressure elevating properties of caffeine when co-administered with 200 mg of L-theanine. Similarly many other studies show its usage in treating Hypertension.

Immune Booster
A 2008 study in "Nutrition Reviews" showed enhanced action of the immune system cells gamma-delta-T cells with L-theanine.

- An article in the Oct. 1, 2000 issue of "Cancer Letters" explains that l-theanine boosts some chemotherapy drugs' effects. Chemo drugs cause significant decreases in leukocyte white blood cells and bone marrow cells. Theanine significantly reversed these changes, indicating that theanine can selectively moderate chemotherapy toxicity.
- A study published in "Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry" in April 2002, found beneficial effects against liver cancer with the use of dietary powdered green tea and theanine.

Protection from Glutamate Neurotoxicity
L-theanine also directly provides neuroprotection against glutamate neurotoxicity through blockade of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), and a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors.

The Food and Drug Administration classifies L-theanine supplements as "Generally Recognized as Safe" in dosages up to 250mg. But as always, check with your health care provider before consuming any L-theanine supplement. Do not use L-theanine on children, if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

L-Theanine is used is single doses of 50mg to 200mg.

Taking theanine along with medications for high blood pressure might cause your blood pressure to go too low.
L-theanine may potentiate other sedative, anxiolytic, or tranquilizing drugs.
L-theanine may also increase the intoxicating effects of alcohol.
There have been no documented interactions of L-theanine with antidepressants, however, you should always consult your health care provider before combining any other drug therapy with L-theanine.


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Il punto della situazione

La Mafia "Sabbatean" tenta disperatamente di corrompere Putin con offerte di dominio mondiale: illuminati gnostici.

Il culto della mafia di Satana che ha preso il controllo del sistema finanziario dell'Occidente sta letteralmente offrendo il mondo al Presidente russo Vladimir Putin, in un disperato tentativo di mantenere il potere, a quanto riferito da un grande maestro gnostico degli Illuminati e da un agente del MI6. Ciò potrebbe spiegare come mai la Russia sta ufficialmente percorrendo la strada dell’ovviamente falso attentato di Bostonm un’operazione psicologica di guerra contro il popolo americano. Può anche essere il motivo per cui è stato dato il via libera al Giappone e alla Russia per risolvere una crisi territoriale che dura dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale.
Tuttavia, qualsiasi ruolo per Putin più grande di quello che ha ora è estremamente improbabile dato che l'esercito americano non ha più intenzione seguire i regimi Sionisti.

E' anche chiaro che una grande resa dei conti ha segretamente avuto luogo negli Stati Uniti e che i Sionisti hanno dapprima chiuso gli occhi e ora sono in uno stato di paura e sottomissione. La prova di ciò può essere vista in molti luoghi.

Un chiaro esempio è la situazione in Siria, dove i tentativi di avviare una guerra più grande vengono attualmente annullati. La Psy-Ops Israeliana di accusare la Siria di usare armi chimiche, al fine di incitare gli Stati Uniti ad invadere il paese per loro, per esempio, non è riuscita. Il governo israeliano è anche diventato lo zimbello del mondo per aver ripetuto per ben più di 20 anni che "l'Iran è a uno o due mesi di distanza dall’ottenere una bomba nucleare."

Invece la comunità militare e l’Intelligence mondiale hanno finalmente capito che il "terrore islamico fondamentalista" è gestito dai Sionisti e non dai Musulmani. Il regime cripto-ebreo saudita è anche oggi sotto grave attacco per il suo ruolo nel finanziamento del caos e degli omicidi. Tutti i discendenti maschi del Re Saudita originale saranno giudicati per assassinio se non addirittura portati all’ordine di cessare e desistere immediatamente, secondo diverse società segrete, tra le quali il Drago Verde.

In ogni caso, i Sionisti che tentano di avviare la Terza guerra Mondiale, stanno fallendo su tutti i fronti.

In Asia una flottiglia di tirapiedi sionisti mandati a provocare la Cina viene ignorata. Le visite di massa al santuario Yasukuni a Tokyo da parte di politici, non sono riuscite a provocare più di una risposta razionale da parte della Cina per chiedere un dibattito sincero circa la verità storica. I tentativi di avviare il terrore nucleare in Asia e dare la colpa alla Corea del Nord sono stati annullati.

Invece il Giappone il 28 Aprile ha dichiarato di essere un paese indipendente, per la prima volta. Link.

Questa cerimonia celebra ufficialmente la firma del trattato di pace di San Francisco nel 1952, ma in realtà celebra l'indipendenza giapponese dall’ordine segreto sionista per omicidi, corruzione, propaganda e dal ricatto di più alto livello.

La nuova mossa per rafforzare le relazioni con la Russia è un buon segno di ciò. I paesi hanno firmato un accordo di pace nel 1956, in cui la Russia ha accettato di restituire 2 di 4 isole contese. I giapponesi sono stati costretti a rinnegare ciò attraverso i Sionisti come parte di una campagna per mantenere la loro colonia giapponese isolata dai suoi vicini. Il primo ministro Abe e il Presidente Putin hanno annunciato che lavoreranno verso un accordo di pace basato su tale precedente accordo. Ecco perché la Russia e il Giappone hanno ora deciso di andare avanti e di migliorare radicalmente i rapporti economici in Estremo Oriente. Inoltre “dal momento che entrambi condividono i confini con la Cina”  si sono messi d’accordo, dato il loro comune interesse, nel fare in modo che la Cina non diventi “prepotente” in futuro.

Anche la situazione in Corea del Nord si sta stabilizzando. Gli Illuminati gnostici dicono di voler rimuovere Kim Jong-un dal potere. L’Intelligence militare giapponese dice che Kim Jon-un ha in realtà poco potere e che sono i potenti provocatori Generali ad essere interessati a ricorrere al conflitto. Tuttavia, il governo cinese e le fonti nordcoreane entrambi affermano che seri progressi sono stati compiuti nel riunificare pacificamente la Corea e nella normalizzazione delle relazioni tra la regione e il mondo. Ecco un esempio di ciò che la Corea del Nord sta sta dichiarando in questo momento: link.

 Questo è un grido lontano dalla propaganda sionista che sta dipingendo la Corea del Nord come un pazzo regime deciso a far partire il caos nucleare. E 'anche interessante notare che le provocatorie esercitazioni militari US/Sud coreane sono state fermate.

 E 'anche chiaro che i Sionisti non sono più supportati dalla stragrande maggioranza degli Europei e degli Americani, tra cui gli ebrei. Invece le persone si stanno svegliando e si accorgono dei loro piani per creare un unico mondo "Nuovo Ordine Mondiale" una dittatura totalitaria.

Per esempio, un recente sondaggio mostra che la maggioranza dei francesi, tedeschi, inglesi, italiani e spagnoli non si fidano della UE o dovrei dire la EUSSR.
E 'anche chiaro che i tentativi di terrorizzare il popolo americano ad accettare il regime totalitario stanno fallendo. Un recente sondaggio di opinione effettuato dopo il finto attentato a Boston “Spettacolo Psy-ops” che invece di aumentare la disponibilità di americani a "rinunciare alla libertà per la sicurezza", ha fatto il contrario. Link.

Ci sono anche segni che i Sionisti stanno cominciando a perdere il controllo delle propria magica macchina di stampa del denaro conosciuta come la Federal Reserve e la Banca Centrale Europea. La settimana scorsa la criminale finanziaria Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs, US Treasury ecc) e il criminale di guerra Henry Kissinger sono apparsi su di una notizia di Xinhua mentre incontravano il presidente cinese Xi Jinping. Fonti governative cinesi dicono che erano in missione di accattonaggio, ma sono stati mandati via a mani vuote. Le stesse fonti dicono che il governo cinese ritiene che il terremoto visto in Cina la scorsa settimana è stato causato da un'arma artificiale e faceva parte di un fallito tentativo di estorcere denaro dalla Cina. L’ "influenza aviaria" in corso, un attacco con armi biologiche contro la Cina è stato visto nello stesso modo.
Le varie bombe che vanno in giro per il mondo (in Cecoslovacchia, Iraq, Siria, ecc) sono viste più come l'agonia della morente macchina del terrore sionista e fanno parte di una fallita campagna di riuscire a mantenere il controllo attraverso la paura. Sono loro che devono avere paura perché stanno andando giù e vanno giù di brutto.

