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SCRUBS - Season 1, Episode 7 - My Super Ego
By Admin (from 12/11/2010 @ 08:00:05, in en - Video Alert, read 2241 times)

During rounds, J.D. is doing exceptionally well. However, there is one other intern who is equally as good at being a doctor as him - Nick Murdoch. Nick has a patient, Peter who keeps getting worse. Nurse Roberts keeps him updated on Peter's status. Eventually Nick surpasses J.D. as the leader of the interns, after he is asked to write a paper for Dr. Cox, and after he takes a bullet for the other interns.


In surgery, Dr. Wen notices a smell, and Turk gets afraid that he accidentally nipped a colon of a patient. It turns out that The Todd farted, but Turk gets frightened that he could make a mistake in surgery and kill someone. After Elliot asks Carla if Turk was alright, Carla gets upset that Turk doesn't talk to her about his problems. Dr. Cox eventually gives both Turk and Carla advice on how the stress of how the hospital can make people not want to talk about their problems.


Later, J.D. and Nick talk and J.D. realizes that Nick isn't so bad after all. As soon as J.D. gets back running an errand for Nick, he can't be found. Nick can't handle Peter's deteriorating condition, and quits Sacred Heart.

Read more: http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/My_Super_Ego#ixzz13SnoVZDz