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Hipster Hitler - On The Battlefield Cartoon
By Admin (from 29/11/2010 @ 13:00:41, in en - Video Alert, read 2362 times)


hai guise,

we wanted to make a more detailed ‘about’ page, and knowing that we have readers from a lot of different countries, we decided to write it, translate it to every language in google translate, then bring it back to english. If our calcualtions are correct, you should be able to run this through translate yourself to get a perfectly clear idea of who we are and what we do!

The researchers, along with friendliness toward the south, the main point of the race, now living in another continent, clan agensi house, through the Internet, have a strange sense of application.


If you have any questions, comments or death threats, be sure to email us at hipsterhitler@gmail.com

Source: hipsterhitler.com