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By Admin (from 29/06/2012 @ 14:01:28, in en - Video Alert, read 2660 times)

Switzerland was once a poor country. Only at the end of the 19th century things did begin to change after an economic boom. Then it took just 130 years for the Swiss population to grow from three to eight million.

Population still growing

The number of people living in Switzerland has increased yet again, closing in on the eight million mark in 2011.
The country’s permanent resident population reached 7,952,600 last year, up 82,400 or approximately one per cent more than in 2010.


According to provisional data released by the Federal Statistics Office on Thursday, most cantons recorded higher figures except for Appenzell Outer Rhodes and Basel Country, where numbers were stable, and Uri where they were slightly lower.
The number of foreigners living in Switzerland at the end of last year was 1,814,800, or 22.8 per cent of the population, an increase of 48,500.
Switzerland is among a number of European countries including France, Italy and Austria where the population rose last year. Other nations such as Germany however recorded decreasing figures.

Source: and agencies

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By Admin (from 30/06/2012 @ 08:06:26, in it - Osservatorio Globale, read 1463 times)

In futuro l'Ufficio di comunicazione in materia di riciclaggio di denaro (MROS) dovrà essere autorizzato a scambiare informazioni finanziarie con i servizi partner all'estero e potrà stipulare autonomamente con essi trattati di collaborazione tecnica. Dovrebbe inoltre disporre di competenze più estese nei confronti degli intermediari finanziari.

Con questa misura il governo, che ha preso atto dei risultati della consultazione, punta a rafforzare la lotta al riciclaggio. Ha quindi trasmesso al parlamento la modifica della legge sul riciclaggio di denaro (LRD), con il relativo messaggio.

MROS attualmente non è autorizzato a scambiare informazioni finanziarie. Questa circostanza si ripercuote negativamente su tutte le parti coinvolte nella lotta al riciclaggio di denaro. Infatti, gli altri servizi di comunicazione esteri applicano il principio di reciprocità e si astengono anch'essi dal fornire informazioni finanziarie a MROS.


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Totul, inaintea unui proces care va incepe in iulie, parte a unui razboi global privind patentele intre cei doi producatori IT, potrivit Bloomberg.

Un judecator din California a hotarat sa blocheze vanzarea tabletei dupa ce in decembrie a respins o cerere similara.
Noua decizie a judecatorului vine dupa ce o curte federala din Washington a ajuns recent la concluzia ca nu poate fi contestat patentul Apple referitor la design aflat la baza cererii pentru interzicerea vanzarii Tab 10.1. Hotararea curtii federale a permis Apple sa solicite din nou blocarea tabletei Samsung.
Apple si Samsung s-au acuzat reciproc de copierea designului si tehnologiei pentru dispozitive mobile. Cei doi producatori se afla intr-o lupta stransa pe patru continente, in care se folosesc de patente pentru anumite tehnologii pentru a incerca sa castige teren pe piata de 219 miliarde de dolari a smartphone-urilor.
Samsung a anuntat ca va lua masurile necesare ca raspuns la decizia justitiei.

Apple da lovitura de gratie concurentei. Samsung nu mai are voie sa vanda tablete in SUA

"Este o extensie a razboiului de pe piata smartphone-urilor. Daca privim la precedente, diferite cazuri au avut diferite rezultate. Atata timp cat nu sunt blocate smartphone-urile, operatiunile de baza ale Samsung nu sunt afectate", a declarat Kim Young Chan, analist la Shinhan Investment.
Vanzarile trimestriale ale Tab 10.1 in SUA s-ar putea ridica la circa 300.000 de unitati, afirma Kim. Samsung, care nu dezvaluie date despre vanzarile de smartphone-uri si tablete, a avut in primul trimestru vanzari de 44,5 milioane de smartphone-uri la nivel global, potrivit datelor firmei de cercetare Strategy Analytics.
Apple este, de asemenea, cel mai mare cumparator de cipuri si ecrane de la Samsung.
Interdictia pe piata din SUA urmeaza unei decizii de saptamana trecuta din Olanda, care prevede ca Apple sa despagubeasca Samsung pentru incalcarea inepand din august 2010 a unui patent al grupului din Coreea de Sud.
Apple a incercat sa obtina in SUA si o interdictie privind ultimul model de smartphone Galaxy S, care a intrat la vanzare in iunie. Procesul privind tableta Galaxy Tab 10.1 va incepe la 30 iulie.