Potrei anche ricordare a Bill Gates che io sono annoiato e stanco che il mio account Hotmail venga censurato e controllato. Le persone che ho incontrato e alle quali ho chiesto di inviarmi e-mail, mi chiamano al telefono regolarmente per dirmi la posta ritorna in dietro con un messaggio che dice "ci sono problemi con questo account di e-mail." Gli unici messaggi che sembrano passare, contengono avvertimenti di attacchi terroristici nucleari. Il mio account Skype è stato violato in modo simile. State sprecando il vostro tempo Signor Gates e i suoi amici satanici, gli unici importanti messaggi che invio sono scritti a mano e consegnati a mano da inviati personali.

La loggia massonica P2 in Italia ha ammesso che gli algoritmi del sistema finanziario occidentale sono “rotti" e che un qualche tipo di accordo doveva essere raggiunto nel corso dei conti di garanzia globale.
Hanno suggerito di contattare un certo Sultano nel Sud Est Asiatico. Questo messaggio è stato inoltrato. E 'tempo di porre fine alla guerra finanziaria e tagliare i finanziamenti dei Sionisti al terrorismo.

La gente del mondo vuole la pace.
Sursa: - via - Autore: Benjamin Fulford

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Australia’s history of racism towards Aboriginals is absolutely disgusting.

To this day, Australia breaks every code of the Geneva Convention when it comes to indigenous Australians and their human rights. The “public housing” that the government has given them are one-bedroom shacks with no running water, no electricity and no gas, that entire families are forced to live in. These shacks are in communities in the outback, as far away from “civilised” society as possible. Out of sight, out of mind.

Indigenous Australians that live in the city are commonly forced to live in very dangerous and derelict areas that the government gives very little funding towards. Redfern in Sydney is a highly indigenous Australian populated suburb that is rife with crime, unemployment and horrendous living conditions. The government does next to nothing to help these people, either.

Whenever riots have broken out as a result of incredibly low morale, the police and the government are very quick to point all the blame at the indigenous Australians and say that they are the cause of their own problems, rather than looking at what the actual cause is.

Unemployment rates amongst indigenous Australians is astronomical. Crime rates are astronomical. Suicide rates are extremely high within the indigenous Australian community. Death from inadequate living conditions and inadequate health care is common. Brutality towards indigenous Australians is common.

The way many indigenous Australians are forced to live is equivalent to that of what one would expect from a third-world country. Indigenous Australians are considered by the UN to be one of the most horrendously marginalised groups in the world.

And how does the government amend all of this? With a national “Sorry Day”, where white people plant a hand in some designated area of soil as a token of their white guilt, and then continue going about their white privileged day.

On top of that, white people here commonly bitch and complain about how “good” indigenous Australians have it and how “thankful” they ought to be to the white man for improving their quality of life. Meanwhile, indigenous Australians have lost almost all sense of identity and culture because of white colonisation.

What is left of Aboriginal identity and culture has been nearly completely destroyed. And most people in this disgustingly privileged country do not give a single god damn fuck.

Australia is a disgusting country when it comes to racism. I am disgusted by my own country.

Until the mid-60s, indigenous Australians came under the Flora And Fauna Act, which classified them as animals, not human beings. This also meant that killing an indigenous Australian meant you weren’t killing a human being, but an animal.

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"... He will be wiser but less cocksure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of words to things, of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable Mystery which it tries, forever vainly, to comprehend." –Aldous Huxley, ‘The Doors of Perception: Heaven and Hell’

Abuse of power is in order when the growth of certain plants, whose native home was Earth long before the very existence of our species, is made illegal. Plants welcomed mankind on their land upon the dawn of man’s inhabitance but man, a glutton for control, transformed his inhabitance into an invasion. Relentlessly crusading forth in present day, the American government continues to cut down trees and plants to place building blocks on the soil that was rightfully theirs. Man blunders through the forest like a bulldozer, blind to the medicine he is destroying and the disease he is enabling. Due to his inherent nature of greed, man has yet again failed his ecosystem. In his shining irony, his inherent ignorance regarding such matters results in his ability to move forward without acknowledging his destruction and the future consequences to come. Looking only to himself, he has replaced inner peace with inner greed, and missed the bigger picture of it all. When he fails his ecosystem, he ultimately fails himself.

As if prohibiting medicinally beneficial plants such as cannabis and psychedelic  mushrooms was not enough, America ensued a grotesque double standard: Equally vigorous mind altering drugs -each capsule a time bomb, with potential consequences no worse than death itself.

Psychedelic plants have remained vastly developed in tribal societies throughout the globe for centuries. Still, the United States is fighting their use in the medical world and has yet to drop hints of budging. Magic mushrooms pose obvious risks to the American government, medical world, pharmaceutical companies, FDA and CDC. Government officials, who flash their authority to control large scale matters, might find themselves on the other end of the scale if the use of psychedelic mushrooms as medicine swept the nation. With the ability to heal countless disorders as well as provide long lasting positive benefits, it is no secret that Magic Mushrooms are remarkably potent and powerful plants possessing characteristics which could wipe out numerous medical jobs and drug companies. All of this from one plant; one plant who beholds the power to change the lives of millions. This is the very type of power the government grips to – and in this case, it shows its face as the power to create a widespread negative economic impact in their arenas.  Power such as this breeds fear, and fear turns men into animals. Could it be that one plant is more powerful, more intelligent and far more evolved than mankind? And could he, a man masked in pride, be smart enough to answer yes?

No. It is highly doubtable the ban on the use of psychedelic drugs for medical reasons is due to government care and concern for the public. More believable is the possibility of a government flooded by the type of fear I just spoke of; stemming in part from the threat of a future with less trees to stuff in their pockets. However, ignoring the fact that psychedelic mushrooms prove beneficial for illnesses does not make the truth go away. Currently it is an empowering time to become educated on the healing role of mushrooms. New research studies using psychedelic mushrooms steadily continue to surface. What does the law think debilitated individuals are to do once they are rightfully informed of a single yet illegal plant with a high success rate of improving the quality of life in individuals such as themselves? How can the government continue to deny a person the right to a full life? Furthermore, how could they possibly stop thousands of patients if they lost control of the situation? Would they arrest them all? Certainly they would try, but that would be the least of their legal worries by the time they finished.

With more individuals learning that psychedelic mushrooms -void of harmful man-made chemicals -offer the healing answer to the problems plaguing them, the number of people in the movement for psychedelic mushrooms in the use of medical conditions will only continue to rise. With new clinical studies on the topic popping up in the media left and right, one cannot help but envision it as a glimmer of hope that a major paradigm shift in society is on the horizon.

** I am in no way attempting to medically advise you to do illegal drugs; rather I am simply speaking from extensive personal experience. I understand there are two opposing sides to this topic, each of which holds strong convictions. Until I experienced significant healing from psychedelic mushrooms, I was on neither, as it would have been ignorant of me to be. After all, how can those who are not sick possibly make the best decision for those who are sick –without feeling their pain first hand?

Source: - Author: Shelley White - I am passionate about truth, and love nothing more than to converse with free thinkers. I am a relentless activist for Lyme disease, as well as the medical benefits of marijuana and psychedelic drugs. Studying to be a Master Herbalist and Naturopath. Feel free to contact me.

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Lo ha dichiarato il capo del Servizio Federale Russo di Controllo della Droga, aggiungendo che oltre un milione di persone sono morte per eroina da allora.

