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Anti-Semitism and the ADL

The Cabalists (students of the Jewish Cabala) are the actual anti-Semites, Makow asserts. Their ruse is to foster the belief among non-Jews that all the Jews are to blame for the machinations of a relative few, similar to blaming all Italians for the Mafia. Set up as scapegoats for the diabolical few, duped Jews cover for the Rothschilds, who have suppressed normal Jewish cultural/spiritual expression while hijacking the Jewish people via "anti-Semitism" into advancing their Illuminati banker plan for world government dictatorship.

Preston pointed out that the Israel-lobby-controlled Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was created by Jacob Schiff in 1913 to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as "anti-Semitic." He stated in his book that the ADL has created new categories of anti-Semites, which include those who:

• do not believe that Israel remains God’s chosen people;

• affirm that old covenant Israel was guilty of killing the Lord;

• affirm that God has already fulfilled all of His prophesies to Israel;

• believe the "State of Israel" does not belong to the Jews today;

• affirm there is no such thing as a racially pure nation of Israel;

• deny that the UN creation of Israel in 1948 was the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy;

• question the validity of the Holocaust and;

• those who deny the "rapture" as God’s way of removing the [Christian] church so He can once again resume His exclusive dealings with Israel, including animal sacrifices and Levitical (Old Testament) priesthood.

It is interesting to note that the Holocaust is the only historical event for which you can be imprisoned anywhere in the world for questioning it, Preston added.

So... what are today’s

Christians to do?

Preston stated that the "end of the age" referred to in Revelation and Matthew is the same as that spoken of in Daniel 500 years earlier. It refers to the end of the old covenant between God and Israel, made with Abraham. Preston quoted the Apostle Paul saying that this covenant had expired (Gal. 4:31-5:2), as Paul completed his mission to bring the word of God to "all the earth." (Rom. 10:18; Col. 1:5-6; Titus 2:11).

The "state of Israel," as a geographical location, from the river of Egypt (Nile) to the great river Euphrates, was given to Abraham in 2081 BC (Gen 15:17-21) as part of that covenant. When Jesus came, he brought the new covenant and Israel fell, to be replaced by Christianity. Jesus told His disciples, "This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."

Is dispensationalist premillennial theology a Luciferian plan to cause Christians to think if they go against Israel’s drive for one world government, however evil, they are going against God and delaying the second coming of Christ?

But what if Jesus already came? What if the "sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind [that] filled all the house….and appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire (Acts 2:2)" was "the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory… with a great sound of a trumpet (Matt. 24:30-31)?"

Jesus’ title, the "Christ" translates to "the anointed one," which translates to "Messiah." These are all references to a king. Jewish kings were anointed, not crowned. Jesus came not as a physical king to save the Jews from the Roman Empire as they hoped, but as their spiritual king, to save them from the hypocritical Rabbinical Church; for this he was crucified.

When the Bible was translated into English, who determined that Jesus’ return was not to be a glorious spiritual return? Who determined that Revelation referred to anything other than the "end of the age" known to St. John, a Jew whose entire life was saturated with Old Testament prophecy?

If the old covenant was cancelled by the sacrifice of God’s son and the destruction of the temple and dispersion of Israel in 70 AD, how could prophecy still need to be fulfilled by the creation of a new "state of Israel" in 1948? If the doctrine of "premillennialism" is only 200 years old, why is it the only doctrine the major Christian churches and the global corporate media promote?

This is not coincidence. God does not need the Rothschilds to help Him fulfill prophecy. This premillennialist "prophecy" is actively being fulfilled by man to accomplish a destructive end designed by man. The Rothschilds have had the book of Revelation in their possession for over 250 years and the political influence to use the book to intentionally misguide the faithful to accomplish their sinister ends.

"The central banking cartel is the only group with both the motive and the means to take over the world," wrote Makow. "Consisting mainly of Cabala-believing Jews and Freemasons, it is the head of the octopus. Zionism, Freemasonry, organized Jewry, Imperialism, Jesuits, Vatican, Intelligence agencies, mass media, etc. are among countless octopus arms. [Its] motive is to protect its priceless but fraudulent private monopoly over public (government) credit (money creation). [It] needs a ‘world government’…" to protect its unlimited wealth and power. "[It]s ideology of world tyranny, Illuminism…. preaches that man (i.e. the bankers) can usurp the place of God and redefine truth," destroying Christianity, nation-states and family by promoting homosexuality and promiscuity and the end of inheritance and private property.

