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By Admin (from 07/04/2011 @ 08:00:32, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 2443 times)

 Considerata, in zilele noastre, un flagel la fel de grav precum era odinioara ciuma, prin efectele sale devastatoare, obezitatea reprezinta una dintre cele mai raspândite maladii, in lumea civilizata. Ceea ce le caracterizeaza pe multe dintre persoanele supraponderale, este foamea neostoita, dorinta permanenta de a ingurgita ceva. Nu-i de mirare ca grasimea se acumuleaza, vasele sangvine se ingusteaza, iar sanatatea se subrezeste. Cine e de vina pentru o astfel de foame pantagruelica? Raspunsul la aceasta intrebare a fost dat de oamenii de stiinta de la Universitatea Saint Louis, care, incercând sa gaseasca explicatia pierderilor de memorie suferite de pacientii obezi sau de diabetici, au remarcat ca in creierul acestora nu este secretat un hormon numit leptina.

Responsabile de producerea hormonului respectiv sunt celulele grase, care "anunta" când sa ne oprim din mâncat. Contrar celor crezute pâna in prezent, nu anumite mecanisme din creier declanseaza si opresc senzatia de foame, ci acest hormon, care circula prin tot organismul, trecând si prin creier.

"La persoanele obeze, leptina nu ajunge insa in creier, pentru a ajuta la regularizarea apetitului", spune dr. Susan A. Farr, profesor la departamentul de medicina geriatrica al Universitatii Saint Louis. "La fel de ingrijorator e faptul ca lipsa leptinei afecteaza creierul si in alte privinte, compromitând procesele de invatare si de memorare. Acest aspect a fost observat atât la persoanele supraponderale, cât si la bolnavii de diabet."

 Cercetatorii americani au observat ca dupa ce au primit o doza mai mare de leptina, cobaii de laborator au reusit sa gaseasca mai repede iesirea dintr-un labirint. "Am ajuns la concluzia ca aceasta substanta afecteaza puternic procesele ce au loc in creier. Lipsa ei ii determina pe obezi sa nu mai resimta senzatia de satietate, chiar dupa ingerarea unor portii considerabile de mâncare, astfel incât ei continua sa manânce, cu o pofta absolut deloc diminuata", explica dr. Farr.

Savantii sunt convinsi ca administrarea constanta de leptina, in primul rând la cei suferinzi de obezitate morbida (oameni care devoreaza zilnic zeci de kilograme de mâncare, fara a se declara vreodata satui), va contribui la instalarea, in sfârsit, a senzatiei de satietate, imbunatatind in acelasi timp capacitatile de memorare, facându-i sa fie nu doar satui, ci si mai inteligenti! Va fi, cred cercetatorii americani, un pas important in lupta contra obezitatii, desi multi specialisti sunt de parere ca de hormonul-minune vor dori sa beneficieze mai ales femeile dornice sa aiba dimensiuni de fotomodel...


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By Admin (from 07/04/2011 @ 11:00:22, in en - Video Alert, read 2172 times)

Every nation is known for their specialty goods. Switzerland has its chocolates, France has its wine… and Thailand has its robot waiters. MK Restaurant has over 300 locations in Thailand, and has been looking for ways to modernize their operation. That includes robot greeters and servers. The MK Robot Project has encouraged Bangkok University to develop several different models that could do the job. They’ll have competition from Thailand-based CT Asia Robotics, which has already developed one restaurant-bot (Dinsow) and will soon launch another (Yumbo). Check out Dinsow and Bangkok University’s serving robot in the videos below. With a major restaurant chain backing the idea, and both academic and industrial support, Thailand might be the proving ground for the future of automated dining.


Dinsow is a wheeled robot with some decent speed and an overly happy disposition. While its batteries only last two to three hours, its personality seems to say it could go for miles just to get you a cup of coffee. The bot can be controlled via voice commands or PC base station up to 80 meters away. 10 copies of the Dinsow have served as greeters in MK Restaurants, but not as waiters. Dinsow’s arms look to be mostly for show. Not true for its sibling, Yumbo. The second CT Asia robot will be able to carry a tray and deliver food.

Yumbo is CT Asia's robot directly targeted to restaurants as a way to boost their sales. It can carry trays and change its facial expressions.

Bangkok University looks to be experimenting with several different possible forms for the MK Robot Project, all wheeled. The most promising is a model with a tray built into its chest. It can follow a line, escort someone by the arm, and avoid collisions with ultrasonics. They’ve even put it on a limited test run in a real restaurant, though you’ll have to judge its success for yourself:

Of course, Thailand’s efforts towards robotic waiters aren’t unique. China recently unveiled its own robot-themed restaurant, with their own home grown bots. Japan, too, is clearly into the concept, considering all the weird ways they’ve gotten industrial robots to serve food. In fact, Thailand’s first bot-enabled restaurant featured Motoman robots from Japan. Yet the Thai are making a strong effort to get restaurant-friendly robots into their mainstream. Dinsow only costs about $30,000 – not bad for this kind of market where restaurants might spend close to a million dollars to attract a crowd with automated servers. A low price point might be what restaurants need to take a chance and invest in the technology. In any case, whether they be from Thailand or elsewhere the robots of the world are here to serve.

