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These psychoactive plants and cacti are not only fun to cultivate, they can also provide you with a great psychedelic gift as a reward for the challenge. Mother Nature at her finest!
By Truth Seeker (from 29/07/2014 @ 09:08:58, in en - Video Alert, read 4088 times)

Azarius has painstakingly searched the globe for only the finest genetics, with viable cuttings and live plants of Salvia divinorum, Iboga and more.

And no collection would be complete without our sacred mescaline cacti: Peyote (Lophophora williamsii), San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi) and Peruvian Torch (Trichocereus peruvianus). These cacti are cultivated, not taken from their natural habitat (where they have become quite scarce). Available in pots, cacti cluster, cuttings and in the form of grow kits for cultivating your own cacti. Cacti connoisseurs will be especially interested in the San Pedro crestate and Trichocereus bridgesii monstrose mutations; rare and beautiful varieties.


Iboga (Tabernanthe iboga) cutting

Native to western Central Africa, Iboga is a perennial rainforest plant and hallucinogen that can stimulate the central nervous system and induce visions. Tabernanthe Iboga can grow up to approximately 2 meters; in the right conditions it can grow up to 10 meters.

The Iboga plant has small leaves and its flowers are white and pink. The fruit can be oval or round spherical shaped and has an orange colour. The root bark has the highest concentration of the alkaloid Ibogaine.

The Bwiti of Central Africa use Iboga, or more accurately the psychoactive component Ibogaine as part of their spiritual practices as they regard Iboga as the true tree of knowledge. Traditionally, small doses of the Iboga root bark are eaten or used for tea to reach stimulant and aphrodisiac effects. In higher doses a visionary state can be reached. In western society Ibogaine is used in treating chemical dependence.

Note: When your cutting arrives it may differ from our photograph and seem withered, but if you follow the steps below you'll quickly see it liven up again.

Growing Iboga

This Iboga cutting allows you to grow an Iboga plant at home. The cutting is shipped in a glass tube with agar, to ensure it survives the journey. As soon as you receive it, carefully take the cutting out of the casing and wash all the agar from the roots. Next, plant it in a pot and put it in the filter bag (included) to let it harden. Keep the Iboga moist at all times and slowly poke holes in the bag to let it acclimatize to dryer air. If the plant becomes stressed, you can cover up the holes with tape until it recovers.

The agar in this tube is naturally black due to added nutrients.

Mexican Tarragon (Tagetes lucida) live plant

A live plant of Mexican Tarragon (Tagetes lucida), to be planted in your outdoor garden or balcony pots. Tagetes Lucida, also known as Sweet marigold, is a member of the Sunflower family. It is a beautiful, bright green perennial plant from the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico.

The first known use of Mexican Tarragon was as a ritual incense by the Aztec, who called it yauhtli or 'plant of the clouds'. The Huichol Indians used it in vision ceremonies. The Maya also believed the Tagetes species to have magical properties and used a variety in their sacred balché drink.

Nowadays the fresh herb is used worldwide. For example, one can easily find a bundle of fresh Tagetes lucida flowers at markets in Mexico. Locals use it as a spice, as a remedy for various ailments or as a ritual herb.


Peruvian Torch (Trichocereus peruvianus)

Another beautiful member of the "San Pedro" family, also known as the Peruvian Torch (Trichocereus peruvianus). This cactus has been used as a religious sacrament by a small number of Indian tribes in northern Peru. It’s probably the most powerful and magical specie from the Trichocereus family. The spines from this cactus are brown, but they turn grey as they get older.

T. peruvianus contains about the same concentration of mescaline as the San Pedro T. pachanoi cactus.

This cactus is a rapid and easy grower. It can be easily grown from seed. It tolerates a lot when it comes to its ideal growing circumstances. Therefore this cactus is perfect for the beginning cultivator. Under normal circumstances it will grow about 30 centimetres each year. In the summer it needs a lot of sun. A few hours of direct sunlight and the rest of the day indirect sunlight is the optimal sun exposure. When the roots have fully grown it needs only a little bit of water. Standard cactus soil will do for growing this species.