Christians must recognize that the teachings of Jesus have been subverted to suit the cause of a satanic cult determined to destroy civilization and institute a violent police state. It has banished God from public life and placed itself as the regent "governing authority" in top political seats and in church hierarchies worldwide.

Makow, in Illuminati, commented that God speaks to us through our spirit and conscience. We don’t hear him because our minds are like mirrors facing the world. We need to turn the mirror around so it faces the soul inside and create our own world based on making spiritual reality paramount. God is synonymous with spiritual ideals: Love, truth, justice and beauty.

As Christians, we are obligated to research the origins of our beliefs; no longer can we accept—on faith alone—what we have been taught regarding end times theology. An Idaho Baptist elder recently said that we must change our hearts to be open to what God wants us to do; get quiet, away from life’s clutter as Jesus did and listen. Then act. We have something the NWO doesn’t have and that is Love. We must focus on that.



Amillennialism: belief that there is a millennial reign of Christ, but not on an temporal physical throne upon this sin cursed earth; that the present reign of Christ (Revelation 20:4), began with His ascension to the throne of God; that the Kingdom of Christ is incontrovertibly real, effectual, substantive, factual and essential, but is of a spiritual, rather than worldly (earthly) or carnal nature and is now being extended and advanced through the preaching of the gospel of Christ, by His servants. They believe that the Messiah has come to reign upon the throne of David in the Kingdom of heaven.

Dispensationalism: the segmentation of the Bible; an interpretive framework for understanding the overall flow of the Bible by breaking it into seven distinct eras of God's dealing with man; that these eras between creation and the final judgement were a framework around which the message of the Bible could be explained.

Eschatology: "End Times" theory.

Freemasonry: is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, it is not a religion, and is considered by many Christian denominations to be an occult and evil power.

Judaism: originally based on Moses’ vision of God as a universal moral force; today is based on the Talmud, which consists of the interpretations of "sages" (Pharisees) during the Babylonian exile (586 BC to 1040 AD), and which contradicts the spirit of Moses and takes precedence over the Old Testament (Makow); the religious practice or belief of Jews collectively, based on the Torah and the Talmud.

Millennium: a Latin term meaning one thousand years.

Premillennialism: belief that the thousand year reign spoken of in Revelation chapter 20 is earthly or physical in nature; that sometime in the future Christ will literally return to earth as potentate, to set up a temporary kingdom where the saints will rule with him, but will not execute the last judgment at once. He will begin a literal one thousand-year reign upon a literal throne in the Middle East. In this eschatology Christ will reign and govern from physical Jerusalem, and peace will rule on earth from the nation of Israel.

Postmillennialism: the view that the millennium will produce a future golden age of the Church that will precede the second advent of Christ; that Christ is ruling in His kingdom now, and that the kingdom of God is now being extended through the servants of that kingdom, preaching the gospel; and that at the end of this kingdom age, there will be an age of righteousness and worldwide turning to Christ.

Praeterist (Preterist): belief that most or all of Bible Prophecy has already been fulfilled in Christ, and the on-going expansion of His Kingdom; that Jesus and his apostles said that his coming (or presence) and the end of all things, would occur soon (in that generation); that Matthew 24 has already taken place in the past, Christ actually returned in 70 AD fulfilling the prophesy of the second advent.

Zionism: the Masonic-based international Jewish political movement that has supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine.

Source: - Author: Anne Wilder Chamberlain - from the April 2009 Idaho Observer

... THE END.

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Over the next 60 years, approximately 50,000 criminals were transported from Great Britain to the "land down under," in one of the strangest episodes in criminal-justice history.

The accepted wisdom of the upper and ruling classes in 18th century England was that criminals were inherently defective. Thus, they could not be rehabilitated and simply required separation from the genetically pure and law-abiding citizens. Accordingly, lawbreakers had to be either killed or exiled, since prisons were too expensive. With the American victory in the Revolutionary War, transgressors could no longer be shipped off across the Atlantic, and the English looked for a colony in the other direction.

Captain Arthur Phillip, a tough but fair career naval officer, was charged with setting up the first penal colony in Australia. The convicts were chained beneath the deck during the entire hellish six-month voyage. The first voyage claimed the lives of nearly 10 percent of the prisoners, which remarkably proved to be a rather good rate. On later trips, up to a third of the unwilling passengers died on the way. These were not hardened criminals by any measure; only a small minority were transported for violent offenses. Among the first group was a 70-year-old woman who had stolen cheese to eat.

