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David Icke, il giornalista e politologo inglese, afferma che il cibo geneticamente modificato ha lo scopo di modificarci a livello genetico. Viene apparentemente venduto per “nutrire il mondo”, in quanto più resistente, mentre sarebbe molto più accurato dire per “compiere un omicidio di massa”. La Monsanto, produttrice leader degli OGM, ha piazzato i suoi “ex” dipendenti nei posti chiave delle agenzie governative che presumibilmente dovrebbero vigilare sulla congiura biotecnologica… Tra la Monsanto e i governi c’è una specie di porta girevole che permette a questa multinazionale di dettare legge e di bloccare ogni tipo di controllo sulle sue attività. Gli OGM oltretutto rendono inefficaci gli antibiotici, poiché batteri e virus si stanno rafforzando. Il cibo OGM, contenendo retro-virus transgenici, può provocare tumori maligni come il cancro o la leucemia.

Alessio Di Benedetto

The logo of Swiss agrochemicals maker Syngenta is seen in front of a cornfield near the company's plant in Stein near Basel September 18, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann

I 27 Stati membri dell'UE non hanno potuto pronunciarsi sull'autorizzazione o meno all'importazione in Europa del mais transgenico Mir 162 del gruppo Syngenta, destinato all'alimentazione umana e alla produzione di mangimi.

Il dossier torna dunque alla Commissione UE che, secondo la procedura europea, deciderà se dare il via libera definitivo alla sua proposta.

La Commissione europea, precisa che il mais Ogm Mir 162 ha ricevuto il parere favorevole dell'Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare (Efsa) nel giugno 2012.

"Questo Ogm è un mais resistente agli insetti - precisa Bruxelles - e, per quanto riguarda gli studi di tossicologia, è stato sottoposto ad uno studio di 'tossicita' oralé della durata di 28 giorni e ad uno studio di 90 giorni con alimentazione di ratti. Questi due studi non hanno individuato effetti negativi".

Sul fronte dell'autorizzazione degli OGM, il dibattito è diventato incandescente in Europa dopo la pubblicazione dello studio-shock realizzato da una squadra di scienziati della Università di Caen, guidata dallo scienziato francese Gilles-Eric Seralini, sulla tossicità del mais OGM NK603, che causa tumori, realizzato dalla Monsanto. In particolare Seralini ha rimesso in discussione la durata dei test di valutazione scientifica dell'Efsa, considerati troppo brevi.

Tratto da: ANSA - Immagine: The logo of Swiss agrochemicals maker Syngenta is seen in front of a cornfield near the company's plant in Stein near Basel September 18, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann

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K1 style: Armenian & Greek Orthodox Monks Fight for Jerusalem!

BEST fight EVER.

Date of the Event: Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Greeks priests wear black frock." - Defectordrunkzone

"so the blue and red one are armenians ?" - piiipaaapooo

"Monks ??? These are monkeys !" - wolfpackfighter1

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The federal government claims that marijuana has ‘no accepted medical use’ and continues to classify it in the same category as heroin, MDMA, and PCP. This claim is made by the government despite countless studies existing which highlight its many industrial and medicinal uses. One very recent study sheds light not only on how the plant could be beneficial, but how casual marijuana use doesn’t even lead to lung damage and could even have positive effects on the lungs.

marijuanahold 210x131 Shocking: Positive Effects of Marijuana on Lungs

Marijuana Use May Have Positive Effects on Lungs

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined 5,115 men and women over the course of two decades – between March 26, 1985 and August 19, 2006. The data also showed that high-use of the plant, about one joint every day for 7 years, had little to no negative impact on lung air flow rates or lung volume. What’s shocking is that there is evidence pointing to slight increases in lung air flow rates as well as enhancements in lung volume from occasional marijuana use – positive effects of marijuana many wouldn’t believe. According to one of the study’s co-authors, Stefan Kertesz:

“With marijuana use increasing and large numbers of people who have been and continue to be exposed, knowing whether it causes lasting damage to lung function is important for public-health messaging and medical use of marijuana…at levels of marijuana exposure commonly seen in Americans, occasional marijuana use was associated with increases in lung air flow rates and increases in lung capacity.”

