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AMSTERDAM, (Reuters) - The Netherlands moved to ban the sale of potent hashish cannabis on Thursday, eroding 40 years of liberal drug policy, over fears that the proceeds were flowing to organised crime gangs.

A parliamentary proposal to prohibit the sale of hashish resin in the Netherlands' famous coffee shops had the backing of both parties in the Liberal-Christian Democrat coalition. The sale of marijuana, the dried bud and leaves of the cannabis plant, will not be affected.

"Almost all of the hash that is sold in Dutch coffee shops is smuggled into the Netherlands by international criminal gangs from countries like Afghanistan, Morocco and Lebanon," said Ard van der Steur, a member of the ruling Liberal Party.

The ban on 'hash', derived from the potent TCH crystals on marijuana buds, will likely be in force by the end of 2013 and possibly sooner if changes to the law are swiftly implemented, he said.

The Netherlands is one of the few countries in the world where marijuana and hash are sold openly, but moves to crackdown on its sale have risen under the conservative government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Another of those backing a ban, Christian Democrat legislator Coskun Coruz, said he hoped the ban would reduce consumption.

Studies show marijuana use in the Netherlands is roughly half that of the United States, where it is illegal.

Hash smokers in Amsterdam doubted a ban would cut use of the drug and said it would be hard to enforce.

"I know enough people to buy hash from if it is banned from coffee shops. I'm sure I'm not going to smoke less," 19-year-old Tommie van den Wouden said as he waited in line to order hash at one coffee shop in Amsterdam.

Ulrich, who works at a coffee shop, said about 40 percent of revenue came from hash sales but coffee shops would not be the only losers.

"If I can't sell hash any more, my customers will buy it on the street. This will also lead to declining tax income for the state," he said.

"I am surprised about these politicians saying they want to ban hash because of links with organised crime, because exactly the same goes for marijuana. The only difference is that most hash comes from abroad, while marijuana is grown locally."

As part of the crackdown, the Netherlands has introduced compulsory membership cards for coffee shops in the south of the country to deter drug tourists from Belgium, France and Germany. The rules came into effect in January but will not be enforced until May.

The government hopes to implement the measure nationwide, a move which would effectively herald the end of the Netherlands' position as a pot smokers' paradise.

While the sale of marijuana and hash is tolerated in the Netherlands, cultivating commercial supplies is illegal, making it complicated for coffee shop owners to acquire stock. 

Source: - Reporting by Tjibbe Hoekstra, Editing by Anthony Deutsch and Ben Harding

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Non ci sono solo video, musica e software pirata nel calderone di Megaupload, il sito chiuso tempo fa dall’Fbi. C’è anche l’altra metà della mela: contenuti legali, con tanto di copyright e distribuiti in maniera del tutto legittima. Che adesso rischiano di andare perduti per sempre, insieme, forse, ai soldi per l’acquisto di spazi premium di data storage. Perché ci sono utenti che usavano il servizio di Kim Shmitz per immagazzinare foto e video da mostrare a parenti lontani, o per raccogliere file musicali da condividere con colleghi dall’altra parte del mondo, in modo del tutto legale. Adesso, oltre a rischiare di perdere i propri contenuti, si ritrovano a ripiegare su servizi come Dropbox. Non senza però, come spiega Ars Technica. Perché, parola agli utenti, Megaupload rappresentava la soluzione ideale in termini di capacità storage, velocità di caricamento dei file e semplicità di condivisione.

Se è vero che il danno collaterale - come lo chiama uno degli utenti sul forum di Ars Technica riferendosi all’oscuramento anche dei file condivisi in maniera legale - c’è, è altresì vero che Megaupload nelle sue Faq aveva messo in guardia i propri clienti, invitandoli a salvare copie dei propri file e paventando anche il rischio che un giorno, senza preavviso, i dati sarebbero potuti diventare indisponibili o addirittura andare perduti.

Eppure questo non basta a calmare la sfilza di utenti che reclamano i propri contenuti immagazzinati nel tesoriere di Megaupload, come spiega Mark Ellul, che usava il servizio per scopi tutt’altro che illegali: “Usavo il mio account per lo storage online e per backup, e anche per inviare i miei video personali dalla Spagna all’Australia, così che i miei genitori potessero vedere i filmati in hd delle loro nipoti”.