Source: SingularityHub

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By Admin (from 07/04/2011 @ 14:00:53, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 3225 times)

Attraverso testimonianze storiche, il centro storico di Wolfsberg che si trova nei dintorni del municipio, si presenta nel suo lato migliore.
Il nuovo Municipio, che fu costruito dove (nel 1888) c’era la Chiesa del Santo Sangue (Blutspitalskirche), non rappresenta soltanto la sede dell’amministrazione comunale, ma è anche uno dei più belli edifici della città. Il municipio è strutturato a più piani, con su in cima un campanile, è stato ricostruito ed ampliato più volte negli ultimi anni.
Gli antichi palazzi borghesi nella Hoher Platz, che determinano essenzialmente il carattere del centro storico, nascono prevalentemente nel 16° e 17° secolo. Da vedere sono i portici del tardo gotico, le finestre del rinascimento ed i pergolati romantici. Al centro della Hoher Platz si erge una colonna barocca di 5 metri (Colonna della peste). Nel 1718 fu benedetta e fino ad oggi ricorda le paure del periodo della peste.
Dalle opere di difesa, che allora circondavano la città di Wolfsberg, si conservano ancora alcune parti quali le mura cittadine, Reckturm ed il Tribunale provinciale.
Si dice inoltre che il Palazzo in stile “paurisch” sia la casa più antica della città.
Da secoli, il Castello di Wolfsberg, situato sopra i tetti della città, è il simbolo più visibile di un passato mutevole della città di Wolfsberg. Il costruttore della fortezza, i cui primi documenti risalgono al 1178, è sconosciuto. Con il passare degli anni, la fortezza diventò – attraverso molteplici lavori di ricostruzione – un vero e proprio castello.

Nel 1846 il conte Hugo Henkel von Donnersmarck ricevette il castello e lo fece rinnovare nello stile gotico-inglese Tudor secondo i progetti degli architetti viennesi Johann Romano e August Schwendenwein. Il castello, che oggi appartiene all’industria montana carinziana, si usa anche come centro di cultura e per mostre.
È indispensabile visitare il Mausoleo del conte Donnersmarck, che fu costruito dal 1858 fino al 1859 dal berlinese August Stuler. Il Mausoleo si trova a qualche passo dal Castello di Wolfsberg.
È indispensabile visitare il Mausoleo del conte Donnersmarck, che fu costruito dal 1858 fino al 1859 dal berlinese August Stuler. Il Mausoleo si trova a qualche passo dal Castello di Wolfsberg.
La chiesa parrocchiale San Marco, i cui primi documenti risalgono al 1216, è senz’altro uno dei più antici e più importanti monumenti della città. La chiesa ha una torre alta di 72m e conserva nel suo interno delle testimonianze preziose dell’arte sacra.
Tra di esse, p.e., c’è un immagine di San Marco con il Leone che fu dipinta nel 1777 da Johann Martin Schmidt. Oggi, il quadro si trova accanto all’altare barocco. Il portale imbutiforme della chiesa rappresenta una preziosità della storia dell’arte.


La chiesa di Sant’Anna, che fu costruita nel 1497, appartiene oggi all’associazione fornai e per questo viene anche chiamata “la chiesa dei fornai”. Nel suo interno c’è un altare con trittico del tardo gotico che è senz’altro uno dei più belli della Carinzia.
L’antico monastero Minoritten, che esisteva già nella metà del 13° secolo, è spesso stato ricostruito con il passare degli anni.
Dentro le antiche mura del monastero in piazza dei Minoritten si trovano oggi delle istituzioni commerciali (Galleria comunale). La costruzione del monastero e della chiesa dei cappuccini è dovuta alla controriforma imperiale.
La storia del Castello Bayerhofen risale fino alla prima metà del 13° secolo. L’edificio ben fortificato, che ha un’arcata del 16° secolo, fu nel tempo della riforma, un punto d’incontro dei protestanti.
Infine la Chiesa della Trinità, che risale al 16° secolo, appartiene oggi alla città di Wolfsberg.
All’interno, la chiesa conserva tre altari del barocco di Franz Anton Detl nonché quadri e statue. Le opere d’arte provengono in parte dalla chiesa Blutspital, la quale nel 1888 doveva far posto alla costruzione del municipio.


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By Admin (from 08/04/2011 @ 08:00:38, in ro - Observator Global, read 3121 times)

 O "simpla" placa dreptunghiulara poate face minuni in plin desert, favorizând producerea de roua din umiditatea aerului. In desertul Neguev din Israel curge apa potabila. Si asta datorita unei placi dreptunghiulare de câtiva metri patrati acoperita cu un material plastic de culoare alba. In apropiere nu exista nici un izvor; nici un nor pe cer din care sa cada picaturi de ploaie. Doar un plan inclinat, fara fire electrice sau celule solare, pe care se prelinge apa. Apa ce curge pe intinderea de plastic nu e altceva decât roua formata in timpul noptii. Aceasta bizara "fântâna" exista si functioneaza deopotriva in regiunile aride din Arabia Saudita, Etiopia si India. Placa e prevazuta insa cu un dispozitiv care asigura o maxima condensare a umiditatii aerului in lichid.

