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LIFETIME A SLAVE, by Ford Turani for the Multilingual World Observatory
By Admins (from 26/02/2014 @ 07:03:25, in en - Global Observatory, read 3979 times)

I said it and I repeat it: I am ashamed to belong to the human race. Among all animal species, the human race is the most infamous, capable of the biggest monstrosities imaginable. We are the only species on this marvelous planet that manipulates its fellow humans through slavery, religion and politics.

And we always manage to motivate that it is righteous what we do, because that's what God wants. And we have the Bible full of passages which adjust to every injustice we perpetrate to others: Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. Exodus 21: 20-21

How hypocritical can we be to consider ourselves one with God? To consider the fairy tales as reality is called paranoid schizophrenia. But if one could discuss rationally with religious people, there would be no religious people. The only god is the Nature and the laws that guides it.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards themselves? Why don't we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from, and kill people, so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal and kill us?

EPPS: What right? I bought 'em. I paid for 'em.

BASS: Of course you did. The law says you have the right to hold a nigger, but begging the law's pardon...it lies. Is everything right because the law allows it? Suppose they'd pass a law taking away your liberty and making you a


BASS: Suppose.

EPPS: That ain't a supposable case.

BASS: Because the law states that your liberties are undeniable? Because society deems it so? Laws change.
Social systems crumble. Universal truths are constant. It is a
fact, it is a plain fact that what is true and right is true and right for all. White and black alike.

EPPS: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yah compare me to a nigger, Bass? Yah might as well ask what the difference is between a white man and a baboon. Now, I seen one of them critters in Orleans that knowed just as much as any nigger I got. Yah'd call them fellers citizens, I s'pose?

BASS: Look here; you can't laugh me down in that way. These niggers are human beings. If they are allowed to scale no higher than brute animals, you and men like you will
have to answer for it. There's an ill...

EPPS: Ahhh!

BASS: A fearful ill, resting on this nation...

EPPS: You betray yourself a foreigner!

BASS: That will not go unpunished forever. There will be a
reckoning yet.

March, 1852, conversation between Epps, a slave owner and Bass, a canadian hired and paid to build with the help of the slaves an extension to the villa of the former, dialogue from the movie 12 Years a Slave, after a true story narrated in the book with the same name by Solomon Northup, a violinist, black free citizen, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery.

Agence France-Presse presented a series of news in 2011: dozens of seasonal agricultural workers coming from the Balkans and the Indian subcontinent were released from the hands of armed exploiters in Greece where they were forced to work in greenhouses under conditions similar to slavery, mistreated, with the wages seized and forced to sleep in improvised shelters near the fields of work.

In 2009 DutchNews reported of about 50 workers, many from Romania, who were abused when working on an asparagus plantation in Holland, living in miserable, similar to slavery conditions. All of them lived in one dirty room with no windows, without having the right to leave the farm and being forced to buy the food at exorbitant prices. The owner of the farm was penalized by the authorities since 2005, accumulating fines amounting to over half a million euro for hiring illegal immigrants and paying them below the minimum wage.

Do we have to wonder that the american prisons, many of private management, are even today filled with people jailed for minor offenses such as consuming a plant like cannabis (marijuana), plant that never killed a single person, universal panacea used on Earth for thousands of years to treat many diseases and ailments? Hemp breathes in four times the carbon dioxide of trees, it can be used to make paper products, textiles, moulded plastics, food for humans and livestock, essential oils, nutritional supplements, it can be utilized with great success in constructions, and yet its cultivation today is illegal in most countries.

The president of the British Medical Association Sir John Russell Reynolds stated in 1890 that the "Indian Hemp, when pure and administred carefully, is one of the most valuable medicines we possess."

And yet, human ignorance overwhelms us. The current educational systems generate continuously individuals less and less trained, proud of their nationalities, religions and the nonsense society and the more corrupted governments print them in the subconscious as values.

"As an oncologist, I see patients who have extreme pain, depression and nausea... I feel comfortable being able to recommend one medication - a medication they can even grow themselves, which is very empowering - with few side effects, rather than multiple prescriptions for medications with severe side effects" declared Donald Abrams, MD, about marijuana.

You really do not notice the veil that prevents you from seeing the truth about your freedom in this so-called democracy? Don't you understand who is stopping you to be free and abuses and manipulates you?