Ma c’è anche tanta musica (legale) su Megaupload. Dai file mp3 dei concerti della banda rock Phish (che permette di registrare i propri pezzi), a tracce musicali originali inviate a distanza, dal Colorando all’Alaska (per citare un esempio): si poteva caricare file fino a 8GB senza alcun problema. Ancora, c’è chi lo usava come un raccoglitore: “Alcuni dei miei progetti sono troppo grandi per servizi come YouSendIt. Un account gratis su Megaupload invece ti permette di inviare file fino a 2GB. E io non ho idea di dove caricherò i miei file ora” scrive ancora la musicista Suzanne Barbieri.

Ma a quanto pare Megaupload era la piattaforma perfetta anche per gli sviluppatori di Android, come Massimiliano Fanciulli, che su Google+ scrive: “Usavo il servizio per distribuire le versioni beta della mia app Sleepy, prima di pubblicarla sull’Android Market”. 

E mentre comincia la migrazione degli utenti arrabbiati verso servizi alternativi (la lista è lunga, da Dropbox a Google Docs, a RapidShare, a FileSonic) c’è anche chi spera un giorno di poter aver indietro il lavoro e i ricordi imprigionati sul sito, come spiega l’editor Cassandra Olivia ad Ars Technica: “Chiudere Megaupload senza distinguere tra contenuti che infrangono il copyright e quelli che non lo fanno ha causato agli utenti che lo utilizzano in modo legale un disservizio ed è stata una violazione. Troppo generalizzata. Spero di riavere il mio account e le mie foto indietro”. 


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Why do we resist change even when the system is corrupt or unjust? A new article in Current Directions in Psychological Science, a journal published by the Association for Psychological Science, illuminates the conditions under which we're motivated to defend the status quo—a process called "system justification."

System justification isn't the same as acquiescence, explains Aaron C. Kay, a psychologist at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, who co-authored the paper with University of Waterloo graduate student Justin Friesen. "It's pro-active. When someone comes to justify the status quo, they also come to see it as what should be."

Reviewing laboratory and cross-national studies, the paper illuminates four situations that foster system justification: system threat, system dependence, system inescapability, and low personal control.

When we're threatened we defend ourselves—and our systems. Before 9/11, for instance, President George W. Bush was sinking in the polls. But as soon as the planes hit the World Trade Center, the president's approval ratings soared. So did support for Congress and the police. During Hurricane Katrina, America witnessed FEMA's spectacular failure to rescue the hurricane's victims. Yet many people blamed those victims for their fate rather than admitting the agency flunked and supporting ideas for fixing it. In times of crisis, say the authors, we want to believe the system works.

We also defend systems we rely on. In one experiment, students made to feel dependent on their university defended a school funding policy—but disapproved of the same policy if it came from the government, which they didn't perceive as affecting them closely. However, if they felt dependent on the government, they liked the policy originating from it, but not from the school.

When we feel we can't escape a system, we adapt. That includes feeling okay about things we might otherwise consider undesirable. The authors note one study in which participants were told that men's salaries in their country are 20% higher than women's. Rather than implicate an unfair system, those who felt they couldn't emigrate chalked up the wage gap to innate differences between the sexes. "You'd think that when people are stuck with a system, they'd want to change it more," says Kay. But in fact, the more stuck they are, the more likely are they to explain away its shortcomings. Finally, a related phenomenon: The less control people feel over their own lives, the more they endorse systems and leaders that offer a sense of order.

The research on system justification can enlighten those who are frustrated when people don't rise up in what would seem their own best interests. Says Kay: "If you want to understand how to get social change to happen, you need to understand the conditions that make people resist change and what makes them open to acknowledging that change might be a necessity."

Source: EurekAlert via

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Un nou studiu efectuat în Marea Britanie a analizat 160 de probe de tesut mamar, prelevate de la 40 de paciente care au suferit mastectomii. În 99% dintre probe au fost gasite urme de parabeni, iar 60% dintre probe aveau cinci tipuri diferite de parabeni. Chiar si la pacientii care nu au utilizat niciodata antiperspirante au fost gasite urme de parabeni. Motivul, spun specialistii, este ca parabenii sunt folositi drept conservanti pentru sampoane, cosmetice, produse farmaceutice si chiar alimente.