 Un dispozitiv la care au lucrat timp de 6 ani 40 de oameni de stiinta din lumea intreaga, coordonati de un cercetator francez de la Comisariatul de energie atomica din Paris. Au fost testate cele mai performante materiale posibile, au fost realizate simulari pe calculator tinându-se cont de parametri meteorologici. Cel mai ambitios proiect apartine insa unui inginer agronom indian care lucreaza la o adevarata "uzina" de udat, in Statul Gujarat, pe coasta de vest a tarii. Cu cei 15.000 metri patrati de suprafata de condensare dintr-o folie de plastic speciala intinsa pe un vechi sit minier, inginerul indian spera sa strânga 1000-8000 de litri de apa in fiecare noapte.

Ambitiosul proiect e precedat de excelente rezultate obtinute pe suprafete mai mici in aceasta regiune arida. Instalat pe acoperisurile caselor, sistemul a permis recuperarea a circa 700 de litri de roua intr-o luna, in unele nopti recordul fiind de 70 de litri pe noapte. Sistemul da roade timp de 8 luni in timpul unui an. Cu un cost de 1,5 euro pe metru patrat, instalatia furnizeaza intre 15-20 litri pe noapte pentru fiecare casa. Acest volum de apa nu poate satisface, evident, toate nevoile celor care o locuiesc dar reprezinta o sursa de securitate.

 Pentru acest proiect, Girja Sharan a primit un premiu din partea Bancii Mondiale in 2004. Sistemul e interesant si pentru regiunile umede din nordul Europei. In Tarile de Jos, de pilda, poate asigura 10-20% din totalul apei provenite din precipitatii. Convertirea umiditatii in roua isi are, se pare, radacinile in antichitate. Istoricul grec Herodot relata faptul ca vechiul oras Theodosia, azi, Feodosia, din Ukraina, era alimentat cu apa, in urma cu 2000 de ani, prin intermediul unor constructii piramidale ciudate care condensau apa in aer.

Cercetarile efectuate in arhive si la fata locului nu au dat de urma acestor piramide"hidrologice" antice ci doar de morminte ale scitilor. Continuându-si cercetarile, arheologii au descoperit vestigiile unei platforme circulare cu un diametru de 20 de metri, construita la inceputul secolului XX. Soclul a fost acoperit cu câteva tone de pietris pentru a forma o... fântâna aeriana, probabil dupa modelul piramidelor descrise de Herodot. Sistemul n-a functionat si, câtiva ani mai târziu, intreaga instalatie a fost darâmata.


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By Admin (from 08/04/2011 @ 11:00:56, in en - Science and Society, read 2493 times)

Space launches have evoked the same image for decades: bright orange flames exploding beneath a rocket as it lifts, hovers and takes off into the sky. But an alternative propulsion system proposed by some researchers could change that vision.

Instead of explosive chemical reactions on-board a rocket, the new concept, called beamed thermal propulsion, involves propelling a rocket by shining laser light or microwaves at it from the ground. The technology would make possible a reusable single-stage rocket that has two to five times more payload space than conventional rockets, which would cut the cost of sending payloads into low-Earth orbit.

NASA is now conducting a study to examine the possibility of using beamed energy propulsion for space launches. The study is expected to conclude by March 2011.

In a traditional chemical rocket propulsion system, fuel and oxidizer are pumped into the combustion chamber under high pressure and burnt, which creates exhaust gases that are ejected down from a nozzle at high velocity, thrusting the rocket upwards.

A beamed thermal propulsion system would involve focusing microwave or laser beams on a heat exchanger aboard the rocket. The heat exchanger would transfer the radiation's energy to the liquid propellant, most likely hydrogen, converting it into a hot gas that is pushed out of the nozzle.

“The basic idea is to build rockets that leave their energy source on the ground,” says Jordin Kare, president of Kare Technical Consulting, who developed the laser thermal launch system concept in 1991. “You transmit the energy from the ground to the vehicle.”

With the beam shining on the vehicle continually, it would take 8 to 10 minutes for a laser to put a craft into orbit, while microwaves would do the trick in 3 to 4 minutes. The vehicle would have to be designed without shiny surfaces that could reflect dangerous beams, and aircraft and satellites would have to be kept out of the beam’s path. Any launch system would be built in high-altitude desert areas, so danger to wildlife shouldn’t be a concern, Kare says.

Thermal propulsion vehicles would be safer than chemical rockets since they can’t explode and don’t drop off pieces as they fly. They are also smaller and lighter because most of the complexity is on the ground, which makes them easier and cheaper to launch.

“People can launch small satellites for education, science experiments, engineering tests, etc. whenever they want, instead of having to wait for a chance to share a ride with a large satellite,” Kare says.

Another cost advantage comes from larger payload space. While conventional propulsion systems are limited by the amount of chemical energy in the propellant that's released by combustion, in beamed systems you can add more energy externally. That means a spacecraft can gain a certain momentum using less than half the amount of propellant of a conventional system, allowing more room for the payload.