"L’eroina afgana ha ucciso più di un milione di persone in tutto il mondo da quando è cominciata l’operazione ‘Enduring Freedom’, e più di un trilione di dollari provenienti dalla vendita di droga sono stati investiti nella criminalità organizzata transnazionale", ha rivelato Viktor Ivanov ad una conferenza sulla situazione della droga in Afghanistan.

Ivanov ha sottolineato che il principale fattore d’instabilità nel paese devastato dalla guerra rimane la prospera industria dell’eroina.

“Ogni osservatore imparziale deve ammettere il triste fatto che la comunità internazionale non è riuscita a frenare la produzione di eroina in Afghanistan dall’inizio delle operazioni della NATO”.

Nel suo intervento alla 56Ş sessione della Commissione sugli Stupefacenti presso le Nazioni Unite a Vienna, l’11 marzo, ha affermato che la produzione di oppio è aumentata del 18 per cento, da 131.000 a 154.000 ettari.

Dato che la situazione in Afghanistan è cambiata col ritiro delle truppe della NATO, la Russia, d’accordo con l’Afghanistan e la comunità internazionale, deve affrontare la nuova realtà, per sviluppare una strategia efficace per affrontare il problema dell’eroina, ha spiegato Ivanov.

La produzione di oppio è stata fondamentale per l’economia dell’Afghanistan da quando gli USA e la NATO l’hanno invaso nell’ottobre 2001. Poco prima dell’invasione, i talebani avevano promulgato il divieto di coltivazione del papavero da oppio, dichiarandolo contrario alle regole islamiche, diminuendone la produzione complessiva [corsivo nostro, ndt]. Ma in seguito al coinvolgimento dell’Occidente, la produzione è ripresa, e ora il paese produce circa il 90 per cento dell’oppio mondiale, la maggior parte del quale finisce in Europa e in Russia.

La lotta contro l’oppio afghano condotta dai funzionari degli Stati Uniti e della NATO è paradossale. Alla Commissione Stupefacenti delle Nazioni Unite a Vienna, nel mese di marzo, Ivanov ha dichiarato che, se da un lato essi stanno cercando di conquistare i cuori e le menti della popolazione locale, che dipende sempre di più dalla coltivazione del papavero da oppio per il suo sostentamento, dall’altro hanno bisogno di bloccare i finanziamenti all’insurrezione dei talebani, alimentati dalla vendita di papavero da oppio verso i mercati esteri.

Circa il 15 per cento del prodotto interno lordo dell’Afghanistan dipende dalle esportazioni di droga, con un giro di affari di 2,4 miliardi di dollari l’anno, secondo stime del 2012 delle Nazioni Unite.

Il portavoce del ministro dell’Antidroga Afgana Qayum Samir ha dichiarato a Radio Free Europe il 1° aprile che 157.000 ettari di terreno sono stati coltivati a papaveri questa primavera, circa 3.000 ettari in più rispetto allo scorso anno. Samir ha dichiarato che la mancanza di sicurezza, la mancanza di governance e la povertà diffusa sono le ragioni che si celano dietro all’aumento della produzione di eroina.

Mosca ritiene che le soluzioni più semplici siano le più efficaci, e che sradicare i campi di papavero del paese sia la chiave per risolvere il problema, ha sottolineato Viktor Ivanov.

Ma c’è una grande differenza tra come la Russia e gli Stati Uniti considerano la soluzione del problema.

“Metaforicamente parlando, invece di distruggere il covo delle mitragliatrici, consigliamo di estrarne le pallottole” ha spiegato Ivanov. “Suggeriamo di sradicare del tutto le piantagioni. Finché ci sono i campi di papavero da oppio, ci sarà il traffico”.

Tuttavia, sembra che gli USA e la NATO non abbiano alcuna intenzione di sbarazzarsi delle piantagioni di papavero da oppio afgane: questa è un’evidente contraddizione dell’approccio occidentale.

“Gli Stati Uniti, d’accordo col governo colombiano, sradicano 200.000 ettari di arbusti di coca l’anno. In Afghanistan solo 2.000 ettari di campi di papavero sono stati sradicati: un centesimo di quella cifra”, ha sottolineato Ivanov.

E accanto al rifiuto di sbarazzarsi delle piantagioni, vi è l’interesse apparente delle banche internazionali nel “denaro sporco”. Le droghe hanno una quota nel commercio mondiale quasi più grande del petrolio e del gas, ha affermato Ivanov nella sua presentazione alle Nazioni Unite.

Il comando delle Forze Antidroga Russe ha suggerito che le banche statunitensi ed europee tacitamente accolgono e "incoraggiano" l’afflusso di denaro proveniente dalla droga.

Gil Kerlikovske, direttore dell’Ufficio del National Drug Control Policy presso l’ufficio esecutivo del Presidente degli Stati Uniti, ha detto a RT che “siamo in grado di intercettare e sequestrare tonnellate di stupefacenti, possiamo arrestare i trafficanti, ma il bisogno maggiore è quello di bloccare i fondi che riforniscono questo traffico”.

Nel presente, la Russia propone soluzioni per migliorare lo sviluppo sociale e istituzionale in Afghanistan, discutendo il problema a livello internazionale.

Fonte: Russia Today, 3 aprile 2013 (traduzione di

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«Noi non abbiamo intenzione di prendere Provenzano! Non hai capito niente allora? Ti devi fermare!». Č sbigottito il maresciallo Saverio Masi quando, dopo aver chiesto uomini e mezzi per catturare il boss, sente urlare il suo superiore. «Hai finito di fare il finto coglione? Dicci cosa vuoi che te lo diamo. Ti serve il posto di lavoro per tua sorella?» Allo sbigottimento segue lo sconcerto. Nessuno nell’Arma era a conoscenza che la sorella fosse disoccupata.

Č solo uno degli episodi che Masi ha descritto nella denuncia presentata alla Procura di Palermo. A distanza di anni rivela il nome del superiore e di tutti gli altri che avrebbero ostacolato le indagini su Provenzano prima e Messina Denaro poi.

Un macigno scagliato mentre è in corso la requisitoria del Pm Nino di Matteo contro gli ex ufficiali del Ros accusati di avere favorito la latitanza di Provenzano. Ma la testimonianza di Masi arriva anche pochi giorni prima del 27 maggio quando si aprirà il processo sulla trattativa mafia-Stato, ed è destinata a lasciare il segno.

 IL CONTATORE DELL'ENEL - I fatti si svolgono tra il 2001 e il 2007. Provenzano nel frattempo è stato arrestato (nel 2006), Matteo Messina Denaro ancora no. Masi, per uno strano intreccio di vite, oggi è il capo scorta di Di Matteo, il pm che indaga sulla trattativa.

Quando Masi nel 2001 si presenta al Nucleo Provinciale di Palermo chiede di occuparsi della cattura di Provenzano. La caccia ai latitanti è una missione che sente cucita sulla pelle e invece lo inviano a Caltavuturo, sulle Madonie. Non si rassegna e, di propria iniziativa, si mette sulle tracce di Provenzano.

Si sorprende quando intuisce che con pochi mezzi e consultando vecchi verbali, all’indomani dell’arresto del boss Benedetto Spera, riesce ad individuare un contatore Enel riferibile a chi gestiva la latitanza di Provenzano ben cinque anni prima della sua cattura. Difficile immaginare la sua reazione quando i superiori gli ordinano di sospendere le indagini.

Gli appare chiaro che non c’è tanta voglia di catturare il boss di Corleone.

Forse è per questo che molti spunti d’indagine rimangono lettera morta, come quelli raccolti in una notte dell’agosto del 2001.

LA TELEFONATA CON L'ITALOAMERICANO - I carabinieri ascoltano un noto pregiudicato della zona legato a Provenzano, dall’altra parte del filo c’è un italoamericano che ha solo una preoccupazione: invitare negli Usa il premier Berlusconi l’8 ottobre alla festa del Columbus Day.