Although not confined behind bars, most convicts in Australia had an extremely tough life. The guards who volunteered for duty in Australia seemed to be driven by exceptional sadism. Even small violations of the rules could result in a punishment of 100 lashes by the cat o'nine tails. It was said that blood was usually drawn after five lashes and convicts ended up walking home in boots filled with their own blood--that is, if they were able to walk at all.

Convicts who attempted to escape were sent to tiny Norfolk Island, 600 miles east of Australia, where the conditions were even more inhumane. The only hope of escape from the horror of Norfolk Island was a "game" in which groups of three prisoners drew straws. The short straw was killed as painlessly as possible and a judge was then shipped in to put the other two on trial, one playing the role of killer, the other as witness.


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The following program may include disturbing images. You are advised to exercise your right of discretion before watching this program.

They weren't "wrong" about WMD's in Iraq, they purposefully lied about these WMD's to gain leverage for an invasion for personal and corporate gain.

The U.S spent billions fighting that war while those that dealt in oil and other goods coming out of the Middle East raked in the cash.

They rigged the game, and they fucked everyone in this country to do it.

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"This is a victory for WikiLeaks and freedom of information," Reporters Without Borders said. "The arbitrary blocking of payments put in place by financial service companies was completely illegal and has now been condemned as such by a country's highest court.

"We hope that this ruling will put a stop to the controversial decisions that Visa has been taking until now in connection with WikiLeaks and that Visa will instruct all of its partners and subcontractors around the world to comply. It would be strange, and unacceptable, if only Valitor were obliged to provide a service to WikiLeaks in Iceland while all the other subcontractors, including those in the rest of Europe and the United States, were not.

"We urge all the other financial service companies that that have been directly or indirectly involved in blocking payments to WikiLeaks to comply with the logic of Iceland's supreme court ruling without waiting to be legally forced to do so. The financial censorship resulting from these unilateral decisions must be lifted."

The case dates back to 2010, when several leading financial institutions including Visa and MasterCard stopped processing donations and other payments to WikiLeaks, depriving the whistleblowing website of its main source of income and threatening its financial survival.

DataCell, a company that collects donations for WikiLeaks, meanwhile filed a complaint with the European Commission accusing Visa Europe, MasterCard Europe and American Express of violating European Union competition rules when they stopped processing payments to WikiLeaks.

In a preliminary decision in November 2012, the commission said the block on processing donations was unlikely to have violated EU anti-trust rules. Reporters Without Borders urges the commission to reconsider this position in its final decision.

On 19 November 2012, the European parliament passed a resolution asking the European Commission to take the necessary steps to prevent credit card companies from refusing to process payments to companies and NGOs.

This position was shared by the UN special rapporteur for freedom of expression and the US treasury department. The European Commission did not however act on the parliament's request, thereby allowing the block on payments to remain in place.


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Ranta era stato condannato per l’omicidio di un rabbino durante una rapina nel 1990, omicidio del quale lui si era sempre proclamato innocente.

Poche settimane fa, il principale testimone dell’accusa (un ragazzo tredicenne al momento dell’omicidio) ha deciso di “togliersi un peso dallo stomaco”, ed ha raccontato che la sua identificazione di Ranta era stata “guidata” dalla polizia: “Mi hanno detto di indicare quello con il naso più grande: ero troppo piccolo per capire cosa stesse succedendo”.

Gli agenti, apparentemente sospettavano di Ranta (al tempo disoccupato e drogato), pur non avendo prove, e avevano deciso che “doveva” essere lui il colpevole, anche sull’onda della reazione emotiva della comunità ebraica di Brooklyn che chiedeva una giustizia rapida, poiché la vittima, Chaskel Werzberger, era molto note ed amata nell’area.

Ma la gioia di Ranta per la riacquistata libertà è durata poco: solo poche ore dopo essere uscito di prigione, è stato colpito da un grave infarto: “Il trauma mai sopito di essere stato vittima di un errore giudiziario e le emozioni intense legate al suo rilascio hanno avuto un impatto profondo sulla sua salute”, racconta il suo avvocato.

Ranta è stato ricoverato in ospedale: i medici sperano di salvargli la vita, ma non sanno se riusciranno ad evitare conseguenze permanenti sulla salute dell’uomo.


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David Ranta was rushed to a New York hospital Friday night where it was discovered that one of his arteries was blocked and another was partially closed.

Ranta's attorney, Pierre Sussman, told the New York Times that his client received a stent and will have to undergo another surgical procedure.