“Usually in a conventional rocket you have to have three stages with a payload fraction of three percent overall,” says Kevin Parkin, leader of the Microwave Thermal Rocket project at the NASA Ames Research Center. “This propulsion system will be single stage with a payload fraction of five to fifteen percent.”

Having a higher payload space along with a reusable rocket could make beamed thermal propulsion a low-cost way to get material into low Earth orbit, Parkin says.

Parkin developed the idea of microwave thermal propulsion in 2001 and described a laboratory prototype in his 2006 PhD thesis. A practical real-world system should be possible to build now because microwave sources called gyrotrons have transformed in the last five decades, he says. One megawatt devices are now on the market for about a million US dollars.

"They're going up in power and down in cost by orders of magnitude over the last few decades,” he says. “We've reached a point where you can combine about a hundred and make a launch system."

Meanwhile, the biggest obstacle to using lasers to beam energy has been the misconception that it would require a very large, expensive laser, Kare says. But you could buy commercially available lasers that fit on a shipping container and build an array of a few hundred. "Each would have its own telescope and pointing system," he says. "The array would cover an area about the size of a golf course."

The smallest real laser launch system would have 25 to 100 megawatts of power while a microwave system would have 100 to 200 megawatts. Building such an array would be expensive, says Kare, although similar to or even less expensive than developing and testing a chemical rocket. The system would make most economic sense if it was used for at least a few hundred launches a year.

In addition, says Parkin, “the main components of the beam facility should last for well over ten thousand hours of operation, typical of this class of hardware, so the savings can more than repay the initial cost.”

In the near term, beamed energy propulsion would be useful for putting microsatellites into low Earth orbit, for altitude changes or for slowing down spacecraft as they descend to Earth. But the technology could in the future be used to send missions to the Moon or to other planets and for space tourism.

Kare has looked into the possibility of using lasers to propel interstellar probes for NASA’s Institute of Advanced Concepts. A deep space launch would require higher power lasers with larger telescope systems as well as laser relay stations in space. Powering missions over interplanetary distance would require even bigger lasers and telescopes, as well as different propulsion techniques using propellants easier to store than liquid hydrogen.

Sending a spacecraft to a moon of Jupiter, for instance, would require a laser that gives billions of watts of power. "You'd have to have another couple generations of space-based telescopes to do something like that,” Kare says. “You can in fact launch an interstellar probe that way but now you’re talking about lasers that might be hundreds of billions of Watts of power." Laser technology could reach those levels in another 50 years, he says.

Source: Astrobio

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By Admin (from 08/04/2011 @ 14:00:18, in it - Osservatorio Globale, read 3989 times)

Con 160 località di sport invernali, 16 comprensori sciistici collegati, tra cui Les Trois Vallées, (il più grande del mondo con 600 km di piste fra Courchevel, Méribel, Les Menuires e Val Thorens); Paradiski, l'ultimo in ordine di tempo, e 5800 piste di tutti i livelli, Rodano-Alpi è leader del turismo in montagna con il 37% del mercato. La regione vanta il più grande comprensorio sciistico del mondo.
I primi Giochi Olimpici invernali sono stati organizzati nel 1924 ed è stata la città di Chamonix ad ospitarli. Nel 1968, è stata la volta di Grenoble a organizzare i Giochi e per la terza volta la regione Rodano-Alpi si è vista conferire l'organizzazione del Giochi Olimpici invernali di Albertville nel 1992.
Le località sciistiche sono divise in 7 grandi famiglie.
46 località « Grand Domaine » che permettono di accedere a un comprensorio interconnesso con un unico forfait.
48 villaggi di charme che aderiscono alla carta dei Villaggi di Montagna autentici, senza costruzioni moderne e con spazi naturali intatti .
36 località « nouvelles glisses » che dispongono di istruttori specializzati e di attrezzature messe in sicurezza (snowpark, boardercross..) per la pratica delle « nouvelles glisses », ovvero sci in tutte le varianti più innovative e avventurose.
18 località-Club che uniscono modernità, comodità per lo sci ma anche svaghi e animazioni notturne.
21 siti nordici con percorsi di skating e fondo alternato battuti tutti i giorni.
12 località “altiforme ” con strutture per la balneoterapia.
24 località “famille plus” impegnate a rispettare una carta di qualità per rispondere meglio alle aspettative di genitori e ragazzi in vacanza in montagna.
Le località-star : Megève e Courchevel