L’americano dice: «Voglio Berlusconi e ho detto a Nicola come si deve fare. Iddu è pure in buoni rapporti con Bush», e il mafioso italiano risponde: «Certo, come lo vedo, glielo dico io». Pochi giorni dopo c’è l’attentato alle Torri, Berlusconi partecipa al Columbus Day, ma al telefono. Chi fosse Nicola e a chi fosse intestata l’utenza Usa non si è mai saputo. Č rimasto anche il mistero di come un italoamericano e un picciotto delle contrade siciliane potessero condizionare Berlusconi.

LA MACCHINA PER SCRIVERE - Masi poi descrive il goffo tentativo di piazzare le cimici nel casolare di Provenzano, caduto nel vuoto perché il Ros aveva dimenticato gli attrezzi per forzare la serratura. Un episodio che fa il paio con un altro avvenuto poco dopo, quando i superiori ordinano a Masi, senza spiegare il motivo, di sospendere il pedinamento di Ficano, cognato di Simone Castello, postino di Provenzano.

Masi aveva ficcato il naso nel parco autodemolizioni di proprietà di Ficano e aveva scoperto, tra pneumatici e carcasse, un casotto con dentro una macchina per scrivere. La stessa che probabilmente veniva usata per compilare i pizzini destinati a Provenzano. E forse in alcuni casi l’aveva usata lo stesso boss. In quel casotto pochi minuti prima era entrato anche il suo capitano e, non rilevando nulla di anomalo, aveva deciso di non piazzare microspie.

Masi stupito chiede di fare accertamenti sulla macchina per scrivere. Chiede di battere l’alfabeto su un foglio, per poter confrontare i caratteri con quelli dei “pizzini” già sequestrati. Una richiesta banale, ma il capitano si rifiuta. Ne scaturisce un'animata discussione dopo la quale Masi apprende che anche nelle indagini su Gaetano Lipari, “l’infermiere di Bernardo Provenzano ”, era stato impartito lo stesso incredibile ordine: non pedinare i principali indagati.

NEL CASOLARE - La carriera di Masi s’incrocia anche con Messina Denaro, e si trova a sfogliare un copione già letto. Come quando segue il caso delle «talpe» della Procura di Palermo. Si mette sulle piste di Francesco Mesi, sospettato di essere uno dei favoreggiatori di Denaro. Piazza cimici e rilevatori satellitari sull’auto e segue Mesi nei pressi di una macelleria: è di Pietro Tornatore, che consegna a Mesi una busta e gli sussurra: «da parte del compare Giammanco», considerato vicino a Provenzano.

Masi segue la sua preda nella campagna tra Bagheria e Misilmeri, fino a quando si ferma. Il maresciallo è certo di aver individuato il “corriere” di Messina Denaro. Vuole continuare le indagini con telecamere e microspie. Per questo chiede che gli vengano revocate le ferie natalizie. Ma il suo superiore “lo invita” ad andare in vacanza perché ci avrebbe pensato lui.

 Al ritorno dalle ferie "forzate", Masi chiede conto dell’esito delle indagini. Il superiore risponde di non aver trovato nulla! Masi non gli crede e con un collega e a sue spese si reca in piena notte sul punto segnalato dal Gps: trova un contatore Enel e un casolare. Si avvicina, una porta si spalanca all'improvviso. Masi intravede degli uomini intorno a un tavolo, uno di loro probabilmente è Messina Denaro. Il maresciallo si getta sotto la siepe per non essere scoperto. Torna in caserma, litiga furiosamente con il capitano e scrive l’ennesima relazione che, come le altre, cade nel vuoto.

L'APPOSTAMENTO - L’appuntamento con il capo di Cosa Nostra è solo rinviato. Nel marzo del 2004 sulle strade di Bagheria evita per un soffio lo scontro con un’utilitaria che gli taglia la strada. Sta per imprecare, ma riconosce alla guida Matteo Messina Denaro. Lo segue mentre si infila in una villa. Ad attenderlo c’è una donna. Annota tutto e chiede l’autorizzazione a proseguire le indagini.

La reazione dei suoi superiori non è quella che si aspetta: gli chiedono di cancellare dalla relazione l’identità del proprietario della villa e quella della donna che aspettava il boss. Matteo Messina Denaro poteva continuare ad essere tranquillamente un fantasma.

Masi chiede ai superiori di trasmettere comunque la relazione alla Procura. A distanza di anni non sa se l’hanno fatto. Quello che è certo è che nessuna microspia è stata piazzata sull’auto di Denaro.

L’ultima relazione Masi l’ha scritta ieri. Ha messo in fila fatti e nomi e li ha consegnati alla Procura di Palermo. La vicenda ha un epilogo classico, come quello del capitano Bellodi protagonista del Giorno della Civetta. Masi tra poco affronterà un processo dove è accusato di tentata truffa per aver chiesto l’annullamento di una multa contratta con l'auto privata mentre svolgeva gli appostamenti. «Usavamo le macchine di amici - aveva spiegato nel processo Mori - perché i mafiosi conoscevano le nostre auto di servizio». A difenderlo gli avvocati Carta e Desideri, gli stessi che ora lo assistono nella denuncia depositata pochi giorni dopo le minacce al Pm Di Matteo.

Una pagina di testo scritta al computer: "Amici romani di Matteo (Messina Denaro, ndr) hanno deciso di eliminare il pm Nino Di Matteo in questo momento di confusione istituzionale, per fermare questa deriva di ingovernabilità. Cosa Nostra ha dato il suo assenso, ma io non sono d’accordo”.

Č il pizzino scritto da chi si identifica come uno del commando di morte. Quello che è certo è che è ben informato. Conosce nei dettagli notizie riservate, spostamenti e soprattutto i punti deboli della protezione del Pm che sta indagando sulla trattativa mafia-Stato.

Fonte: - Autore: Sigfrido Ranucci

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Angelina Jolie's announcement of undergoing a double mastectomy (surgically removing both breasts) even though she had no breast cancer is not the innocent, spontaneous, "heroic choice" that has been portrayed in the mainstream media. has learned it all coincides with a well-timed for-profit corporate P.R. campaign that has been planned for months and just happens to coincide with the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on the viability of the BRCA1 patent.

This is the investigation the mainstream media refuses to touch. Here, I explain the corporate financial ties, investors, mergers, human gene patents, lawsuits, medical fear mongering and the trillions of dollars that are at stake here. If you pull back the curtain on this one, you find far more than an innocent looking woman exercising a "choice." This is about protecting trillions in profits through the deployment of carefully-crafted public relations campaigns designed to manipulate the public opinion of women.

The signs were all there from the beginning of the scheme: Angelina Jolie's highly polished and obviously corporate-written op-ed piece at the New York Times, the carefully-crafted talking points invoking "choice" as a politically-charged keyword, and the obvious coaching of even her husband Brad Pitt who carefully describes the entire experience using words like "stronger" and "pride" and "family."

But the smoking gun is the fact that Angelina Jolie's seemingly spontaneous announcement magically appeared on the cover of People Magazine last week -- a magazine that is usually finalized for publication three weeks before it appears on newsstands. That cover, not surprisingly, uses the same language found in the NYT op-ed piece: "HER BRAVE CHOICE" and "This was the right thing to do." The flowery, pro-choice language is not a coincidence.

What this proves is that Angelina's Jolie's announcement was a well-planned corporate P.R. campaign with carefully-crafted messages designed to influence public opinion. But what could Jolie be seeking to influence? about trillions of dollars in corporate profits?

Upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule on patent viability for BRCA1 gene

Angelina Jolie's announcement and all its carefully-crafted language had four notable immediate impacts:

1) It caused women everywhere to be terrified of breast cancer through the publishing of false statistics that drove fear into the hearts of anyone with breasts. (See below for explanation.)

