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Category lists all our herbs under our Herbs of the Gods label, which includes some potent herbal extracts. Where to Buy?
By Truth Seeker (from 26/07/2014 @ 04:06:54, in en - Science and Society, read 4036 times)

These herbs are known for their energizing effects. If caffeine is giving you the jitters and you're looking for a replacement, this is the place to be. Several energy herbs can be used to lose weight.


Cha de Bugre (Cordia salicifolia)

Cha de Bugre, or Cordia salicifolia, is used in Brazil for appetite suppression and weight loss. Rather than cutting off appetite altogether, Cha de Bugre gives one a sense of being full and satiated after eating only a few bites of food.

These herbs and extracts are all known for promoting a sensual state of mind and invigorating the body.

Catuaba (Erythroxylum catuaba)
Catuaba is the most famous of all Brazilian aphrodisiacs. Improves potency, enhances sexual excitement and gives more powerful orgasms.

Red Kwao Krua (Butea superba) extract 25x

Butea superba is a herb from Thailand which enhances the male libido and improves the erection. According to user experiences, this natural herb rivals the effects of big brand aphrodisiacs.


Damiana Especial (Turnera diffusa)

Damiana Especial is a finer quality of Damiana harvested earlier. This not only makes the herb a lot fresher, it also ensures a younger, more flavourful herb.

A selection of herbs renowned for their hallucinogenic effects. Wormwood, for example, is the basic ingredient for the famous drink absinthe. These herbs can be consumed in different ways, for example by making tea from them or by chewing them well.


Absinthe kit
A professional kit to make yourself one litre of absinthe. The absinthe will have the same taste as the original drink from the 19th and early 20th century.

Sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia) extract 10x
Extract of the sacred, shamanistic Sinicuichi plant from South America. Gives euphoria, relaxation and (auditory) hallucinations.

Source: http://azarius.net/smartshop/herbs/?a=788