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How does Fascist Face Book works? Why your account got disabled? Is it really a fist in the mouth of kind users?
By Admin (from 07/11/2012 @ 12:40:09, in en - Global Observatory, read 2570 times)

During the last days, we posted on ShittyFaceBook less then the usual. After more then 12 hours of inactivity, when trying to connect and share with Turismo Associati's Facebook friends, we've got this messagge: "Facebook Login - Account Disabled - Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ (it reads FuCK) page here."

So we want to know what happened (yes, we like to consider ourselves free persons)...

Disabled - Harassment


The Merriam Webster dictionary gives this definition of the transitive verb

HARASS \hə-ˈras; ˈher-əs, ˈha-rəs\

1   a : exhaust, fatigue

    b (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct

2:  to worry and impede by repeated raids

Of course, FaceBook is above common sense (must come with the C.I.A. ownership):

One of Facebook's main priorities is the comfort and safety of our members. Your account has been disabled for violating Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

Our policies prohibit:

¡ Credible threats to harm others or the promotion of self-destructive behavior

¡ Targeting individuals on the site is not allowed

¡ Hate speech or singling people out based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or disease

¡ Graphic content including sadistic displays of violence against people or animals and depictions of sexual assault

Not to mention that if this generic answer does not answer your doubts, Facebook invites users to go away: If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, please contact us.

This is great, they connect to your mail account to see again if you are you (who the hell should you be?!) so they get free access to your private e-mails (what would you do with your privacy anyway?).

But they have two more funny questions:

Does Facebook disable everyone that gets reported?

A Facebook administrator looks into each report to decide the appropriate course of action. If no violation of our community standards has occurred, no action will be taken. If a violation has occurred, you may receive a warning or become disabled, depending on the severity of the violation.

Yeap! You got confused. Don't worry, you've got millions of neurons that you can lose...

What if I didn't receive a warning before becoming disabled?

Depending on the severity of the violation, a warning might not have been issued before disabling your account. Please note that we do not restore accounts that were disabled for severe violations of the Facebook Community Standards.

In conclusion, it seems Turismo Associati, the Trilingual World Observatory: italiano, english, românã; GLOBAL NEWS & more, harassed your ass with information.

Our advice?

Look outside your window and see the Sun. Go take a walk and FUBAR FascistFaceBook. You are too beautiful to be spied by some perverted liars.

Author: TA, the one that had some good moments with you my ex Facebook friends, the one that was designated to post TurismoAssociati.it's news articles on that "social network".

Here are some facts about What is FACEBOOK:

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