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SCRUBS - Season 1, Episode 17 - My Student
By Admin (from 05/12/2010 @ 08:00:42, in en - Video Alert, read 2478 times)

Turk, J.D. and Elliot feel that they own the hospital and have very much found their groove as interns. All interns get medical students assigned to them. J.D.'s student, Josh, is enthusiastic but makes a lot of mistakes on his first day, causing J.D. much annoyance to the point he tells him he shouldn't be a doctor. After some time to think about the events of the day, J.D. realizes that it was him who actually failed Josh. He then forces Josh to perform a procedure the same way Dr. Cox did for J.D. on his first day.


Elliot gives her med student, the arrogant Philip Chambers, a very hard time including some of the crap she took when she was a med student. She later learns from Dr. Kelso that Philip's father, who is visiting, is the CEO of the company that owns the hospital. Elliot then lets Philip slide through everything and does many of Philip's tasks and responsibilities herself. When he sees this, Dr. Kelso tells Elliot that she can not let Philip walk all over her and when she threatens to speak with his father he becomes obedient again.


Dr. Cox is attracted to Turk's med student, Kristen Murphy. Because he is not able to ask her out properly himself, Turk ends up helping him.

Read more: http://scrubs.wikia.com/wiki/My_Student#ixzz14hFwmpjj