Antiperspirantele - responsabile pentru apariţia cancerului la sân?

Cercetarea nu arata categoric faptul ca parabenii produc cancer. Specialistii mentioneaza ca este posibil ca persoanele care nu au cancer si care sunt expuse la aceste substante sa aiba aceeasi cantitate de parabeni în tesutul mamar, fara a fi afectate. Însa studiul nu a inclus si o analiza a tesutului mamar provenit de la persoane care nu sufera de cancer.

Oamenii se tem de aceste chimicale pentru ca, la nivelul corpului uman, parabenii se comporta la fel ca estrogenul, iar expunerea marita la acest hormon, pe întreaga durata a vietii, este asociata cu riscul dezvoltarii cancerului mamar. Din acest motiv, multi specialisti se tem ca si expunerea de lunga durata la parabeni ar putea duce la aparitia cancerului.

În Statele Unite, Agentia pentru Alimente si Medicamente (FDA) nu are dreptul de a impune reguli industriei cosmeticelor, dar a pus la dispozitia publicului un rezumat cu privire la ultimele cercetari legate de parabeni si a declarat ca sansele ca aceste chimicale sa produca vreo forma de cancer sunt mici. "În prezent nu exista niciun motiv de îngrijorare în ceea ce priveste continutul de parabeni din cosmetice", a concluzionat FDA.

Aceeasi parere o au si specialistii de la The American Cancer Society, organizatie care are ca scop prevenirea cancerului. "Nu exista studii epidemiologice solide care sa evidentieze legatura dintre cancerul mamar si aceste substante chimice", a declarat organizatia pe situl propriu.

Sursa: TIME - via

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Dopo quello sensibile alla luce, alle variazioni di pH, all’anidride carbonica o alla temperatura, arriva il primo sapone sensibile al campo magnetico. Come è stato realizzato? Č bastato trasformare le molecole di detergente in piccoli centri metallici, aggiungendo alla soluzione atomi di ferro. In questo modo il sapone è diventato a controllo magnetico, così che lo si possa rimuovere da una soluzione dopo aver svolto le operazioni di pulizia, senza lasciar traccia. A creare il sapone magnetico, che potrebbe anche essere utilizzato per la bonifica degli sversamenti petroliferi in mare, sono stati i ricercatori della University of Bristol (Gb), guidati da Julian Eastoe.

Un sapone è fatto di molecole con una duplice affinità: una idrofobica (che ama i grassi e quindi si lega a molecole di questo tipo) e una idrofila ( amante cioè dell’acqua). Il potere sgrassante, e quindi pulente, risiede nella capacità del sapone di legarsi alle molecole di grasso e al tempo stesso di essere lavato via dall’acqua. Per essere utilizzato nelle bonifiche degli sversamenti di petrolio in mare, però, il sapone dovrebbe essere anche facilmente rimovibile. E qui nasce l’idea dei ricercatori, pubblicata su Angewandte Chemie, simile per concetto a quello che facciamo con una calamita quando raccogliamo un ago da terra.

Il problema è che il sapone normalmente non è un metallo con proprietà magnetiche come l’ago, o almeno non abbastanza. Per questo i ricercatori di Bristol hanno aggiunto del ferro ai tensioattivi composti di ioni cloruro e bromuro, del tutto simili a quelli che si possono trovare nelle nostre case, ha spiegato Eastoe alla Bbc. In questo modo gli scienziati hanno trasformato le particelle di sapone in centri metallici, come confermato dalle analisi effettuate dai ricercatori dell’ Institute Laue Langevin di Grenoble, in Francia, analizzando il detergente con tecniche di scattering di neutroni (un sistema che permette di avere informazioni sulla struttura della materia).

Non è tutto. Gli scienziati sono infatti riusciti a dimostrare che il sapone può essere realmente maneggiato magneticamente in soluzione. Quando introdotto in un tubo in presenza di acqua e petrolio, le particelle di sapone possono superare la forza di gravità e la tensione superficiale dei liquidi, muovendosi in direzione del magnete. Questa capacità renderebbe lo speciale sapone utilizzabile in molti casi in cui è necessario intervenire con bonifiche. Anche - almeno a livello teorico - per ripulire le acque dagli idrocarburi come quelli della macchia d'olio al largo dell’ isola del Giglio, appena rilevata e causata dal naufragio della Costa Concordia, su cui stanno attivando le prime procedure per lo svuotamento dei serbatoi di carburante che minacciano l'ambiente circostante.