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While Mexico offers huge untapped potential, firms operating there face numerous challenges such as heavy bureaucracy and insecurity.

Mexico is preparing for a presidential election on July 1 talked to Rudolf Knoblauch, the Swiss ambassador to Mexico, about trade opportunities between the two countries, especially for small-and-medium-sized businesses. How would you describe Switzerland’s business relationship with Latin America?
Rudolf Knoblauch: Our relationship with Latin America began long before the Second World War. It’s good, but it could be better.
Trade relations with Asia are more dynamic. In Latin America Swiss exports have continued in a traditional vein: large firms export successfully, but small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are missing. We do not see enough of them in this market. Foreign trade between Switzerland and Latin America has increased significantly over recent years. But overall volumes remain modest despite the huge potential of 600 million consumers. Why is that?
R.K.: Firstly, Asia boasts two extraordinary economies: China and India. Demand in these two countries is impressive, as they want to catch up with everyone else.
This phenomenon doesn’t exist in Latin America, and there are some economies which are worse off than 20 years ago. Nowadays, the countries with the greatest potential are Brazil, Peru and Colombia.
The second thing is that Latin America has always experienced political ups and downs and countries like Mexico have their eyes firmly set on the United States. A free trade accord between Switzerland and Mexico entered into force in 2001. What’s your view on trade relations over the past decade?
R.K.: I don’t think people have taken sufficient advantage of this free trade agreement. I often meet Swiss and Mexican entrepreneurs who are not even aware of its existence. Much more can be done in this respect. Switzerland exports mainly pharmaceuticals, chemicals, watches and machinery to Mexico and imports pearls, refined lead and machines. What sectors offer most potential for both countries in the short and medium term?
R.K.: The Swiss pharmaceutical industry is very present, but it’s a sector where there are still many interesting opportunities for SMEs. There are also opportunities in green technologies, where Switzerland has a lot of experience.
There is also the mining sector, where Mexico has a long tradition, as well as transport and engineering – the application of scientific principles to the design, construction and maintenance of machinery, buildings and communication systems. Latin America is a melting pot of different economic policies. Some countries are rather neoliberal, like Mexico, while others are more protectionist, like Venezuela and Bolivia. How do Swiss investors cope with such a varied playing field?
R.K.: I have lived in Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, and there have always been potential ups and downs and nationalist tendencies.
Argentina has experienced everything but it’s impossible to say which approach is best. Countries like Brazil and Argentina, which have closed certain sectors, have experienced impressive growth. Mexico has chosen a different model, and has done well in general. Its growth is superior to that of Europe, but mediocre when compared to other countries in the region.
An entrepreneur tends to have more confidence in a country like Mexico, where there is continuity in the economic policy. It is no surprise that Peru and Colombia, which have also pushed for trade liberalisation, are more successful today. Mexico is holding a presidential election on July 1. How do you think Swiss investors will react if there is a swing to the left?
R.K.: If Josefina Vazquez Mota, of the governing National Action Party (PAN), or the front-runner Enrique Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party win, I don’t think Mexico’s economic model will change much.
But if Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the leftwing Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) wins, I don’t think radical changes will be made to Mexico’s economy either.

Rudolf Knoblauch

Rudolf Knoblauch (swissinfo) How do Swiss firms cope with on-going social problems in Mexico such as drug trafficking and insecurity?
R.K.: These are problems that have increase significantly over recent years, partly as a result of the current government’s strategy since 2006. But they don’t create more worries for employers.
For Swiss companies active in Mexico, insecurity is just one of the costs they have to bear. A businessman once told me: "Two years ago I lost two out of 100 trucks with goods. Now I lose five". These things are taken into account in a budget and no one gives up an investment for this reason.
Nonetheless, it’s alarming that 12,000 to 13,000 people die every year due to drug trafficking. But it is also important to remember that the centre and the south of the country do not experience these kinds of problems. The north witnesses more conflict and some big cities like Monterrey are particularly badly affected.
Bureaucratic problems can sometimes be more important for companies. The European press often talk about Mexico’s difficulties and bad news, but this remains an extraordinary market. And the Swiss businessmen who are able to follow the basic rules can make money here and do so with a clear conscience.

