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Vote For Changeless Change: 2012 - Goldman Sachs owns both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
By Admin (from 07/09/2012 @ 05:01:19, in en - Video Alert, read 1723 times)

Goldman Sachs owns both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and Romney will serve the wishes of Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, the Military-Industrial-Complex, and the Pharmacutical-Medical-Insurance-Complex just the same as Barack Obama has for the past 3+ years.

Whichever candidate becomes President of the United States in 2012, they will be owned by Goldman Sachs and they will do the bidding of Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, the Military-Industrial-Complex, and the Pharmacutical-Medical-Insurance-Complex regardless of whatever campaign promises they made to the American voters.

Source: truththeory.com