Yet this is only one more finding to compliment the many past findings regarding the lack of danger and positive aspects of cannabis. Studies have found marijuana use to be beneficial in treating multiple sclerosis, Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, brachial plexus neuropathies, insomnia, memory disorders, anxiety disorders, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and many more conditions. Most notably, the plant possesses a significant painkilling effect as well as noticeable improvements in sleep.

Some cannabis activists actually state that certain properties of marijuana can act as a “cure-all” in the right forms. Marijuana low in THC, the active ingredient responsible for psychoactive effects, and high in CBD (cannabidiol), offer the health promoting aspects of cannabis while avoiding the “high”. Although both THC and CBD are considered cannabinoids, CBD acts as a neutralizer and blocks the psychoactive effects of THC. Hemp is a perfect example of a plant containing low or no THC levels and high CBD levels, yet it is still illegal to grow within the United States.

Why is marijuana illegal? Whether individuals choose to use marijuana or hemp should be their choice. There is plenty of information available portraying the positive aspects of these plants, but government censorship still persists. No matter what, being able to use these substances is our given right, and no authority should be able to take that away from us.

Source: Natural Society

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L'annuncio e' stato dato da Silvano Vinceti, presidente del Comitato Nazionale per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Storici, Culturali e Ambientali, promotore dell'iniziativa per chiedere al Louvre un prestito temporaneo del capolavoro di Leonardo da Vinci da esporre possibilmente a Firenze nel corso del prossimo anno.

Vinceti ha detto anche di aver chiesto un incontro con il nuovo ministro della Cultura francese Aurelie Filipetti Orelle e di aver intenzione di ''mettere in campo tutte le iniziative per perseguire l'obiettivo'', anche le piu' estreme ''come uno sciopero della fame ad oltranza''.
Vinceti, promotore della campagna internazionale ''Per il rientro della Gioconda in Italia nel 2013'', considera ''il rientro della Gioconda di alta valenza storica, simbolica e morale'' perché coinciderebbe con centenario del ritrovamento nel dicembre del 1913 a Firenze del famoso quadro rubato al Louvre nel 1911 dall'italiano Vincenzo Peruggia.
Silvano Vinceti presidente del Comitato e responsabile della campagna ha dichiarato: ''Da più di un anno siamo impegnati in questa iniziativa che riteniamo di grande importanza, non solo e non tanto per il significato storico e artistico che questo rientro in Italia avrebbe dopo la sua esposizione per circa un mese avvenuta cento anni fa prima a Firenze e poi a Roma, ma come atto di stretto legame e di tradizionale contaminazione culturale e artistica fra noi e i francesi''.
Fonte: via

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Thanks to the available findings of a 2006 study showing that cannabis actually reduces the number of cancer cells, medical marijuana users can now feel even better about the widely abolished pain relief ingredient found in the plant. The relationship between marijuana and cancer has always been up for debate, but with the use of a specially crafted oil made from the buds of the Cannabis Sativa plant, scientists confirmed that the plant’s primary psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) destroys any and all malignant cancer cell growths in several patients. Details on the marijuana and cancer prevention connection aren’t exactly known, but further, more extensive testing will reveal exactly what may be causing this seemingly miracle cure.

Shedding Some Light on the Marijuana and Cancer Relationship

Back in 2006, the study was developed by a team of medical researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Pharmacology and Toxicology department on leukemia patients. The researchers essentially outlined that if taken daily for an extended period of time, cannabis oil actually reverses the growth of cancer and possibly leads to remission in the patient – with zero added side effects. Typically when a leukemia patient enters a hospital for admission and treatment, they are given a very extensive chemotherapy treatment, usually paired with a radiological treatment. Instead of considering any possible treatment involving marijuana and cancer, doctors use these not only ineffective, but also dangerous treatments. Cannabis, on the other hand, as shown in the study, has virtually no side effects. It is  especially safe and effective when administered in a clean, medically sound environment and in the form of oil.

