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Paul Connett, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University Talks With Alex Jones About Fluoridation of Drinking Water. VIDEO.
By Admin (from 10/10/2012 @ 03:09:47, in en - Science and Society, read 2828 times)

Mr. Connett has voiced his concern over the dangers posed by fluoride and the very poor science underpinning its supposed efficacy in 'protecting children's teeth.'

Actual studies, (like the ones done, by the National Institute of Dental Research) on 39,000 children, show NO Significant Difference In The Number of Cavities, on Those Who Drank Fluoridated Water, vs. Those Who Didn't, Proves, (In fact) That Fluoride CAN, Give You "Dental Fluorosis" a sophisticated name, for Brown, Pitted Teeth.

In 1954, the Christian Science Monitor surveyed all 81 Nobel Prize winners in the fields of chemistry, medicine and physiology on their opinion regarding water fluoridation. Seventy-nine percent, failed to endorse water fluoridation.

Fluoride Poisoning & Cancer:
Fluoride can give you a lot of other things too, namely cancer, including osteosarcoma in children.

Qualified scientists in numerous laboratory tests have found that fluoride in water, even 1.0 part per million, (the amount typically used in water fluoridation) is a carcinogen and mutagen.

Fluoridation of water causes 20,000 plus cancer deaths per year in the U.S.

Other Poisoning Maladies:
If you're pregnant, fluoride may increase your chances of having a child with Down's syndrome.

If you're a senior, it will make you more likely to have hip fractures.

If you're a virile guy, it could make you infertile as it tends, (according to a study in India) to cause testicular damage.

A little fluoride goes a long way, because it accumulates in the bones, teeth, in our food chain and within the environment.

Fluoridated Water Often Contains Other Highly Toxic Materials:
The fluoride that is most likely added to your water supply, is really hydrofluorosilicic acid in a "hazardous waste liquor" which also contains lead, mercury, beryllium, radioactive material, arsenic and other pollutants.

The Cover-up:
"Fluoridation is an attempt by industry to camouflage their deadliest pollutant, with government officials and Madison Avenue advertisers beating the drums. The fluoridation empire is like a castle built on quicksand", says Gladys Caldwell, author, "Fluoridation and Truth Decay", 1974.

As far back as April of 1950 in the Journal of the American Dental Association, (Vol. 40:440) a study by G. J. Cox and H.C. Hodge, "Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry", made it clear that fluoride is a poison: "Some of the basic and necessary metabolic processes in the cell are stopped by concentrations of fluorides such as those found in acute poisoning. These changes are comparable to those seen in high-grade anoxia (lack of sufficient oxygen in the body tissues) and are the basis for describing fluorides as general protoplasmic poisons."

Historically, Fluorides WERE Used -- For Mind Control:
Research scientist, Charles Elliot Perkins, (sent by the U.S. Government to take charge of I.G. Farben chemical plants in Germany following WWII) discovered that;
"The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty." In his report to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in October of 1954, he said, "Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him."

This is why Fluorides are a key ingredient of PROZAC and many other psychiatric drugs ... PROZAC, scientific name Fluoxetine, is 94% fluoride.

Source: casescorner.com