Unemployed drug addict Ranta was sentenced to 37-and-a-half-years in prison after being found guilty of the killing of Rabbi Chaskel Werzberger in Williamsburg on February 8, 1990.

Ranta was released Thursday after a judge overturned his conviction, which hinged on a false testimony and a line-up that was falsified by police.

The newly freed man was staying in a hotel with his family following his release as he was easing into his new life after spending nearly a quarter of a century in a maximum security prison.

On Friday night, the 58-year-old man felt pain in his back and shoulders and became very hot, according to Sussman.

At first, Ranta's loved ones thought he was having a panic attack, but soon realized that it was more serious than that.
‘The toll that his years in prison have taken on David is great,’ added Mr. Sussman.

A child witness, whose evidence saw a man locked away for 23 years for the murder of a New York rabbi he didn't commit, has spoken of how police told him to identify the wrongly accused man.

Menachem Lieberman was 13 when he was shown a line-up of suspects accused of the murder of Rabbi Chaskel Werzberger in a diamond robbery that went wrong.

His decision to reverse his statement saw wrongly convicted David Ranta released from a maximum security jail yesterday after 23 years behind bars.

Ranta was set free after a judge overturned his conviction that hinged on a falsified witness testimony and a line up that was manipulated by police.

Now living in Montreal, the 36-year-old last night spoke of how police told him to select Ranta saying he should 'choose the one with the big nose'.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN Lieberman said: 'As I was walking into the room to the line-up, they told me I should pick the guy with the biggest nose. I was too young back then to realize that this was a set-up. I never saw a line up before - I thought it was part of the process'.

Unemployed drug addict Ranta was sentenced to 37-and-a-half-years in prison after being found guilty of the killing of Rabbi Chaskel in Williamsburg on February 8, 1990.

That day a man attempted to rob a diamond courier and when it went wrong hijacked Rabbi Chaskel's car - shooting him in the forehead and leaving him for dead.

The murder rattled the Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn and prompted calls for swift justice for the perpetrator.

Then just a schoolboy, Lieberman was one of the witnesses to the man's escape and his positive ID of Ranta saw him get locked away in 1991.

Over the years he realized that his selection had been influenced and in 2011 - 20 years on - he decided he had to share those suspicions.

'As years went by, I remembered someone had told me,' he told Cooper. 'The more and more I saw on the news innocent people getting let free - I started to think back to the trial I was involved in,' he explained.

'I didn't tell anyone in the world but as I grew older and saw more and more of these wrongful convictions it really bothered me. Two years ago I decided I had to get it off my chest.

'An innocent man was in jail and is now set free - the sad part is the killer never met justice. I feel I was set up as a kid and I just wanted to do my part for justice.'  

The detective in the case Louis Scarcella still denies any wrongdoing and says there were no attempts to frame Ranta.

However, other problems were discovered when the Conviction Integrity Unit looked into the case.

Paperwork was found to be missing and other leads didn't seem to be investigated. 

One key suspect was cocaine addict Joseph Astin. His wife testified in 1996 he had admitted the murder to her on the day but he died two months later.

In all, this convinced the court it was time to release 58-year-old Ranta, a father-of-three.

'Sir, you are free to go,' state Supreme Court Justice Miriam Cyrulnik told Ranta at a Brooklyn courthouse yesterday.

Relatives, including his youngest daughter who was an infant when he was jailed, erupted in tears and shouts of joy.

Prosecutors had joined Ranta's defense attorney, Pierre Sussman, in asking Cyrulnik to vacate Ranta's conviction 'in the interest of justice.'

'The evidence no longer establishes the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,' said Assistant District Attorney John O'Mara, the chief of the conviction integrity unit.

He left the court carrying the belongings he had kept in his prison cell.

Asked by reporters outside what he would do, Ranta said, 'Get the hell out of here.'

'I'm overwhelmed. I feel like I'm under water, swimming. As I said from the beginning, I had nothing to do with this case.'
His family were overcome with joy.

'I just want to get him in my hands and I'll be happy,' said his son, David Ranta Jr., 36, to the New York Post.

Rabbi Chaskel was a much-loved member of his Brooklyn community.
Thousands of people attended his funeral, and the then Mayor David Dinkins offered a $10,000 reward for any information that led to an arrest.

When Ranta was arrested the police car carrying him to jail was surrounded with people chanting, 'Death penalty!'.

Despite the prosecution and the defense agreeing that conviction was not safe relatives of Werzberger were shocked that Ranta was released.