2) It caused women to rush out and seek BRCA1 gene testing procedures. These tests just happen to be patented by a for-profit corporation called "Myriad Genetics." Because of this patent, BRCA1 tests can cost $3,000 - $4,000 each. The testing alone is a multi-billion-dollar market, but only if the patent is upheld in an upcoming Supreme Court decision (see below).

3) It caused the stock price of Myriad Genetics (MYGN) to skyrocket to a 52-week high. "Myriad's stock closed up 3% Tuesday, following the publication of the New York Times op-ed," wrote

4) It drove public opinion to influence the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule in favor of corporate ownership of human genes (see more below).

Women all over the world are being duped into supporting Angeline Jolie, having no idea that what she's really doing is selling out women to the for-profit cancer industry. But to fully understand what's happening, you have to dig deeper...

Myriad Genetics sees stock price skyrocket thanks to Jolie, and Obamacare will funnel billions their way

"Salt Lake City-based Myriad Genetics (MYGN) holds the patent on the test that determined the actress had an 87% chance of developing breast cancer, as well as the genes themselves," wrote

And that's only the beginning. If the U.S. Supreme Court can be influenced to uphold Myriad's patent, it could mean a trillion-dollar industry over just the next few years. Even more, Myriad Genetics is reportedly "ripe for mergers" according to the financial press, because it's part of the super-hot human genome industry.

"The world's largest maker of DNA testing and analysis tools, Life Technologies Corp. said that it is set to be acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific for a record $13.6 billion," writes "A race that kicked into high gear more than 26 years ago is heating up, with foreign governments and corporations joining the U.S. in funding the quest to map all the human genomes. And even as the recent flurry of mergers and acquisitions in the genomics space has spurred returns, investors still have opportunities to profit from this multibillion-dollar industry."

The higher Myriad's stock price goes, the more profitable a merger becomes for its current owners. So Jolie's P.R. stunt just happened to generate unknown millions of dollars in value for the very people who claim a patent monopoly over the breast cancer genes residing in the bodies of women. Coincidence? Hardly.

Obamacare mandates taxpayers pay for BRCA gene testing: yet another government handout to wealthy corporations

But here's what's even more crooked about all this: You know how Obama likes to talk "free market" but actually engages in so-called "crony capitalism" by handing out money to all his corporate buddies, Wall Street insiders and deep-pocketed campaign donors? Part of Obamacare -- the "Affordable Care Act" -- mandates that taxpayers pay for BRCA1 genetic testing!

Myriad Genetics, in other words, stands to receive a full-scale windfall of profits mandated by government and pushed into mainstream consciousness through a campaign of "medical terror" fronted by Angelina Jolie and the New York Times. Are you starting to see how this all fits together yet?

This is all one big coordinated corporate sellout of women, and it's all being hidden by playing the "women's power" card and using "choice" language to more easily manipulate women. Angelina Jolie, remember, is a key spokesperson for the United Nations, an organization already caught engaged in child sex slavery and drug running. Although Jolie obviously isn't engage in that sort of behavior, her job is to covertly influence American women into supporting a carefully-planned, plotted and executed corporate profit campaign that turns women's bodies into profits.

Here's why the Supreme Court decision puts trillions of dollars at stake...

Details on the upcoming Supreme Court decision

The ACLU and the Public Patent Foundation filed a lawsuit in 2009, challenging the corporate ownership of human genes. Anyone who believes in women's rights, human rights, civil rights or even the right to eat non-GMO foods should immediately agree that corporations should NOT be able to patent human genes and then use those patents to rake in billions of dollars in profits while stifling scientific research into those genes.

A question to all women reading this: Do you believe a corporation in Utah owns your body? If not, you should be opposed to corporate ownership of human genes. It also means you should oppose Angelina Jolie's P.R. campaign because although she's running a brilliant public relations campaign, behind the scenes her actions are feeding potentially trillions of dollars of profits directly into the for-profit human gene patenting industry that denies human beings ownership over their own genetic code.

The ACLU explains the basics of its lawsuit against Myriad Genetics as follows:

On May 12, 2009, the ACLU and the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed a lawsuit charging that patents on two human genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer, BRCA1 and BRCA2, are unconstitutional and invalid. On November 30, 2012, the Supreme Court agreed to hear argument on the patentability of human genes. The ACLU argued the case before the U.S. Supreme Court on April 15, 2013. We expect a decision this summer.

On behalf of researchers, genetic counselors, women patients, cancer survivors, breast cancer and women's health groups, and scientific associations representing 150,000 geneticists, pathologists, and laboratory professionals, we have argued that human genes cannot be patented because they are classic products of nature. The suit charges that the gene patents violate the First Amendment and stifle diagnostic testing and research that could lead to cures and that they limit women's options regarding their medical care.

Got that? If the Supreme Court rules against Myriad Genetics, it will cause a multi-billion-dollar breast cancer genetic testing industry to collapse virtually overnight. This means a huge loss for not just Myriad, but also many other human gene corporations that wish to exploit the human body -- including the bodies of women -- for monopolistic profits. (All patents are government-granted monopolies.) Ultimately, trillions of dollars in corporate gene patents are at stake here.

Patenting human genes is huge business

Today, about 20 percent of your genes are already patented by corporations and universities. As the ACLU explains, "A gene patent holder has the right to prevent anyone from studying, testing or even looking at a gene. As a result, scientific research and genetic testing has been delayed, limited or even shut down due to concerns about gene patents."

This means that when corporations own patents on human genes, it stifles scientific research while granting that corporation a monopoly over the "intellectual property" encoded in your own DNA! (How criminal is that? You decide...)

What this means is that if the Supreme Court rules against Myriad, it would set a precedent that would dismantle the entire human gene patenting industry, affecting trillions of dollars in future profits.

This, I believe, is the real reason behind Angelina Jolie's announcement. It seems designed to invoke women's emotional reactions and create a groundswell of support for corporate-owned genes, thereby handing these corporations a Supreme Court precedent that will ensure trillions in future profits. It's a for-profit PR stunt that tries to trick women into supporting a corporate system of patents and monopolies that claims, right now, to own portions of the bodies of every woman living today.

While most media outlets have no clue about the patent issues at stake here, the Detroit Free Press took notice, saying:

"The Hollywood star's decision to get tested for a breast cancer gene mutation, undergo a double mastectomy and then write about it calls attention to a case now pending before the court. The justices have just weeks to decide if Myriad Genetics' patent on the two genes that can identify an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer is legal. Critics complain that the company's monopoly leaves them as the sole source of the $4,000 tests needed to determine each woman's risk."

Lying with statistics: Jolie's 87% risk exaggeration

There's more to this story than just the patents on BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Angelina Jolie is also using blatantly misleading statistics to terrify women into thinking their breasts might kill them.

In the NYT op-ed piece, Jolie claims her doctor told her she has an "87% risk" of developing breast cancer. But what she didn't tell you is that this number doesn't apply to the entire population: it's actually old data derived almost exclusively from families that were previously documented to have very high risks of breast cancer to begin with.

A study published on the National Human Genome Research Institute website and conducted by scientists from the National Institutes of Health reveals that breast cancer risks associated with BRCA1 genes are significantly lower than what's being hyped up by Jolie and the mainstream media.

In fact, in a large room of 600 women, only ONE will likely have a BRCA mutation in her genetic code. The actual incidence is 0.125 to 0.25 out of 100 women, or 1 in 400 to 1 in 800. I used 600 as the average of 400 and 800.

And out of that 1 in 600 women who has the mutation, her risk of breast cancer is only 56 percent, not 78 percent as claimed by Jolie. But 13 percent of women without the BRCA mutation get breast cancer anyway, according to this scientific research, so the increased risk is just 43 out of 100 women.

So what we're really talking about here is 1 in 600 women having a BRCA gene mutation, then less than half of those getting cancer because of it. In other words, only about 1 in 1200 women will be affected by this.