Località-star e località delle star, Megève e Courchevel accolgono un pubblico esclusivo da tutto il mondo. Tom Cruise in particolare ha soggiornato alle Fermes du Grand Champ a Megève. La località ha conosciuto il suo momento di gloria alla fine della guerra con la frequentazione da parte di tutte le star parigine di Saint Germain des Prés che invadevano letteralmente questo delizioso villaggio di montagna lanciato dalla famiglia Rothschild nel 1910.
Altro momento forte negli anni 90 con la costruzione delle Fermes de Marie, seguita da numerosi hotel di lusso: Megève si è creata una nuova notorietà internazionale mantenendo il suo fascino di villaggio. Il Megève Polo Masters e la Snow Golf Cup sono eventi da non perdere per il suo “beautiful people”.
“Courch”, come la chiamano gli habitués, designa Courchevel 1850 e i suoi lussuosi palace . La vita mondana qui non si ferma mai e molti sono i negozi di lusso. Gioiello delle 3 Vallées, Courchevel è famosa in tutto il mondo grazie a un punto di forza unico : il suo comprensorio sciistico.
La maggior parte degli hotel sorgono sulle piste e permettono vacanze davvero « sci ai piedi ». Un'atmosfera di sport alla portata di tutti, ispirata da Emile Allais, ex campione del mondo di sci che è stato a lungo il direttore della stazione.
La stazione del sole: l'Alpe d'Huez
L'Alpe d'Huez, stazione sciistica del comprensorio del Massiccio delle Grandes Rousses è la più soleggiata delle Alpi del Nord. Ed è qui che si può discendere, per 16 km, sulla più lunga pista nera d'Europa che parte dal ghiacciaio di Sarenne a 3300 m fino alla località, situata a 1500m. Gli sciatori pazzi per le grandi discese sognano tutti di aver “fatto” Sarenne.
Chamonix, l'universale

Chamonix è il 3° sito più visitato del mondo. Oltre 40 nazionalità vivono qui stabilmente, tutto l'anno, affascinati dalla grandiosità del luogo e dagli spazi infiniti che offre il Massiccio del Monte Bianco. Ci si può dedicare a tutti gli sport di montagna, a Chamonix. L'alpinismo naturalmente, alla conquista delle vette che circondano una piccola città che passa dai 6.000 abitanti fuori stagione a 50 000 in estate e in inverno. Qui si pratica il grande sci nel comprensorio della Vallée Blanche, ma i meno temerari e i bambini si divertono nei comprensori di fondovalle dove si pratica altrettanto bene lo sci selvaggio e lo sci per principianti.
La storia d'amore fra gli inglesi e Chamonix dura dal 1741 con William Windham e Richard Pocock che celebravano le bellezze della valle. Il primo albergo costruito a Chamonix nel 1770, si chiamava, va da sè, Hotel d'Angleterre.
Le grandi sportive : Tignes e Val d'Isère
Tignes non dorme mai. La clientela giovane, sportiva e sempre in movimento della località della Alta Tarentaise scia in estate (sul ghiacciaio della Grande Motte) come d'inverno e festeggia persino il Capodanno “outdoor” durante una notte bianca ultra-branchée con balli dance floor all'aperto e DJ lanciatissimi. Adrenalina sul boardercross super attrezzato e consigli di sicurezza sullo Spot, che permettono di imparare a godersi la montagna fino in fondo, riducendo i rischi. Non per niente...a Tignes, si scia prima e dopo tutti gli altri!

Val d'Isère merita davvero di essere considerata come una delle capitali mondiali dello sci con il suo Espace Killy dal nome del suo campione, Jean Claude Killy, dalle performances ineguagliate nel corso dei Giochi Olimpici di Grenoble nel 1968 e la sua incetta di medaglie d'oro. Con 131 piste su 300 km di grande sci, il comprensorio collega Val d'Isère a Tignes. Il villaggio, sulla strada del Col dell'Iseran, ha approfittato dei Giochi Olimpici d'Albertville nel 1992 per rifarsi il look in bellezza. Con i tetti di lose e le case di pietra, è la località di lusso e di tradizione per eccellenza.
Val Thorens, la località più alta d'Europa
Olandesi, Inglesi, Belgi e Scandinavi rappresentano il 70% della clientela di Val Thorens, la località più alta d'Europa a 2300 m d'altitudine nel comprensorio delle Trois Vallées. Una località semi-pedonale, ovvero a cui si può accedere in auto, ma non posteggiare nel villaggio (occorre utilizzare i parcheggi appositi). Oltre allo snow park di oltre 70 000m2 con boardercross permanente, vanta la più lunga pista di slittino di Francia che si declina su 6 km con un dislivello di 700 m fra 3.000 e 2.300 m d'altitudine. Grande sci per 5 mesi all'anno!
Les Deux Alpes e il ghiacciaio

Creata appena dopo Chamonix, la località delle Deux Alpes, situata 75 km a sud-est di Grenoble è una delle più “storiche” di Francia. Grazie al ghiacciaio di Mont-de-Lans o di Mantel, che è uno dei più grandi ghiacciai su cui si può sciare d'Europa, è, con Tignes, una delle capitali dello sci estivo e, proprio per questo, è molto frequentata da una clientela giovane e sportiva . E non esita a lasciare da parte lo snow park allestito sul ghiacciaio a oltre 3000 m, per abbandonarsi, d'estate, a furiose discese in mountain-bike.
Le nuove generazioni che scommettono sull'ambiente
In continua evoluzione per meglio integrarsi con l'ambiente, Les Arcs e La Plagne si sono unite a formare nel 2003, il nuovo comprensorio Paradiski che si estende su 10 000 ettari fra i 1250 e i 3250 m. Il Vanoise Express è la teleferica più importante del mondo. /
Più a Nord, in Alta Savoia, Avoriaz ha adottato un piano ambientale per le sue nuove costruzioni , per ridurre le fonti di inquinamento (la società di gestione del comprensorio sciistico è certificata ISO 14001) e per abbellire la località, interamente pedonale fin dalla sua creazione, 40 anni fa, come la sua vicina Flaine.
Lo charme delle stazioni-villaggio