The small thornless Peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) originates from the south of Texas and northern Mexico. The plant is a very important religious sacrament in many native American cultures of Central and North-America. In Mexico the cactus is also sold as a medicine against blindness, fever and many other diseases.

The active alkaloids of the Peyote cactus are:

mescaline (3,4,5- trimethoxy-B-phenethylamine)
The most important active alkaloid is mescaline.

Only one in a thousand San Pedro cacti (Trichocereus pachanoi) will grow into a crestate mutation. This large and beautiful entheogenic cactus is a lust for the eye. Don't be ashamed to get this cactus into your home only for decoration!

The San Pedro cactus is the oldest known magical plant from South America. Originally, this plant comes from Ecuador and Peru, where it still grows on the highlands at 2000 - 3000 metres.

The cactus can be grown under dry and wet circumstances, it grows quicker when it's watered regularly. However, without water the plant can survive for years and even produce new sprouts.

Semi and full crestate San Pedro

Two forms of the San Pedro crestate are available: a full crestate and semi crestate. Both forms are shipped in pot. The height varies between 20 to 30 cm.

The full crestate is a cactus that has immediately developed into a large fan shape, while the semi hasn't mutated until later, showing a crestate form on top of an otherwise (somewhat) regular San Pedro stem. Either form is quite a collector's item, but also equally potent as the regular cactus.

Effects - San Pedro Crestate

Mescaline cacti allow you to explore your inner fantasy world. They will give you a trip with spiritual, colourful visions and feelings of inner tranquillity, oneness with life, heightened awareness and rapid thought flow. The subject-object consciousness disappears, en you feel you are melted away in the sensory (mainly visual) perception. This comes mostly together with indescribable feelings of happiness.

The San Pedro trip is less heavy and 'friendlier' on the body than the Peyote trip. The nausea during the first hour after consumption will be less than with the Peyote.


The San Pedro crestate can be consumed just like the regular San Pedro, either fresh or dried.


Try not to eat at least 6 hours before consuming the cacti. Remove the skin and thorns. Make sure you peel thinly as most of the active substances are concentrated just beneath the skin. You can now eat the meat around the wooden core. Beware of splinters. This cactus also tastes very bitter. The best thing to avoid the bitterness is to drink it with sour fruit juice, just as pineapple or grapefruit juice.

A tastier way of consuming the cacti is to make tea of them. Remove the thorns and cut the cacti in small pieces. Boil them for 2-3 hours in a closed pan with low heat. After letting it cool down you can mix it with fruit juice or honey.

The cacti can be dried by cutting them into slices and putting them in an oven on 50°C for 4 or 5 hours. Then you can eat the slices. An often occurring first effect is nausea. Some people say eating ginger helps to avoid the nausea.

Mescaline dosage

Remember that potency can vary greatly. Therefore it is best not to take the dosage all at once, but to build up the dosage gradually: take half of the dosage, wait an 60 to 90 minutes to see what the effect is, then if desired take half of what is left over and if necessary repeat. A San Pedro trip takes about two to two and a half hours to peak.

Mescaline dosages:
150 mg threshold dosage
150 - 300 mg light to moderate dosage
300 - 400 mg strong trip, last 6- 12 hours
450 - 500 mg possible ego dissolution, trip will last about 12 hours
500 - 600 mg definite ego dissolution, trip can last up to 24 hours
Fresh Cactus to mescaline ratio:
400 g contains about 480 mg Mescaline - 0.12% mescaline per gram of cactus (according to Schultes & Hofmann)

Dried Cactus to mescaline ratio:
100 g contains about 200 - 300 mg Mescaline - 0.2 - 0.3% mescaline per gram of cactus. Dry weight is 25% of the fresh weight (75% water)


Do not combine with alcohol, MAO-Inhibitors or other stimulants.
Do not use when pregnant, depressed, on medication, driving motorized vehicles, under 18 years old. When you're using San Pedro make sure there's someone with you to assist you when necessary.

Source: http://azarius.net/smartshop/live_plants/?a=788