Yet thanks to people like Jolie and the fear-mongering mainstream media, women all across the nation have been terrified into believing their breasts might kill them and the best way to handle the problem is to cut them off!

This, my friends, is the essence of doomsday fear mongering. This issue affects less than one-tenth of one percent of women but is being riled up into a nationwide fear campaign that just happens to feed profits into the for-profit cancer diagnosis and treatment industry, not to mention the monopolistic human gene patenting cartels.

That's the real story of what's happening here. Don't expect to read this in the New York Times.

Corporate media refuses to mention real prevention and treatment options

As part of the breast cancer fear mongering and treatment scam now being run across the mainstream media, nearly all media sources are prohibiting any mention of holistic or natural options for treatment or prevention.

Sure, the media talks about "options," but all those options just happen to lead back to the for-profit cancer industry. As an example, read this story by ABC News, part of the lying mainstream media that misinforms women and pushes a corporate agenda:

If you do test positive for BRCA, you have options, and you don't necessarily have to go the Jolie route. Some women choose not to have surgery. Instead, they increase cancer surveillance with imaging tests. These include regular mammograms to test for breast cancer, and regular pelvic sonograms and blood-tests to watch for ovarian cancer.

Nowhere in this article does ABC News mention ways to suppress the BRCA1 gene by, for example, eating raw cruciferous vegetables containing Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), a potent anti-cancer nutrient that halts breast cancer in its tracks. Nowhere does ABC News mention vitamin D which prevents nearly 4 out of 5 cancers of all types, including breast cancer.

Nope, the "options" being pushed by mainstream media are nothing more than mammograms, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy -- all owned and run by the for-profit cancer industry that feeds on women and exploits their bodies for profit.

Nor is their any discussion of the total scam of the "pink ribbons" cancer cure industry which is primarily focused on giving women cancer through "free mammograms". As any scientist or physicist already knows, mammograms cause cancer because they emit ionizing radiation directly into the breast and heart tissues. Get enough mammograms done and sooner or later they will detect breast cancer because they caused it! To date, 1.3 million women have been harmed by mammography.

Thanks, Angelina, for keeping the wool pulled over the eyes of women everywhere while selling out to for-profit, monopolistic, corporate interests that incessantly seek to exploit women for profit.

Source: - Author: Mike Adams

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During the 20th and early 21st centuries, AD, Christians have been led to believe that the "end times" predicted in the biblical book of Revelation are happening now. They’ve been told that God’s cycle of time is 7,000 years; that 6,000 years had passed since "creation" in Genesis to the year 2000 AD; that biblical prophesy was fulfilled by the reformation of Israel in 1948; that the Antichrist will surely be revealed as the president of the United States, the pope, Osama Bin Laden, or President Ahmedinejad of Iran; that the "government" intends to put radio frequency identification (RFID) tags into items in commerce, inanimate objects and animals; that these RFID tags are "the mark of the beast" which everyone will have to accept into their own bodies or be denied the ability to function in society or buy food.

We can all see that our world is going downhill faster than at any time since the Dark Ages. This is good news to Christians who believe that end times prophesy is finally being fulfilled and true "believers" will be "raptured" any day now to spend eternity with Christ in heaven. These Christians believe that, according to Matthew 28, it is their holy duty to bring about Christ’s return more quickly by telling all the world that Jesus died on the cross for our salvation and that He will return to begin a one thousand-year reign upon a literal throne in the Middle East and save us from this evil world.

Where did these beliefs, also called "premillennialism," come from if they are not exactly in the Bible? Is it true that the book of Revelation tells Christians that the apocalypse is inevitable and they should embrace it and help to hasten its arrival?

Are we sure the apocalypse of Revelation hasn’t already happened?

Bible researcher Don K. Preston, in his book, Who is This Babylon? (1999), takes a look at Revelation that is completely different than the premillennialist point of view. He points out that, while today’s religious world takes for granted that Revelation was written about 95 or 96 AD, the dominant view of 19th century Bible scholars was that it was written prior to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Using detailed scriptural references, Preston compares the prophesies of Isaiah, Joel and Daniel in the Old Testament and of Jesus in Luke 21 and Matthew 24. He then compares those Scriptures to the Apostle John’s book of Revelation. According to Preston and Dr. F. LaGard Smith, compiler and commentator for Guideposts’ The Daily Bible, most biblical theorists believe that the prophesies of Daniel refer to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Historically, most biblical scholars also concur that Matthew 24 refers to the same event.

Daniel was written 500 years before Christ and speaks of an event in the "distant future" while Matthew, Luke and Revelation speak of an event that is "imminent" (going to happen "before the end of this [Jesus’] generation"). But Christians today are taught that the events of Revelation have not yet happened.

In 1813, David Bogue, father of the London Missionary Society, described premillennialism as an oddity of church history. At that time and until at least 1859, "postmillennialism," the belief that Armageddon already happened and Christ would come after the millennium, was the dominant end-times theory since the Reformation, claimed Jack Van Deventer, in his article, "The Dispensational Origins of Modern Premillennialism and John Nelson Darby" (2007).

"The idea that we are living in the last days and that the world is going to be destroyed and Jesus Christ is going to come any minute has only been around in the United States for 200 years." (The American Free Press [8-19-02], "Arms profiteers, Warmongers, Media, Exploiting ‘Last Days’ Christians all the way to the Bank").

From whence did "the Rapture" come?

"The shift away from historic Christianity stemmed from a novel approach to Bible interpretation called ‘dispensationalism’ which was developed in the 1830s and popularized with the 1909 publication of the Scofield Reference Bible," wrote Van Deventer.

Time magazine’s senior religion writer David van Biema in "The End: How it Got That Way" (7-01-02), tells of the "rapture" scheme of John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), who is considered the father of dispensationalism. Darby claimed that biblical history is best understood in light of seven distinct dispensations or "eras" of God’s dealings with man as discerned from the Bible, beginning with creation and ending with the millennium. According to wikipedia, dispensationalist beliefs about the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism because "God is able to graft [the Jews] in again." They believe that, in His grace, He will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy to bless a remnant of Israel and to fulfill all the promises made to the genetic seed of Abraham.

According to Van Deventer, Darby was a British lawyer-turned-disillusioned minister whose doubts concerning the scriptural authority for the institutional church led him to leave it and find fellowship with a small group of brethren in Plymouth, England.

But, by 1836, Darby had invented a doctrine claiming there were not one, but two "second comings" of Christ, an idea that was immediately challenged as unbiblical by other members of the Plymouth Brethren. Also challenged were his assertions concerning the premillennial return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Darby based his theory on a loose translation of 1 Thess. 4:17, which doesn’t exactly say Christians will be raptured. It reads, "The Lord himself will descend with a shout….and we which are alive shall be caught up with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord".

Preston, in his "Special Study: Paul and the Apocalypse," wrote that in Luke 21:22, Jesus said, "These be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled."

I Thess. 4:15 shows that Paul was speaking to the Thessalonians, as he wrote, "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, we which are alive and remain….shall be caught up."

Jesus’ prophesies and those of the Old Testament referred exclusively to the Jews of that day, for whom the resurrection was extremely important, not to the Gentiles at some indistinct future time.

Darby attempted a resolution to his dilemma with the brethren by distinguishing between Scripture intended for the church and Scripture intended for Israel. "Darby’s difficulty was solved by assuming that the Gospels were addressed partly to Jews and partly to Christians," wrote Van Deventer.

"Thus," Van Deventer observed, "the foundation of dispensationalism was born out of Darby’s attempt to justify his newly fabricated rapture theory with the Bible."

Darby visited the U.S. several times after the civil war and, according to van Biema, was pastored here by Cyrus I. Scofield (1843-1921), a Congregationalist minister with a checkered reputation. Even though Darby’s rapture theory was so tenuous that he had lingering doubts about it as late as 1845, in 1865 he introduced American Christians to this radical new concept, positioning it at the very beginning of the "tribulation," sparing "true believers" the end-times horror left to nonbelievers and the doctrinally misled.