Le Grand Bornand e il suo formaggio cremoso, il reblochon ; Samoëns, con i tagliapietra e la pista delle Cascades (14 km) ; Les Gets e il Museo della Musica Meccanica ; Morzine e le sue tradizioni: legno sulle facciate, balconi traforati come pizzi, tetti coperti d'ardesia prodotta localmente; Valloire che importa neve a tonnellate dal vicino col du Galibier per il suo Festival di Sculture di Neve e di Ghiaccio (a gennaio).
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After a tip from, The Tech Herald has learned that HBGary Federal, as well as two other data intelligence firms, worked to develop a strategic plan of attack against WikiLeaks. The plan included pressing a journalist in order to disrupt his support of the organization, cyber attacks, disinformation, and other potential proactive tactics.



The Tech Herald was able to get in touch with Glenn Greenwald for his reaction to being singled out in the WikiLeaks proposal. He called the report creepy and disturbing. Moreover, he commented that the suggestions for dealing with WikiLeaks, along with the assumption that the organization could be undermined, were “hard to take seriously.”

The listed mitigations, such as disinformation or submitting false documents, have been discussed before. In 2008, the Pentagon had similar ideas, so that aspect of the document was nothing new.

Greenwald, as a journalist, is a prolific writer on media topics. He is a harsh critic of political figures and the mainstream media. The suggestion made by the proposal that he would pick career over cause is “completely against” what he is about, he told us.

“The only reason I do what I do is because im free to put cause before career,” he said.

Pointedly, he reminded us that his work includes taking aim at political figures, which could be a source of professional leverage with scoops or favors, as well as news organizations who could offer him gainful employment. None of these actions paints a picture of a man who would pick career over his passion.

Update 2:

WikiLeaks is hosting an official mirror of the sixth and final draft of the report. You can see a copy here.

Update 3:

Palantir Technologies has severed all ties with HBGary Federal and issued an apology to reporter Glenn Greenwald. More details here.

Update 4:

Berico Technologies has cut ties as well. More information is here.

Original Article:


The tip from is directly related to the highly public attack on HBGary, after Anonymous responded to research performed by HBGary Federal CEO, Aaron Barr. Part of Anonymous’ response included releasing more than 50,000 internal emails to the public. For more information, the initial coverage is here.

What was pointed out by Crowdleaks is a proposal titled “The WikiLeaks Threat” and an email chain between three data intelligence firms. The proposal was quickly developed by Palantir Technologies, HBGary Federal, and Berico Technologies, after a request from Hunton and Williams, a law firm that currently counts Bank of America as a client.

The law firm had a meeting with Bank of America on December 3. To prepare, the firm emailed Palantir and the others asking for “…five to six slides on Wikileaks - who they are, how they operate and how this group may help this bank.”

Hunton and Williams were recommended to Bank of America’s general council by the Department of Justice, according to the email chain viewed by The Tech Herald. The law firm was using the meeting to pitch Bank of America on retaining them for an internal investigation surrounding WikiLeaks.

“They basically want to sue them to put an injunction on releasing any data,” an email between the three data intelligence firms said. “They want to present to the bank a team capable of doing a comprehensive investigation into the data leak.”

Hunton and Williams would act as outside counsel on retainer, while Palantir would take care of network and insider threat investigations. For their part, Berico Technologies and HBGary Federal would analyze WikiLeaks.

“Apparently if they can show that WikiLeaks is hosting data in certain countries it will make prosecution easier,” the email added.

In less than 24-hours, the three analytical companies created a presentation filled with publically available information and ideas on how the firms could be “deployed” against WikiLeaks “as a unified and cohesive investigative analysis cell.”

On January 2, The New York Times wrote about a late night conference call held by Bank of America executives on November 30. The reason for the call was to deal with a statement given by WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange on November 29, where he said that he intended to “take down” a major American bank. The country’s third largest financial institution needed to get the jump on WikiLeaks, so they started scouring thousands of documents, and auditing physical assets.

Shortly after the late night conference call, the email from Hunton and Williams was sent. Booz Allen Hamilton, according to the Times, was the firm brought in to help manage the bank’s internal review.

A month after the proposal for the initial December meeting on WikiLeaks was created, email messages from HBGary Federal show plans for a meeting with Booz Allen Hamilton. The meeting was set after Barr emailed Hunton and Williams about information he was gathering on WikiLeaks and Anonymous. Later, this information would be the direct cause of Anonymous’ attack on HBGary.

On page two you will find an overview of the proposal developed by the three data intelligence firms.


Author: Steve Ragan - Source:

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Note: There were several drafts of the proposal created before the sixth and final version was delivered. The emails released by Anonymous contain each of them. Most of the changes are formatting related and minor corrections.

