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Azarius offers regular kanna herb as well as a variety of more potent kanna extracts.
By Truth Seeker (from 28/07/2014 @ 06:00:47, in en - Global Observatory, read 2171 times)

We know of kanna (also called canna or channa) as the dried plant material of the genus Sceletium tortuosum, a small plant indigenous to South Africa. Hundreds of years ago the Hottentots (Khoikhoi) of southern African chewed, sniffed or smoked kanna. The Dutch who arrived in South Africa called it 'kaugoed', which means chewing substance.

The most important effects from kanna are relief from anxiety and stress, deepening of social contact, increase in self-confidence and euphoria. In higher dosages it may produce mild visions. Chewing kanna shortly after smoking cannabis can considerably potentiate the effects of cannabis.

Kanna extract pack
Relax your socks off even harder with these three Kanna extracts, bundled with love. Contains Kanna extract 10x, Kanna UC extract and Kanna UC 2 extract.


Kosmic Kanna pack
3 Kosmic Kanna products in one great bundle deal. Rejuvenation & relaxation!

Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) seeds
Sceletium tortuosum is a small plant native to South Africa. The wild plant has become increasingly rare and cultivation through use of Kanna seeds is highly encouraged in order to preserve this remarkable plant species.


The Euphor-E (U4E) is a blend of ingredients that will give you a special and happy sensation. You will have all night and more with Euphor-E.

You'll be buzzing with energy as if you've just had a few cups of coffee and a warm sensation of happiness will wash over you. This is a feeling you'll very much like to share; your tongue becomes looser and you become more social in company. Add this to the energizing effects and you get the perfect herbal formula for a sensational time – day or night.

Euphor-E can be used for any and all occasions where you need to bring a smile.


Kanna Happy Honey is a relaxing blend of honey, kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) and Valerian root. Mixed in a hot beverage it will induce a mellow feeling and will add some delicious flavours to your drink. Packed in handy 5 ml packages.

Source: http://azarius.net/smartshop/kanna/?a=788