What is the Tribulation?

In the same July, 2002 edition of Time, in an expose by Kelly Sellers promoting the latest installment in Tim La Haye’s Left Behind series, "The Remnant," the "tribulation" in Matthew 24:29, is referred to with a capital "T." Rather than recognizing typical metaphorical biblical prophesy of "the sun being darkened and the moon not giving light," Sellers calls it, "A period of seven years of disaster that will end with Christ’s defeat of evil at Armageddon."

According to Bible commentator Steve Walburg, in his book "End Time Delusions," this "Tribulation" timeline is an absurd interpretation of Daniel’s reference to 70 weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) which is finalized in verse 27 with the prophecy, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease."

In the Old Testament "70 weeks" actually means 70 times seven because the Hebrew word for "week" is "shabua" (which literally means a time period of "seven"), or 490 years, as that is how time was kept from the days of Moses (Jubilees ca.1445 BC, Lev. 25:8-10).

"He" who caused "…the sacrifice….to cease" could only be in reference to Jesus when, after 3 1/2 years of ministry (midweek) he died on the cross, the ultimate sacrifice.

"The seventy weeks of Daniel certainly ended many centuries ago. We are not to look to the future for the fulfillment of these predictions," wrote Presbyterian writer Samuel Cassels in his 1846 book, Christ and Antichrist.

"One would think the people [the Jews] among whom [these events] occurred, could not possibly have misapplied the prophecy," Cassels continued.

Daniel 9:24-27 referred to the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of Prince Titus in 70 AD. His "desolations" and the "tribulation" in Matthew 24:29 refer to the judgment of Judah (part of Israel) for persecuting the saints. It has nothing to do with the "Tribulation" described in La Haye’s books.

(Israel split into two countries after King Solomon died in 931 BC: Ten tribes became "Israel" and the two tribes of Benjamin and Judah became "Judah." Jerusalem was in Judah. King David and, therefore, Jesus, were both descendants of Judah).

What is the Antichrist?

The term "antichrist" is only listed in the Bible three times, in the first two letters of the Apostle John—also the presumed author of Revelation—where he tells his followers that, "…even now there are many antichrists; whereby we know it is the last time (I John 2:18)," and I John 4:3, similar to II John:7, which states "…many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus is come…this is a deceiver and an antichrist."

Yet, secular writers avidly portray the Antichrist as a specific person, an evil figure who will plague the world and eventually be defeated by Christ in the Battle of Armageddon. This theory was also put forth by Sellers in her Time article on La Haye, that before the Antichrist comes to rule the earth, believing Christians will be raptured into heaven to watch the destruction of the planet by evil from the side of Jesus in heaven.

As Robert Dreyfuss from Rolling Stone magazine told the story in his article "Reverend Doomsday" (01-28-04) about La Haye, a follower of Jerry Falwell as well as Scofield, and a political activist who promoted George W. Bush, the "bad guys" in the books are the same ones politically active members of the Christian right and their allies publicly denounce and demonize—The United Nations, Europeans, Russia, Iraq, Muslims, the media, liberals, freethinkers and international bankers, all of whom will team up with the Antichrist, who will take the helm at the UN and move its headquarters to Babylon, Iraq. The Tribulation follows in which God visits unspeakable plagues on the Earth amid a climactic worldwide battle waged by a band of new believers against Satan and the Antichrist. The "good guys," are Christian believers, Israel, and a phalanx of 144,000 Jews who accept Jesus.

Prominent Christian leaders condemned this story as "unscholarly" and a "perversion" of the Bible. Plus, the story makes no logical sense in contemporary political reality since the UN, international bankers and Israel have been inextricably connected since 1948. Plus, Babylon is, at this time, a ruins.

Tim La Haye’s Left Behind series is shaped by the 1909 Scofield Reference Bible.

According to and others, Scofield is a story in himself. His behind-the-scenes handlers included 33rd degree Freemason George Bannerman Dealey, owner of the Dallas Morning News, the Rothschild-owned Oxford Press which published his Bible, noted Zionist Dr. William Eugene Blackstone who pushed his theories with the help of the Moody Bible Institute and, of course Darby, with his fundamental assumption that things on earth would progressively worsen until the Antichrist, also known as "the Beast," arose.

What about the Christians’ biblically mandated allegiance to Israel?

The popularity of dispensationalism and its corresponding "rapture" theory has declined sharply since the 1970s due to notorious corruption in evangelical organizations and because many of today’s Christians recognize the "rapture" is not in the Bible. However, they still believe Christians are bound by the prophesy of Balaam in Numbers 24:9 and the blessing of Isaac in Genesis 27:29 concerning Israel, which reads, "Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee."

Of all the prophesies in the Bible used by today’s religious orders to subdue the Christians, Numbers 24:9 is up there with Romans 13 as among the most powerful. Bible-reading Christians are led to believe they must back Israel at any cost or be cursed by God.

However, after the curse of Balaam, God told Moses that if Israel did not keep His commands, stipulations and decrees, He would destroy them from the face of the land (Deut 6:15-16), which he has done twice—In 585 BC and again in 70 AD.

Who (or what) is the "state" of Israel: The Rothschild connection

The current Armageddon plot was hatched in the late 18th century by a Khazarian, or "Ashkenazi" Jew, whose family had migrated to Germany from the area by the Caspian Sea now called Georgia. His name was Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812), which he changed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, ("Rot," meaning "Red," and "Schild," meaning "Sign") after the red hexagram which his father, a moneylender, placed over the door of his bank in Frankfurt, Germany. The red hexagram geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666. Rothschild claimed to be Jewish because the Khazars, descendents of Noah’s youngest son Japheth (as opposed to being descendants of Abraham, a descendent of Noah’s oldest son Shem), had converted to the Jewish faith by sovereign edict in AD 740. That the Rothschilds were genetically unrelated to the biblical Jews was inconsequential to them since they intended to redefine Bible prophecy to better serve their long-term economic goals.

Rothschild became associated with the court of Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, one of the richest royal houses in Europe and quickly discovered that loaning money to governments and royalty is more profitable than loaning to commoners, as the loans are bigger and secured by the nation’s taxes and resource wealth.

In 1770, Rothschild drew up plans for the creation of the Illuminati, which Dr. Henry Makow in his book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008) (see at page 4), tells us is based upon the Talmud (a book of interpretations of the Rabbinical [Pharisee] Jews that is full of contempt for non-Jews) and the Cabala, the basis of modern occultism, sex worship, violence, fear and the "New Age Movement" that has engulfed the world. As a result of this influence, the arc of Western Civilization has gone from "ascent"—belief in God—focused on the higher centers of love, joy, purity and selflessness, to descent—belief in Satan—focused on the lower centers of consciousness like those of power, wealth and physical gratification. The apex was called the "Enlightenment," when the "Illuminated ones"—a Luciferian term meaning "keepers of the light"—took over for God. Typical of Satan, decline into moral darkness is represented as light.

In 1776 Adam Weishaupt, who wrote, "The Lodge shall be our nursery," was appointed to reorganize the Illuminati which was merged with Freemasonry in 1782. According to Andre Krylienko (The Red Thread, 1997) the merger was consecrated "to enlist non-Jews consciously or unconsciously in the service of Jewry."

Within the lodge system, corruptible non-Jews would be let in on the true agenda and allowed to rise in ranks; those not suited for ruthlessness would remain in the Masonic lodge as "useful idiots"—innocents who cannot conceive they’ve been betrayed, who maintain the benevolent and socially-concerned facade of the lodge while attacking anyone who dares question the "cause."


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The Nineteenth century:

The "Age of the Rothschilds"

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (pictured above) fathered five legitimate sons, one bastard son and five daughters. His five sons opened banks in England, Austria, Denmark, France and the United States. In 1790, he declared, "Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws."

