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Prayer does not work: the untold suffering throughout the world should be evidence enough that no creator is watching over us; people start wars, abuse children and animals, and there’s no deity to prevent that.
By Admin (from 22/10/2012 @ 04:03:54, in en - Science and Society, read 1609 times)

Many people find it comforting to believe that someone else is looking out for them, watching over them, and guiding them gently through the path of life. Indeed, life would be so much simpler if someone else were responsible for our destiny, for countering evil with good, and for ensuring that caring people enjoy a comfortable afterlife.

Many well-intentioned but misguided people will tell you prayer is the answer to the problems of the world. They’d have you believe that if only you pray often enough and hard enough, you can realize your most precious goals. Unfortunately, this is not reality.

The untold suffering throughout the world should be evidence enough that no benevolent creator is watching over us, helping justice and fairness to triumph. People start wars, people abuse children and animals, and there’s no deity to prevent that.

You are responsible for your own happiness, and you alone are responsible for your own successes and failures.

Be an honest person for its own value – not from fear of spending an eternity in hell. Success in life requires hard work and logical thinking, and these are the values you must strive for.

Source: kenyanfreethinkers.org