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"We tested some recently proposed hypotheses that try to explain a supposed gender gap in math performance and found they were not supported by the data," says Janet Mertz, senior author of the study and a professor of oncology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Instead, the Wisconsin researchers linked differences in math performance to social and cultural factors.

The new study, by Mertz and Jonathan Kane, a professor of mathematical and computer sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, was published today (Dec. 12, 2011) in Notices of the American Mathematical Society. The study looked at data from 86 countries, which the authors used to test the "greater male variability hypothesis" famously expounded in 2005 by Lawrence Summers, then president of Harvard, as the primary reason for the scarcity of outstanding women mathematicians.

That hypothesis holds that males diverge more from the mean at both ends of the spectrum and, hence, are more represented in the highest-performing sector. But, using the international data, the Wisconsin authors observed that greater male variation in math achievement is not present in some countries, and is mostly due to boys with low scores in some other countries, indicating that it relates much more to culture than to biology.

The new study relied on data from the 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and the 2009 Programme in International Student Assessment.

"People have looked at international data sets for many years", Mertz says. "What has changed is that many more non-Western countries are now participating in these studies, enabling much better cross-cultural analysis."

The Wisconsin study also debunked the idea proposed by Steven Levitt of "Freakonomics" fame that gender inequity does not hamper girls' math performance in Muslim countries, where most students attend single-sex schools. Levitt claimed to have disproved a prior conclusion of others that gender inequity limits girls' mathematics performance. He suggested, instead, that Muslim culture or single-sex classrooms benefit girls' ability to learn mathematics.

By examining the data in detail, the Wisconsin authors noted other factors at work. "The girls living in some Middle Eastern countries, such as Bahrain and Oman, had, in fact, not scored very well, but their boys had scored even worse, a result found to be unrelated to either Muslim culture or schooling in single-gender classrooms," says Kane.

He suggests that Bahraini boys may have low average math scores because some attend religious schools whose curricula include little mathematics. Also, some low-performing girls drop out of school, making the tested sample of eighth graders unrepresentative of the whole population.

"For these reasons, we believe it is much more reasonable to attribute differences in math performance primarily to country-specific social factors," Kane says.

To measure the status of females relative to males within each country, the authors relied on a gender-gap index, which compares the genders in terms of income, education, health and political participation. Relating these indices to math scores, they concluded that math achievement at the low, average and high end for both boys and girls tends to be higher in countries where gender equity is better. In addition, in wealthier countries, women's participation and salary in the paid labor force was the main factor linked to higher math scores for both genders.

"We found that boys — as well as girls — tend to do better in math when raised in countries where females have better equality, and that's new and important," says Kane. "It makes sense that when women are well-educated and earn a good income, the math scores of their children of both genders benefit."

Mertz adds, "Many folks believe gender equity is a win-lose zero-sum game: If females are given more, males end up with less. Our results indicate that, at least for math achievement, gender equity is a win-win situation."

U.S. students ranked only 31st on the 2009 Programme in International Student Assessment, below most Western and East-Asian countries. One proposed solution, creating single-sex classrooms, is not supported by the data. Instead, Mertz and Kane recommend increasing the number of math-certified teachers in middle and high schools, decreasing the number of children living in poverty and ensuring gender equality.

"These changes would help give all children an optimal chance to succeed," says Mertz. "This is not a matter of biology: None of our findings suggest that an innate biological difference between the sexes is the primary reason for a gender gap in math performance at any level. Rather, these major international studies strongly suggest that the math-gender gap, where it occurs, is due to sociocultural factors that differ among countries, and that these factors can be changed."

Provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison via

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Many antibiotics are produced by molds similar to those found on a slice of bread or Roquefort cheese. Penicillium molds are best known for making penicillin, but also produce the not-so-famous mycophenolic acid, a billion-dollar drug used to ward off organ rejection.

However, mycophenolic acid also poisons most microbes, which has had scientists wondering how molds that produce mycophenolic acid can grow in its presence. This general problem is only understood in a few cases. Understanding how some microbes resist high concentrations of antibiotics is important to designing new drugs and deciding how and when to prescribe existing drugs.