On Feb. 21, 1791, President Washington’s Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton established the First Bank of the United States, a private, Rothschild-backed central bank in America with a 20-year charter.

When Congress voted against the charter’s renewal in 1811, Rothschild’s son Nathan stated, "The United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."

The following year, the "War of 1812" began.

In 1816 Congress voted for a second Rothschild-dominated central bank, ending the British/American War of 1812. President Andrew Jackson refused to renew The Second Bank of the United States’ charter in 1836 and it’s doors closed by 1840.

In 1806, Rothschild bank-backed Napoleon I declared his intention to remove the house of Hesse-Cassel from power. Prince William IX fled to Denmark entrusting his fortune, valued at 3,000,000 U.S. dollars, to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping.

According to the 1905 Jewish Encyclopaedia, Nathan Rothschild invested this $3,000,000 in gold from the East India Company, planning to use it for the British Duke of Wellington’s upcoming campaign against Napoleon’s French army. He made, "no less than four profits: On the sale of Wellington’s paper which he bought at 50 cents on the dollar and collected at par; on the sale of gold to Wellington; on its repurchase; and on forwarding it to Portugal."

The "seed capital," as the story goes, was never returned to Prince William IX.

In 1815, the Rothschilds financed both sides of the French/English war with their respective banks. They also monopolized the courier services delivering news of the outcome of the battle of Waterloo. Their stock traders liquidated their British stock, causing others at the stock exchange to believe Britain had lost. They then secretly repurchased those bonds at pennies on the dollar. When the news arrived that Britain had actually won the war, Rothschild had a return of 20 to 1 on his investment. This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy and forced England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Rothschild controlled.

In 1821 Kalmann (Carl) Mayer Rothschild went to Naples, Italy, to set up business with the Vatican and Pope Gregory XVI. By 1823, the Rothschilds had taken over the financial operations of the Catholic Church worldwide.

The Rothschilds underwrote Karl Marx who, in 1848, published The Communist Manifesto (communism, according to Makow, is a Masonic order and its leaders are Masons), which demands the nationalization of private property and the destruction of individual liberty and families in the name of "equality," an experiment they performed on Russia 70 years later at the expense of 40 million peasants—including Russian Jews.

As the 19th century came to an end, it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.

The Final Stage

In 1913 the Rothschilds set up their third and current central bank in America, the Federal Reserve Bank, with the help of their agents JP Morgan and JD Rockefeller, whose investments in American industry had been Rothschild-financed since 1865.

In 1914, at the start of World War I, the German Rothschilds loaned money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loaned money to the British and the French Rothschilds loaned money to the French. The Rothschilds also controlled the three main European news agencies, Wolff in Germany, Reuters in England and Havas in France and used them to stir the public into fervor for war.

Before the end of the year Rothschild agent Louis Brandeis sent a Zionist delegation from America to Britain with a promise to bring America into the war on the side of the British, provided the British agree to give the land of Palestine to the Rothschilds. The Rothschild propaganda machine then went into overdrive in America. The coast-to-coast effort led to President Wilson reneging on his campaign promises to "keep your sons out of war." America entered the First World War on April 6, 1917.

On November 2, 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, also an occultist, drafted a letter commonly known as the, "Balfour Declaration," which gave the House of Rothschild 80 percent of the land now called Israel for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."

In 1921, under the orders of Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded as an organization in America to select politicians to carry on the Rothschild conspiracy.

In 1929 the Federal Reserve crashed the United States economy by contracting the money supply. It took only 20 years, from 1913 to 1933, for the Rothschilds to officially bankrupt this country.

The Rothschilds, Hitler and Israel

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. He drove Jews, many of whom were communists, out of governmental positions within Germany. As a result, Ashkenazi Jew Samuel Untermyer, the New York attorney who not only arranged for the publication of the Scofield Bible with Rothschild, but also pressured President Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act, made a radio speech August 7, 1933, saying, "The Jews are the aristocrats of the world…Our campaign is...the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services… Each of you ...must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping."

Jews throughout America protested and damaged shops in which they found any products with, "Made in Germany," printed on them, causing stores to have to dump these products or risk bankruptcy. Once the effects of this boycott began to be felt in Germany, the Germans, who had demonstrated no violence towards the Jews up to this point, began boycotting Jewish stores in the same manner.

Meanwhile, Rothschild financed IBM—which supplied punch card machines the Nazis used to manage the identification and social expulsion of Jews, the confiscation of their property and administrate their concentrated encampment.

In 1934 Swiss banking secrecy laws were reformed: In preparation for the Rothschild-engineered Second World War in which, as usual, they would fund both sides, it became an imprisonable offense for any bank employee to violate bank secrecy. Also that year, President Roosevelt ordered the all-seeing eye to be placed upon all new dollar bills along with the motto, "Novus Ordo Seclorum," Latin for, "A New Order of the Ages."

On September 1, 1939, the Second World War started when Germany invaded Poland. The war went as planned: $billions were spent, millions were killed and the state of Israel was created.

Tribunals were convened after the war to investigate and punish Nazi war criminals. If there was any mention as to which bankers were providing Hitler with financial assistance, that testimony has been edited from the historical record.

In 1945 giant steps towards the Rothschilds’ goal of world domination were achieved when the United Nations was approved—one year after their banking success at Bretton Woods, which established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

In 1947 the British transferred control of Palestine to the United Nations, which resolved to have Palestine partitioned into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem to remain as an international zone. In the spring of 1948, according to historian Andrew Hitchcock (author of The Synagog of Satan and History of the House of Rothschild []), the Rothschilds bribed President Harry S. Truman with $2 million in campaign funds to recognize Israel as a sovereign state. The flag of Israel was unveiled and, despite tremendous opposition, the emblem on the flag is a blue colored version of the Rothschild red hexagram.

According to Simon Schama in his book, Two Rothschilds and the Land of Israel (1978), the House of Rothschild funded the Nazis and then founded Israel, not as a home for Jewish people, but as a base for the terrorists who created that state in order to operate a global terror and political manipulation network. The influence of its intelligence arm, Mossad, is vast for this tiny country because it is funded by the Rothschild global power elite. The motto of the Mossad is probably the most disgusting secret service motto in the world: "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

Henry H. Klein, wrote in A Jew Warns Jews (1947), "Political Zionism is an agency of Big Business. It is being used by Jewish and Christian financiers in this country and Great Britain, to make Jews believe that Palestine will be ruled by a descendant of King David who will ultimately rule the world. What delusion! It will lead to war between Arabs and Jews and eventually to war between Muslims and non-Muslims. That will be the turning point of history."

In Henry Makow’s book Illuminati, he observes that "[g]enuine Jewish people are being used. Jewish leadership has perverted the idea of a holy people chosen to advocate morality into a ‘self chosen’ elite to take God’s place. But when critics suggest that the ‘chosen’ are being misled and betrayed, they are accused of being ‘anti-Semitic’ and charged with ‘hate-crimes.’"

The end times biblical script

In 1871, General Albert Pike who, since 1859 had been the most powerful Freemason of his time in America, completed a military blueprint for the Illuminati. It included three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving Rothschild’s great conspiracy into its final stage.

The first world war would be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia because he refused to allow Rothschild to put a bank in his country. The Tsar would be replaced with communism which would be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity.

The second world war would be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism, the Masonic international Jewish political movement that has supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine. Using the slaughter of Jews in Germany to bring hatred against the German people, this war would also increase the power of communism to a level equaling that of united Christendom.

The third world war would be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the Zionists against one another. While this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

According to Makow, organized Jewry and its Masonic allies are following this script, based on end times biblical prophesies. It calls for mass destruction of all people. The New World Order would then rise from the debris.

As the world is being readied for world war three, there are only five nations left in the world without a Rothschild-controlled central bank: Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba and Libya. According to the American Free Press (3/16/09), every American bank is now part of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve scam.


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
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21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
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