The proposal starts with an overview of WikiLeaks, including some history and employee statistics. From there it moves into a profile of Julian Assange and an organizational chart. The chart lists several people, including volunteers and actual staff.

One of those listed as a volunteer, columnist, Glenn Greenwald, was singled out by the proposal. Greenwald, previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator in New York, has been a vocal supporter of Bradley Manning, who is alleged to have given diplomatic cables and other government information to WikiLeaks. He has yet to be charged in the matter.

Greenwald became a household name in December when he reported on the “inhumane conditions” of Bradley Manning’s confinement at the Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia. Since that report, Greenwald has reported on WikiLeaks and Manning several times.

“Glenn was critical in the Amazon to OVH transition,” the proposal says, referencing the hosting switch WikiLeaks was forced to make after political pressure caused Amazon to drop their domain.

[Earlier drafts of the proposal and an email from Aaron Barr used the word "attacked" over "disrupted" when discussing the level of support.]

The proposal continues by listing the strengths and weaknesses of WikiLeaks. For the strong points, there is the global WikiLeaks following and volunteers. Outlining the weaknesses, the proposal lists financial pressure - due to the companies refusing to process WikiLeaks’ donations at the time - and discord among some of the WikiLeaks members.

“Despite the publicity, WikiLeaks is NOT in a healthy position right now,” an early draft of the proposal noted. “Their weakness [sic] are causing great stress in the organization which can be capitalized on.”

Some of the things mentioned as potential proactive tactics include feeding the fuel between the feuding groups, disinformation, creating messages around actions to sabotage or discredit the opposing organization, and submitting fake documents to WikiLeaks and then calling out the error.

“Create concern over the security of the infrastructure. Create exposure stories. If the process is believed to not be secure they are done. Cyber attacks against the infrastructure to get data on document submitters. This would kill the project. Since the servers are now in Sweden and France putting a team together to get access is more straightforward.”

After the tactics are discussed, the proposal outlines the highlights for each of the three data intelligence firms. From there, it concludes that in the new age of mass social media, the insider threat represents an ongoing and persistent threat “even if WikiLeaks is shut down.”

“Traditional responses will fail; we must employ the best investigative team, currently employed by the most sensitive of national security agencies.”

The emails released by Anonymous make no mention of the proposal’s success or failure. Aside from a single meeting confirmation with Booz Allen Hamilton, and an email that expressed hope that HBGary was going to “close the BOA deal”, there is no other data available.

Since the attack on their company, HBGary has issued a single statement via their website, and declined to comment when questioned by several news organizations.

“HBGary, Inc and HBGary Federal, a separate but related company, have been the victims of an intentional criminal cyberattack. We are taking this crime seriously and are working with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities and redirecting internal resources to investigate and respond appropriately,” the statement reads.

“To the extent that any client information may have been affected by this event, we will provide the affected clients with complete and accurate information as soon as it becomes available. Meanwhile, please be aware that any information currently in the public domain is not reliable because the perpetrators of this offense, or people working closely with them, have intentionally falsified certain data.”

While some of the information in the public domain may be false, the emails and documents seen by The Tech Herald certainly look legitimate. It is unlikely that Anonymous would bother to forge 50,000 emails, in addition to the screen shots of internal software, PDF files, Word Documents, or PowerPoint slides released to the public.

However, on Tuesday evening, HBGary’s accusal that Anonymous was falsifying information started another round of rage on IRC, where some who associate under the banner of Anonymous gather.

As a result, there are rumors that more emails will be released in the coming days, including those belonging to Greg Hoglund, the co-founder of HBGary.

Author: Steve Ragan - Source:

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By Admin (from 09/04/2011 @ 08:00:54, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 3170 times)

 In toata isteria creata in jurul fictiunii lui Dan Brown, cu certe atacuri virulente anticrestine, pâna si lumea stiintifica pare ca a uitat de o latura cu-adevarat extraordinara a personalitatii lui Leonardo da Vinci: aceea de inventator genial. De fapt, putem folosi acest cuvânt doar daca ne situam strict intre limitele unei ratiuni umane comune, deoarece numeroase inventii ale italianului ii depasesc considerabil epoca (1452-1519). Ca vizionar in domeniul tehnicii, Leonardo se afla fara dubiu mult deasupra unui Jules Verne, unele idei ale sale fiind exploatate din plin abia cu patru-cinci secole mai târziu!

 Aripa zburatoare a fost conceputa de Leonardo da Vinci spre sfârsitul secolului al XV-lea. Pare un straniu hibrid intre ceea ce azi numim deltaplan, planor cu aripi mobile, hidroavion... Practic, aparatul ar fi trebuit sa imite zborul pasarilor, miscarile fiind sincronizate cu ajutorul a doua pedale de lungimi diferite si al unor tije articulate si corzi ce formau osatura aripilor.