The mold Penicillium brevicompactum produces chemicals such as mycophenolic acid that are toxic to other microbes. Credit: Kristian Fog Nielsen, The Technical University of Denmark

Xin Sun, a Ph.D. student in Biology Professor Liz Hedstrom’s laboratory, together with Bjarne Gram Hansen of the Technical University of Denmark, got down to the molecular level to unearth that answer for mycophenolic acid production. Their research was recently reported in The Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Biochemical Journal.

Every drug has a target — in this case a protein to which the drug binds, blocking its normal function. In the case of mycophenolic acid, the target is the protein IMPDH, an enzyme found in every organism. The faster an organism is growing, the more IMPDH it needs. When an infection occurs, immune cells need to grow, so they produce more IMPDH.

Unlike most microbes, Penicillium have two copies of IMPDH.

“What Xin Sun did was to show that this second IMPDH is in fact resistant to mycophenolic acid,” says Hedstrom. “What was puzzling is that you’d expect a change in the drug binding site, but here the drug binding site is identical in both sensitive and resistant targets. Instead, the underlying function of the second IMPDH has changed in clever and sophisticated ways so the drug is no longer effective.”

These findings also provide new insights into another scientific mystery, how antibiotic production evolved in the first place. The team hypothesizes that Penicillium molds gained the second IMPDH through mutation (duplication), which allowed them to make small amounts of mycophenolic acid. Over time, the second IMPDH evolved to become more resistant, allowing the mold to make more mycophenolic acid.

Source: Brandeis University via

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Conform unui studiu efectuat de o echipa de cercetatori germani si elvetieni, persoanele care consuma alimente de pe farfurii de culoare rosie si beau din recipiente de aceeasi culoare reduc consumul cu pâna la 40%.

Farfuriile roşii, cheia scăderii în greutate?

Oamenii de stiinta afirma ca acest lucru s-ar putea datora faptului ca aceasta culoare este de obicei asociata cu ideea de pericol.

Cercetarea a fost efectuata pe un esantion de 41 de studenti. Acestia au fost rugati sa bea ceai din cani rosii si albastre, iar ulterior cercetatorii au descoperit ca cei care au folosit canile rosii au baut cu 44% mai putin decât studentii care au folosit canile albastre.

În cea de-a doua parte a studiului, 109 persoane au primit o farfurie de culoare alba, rosie sau albastra pe care erau asezati 10 covrigei. Persoanele care au primit farfuria rosie au consumat mai putini covrigei decât voluntarii din care au primit farfuriile albe sau albastre

Rezultatele studiului au fost publicate în jurnalul Appetite. Ursula Arens, reprezentanta British Dietetic Association, a declarat ca rezultatele s-ar putea datora faptului ca "oamenii asociaza culoarea rosie cu ideea de pericol".

Sursa: Daily Mail - via

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P per V uguale a una costante. O, per dirla in un altro modo: in un gas ideale a temperatura costante, la pressione (P) e il volume (V) variano in modo inversamente proporzionale tra loro. Dunque, se aumenta l’uno, l’altro diminuisce. L’eredità più grande lasciata da Robert Boyle (1627-1691) ai posteri è forse la legge di fisica che porta il suo nome. Eppure lo scienziato irlandese avrebbe messo il naso in quasi tutti i campi del sapere del Diciassettesimo secolo, dalla medicina, alla biologia, alla religione, e soprattutto alla chimica.

Robert Boyle era nato il 25 gennaio 1627 nel Castello di Lismore, in Irlanda, penultimo di quindici fratelli, figli del ricco Primo Conte di Cork. Il piccolo Boyle lasciò presto la casa paterna, diretto verso l’ Eton College, in Inghilterra, all’età di soli otto anni, insieme a uno dei suoi fratelli. Ma terminati gli studi, Boyle non tornò a casa. Intraprese invece un viaggio attraverso l’Europa, che avrebbe influenzato non poco la sua formazione e i suoi interessi.

Toccò Parigi, Lione e Ginevra, e tra le partite di tennis e gli incontri di scherma imparò il francese, la matematica, il latino e l’italiano. Nel 1642, infatti, Boyle arrivava a Firenze, nello stesso anno e negli stessi luoghi in cui Galileo Galilei moriva. E sarebbe stata forse la vicinanza geografica a convincerlo ad abbracciare anche le teorie dello scienziato italiano sul metodo sperimentale, che lo distinsero una volta tornato in Gran Bretagna nel 1644, a Stalbridge, nel Dorsetshire.