Other studies have been made over the past decades much like this one: Manuel Guzman located in Madrid, Spain discovered that cannabinoids substantially inhibit the growth of tumors in a variety of lab animals. In the study he also found that not one of these tested animals endured any kind of side effects seen in many similar chemotherapy treatments. It is becoming increasingly clear that you can sidestep any of the misery associated with traditional cancer treatments and embrace the potent, effective healing powers of THC – not to forget about the positive attributes surrounding cannabis’ other primary cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD).

marijuanaleaf 220x137 Marijuana and Cancer Relationship   Marijuana Found to Destroy Cancer Cells

If the results don’t appeal to you, then maybe the 2,500 total studied patients throughout these 37 controlled studies will blow the lid on the myth that cannabis is and can only be used as a “dangerous” drug. None of the patients reported any kind of adverse side effects from the use of THC and based medication – further adding to the benefits of medical marijuana and strengthening the positive connection between marijuana and cancer.

The real irony in the situation here? The combined governments of the world are the primary authority behind more than 30 studies like these completed throughout the years – and kept them secret from the general public. It wouldn’t be very conducive for our government if word got out that a schedule 1 narcotic could actually help people.

Source: Natural Society - Author: Patrick Gallagher

Additional sources:

Global Healing Center

Healthier Talk

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By Admin (from 05/10/2012 @ 04:03:47, in en - Video Alert, read 2305 times)

In a Horizon special, naturalist Sir David Attenborough investigates whether the world is heading for a population crisis.

In his lengthy career, Sir David has watched the human population more than double from 2.5 billion in 1950 to nearly seven billion. He reflects on the profound effects of this rapid growth, both on humans and the environment.

While much of the projected growth in human population is likely to come from the developing world, it is the lifestyle enjoyed by many in the West that has the most impact on the planet. Some experts claim that in the UK consumers use as much as two and a half times their fair share of Earth’s resources.


Sir David examines whether it is the duty of individuals to commit not only to smaller families, but to change the way they live for the sake of humanity and planet Earth.


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Catholic Church Blames Children For Being Raped.

Welcome to the official Cult Of Dusty Facebook group, where we don't tolerate irrational nonsense. Remember, knowledge is to faith...what light is to darkness. Cult of Dusty is a youtube sensational free thinker headed by Dusty Smith. Dusty can be found at and Join and enjoy.

Admin Guidelines: "Unless someone is spamming or outright trolling, do not delete their posts. Everyone can say whatever they want. This is a marketplace of ideas. The best ideas will win with no need for censorship of any kind." ~ Dusty

The official southern spokesperson for the Catholic Church, Dusty Smith, explains why children are to blame for being raped by priests.

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Subiecte interzise în mass-media romaneasca.

Înca din secolul trecut marea majoritate a americanilor a visat sa spuna NU criminalilor bancheri corupti condusi de familiile Rothschild si Rockefeller, dar nimeni nu a îndraznit sa o faca. De ce? Daca numai jumatate din natiunea americana si 1% din cei care platesc taxe si impozite ar fi spus “AJUNGE!”, atunci guvernul s-ar fi schimbat. De ce este oare atât de greu pentru unii oameni sa înteleaga ca printr-un simplu REFUZ de a plati taxele catre un sistem corupt se poate obtine mult mai mult decât prin violenta? Cu alte cuvinte, URMARESTE SA DESCOPERI UNDE AJUNG BANII TAI! E chiar atât de greu? Adevarul în aceasta privinta este ca doar islandezii au fost în stare sa o faca… deocamdata. Nu numai ca au reusit sa rastoarne un guvern corupt pâna în maduva oaselor, dar au pus bazele unei Constitutii corecte care va asigura ca toate aceste dezastre nationale nu vor mai putea sa se repete niciodata. Dar asta nu e totul… Cea mai buna veste abia acum urmeaza!

