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Fox News: Marijuana Oil Helps 3-Year-Old Son Beat Cancer. VIDEO.
By Admin (from 30/09/2012 @ 03:03:18, in en - Video Alert, read 1780 times)

What would you do if your 3-year old son was stricken with brain cancer? Most parents wouldn’t think twice about bringing their child to a mainstream doctor, only to undergo modern-day cancer ‘treatments’ such as chemotherapy. This is what one father, Mike Hyde, from Montana did when his 3 year old was diagnosed with brain cancer, but the father doesn’t attribute his sons victory against cancer with the use of chemotherapy or any other mainstream treatment; the dad actually says marijuana oil is what made the young boy beat cancer. While the story isn’t recent, it is one that everyone should hear about.

marijuanaleaves2 Marijuana Oil Helps 3 Year Old Son Beat Cancer, Dad Says

Marijuana Oil Helps 3-Year-Old Son Beat Cancer

In May of 2010, radiologists at Community Medical Center in Missoula, Mont., discovered a stage 4 brain tumor in a 20-month-old boy named Cash. Shortly after the tumor was discovered, the toddler was brought to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he was placed in intensive care. It was recommended that Cash receive three cycles of chemotherapy, only to be followed by another 3 cycles of high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue. The boy would also receive ‘max amounts’ of anti-nausea pharmaceutical medications.

“After his first round of high-dose chemo in August 2010, he no longer ate anything, and this went on through September. He was getting worse and worse…By the end of September he was so sick. He no longer was able to take feedings into his G-tube. His stomach lining was burnt from the chemotherapy, it was no longer processing anything – it was fried. I asked doctors if there was anything else we can give him and they said ‘We’re giving him max amounts of all anti-nausea medications we can give him.’ They basically told me that this was as good as it was going to get. I told them that it was unacceptable,” Hyde said.

Cash Hyde Hospital

Cash was diagnosed with a PNET brain tumor at 20-months-old. He spent nine months in the hospital. (www.cashhydefoundation.com)

The results of the chemotherapy were less than effective, as with most chemotherapy treatments, and the anti-nausea drug cocktail was causing numerous side-effects. These results caused Hyde to pull his son off of the medication, and begin secretly administering .3 milligrams of marijuana oil through his sons’s G-tube. Hyde says that once he began with the marijuana oil, his son started eating again and his quality of life completely changed for the better. The father was told that it was a miracle that his son began sitting up and laughing again.

“Doctors told us he was not going to make it. He was on life support for 40 days and was in a medically-induced coma. They said he would have brain damage and his lungs would fail. But I knew the medicine (marijuana oil) was in his body, and that helped him heal. It helped to rebuild his stomach lining, his liver and his lungs. He walked out of the ICU in mid-December. The nurses and doctors called him a ‘Christmas miracle’,” says Hyde.


Was this one of the few cases where chemo ended up working? Perhaps, but the this mainstream treatment nearly killed the young boy in the process.

“It brought him to the edge of life, and if I wouldn’t have stepped in when I did, he wouldn’t be here right now,” Hyde explained. “The marijuana oil was the best pain drug available for Cashy, as well as a neuro-protectant, antioxidant and antibacterial. I know it saves Cash’s life.”

Seeing how marijuana oil helped the young boy to survive isn’t surprising – the benefits of medical marijuana are vast, with the plant even able to fight cancer. The point of this story is to recognize that alternative solutions do exist which can be utilized. The marijuana and cancer relationship is very real; this is just one more of many cases that proves it.

Author: Mike Barrett - Sources: naturalsociety.com & Fox News (By Karlie Pouliot - Published on May 05, 2011)