In realtà, a spingerlo a indagare la natura e i suoi misteri era stata anche la fede religiosa, a cui, si racconta, si avvicinò dopo un temporale estivo. Credeva infatti che la scienza fosse un modo per comprendere la natura divina delle cose. E forse anche per questo mise in piedi un laboratorio nella sua residenza del Dorsetshire, prima di trasferirsi nel cuore pulsante della scienza inglese dell’epoca, Oxford.

Qui, insieme all’illustre collega Robert Hooke, studiò a lungo le proprietà dell’aria. Capì per esempio che era necessaria per la trasmissione dei suoni, che in sua assenza gli animali non potevano vivere e gli oggetti cadevano più velocemente verso il basso. Ma soprattutto ebbe il coraggio di mettere in discussione Aristotele e le sue teorie sui quattro elementi (aria, terra, fuoco e acqua) come mattoni fondamentali di tutto quello che ci circonda.

Boyle infatti, forte anche delle osservazioni che aveva collezionato in laboratorio, arrivò per primo a elaborate la cosiddetta teoria corpuscolare, quanto di più vicino, per l’epoca, alla chimica moderna e al concetto di atomo. Come riportava nel suo The Sceptical Chymist (Il chimico scettico) del 1661, la materia era fatta di corpuscoli, a loro volta particelle più piccole combinate insieme.  Boyle inoltre introdusse per primo il concetto di elemento, come qualcosa “che non è fatto di nessun’altra entità”, ovvero l’unità fondamentale della materia. Teorie grazie alle quali lo scienziato si guadagnò per sempre il titolo di “padre della chimica”.


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A child, for example, may not initially recognize a cow in a picture-book after seeing the live animal on a farm and being told its label. In fact, a child may mistake a cow for a horse. After all, both animals have four legs.

Applying that principle of human learning to artificial neural networks, or machines, is the domain of Geoffrey Hinton, a professor of computer science at the University of Toronto and a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. A pioneer of artificial intelligence and neural networks, Hinton is an expert on machine learning and has also made major contributions to the fields of cognitive psychology and neuroscience. In recognition of those achievements, he was awarded the 2011 Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The country’s highest prize for science and engineering, the honour celebrates Canada’s top researchers.

Each year, the winner of the NSERC Herzberg Gold Medal delivers a lecture about his or her research. Sponsored by NSERC and the Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science, the public lecture was hosted by Ryerson earlier this month.

During Hinton’s presentation, entitled “How does the brain recognize shapes?”, he described how computers can learn in similar ways to the human brain and respond intelligently to the intricacies of the real world. To be certain, simulating the brain’s computing abilities is no easy feat. Just consider what the human brain can do, from identifying patterns and making predictions to learning from examples and using big-picture thinking.

Teaching machines to automatically perform these high-level processes has many applications in our data-intensive world. Among them, facial recognition capabilities, quality control systems, making medical diagnoses and conducting financial forecasting. Hinton and his collaborators have developed algorithms used in applications such as creating better systems for voice recognition, automatically reading bank cheques and monitoring industrial plants for improved safety.

In his lecture at Ryerson, Hinton first showed how machines can be trained to recognize handwritten numbers that are very distorted. From there, he demonstrated how computers can predict the next character in a line of Wikipedia text or create an animated model of human movement.

Hinton also explored how machines can be taught to recognize increasingly complex shapes, including those that may vary widely. Indeed, his team has developed a program that can identify a thousand different types of objects in photographs. The computer provides several guesses about the nature of an object, and the correct answer is usually within its top five guesses.

The computer’s first guess is often incorrect. But, Hinton notes, even its wrong answers are still plausible. For example, a mound of cashews was determined by the computer to be lentils, chickpeas or beans. In addition, a quail was mistakenly identified as an otter – a reasonable error, says Hinton. The bird in the photo has a sleek coat that resembles wet fur.

“I’m an apologist for neural networks,” he joked.

Hinton’s research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and gifts from Google and Microsoft.

Provided by Ryerson University

Source: PhysOrg via

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
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21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


05/05/2024 @ 14:51:20
script eseguito in 1005 ms