Ei bine, islandezii AU ARESTAT DEJA pe toti bancherii supusi lui Rothschild si Rockefeller, care s-a dovedit ca sunt raspunzatori de haosul si prabusirea economica a Islandei. Saptamâna trecuta, 9 persoane au fost arestate în Reykjavik si Londra pentru fapte de criminalitate financiara care au determinat prabusirea economica a Islandei în anul 2008, criza profunda care a facut sa apara o REACTIE PUBLICA FARA PRECEDENT care schimba destinul tarii. În Islanda se desfasoara o REVOLUTIE FARA ARME, tara cu cea mai veche democratie (anul 930), si ai carei cetateni au reusit sa impuna schimbari fundamentale (nu doar de fatada) prin demonstratii ferme. Dar de ce oare restul tarilor occidentale nu au auzit nimic despre asta?

Mass-media oficiala occidentala este sub controlul Cabalei criminale, asa ca nu e de mirare ca exista aceasta cenzura stricta. La presiunea cetatenilor islandezi, nu numai ca guvernul a demisionat, dar s-a demarat elaborarea unui proiect pentru noua Constitutie, iar acum se începe procesul penal prin care bancherii vinovati de declinul economic al tarii vor fi pusi sub acuzare. Acest proces revolutionar linistit, fara violenta, îsi are originile în anul 2008 când guvernul islandez a decis sa NATIONALIZEZE cele mai mari 3 banci din tara (Landsbanki, Kaupthing si Glitnir) ai caror clienti erau în principal englezi si americani. Dupa aceasta masura, moneda locala (krona) s-a devalorizat puternic, iar bursa financiara islandeza a fost închisa temporar atunci când scaderea ajunsese la 76 %.

Islanda devenise falimentara, si pentru a salva situatia FMI a oferit 2,1 miliarde USD, iar tarile nordice au oferit în plus 2,5 miliarde USD. În timp ce bancile si autoritatile cautau solutii la situatia economica dezastruoasa a Islandei, cetatenii islandezi au iesit în strada si au manifestat pasnic zeci de zile în sir în fata Parlamentului Islandei, astfel ca primul ministru Geir Haarde a demisionat. Cetatenii au cerut în plus alegeri anticipate, si au reusit! În luna aprilie 2012 a fost aleasa o coalitie de guvernamânt, formata din Alianta Social Democrata si Miscarea Verde de stânga, iar prim ministru a fost numit Johanna Siguroardottir. Pe parcursul anului 2009, economia Islandei a continuat sa fie într-o stare precara, dar Parlamentul a propus ca tara sa plateasca Angliei si Olandei suma de 3,5 miliarde de EURO, esalonata pe 15 ani, la o dobânda de 5,5 % !!! Aceasta propunere a aprins din nou scânteia populara în Islanda, oamenii s-au întors pe strazi cerând ca aceasta decizie sa fie supusa unui referendum.

În martie 2010, acest referendum a avut loc si 93 % din populatia Islandei a REFUZAT sa plateasca datoria în conditiile propuse. Asta a determinat creditorii sa îsi regândeasca strategia si sa o îmbunatateasca, oferind o rata de numai 3 % si esalonarea pe o perioada de 37 de ani. Ei bine, nici asta nu a mers. Actualul Presedinte al Islandei, vazând ca Parlamentul aprobase propunerea cu o marja foarte mica de voturi, a decis luna trecuta sa nu o ratifice, si a chemat poporul islandez din nou la referendum pentru ca oamenii sa aiba ultimul cuvânt.

Bancherii tremura de frica

Revenind la situatia tensionata din anul 2010, în timp ce islandezii refuzau sa-si plateasca datoriile catre rechinii financiari fara sa fie consultati, coalitia de guvernare a lansat o investigare financiara care sa determine responsabilitatile legale pentru criza economica brutala ce a afectat tara, astfel ca a arestat deja câtiva bancheri si directori executivi care erau implicati în operatiuni financiare de mare risc. Între timp, Interpolul a emis un mandat de arestare international pe numele lui Sigurdur Einarsson, fostul presedinte al uneia dintre banci. Aceasta situatie a facut ca bancherii si directorii speriati sa paraseasca tara în masa, ca sobolanii. În acest context de criza, a fost aleasa o adunare care sa puna bazele unei noi Constitutii care sa reflecte lectiile învatate si sa o înlocuiasca pe cea în functiune, fiind inspirata de Constitutia Daneza.