Cercetatorii de azi presupun ca zborul prototipului ar fi trebuit sa aiba loc deasupra unui lac, din motive de securitate. Astfel s-ar explica si existenta cilindrului plutitor plasat sub placa pe care pilotul ar fi stat intins. Dar aripa zburatoare nu a fost construita niciodata. Canoniera plutitoare este o arma redutabila, care se putea deplasa in orice directie, tragând proiectile in orice directie, datorita celor 16 tunuri asezate pe toata circumferinta sa exterioara. La exterior, seamana izbitor cu "modelul" farfuriilor zburatoare descrise astazi, exceptând amintita rozeta de tunuri si vâslele dispuse jur-imprejur. Mai exista insa un sistem de propulsie in centrul masinii de razboi, bine protejat si alcatuit din palete (exact ca la primele vapoare de mai târziu) actionate de roti dintate.

Foarte interesanta ramâne si ipoteza ca infernala arma se folosea si pe uscat, la nivelul solului ori asezata pe vârful unui turn, ceea ce i-ar fi oferit o raza de actiune mult marita. Elicopterul veacului 15 a fost "visul aerian" al lui da Vinci. Totusi, un vis fara sfârsit, intrucât marele inventator a conceput doar sistemul simplu, actionat de patru oameni si alcatuit dintr-o aripa spiralata, platforma circulara rotativa, axul central si o serie de tije si corzi. Detaliile referitoare la urcarea si coborârea aparatului nu au mai fost aprofundate.

Marele vis aduce insa in prim-plan o idee considerata, inca vreo câteva secole dupa Leonardo, o utopie numai buna de luat in râs. El a remarcat ca atmosfera putea permite infiltrarea in masa ei a unui obiect care sa se roteasca cu viteza suficient de mare, astfel incât sa poata decola si zbura. O miscare comparabila cu cea a burghiului care patrunde incet in lemn.

 Podul rotitor, batiscaful Si scafandrul, bicicleta sau... o jucarie "autonoma" cum este toba mecanica reprezinta alte câteva dovezi ca Leonardo a fost inzestrat cu mult mai mult geniu decât marea majoritate a semenilor sai. Ramâne un mister aceasta desincronizare a omului da Vinci, fata de epoca sa. Se stie ca el a fost un excelent observator al naturii, in detaliile ei cele mai uluitoare.

Se mai stie ca nu a lasat posteritatii informatii despre tehnica montarii inventiilor sale si ca scria de la dreapta spre stânga. Dar nu de necunoscute si de mistere ne putem plânge in cazul acestui om, ci de faptul ca in era calculatoarelor si a zborurilor cosmice inca nu suntem capabili sa descifram "codul" genialitatii lui da Vinci, multumindu-ne cu speculatii elucubrante. In fond, poate ca aici sta si limitarea reala a lumii de azi!


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Israeli researchers have created a recyclable membrane based on supramolecular linkages that can be used to filter nanoparticles. The membrane, which unusually comprises non-covalent bonds, performs just as well as conventional sieves, offering a green and versatile alternative for size-separation and purification of nanoparticles.

Standard filtration membranes are usually held together by strong covalent bonds, which give membranes suitable strength to withstand the pressures involved in filtration processes. The problem is that when membranes become clogged up they have to be discarded and replaced.

One idea is to make membranes based on supramolecular (non-covalent) interactions which can undergo reversible self-assembly. Since the bonds can be undone easily, they offer a recyclable and adaptable option. But making such membranes with a level of robustness to rival conventional options has remained a challenge.

Now, Boris Rybtchinski and colleagues at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, have managed to make a robust and recyclable untrafiltration membrane with non-covalent hydrophobic linkages. 'This results in easy fabrication, recyclability, and versatility that cannot be achieved with regular covalent materials,' says Rybtchinski.

The team created a compound that self-assembles in water. It has a specially designed large and flat hydrophobic surface. 'In water, these surfaces experience very large attractive forces that hold them together, eventually forming porous nanostructured 3D networks possessing high robustness,' Rybtchinski explains. By filtering these structures onto a cheap commercial support with 400nm pores, they form a nanostructured membrane that works as a nanoparticle sieve.

The hydrophobic interactions are strong enough to hold together the membrane and withstand the flow of particles, says Rybtchinski. Experiments with solutions containing gold nanoparticles of various sizes revealed that only particles smaller than 5nm could pass through a 12µm thick membrane. By increasing the thickness to 45µm, the team discovered that the membrane could separate smaller particles (CdTe quantum dots of 2-4nm in size) because of a time delay between different sized particles passing through the membrane, resulting in size-selective chromatography.

The membrane is easily disassembled by adding solvents such as ethanol which weakens the hydrophobic interactions. 'This way the material can be retrieved, cleaned, and reused for fabrication of another membrane,' says Rybtchinski. Furthermore, particles that are stuck in the filter can be recycled too, which is not always possible with conventional membranes.

Jonathan Nitschke, who researches self-assembling polymers at the University of Cambridge, UK says that Rybtchinski's use of non-covalent interactions to knit together a filtration membrane is innovative. 'Supramolecular linkages can be undone under certain conditions, allowing the membranes to be dissolved and recreated so it's an excellent way of cleaning and recycling them.'

James Urquhart

Royal Society of Chemistry

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