'For this to happen 23 years later is mind-boggling,' said Isaac Abraham to Fox News.


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Atheism does not turn you in to a monster... because... morals don't come from the Bible.

The Bible is Evil. (Leveticus 21:9) Evolution has granted us the ability to imagine.

Imagination Grants Empathy.

Empathy =  Morals



...One Trillion Dollars Coulda ended world hunger


Free HealthCare for us all.


Instead, we spent it on this. [WAR]

Don't tell me Christianity makes you moral!


Atheists just get it.



I'm honestly glad I was wrong.




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Ed un Uomo stava seduto da solo

Immerso profondamente nella tristezza.

E tutti gli animali si avvicinarono a lui e li dissero:

A noi non piace vederti cosi triste...

Chiedici tutto cioe' che desiderei e lo avrai.

L'uomo disse: Voglio avere una buona vista.

L'avvoltoio rispose': Avrai la mia.

L'Uomo disse: Voglio essere forte.

Il giaguaro disse: Sarai forte come me.

Allora l'Uomo disse: Desidero sapere i segreti della terra.

Il serpente rispose: Te li mostero'.

E cosi ando' con tutti gli animali.

E quando l'Uomo ebbe tutti i doni che poteva dare...

...ando' via.

Allora il gufo disse agli agli altri animali:

Ora l'Uomo sa molto, e sapra' fare molte cose...

improvvisamente sono spavetato.

Il cervo disse: L'Uomo ha tutto cio' che di cui ha bisogno.

Ora la sua tristezza finira'.

Ma il gufo replico': No.

vedo un buco nell'Uomo...

profondo come una fame che non potra' mai saziare...

E' cio' che lo rende infelice e desidero.

Seguitera' a prendere e prendere...

fino a quando il Mondo dira':

Non sono piu' niente e non ho nient'altro da dare.

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Un judecator al statului New Jersey a condamnat-o pe cântareata Lauryn Hill la 3 luni de închisoare cu executare.

Lauryn Hill, fosta membra a trupei Fugees si mama a 6 copii, a fost condamnata pentru evaziune fiscala.

Ea a pledat "vinovat" în fata acuzatiei ca s-ar fi sustras de la plata impozitului între 2005 si 2007. Cu câteva zile înainte de pronuntarea sentintei, Lauryn Hill achitase aproape un milion de dolari în contul restantelor fiscale.

Ea si-a justificat "scaparea" pretinzând ca nu si-a platit taxele... de frica, find amenintata de un stalker si temându-se pentru viata sa si a familiei sale.

Judecatorul nu a aratat deloc clementa, condamnând-o pe Laury la 3 luni de închisoare într-un penitenciar federal, la alte 3 luni de arest la domiciliu si la o perioada de probatie de 9 luni.

Hill va începe executarea pedepsei peste o luna. Ea a comentat: "M-am trezit în mijlocul unui sistem pe care nu l-am înteles pentru ca sunt copilul unor fosti sclavi. Am intrat într-o paradigma economica. Dupa ce am vândut peste 50 de milioane de albume, ma trimit la puscarie din cauza datoriilor. Daca asta nu e sclavie, nu stiu ce altceva ar putea fi"...


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By Admin (from 02/06/2013 @ 06:06:02, in en - Science and Society, read 2536 times)

Recipe #1

According to researchers, “nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip (pictured)  that gives the plant its characteristic odor, is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET — the compound used in most commercial insect repellents.” Problem is, catnip and a few other oil listed here are not recommended for pregnant or nursing mamas. For pregnant/nursing friendly options see recipe #2.

4 oz purified water
15 drops lemongrass essential oil (you can also use it to open up sinus and breathing passages, soothe torn or strained ligaments/tendons, heal ringworm, add shine and lustre to damaged hair, and as calming massage oil)
15 drops eucalyptus essential oil (get it for less by buying it with lemongrass, peppermint, orange, lavendar, tea tree)
15 drops lemon essential oil (use as a replacement to hand sanitize or mix with water in a spray bottle for bathroom air freshener. I’ve even heard you can add a couple drops to your dishwasher for spot free dishes)
15 drops citronella essential oil
15 drops catnip essential oils (“The active constituent in catnip, nepetalactone, has been found to be more effective than the insect repellent diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET)”)
Recipe #2

4 oz purified water
60 drops lemon essential oil (avoid during first three months of pregnancy, fine after that. Also safe for breastfeeding)


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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