Plato said that good people don't need laws to tell them to act responsibly but bad people will always find a way around the laws.

Laws are created precisely by our oppressors. The government is the one who exploits you.

According to the data offered by California Prison Focus and reported by GlobalResearch, no other society in human history has imprisoned so many of its own citizens as the United States of America. The U.S. has locked up more people than any other country: a half million more than China, which has a population five times greater than the United States. Statistics reveal that the U.S.A. holds 25% of the world’s prison population, but only 5% of the world’s people.

It's all a business for the government. This is owned by the corporations. The prison industry complex has its investors on Wall Street.Just think of this fact: today, in Texas, a person may be sentenced for up to two years’ imprisonment for possessing 4 ounces of marijuana; in New York, the 1973 Nelson Rockefeller anti-drug law provides for a mandatory prison sentence of 15 years to life for possession of 4 ounces of any illegal drug.

All this while the riches of the world do whatever they want, plotting wars, economic crises, participating in often pedophile sexual orgies, just think of Berlusconi and others like him.

A fish always rots from the head down; inform yourself about the negotiations between the Italian State and Cosa Nostra (Mafia): it's not anymore just an hypothesis, the journalistic and judicial research approaches the final conclusion, namely that negociations between representatives of the Italian State and the Mafia took place after the bombing season of '92 and '93, resulting in the merging of the two institutions. What is the big difference between a tax extortion of protection from gangsters to have a commercial activity and the imprisonment of citizens made by the government if one does not pay the taxes?

Following the studies that confirm its effectiveness (research hidden and censured by press, television, governments and politicians), increases the belief among scientists of this fact: the cannabidiol (CBD) present in marijuana slows down the growth of tumor cells and inhibits the formation of the cells that feed tumors, thereby combating cancer and metastasis. Already known the capabilities of these substances to alleviate pain, nausea and other effects related to various diseases.

For how long we will be lied and manipulated by our peers? Homo hominis lupus. Only we can liberate ourselves from the slavery in which we live, of whatever nature it may be. We can only be kept in the cages we do not or refuse to see.

In 1910, The Encyclopaedia Britannica defined anarchism as: the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups.

Interesting the differences between the definitions given by the various powers that controlled and controls a country.

In 1958, the modern Romanian language dictionary explains anarchy as the: Condition of disorganization, disorder, chaos in a country, an institution etc.; insubordination, indiscipline of an individual against an organized community. - State of production, specific to the capitalist system, in which (because of private ownership of the means of production) the social production activity is unplanned and without supervision, leading to periodic crises and unemployment.

The Romanian language explanatory dictionary from 1998 considers anarchy as a: State of disorganization, disorder, chaos in a country, an institution etc. - Attitude of disobedience, misbehavior of an individual against an organized community.

I just want to ask you this: do you consider that our present society is organized in a fair and acceptable manner, and when you will understand that you are here on Earth only to improve the conditions of those who come after you? When you will realize that we are all one?

Ford Turani for www.TurismoAssociati.it

12 Years a Slave - Screenplay by John Ridley: http://d97a3ad6c1b09e180027-5c35be6f174b10f62347680d094e609a.r46.cf2.rackcdn.com/film_scripts/12YAS_SCRIPT_BK_COVER_PAGES_FINAL.pdf

Grecia: 35 de muncitori romani care lucrau in conditii de sclavie, eliberati de politie: http://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-diaspora-8506922-grecia-35-muncitori-romani-care-lucrau-conditii-sclavie-eliberati-politie.htm

Staff in 'near slavery' on asparagus farm: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2009/05/staff_in_near_slavery_on_aspar.php

Disillusions of Anarchy: The Common Perception of Anarchy in Modern Day Society: http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/classes/Anarchy/finalprojects/flores/anarchy.html

TRATTATIVA STATO MAFIA/ Lo Stato e Cosa Nostra: http://www.infiltrato.it/inchieste/italia/trattativa-stato-mafia-lo-stato-e-cosa-nostra

The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-prison-industry-in-the-united-states-big-business-or-a-new-form-of-slavery/8289

Arrivano nuove conferme: la marijuana combatte il cancro: life.wired.it/news/salute/2012/09/12/arrivano-nuove-conferme-la-marijuana-combatte-il-cancro.html