Autore: Andrea Ornelas - Fonte: - Translated from Spanish by Simon Bradley

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Da lunedì, però, almeno in parte del Nord, il caldo dovrebbe attenuarsi, con l'arrivo di temporali sulle Alpi. Nel resto d'Italia l'allerta resta invece alta, tanto che, appunto per lunedì, il ministero della Salute prevede 'bollino rosso' in 15 città. «Caronte - spiega il direttore del portale - sta soffiando aria calda a tutte le quote dall' entroterra algerino e tunisino verso il Mediterraneo. Nell' entroterra sahariano i 50 gradi ormai sono la normalit… e l'aria calda sta puntando direttamente verso il Lazio, infatti Roma sar…à tra le citt…à più— calde d'Europa».

Oggi, in particolare tra le ore 13 e le 16, si toccheranno alcuni record storici di caldo: 40 gradi a Bologna e Ferrara, 39 a Roma, 38 a Firenze, 37 quasi ovunque al centrosud come anche sul Triveneto. Tra domenica e lunedì un parziale 'cambio di rotta': sono infatti previsti temporali sulle Alpi, in particolare su Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta, per effetto, come sottolinea la Protezione civile, di un sistema nuvoloso in transito sull'Europa centrale. L'ondata di caldo si attenuerà… dunque al Nord a causa di questa depressione, che gli esperti di hanno battezzato 'kicker' (in inglese 'scalciarè) che allontanerà… l'anticiclone africano. Poi, tra martedìŤ e giovedì, afferma 3bmeteo, il calo di temperature si estenderà…, con Milano che passerà… da una massima prevista per Domenica di 34 gradi ad una di 26 per giovedì prossimo, e Roma da 38 gradi di domenica a 31. Il caldo africano, però, ritorner…à e non mollerà la presa, secondo alcune previsioni, almeno fino al 10 luglio, quando arriveranno correnti fresche dal Mare del Nord.

TRE VITTIME DEL CALDO E TANTI DISAGI E in attesa del picco di oggi, continuano a registrarsi disagi in tutta Italia. A partire dall'Emilia colpita dal terremoto, dove ieri, nelle tende allestite nei campi di accoglienza, la temperatura percepita ha rasentato i 50 gradi. Il caldo, anche se indirettamente, ha oggi fatto altre tre vittime: un ventenne morto per un malore in provincia di Cuneo, mentre faceva un bagno in un torrente per cercare refrigerio, ed un uomo di 42 anni annegato in un piccolo stagno a Monguelfo dopo essersi immerso per rinfrescarsi. Un uomo di 80 anni, inoltre, è morto a Marinella di Sarzana (La Spezia) mentre stava facendo il bagno in mare, alle 8,30 del mattino. Tra le cause del decesso non è escluso un colpo di calore. Disagi a Napoli, dove numerosi cumuli di rifiuti sono stati dati alle fiamme a causa del forte caldo. Il Comando provinciale dei vigili del fuoco ha effettuato circa 50 interventi. È stato invece possibile fuggire dall'afa a 600 'fortunatì: tanti gli irriducibili dello sci che ieri sono saliti ai 3.500 metri di altitudine del Plateau Ros…, sopra Breuil-Cervinia (Aosta) - dove la temperatura registrata è stata di 3 gradi - per la prima giornata di apertura estiva degli impianti. Ma lo stress da caldo non colpisce solo gli uomini. A soffrirne sono anche le mucche che, con le alte temperature, è l'allarme lanciato da Coldiretti, producono fino al 10% di latte in meno. Un calo delle produzioni, rileva l'associazione, al quale si somma anche un aumento dei costi, per i maggiori consumi di acqua ed energia che gli allevatori devono sostenere per aiutare gli animali a resistere al caldo.