Pentru asta, în loc sa apeleze la experti si politicieni, Islanda a decis sa apeleze direct la popor, din moment ce poporul are putere asupra legii, si nu invers. Mai mult de 500 de islandezi s-au prezentat ca si candidati pentru a participa în acest exercitiu de DEMOCRATIE DIRECTA si a scrie o noua Constitutie. Au fost alesi 25 dintre ei, fara niciun fel de afiliere politica, printre acestia fiind studenti, avocati, jurnalisti, fermieri si sindicalisti. Una dintre prevederile importante ale acestei noi Constitutii va fi protejarea expresa a libertatii de informare si de expresie, având numele de Initiativa Mediei Moderne Islandeze (IMMI), o lege care are scopul sa faca din Islanda un paradis pentru jurnalismul de investigatie, pentru libertatea de informare, în care sursele, jurnalistii si furnizorii de internet care gazduiesc site-uri de stiri, sunt protejati prin aceasta lege. Oamenii, din nou, vor decide viitorul Islandei, în timp ce politicienii si bancherii vor privi de pe margine transformarea acestei natiuni.
Islanda este un exemplu curajos pentru toate natiunile lumii!


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12 year old spells out the fraud the banks are committing against the people.


Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference.

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Based on the technology from MIT professor David Wilson, this grill would collect thermal energy from the sun and store it to allow cooking times for up to twenty five hours at temperatures above 450 degrees Fahrenheit. The study is being conducted by Derek Ham, Eric Uva, and Theodora Vardouli, all part of an entrepreneurship course called “iTeams.” I-Teams, (short for “Innovation Teams”) is a unique MIT course that assembles cross-disciplinary teams of students from across MIT.  The goal of i-Teams is to teach students the process of science and technology commercialization focusing on how to judge a technology’s commercial potential.  Each team has access to faculty, practitioners, business mentors, and fellow students throughout their project.

“There are a lot of solar cookers out there,” says Wilson, “but surprisingly not many using latent-heat storage as an attribute to cook the food.” Wilson’s technology uses a Fresnel lens to harness the sun’s energy to melt down a container of Lithium Nitrate. The Lithium Nitrate serves as a solar battery. Due to its phase change reaction, the thermal energy is able to be stored at longer periods of time and at higher temperatures. Heat is then redistributed through convection, which allows for outdoor cooking.

This study is very timely because although the students are creating a new grill for American backyards, the business plan is designed to allow the grills to be deployed in developing countries as an alternative source for cooking. Wilson originally came up for the idea during his time spent in Nigeria. While there he noticed a large set of problems linked to practice of cooking with firewood. These problems include reports of women being raped during their daily search for firewood, constant increase in deforestation, and respiratory health issues due to the daily inhalation of smoke in closed proximities. According to the United Nations Statistics Division, 55 percent of households in sub-Saharan Africa depend on firewood. In developing countries this Solar Grill would become a solution to a growing need.

In the US market, according to the Barbecue Industry Association, about 75 percent of all U.S. households owned a barbecue grill in 1999, and 40 percent owned more than one. To respond to the demands of the American public, the proposed US model would be a hybrid system of both propane and solar cooking capabilities. This would allow you to have your flame kissed meat as well as the ability to slow roast corn from the thermal convection. Currently the technology is in its prototype stage, but if all goes well in a few years you might be able to have Solar-Cooked food at your next barbecue.

The students are currently taking a market survey on this technology via Survey Monkey. You can visit and take their survey at:

Post Submitted By Derek Ham
MIT Solar Barbecue iTeam


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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