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Bell Book & Candle Restaurant in NYC Features Aeroponic Rooftop Garden.
By Admin (from 24/02/2011 @ 10:00:49, in en - Science and Society, read 2187 times)

Bell, Book & Candle restaurant in the West Village is using its roof to grow sixty percent of its ingredients via energy-efficient Aeroponic growing towers. Led with Chef John Mooney’s locavore beliefs, Mooney’s initiatives transcend the typical local farm-to-table restaurant. By growing vertically, Mooney is able to control what goes into each vegetable, with a contained water system and no soil – meaning no additives or pesticides are necessary.

Furthermore, since Bell, Book & Candle is self-supplying, fruits and veggies are picked at their peak and used immediately, rather than being stored for long periods of time. A carbon neutral pulley brings each day’s harvest down into the kitchen to be turned into mouth-watering dishes such as Roasted Heirloom Pumpkin Soup, Rooftop Mixed Green Salad, and Gin & Tonic Wild Salmon with caramelized cauliflower. Any produce that isn’t sourced from above is instead purchased from a cold-weather greenhouse in nearby Lancaster, PA. But it really doesn’t get any fresher than rooftop-to-table!

Source: InHabitat - zeitnews.org