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By Truth Seeker (from 27/04/2013 @ 02:04:34, in en - Global Observatory, read 2315 times)

The Rothschild International Banking Family who are Russian Khazars who were originally from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia and associates which also includes members of the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor, Bundy, Collins, duPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Morgan, Sachs, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, Sassoon, Schiff, Taft and Van Duyn are responsible for over 3 billion mass murders in the last 250 years through their manipulation, finance and control of wars and conflicts, starvation, malnutrition, slavery, famine, holocausts, genocide, ethnic cleansing, disease and other methods are set to be indited in the International Court of Justice as the biggest war criminal the world has ever known, after 30 years on investigations have been complete by a special investigation team funded by the real Jewish business people whose families were murdered in Death Camps by poisons originally designed to kill insects made and produced in factories belonging to these evil criminally insane Mass Murderers.

Rothschild Banking Family Friends and business associates murderess control of over three billion deaths on the planet earth for over 250 years. These people control the central banks in most major countries around the world which includes The USA Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia, the Federal Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Canadian Federal Reserve Bank and many more. In fact there is only about six large countries they do not control the central banks of which includes Iran. That is of the many reasons why they are determined to make war against Iran which will be the third world war, which will be used to create chaos and fear by everyone in the world so that everyone willing agrees to their One World Order plan with One Government, One Army and One Bank to control the world with everyone on the world will willingly have Micro Chips implanted in them which will track their every move on the planet and have all their personal information and money on these RDIF Radio Tracking Chips. In anyone wants to complain about the way the world is run by these powerful elite, then they will simply just term off their chip and they will not be able to buy food, obtain transport, get into their house, or do anything else as the whole of society will be based around the use of these micro chips.


These evil, criminally insane Russian Khazars who were originally from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia, and are fraudulent pretending to be Jews (which they are not real or genuine Jews at all), so they can fraudulently claim control of Palestine and Israel for themselves have been responsible for the manipulation, and have taken over London and Britain, as their head financial office, Washington and the USA as their main Military office, and the Vatican City as the religious and spiritual office, using each county's armies they control central banks in as their own personal armies to fight what are really "bankers wars", not real countries wars for power, money, gold, oil, land ownership and control and ownership of all the natural resources on the planet Earth, control, financing, execution and masterminding the deaths of over one billion people on plant Earth since the 1700's be methods for having the shot, blown up, starved to death, manipulated diseases and convincing them that they should kill each other over disputes over money, religion, land, power, oil, gold, and racial hatred and any other possible way of getting people to fight each other and/or paying people to fight and kill each other, all for the purpose of profit, greed and power, with the long term aim of obtaining control and/or ownership of all the world's money, gold, silver, oil, uranium and other precious metals and natural resources, the world's food supply, the world's land and seas and rivers, with the long term aim of becoming the sole rulers of a one World Government and Powerbase, which has one World Bank and One World Army. In a world were the whole world is run by one big computer monitored by a satellite and every man women and child have a RFID radio controlled Mirco Chip implanted into the that monitors every move, action and transaction they make with every part of society's activities being fully dependant on this microchip being active, and all money on these chips, everyones ID and all their personal information will be on these chips and if at anytime anyone dares to protest of what the One World Government are doing to the people on Earth or violate what the controllers of the One World Government want, they will simply just turn off their chip. It will also be a world where the One World Government will control the supply, production, coding, labelling and licensing of all food, herbs, plants, animals, birds, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables etc. under their One World Controlled Codex Alimentarius Commission, their United Nations, World Trade Organisation, WHO and their Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) so that all intake, production and manufacture, licensing and labelling off food, herbs and nutrients will be controlled by them and only foods, herbs and nutrients that are listed on their approved list and the the nutrients and pesticide levels approved by them are allowed to be consumed on Earth with the overall effect that over 3 billion people will die of starvation, malnutrition and disease through low levels of healthy and naturally nutritious nutrients, vitamins and minerals in the food and high levels of dangerous toxic chemicals and pesticides, growth hormones and geneticly engineered ingredients in the food for the general population, with only the very elite at the top of their Illuminati organisation and their families being able to purchase and grow healthy and natural food where they will have a proper balanced nutrients, vitamins and minerals.