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Congresul international pentru Medicina de Urgenta a fost organizat în acest an la Dublin, în Irlanda.

La acest congres, medicul Raed Arafat a primit premiul de leadership în medicina de urgenta, el devenind, totodata, si membru de onoare al Academiei Americane de Medicina de Urgenta.

Raed Arafat, membru de onoare al Academiei Americane de Medicină de Urgenţă

La conferinta internationala, Raed Arafat a vorbit despre medicina de dezastre.

Subsecretarul de stat din Ministerul Sanatatii a declarat, sâmbata, pentru MEDIAFAX, ca este onorat de nominalizarea sa alaturi de nume prestigioase din medicina de urgenta internationala.

"Sunt onorat de premiul primit si de recunoasterea primita din partea Academiei Americane de Medicina de Urgenta. Totodata, premiile ma responsabilizeaza", a mai spus Raed Arafat.


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Peace envoy Kofi Annan said after talks in Geneva that the government should include members of Assad's administration and the Syrian opposition to pave the way for free elections.

"It is for the people to come to a political agreement but time is running out," Annan said in concluding remarks.

Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the Arab League for Syria Kofi Annan (C) speaks with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (R) next to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the start of the meeting of the Action Group on Syria at the United Nations European headquarters in Geneva, June 30, 2012. REUTERS-Denis Balibouse

"We need rapid steps to reach agreement. The conflict must be resolved through peaceful dialogue and negotiations."

The Geneva talks had been billed as a last-ditch effort to halt the worsening violence in Syria but hit obstacles as Russia, Assad's most powerful ally, opposed Western and Arab insistence that he must quit the scene.

The final communiqué said the transitional government "could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups and shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent".

But in a victory for Russian diplomacy, it omitted language contained in a previous draft which explicitly said it "would exclude from government those whose continued presence and participation would undermine the credibility of the transition and jeopardize stability and reconciliation".

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he was "delighted" with the result as it meant no foreign solution was being imposed on Syria.

But U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it sent a clear message to Assad that he must step down.

"Assad will still have to go," Clinton told a news conference after the meeting ended.

"What we have done here is to strip away the fiction that he and those with blood on their hands can stay in power."

Annan called the meeting to salvage a peace plan that has largely been ignored by the Assad government. He stressed that the transition must be led by Syrians and meet their legitimate aspirations.

"No one should be in any doubt as to the extreme dangers posed by the conflict - to Syrians, to the region, and to the world," he said in opening remarks.

His plan for a negotiated solution to the 16-month-old conflict is the only one on the table and its failure would doom Syria to even more violence. More than 10,000 people have been killed since the anti-Assad uprising broke out and the past few weeks have been among the bloodiest.

Highlighting the deteriorating situation on the ground, Syrian government forces pushed their way into Douma on the outskirts of Damascus on Saturday after weeks of siege and shelling. Fleeing residents spoke of corpses lying in the streets.

Britain's ITV showed footage of clouds of black smoke over built-up areas and said warplanes had struck at targets in the suburb.

The army also attacked pro-opposition areas in Deir al-Zor, Homs, Idlib and the outskirts of Damascus, opposition activists said.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Assad and his close associates could not lead any transition. Accountability for war crimes must be part of such a process, he added in his speech to the meeting.

Hague called for the U.N. Security Council to start drafting a resolution next week setting out sanctions against Syria, a move that he noted put him at odds with Russia.

The foreign ministers of the council's five permanent members - Russia, the United States, China, France and Britain - all attended along with Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

Notably uninvited were Iran, Syria's closest regional ally, and Saudi Arabia, a foe of both Damascus and Tehran and leading backer of the rebel forces opposing Assad. Nor was anyone from the Syrian government or opposition represented.


The Syrian conflict has evolved from peaceful protests against the Assad family's four-decade rule to something akin to a civil war with a sectarian dimension.

The world has condemned the ferocity of Assad's forces' crackdown - including military assaults on pro-opposition areas and mass arrests - but has been unable to halt violence which threatens to draw in the region's religious and political rivalries and alliances.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 people had been killed across the country on Saturday.

Syria's border with Turkey was also tense following a Turkish military build-up in response to Syria's shooting down of a Turkish warplane last week.

A Syrian witness said Turkish forces stationed on the border opposite the Syrian town of Jandaris fired machineguns in the air in response to Syrian army bombardment of rebel areas.

"It was to tell the Syrian side we are here," the witness said.

Syrian forces reentered Douma and soldiers were carrying out searches in hospitals for dissidents and rebel fighters, activists said. Electricity and water were cut off.

Abo Abdullah, 50, said he and his five children left Douma on Sunday morning fearing attacks by government forces.

"I saw at least three bodies on a street corner, some houses were destroyed, others were on fire. Only a few people remained inside the city. Those who can, leave," he said.

"I saw a body on the side of the street and dogs were gathering around it."

State news agency SANA said security forces were raiding hideouts in Douma of "armed terrorist groups" and had killed, wounded or arrested scores.

Although the government routinely refers to its enemies as foreign-controlled terrorists, Assad himself conceded this week that the country was now in a state of war.

Source: - (Additional reporting by Andrew Quinn, Tom Miles and Emma Farge in Geneva and Oliver Holmes and Mariam Karouny in Beirut; Writing by Angus MacSwan; Editing by Andrew Roche)

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NEW YORK - "Gli Stati Uniti danno il benvenuto al divieto dell'Unione Europea di ogni importazione di petrolio iraniano e ad altre sanzioni all'industria petrolifera dell'Iran, che entrano pienamente in vigore oggi", ha affermato la Casa Bianca.

"Questa decisione collettiva dei 27 Paesi dell'Unione Europea rappresenta un aumento sostanziale dell'impegno dei nostri alleati e partner europei nella ricerca di una soluzione pacifica alle preoccupazioni della comunità internazionale sul programma nucleare iraniano", afferma la Casa Bianca in una nota del portavoce Jay Carney.

"Questa azione è una parte essenziale dei nostri sforzi concertati diplomatici per offrire all'Iran una chiara scelta tra l'isolamento o l'adempimento dei suoi doveri", si legge ancora nella nota, in cui si afferma che Teheran "ha l'opportunità di proseguire i negoziati sostanziali, a cominciare i colloqui a livello di esperti di questa settimana a Istanbul, e deve adottare misure concrete per una soluzione globale delle preoccupazioni della comunità internazionale per le attività nucleari" iraniane.


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Tinerele femei, pe jumatate dezbracate, au protestat în fata stadionului Olimpic din Kiev, unde în aceasta seara va avea loc finala Euro-2012.

Una dintre protestatare purta peruca si mustata falsa pentru a semana cu presedintele Belarusului, vizat de interdictii de calatorie în Europa din cauza atingerilor aduse libertatilor în tara sa.

Participantele la protest au afisat un banner pe care era scris "UEFA nu are scrupule", cu referire la acceptarea lui Lukasenko la finala de la Kiev.

Presedintele Belarusului, Aleksandr Lukasenko, a fost calificat de precedenta administratie americana ca fiind "ultimul dictator al Europei".

Ambasadorul Belarusului în Ucraina a anuntat ca înainte de a asista la finala, Lukasenko se va întâlni cu omologul sau ucrainean Viktor Ianukovici. Administratia ucraineana nu a fost în masura, duminica, sa confirme sau sa infirme vizita lui Aleksandr Lukasenko.

Spania si Italia se întâlnesc duminica seara, de la ora 21.45, la Kiev, în finala Campionatului European de fotbal.


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By Admin (from 02/07/2012 @ 14:04:50, in en - Global Observatory, read 2516 times)

The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has refused to comply with a police request to leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London and surrender himself.

He has been inside the embassy since last week seeking asylum as part of his bid to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning about alleged sex offences.

Susan Benn from the Julian Assange Defence Fund told reporters: ''Julian will remain in the embassy under the protection of the Ecuadorian government''.

Source: - 29 June 2012 Last updated at 16:03 GMT

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
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