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You are able to control where wind blows. Use the mouse cursor to define wind direction. Your goal is to prevent the paratroops landing on your island. Sometimes, the mighty Gods send you the items for help: cut the parachute cords; grab the paratroopers aside; sink the paratroopers.

Island Defense: Prevent the paratroopers landing on your island. Cut the parachute cords, grab them aside, and sink em!!!

Controls: Mouse.

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Dincolo de faptul ca oferind ai posibilitatea sa primesti de pe lucruri gratis, sunt cateva motive pentru care a oferi este un beneficiu in sine.

Iata cateva dintre ele:

Faci loc.

De multe ori dupa ce iti cumperi ceva nou nu stii ce sa faci cu lucrul mai vechi, pentru ca, chiar daca nu-ti mai trebuie, e pacat sa-l arunci, cat timp inca mai e bun. Asa se face ca il depozitezi undeva, sperand ca vreodata o sa iti mai trebuiasca. Si asa apar debaralele pline cu lucruri bune dar iesite din uz, pe care cu parere de rau tot trebuie sa le arunci cand este prea inghesuiala.

Ei bine, acum poti sa le oferi, stiind ca exista cineva care cu siguranta nu le ia ca sa le tina in debara, ci chiar le va folosi, asa cum ai facut si tu.

Reciclezi/ Green.

Nu trebuie sa fii mare ecologist ca sa iti dai seama cata risipa se face in societatea noastra de consum, in care rareori asteptam ca ceva sa se strice pentru a-l inlocui.

Suntem incurajati sa consumam, sa ne cumparam varianta imbunatatita, mai la moda, mai noua, a aproape fiecarui lucru din cate exista.

Cel mai bun exemplu sunt hainele, unde de cele mai multe ori aruncam vechile haine nu pentru ca s-au rupt, ci pentru ca s-au demodat, sau nu ne mai plac, chiar daca sunt aproape noi. A fi la moda nu numai in ceea ce priveste hainele, cat si tehnologia, aceasta este dorinta multora dintre noi.

Din pacate pe termen lung tot noi suferim, consumand inutil de mult resurse, poluand natura si lasand maldare de gunoaie in urma. Ca sa diminuam cat de cat efectele consumului excesiv, putem macar sa reciclam lucrurile care mai pot fi folosite.

Ajuti pe cineva.

Fie ca ii vedem sau nu, sunt multi oameni care nu-si permit sa-si cumpere nici macar strictul necesar. Ceea ce tu nu mai folosesti pentru ei este foarte util, si in felul asta ii ajuti, dandu-le lucruri pe care altfel ar fi trebuit sa dea bani.

“Dar din dar se face rai”.

Aceasta este o lege universala de bun simt, pe care stim ca o stii, chiar daca uneori se intampla sa o uitam. De aceea ti-o reamintim, mai ales ca traim intr-o lume care incurajeaza putin cam mult egoismul.

Fii ZEN - Pregateste schimbarea.

Pentru ca lucrurile noi sa apara in viata ta, este necesar sa le faci loc. Unde este imbacseala si inghesuiala, nu prea poate sa mai incapa nimic. Doar acolo unde este spatiu se pot aduna lucruri bune. A face loc este atat un act spiritual, de purificare, cat si unul fizic, concret, de improspatare, curatare.

Astfel, cand ai loc si in interior si in exterior, pregatesti schimbarea in viata ta. Sau macar traiesti intr-un mediu mai aerisit, in care ai spatiu sa te desfasori.

E cool!

Ai ajuns pe un site care iti place atat de mult. Cat de fain este sa poti sa primesti lucruri pe gratis? Pentru ca sistemul sa functioneze, si sa ai acces la tot mai multe produse, trebuie sa ajuti sistemul sa creasca. Poti face asta ori promovand site-ul in randul prietenilor/cunoscutilor, fie oferind lucruri, care vor atrage pe site vizitatori noi, care la randul lor vor sustine sistemul.

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As marijuana has become more popular as both a medicine and recreational drug, it continues to receive protest from those concerned about its alleged dangers.

These people tend to leave out an important fact: Marijuana has yet to be recorded as a direct cause of death. Not one, as the FDA has confirmed.

On the other hand, this visual from Take Part shows just how dangerous legal drugs can be.

Indeed, it becomes hard for anyone to defend keeping marijuana illegal, once you realize that society’s most popular prescription drugs and recreational substances are actually far deadlier.

Source: - Infographic by Take Part

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By Admins (from 02/04/2014 @ 09:04:52, in z - Games Giochi Jocuri, read 1866 times)


Ice Castle Blaster: Demolish the castles in front of you using your catapult. Time to blast some ice castles!

Controls: Mouse: Hold left click to charge, release to fire.

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Dr. Sisley is both a practicing physician and a clinical faculty member at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. In an interview with Medical Marijuana 411, she explains that – unlike traditional treatments – medical marijuana appears to relieve a wide range of PTSD symptoms.

"The truth is that marijuana can treat the whole spectrum of PTSD symptoms with this one medication."

She says many high-ranking veterans are starting to speak up about the benefits of marijuana. The only problem is, most of the evidence is anecdotal.

Dr. Sisley has spent the last three years trying to get approval for a study involving medical marijuana. But with marijuana still classified as a Schedule I substance, research on the plant seems next to impossible to conduct.

On the other hand, recent evidence has come from studies involving isolated marijuana chemicals, and programs in other countries like Israel. But closer to home, research on marijuana for PTSD continues to lag.


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You are a little shepherd boy, taking part in the qualifying rounds for the Annual Sheep Herding competitions. You must take all your sheep into the fence before the time (for each level) expires. You steer the shepherd with your mouse. Look out for all those dangerous things over there. If any of your sheep would die you will need to replay the level. Good luck!

Little Shepherd: Take part in the sheep herding competition and guide your sheep safely into the fences.

Controls: Mouse.

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Subject matter:
A European solution to a European issue: legalizing cannabis. The ECI Weed like to talk aims at making the EU adopt a common policy on the control and regulation of cannabis production, use and sale.

Main objectives:
There is currently a heterogeneous legal map as regards cannabis policies in the EU. The question of coherence and discrimination is worth asking. A common policy on the control and regulation of cannabis production, use and sale would: (a) ensure equality before the law and non-discrimination of all EU citizens; (b) protect consumers and monitor health security; (c) end cannabis trafficking. Let's leap toward the legalization of cannabis and the harmonization of national legislations accross the EU.

Information on this proposed initiative is available in the following languages:

European Commission registration number:

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To support a European Citizens' Initiative, you must be an EU citizen (national of an EU member state) and be old enough to vote in European Parliament elections (18 except Austria where the voting age is 16).
For more information on the rules and conditions for the European Citizens' Initiative:

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The cannabinoid that could erase decades of work is beta-caryophyllene (BCP). BCP is found in the essential oils of a variety of plants, including rosemary, hops, cloves and, of course, cannabis. It's also highly present in black pepper.

While BCP was first synthesized in 1964, it wasn't until 2008 that a group of German and Swiss scientists, led by Andreas Zimmer, Ph.D and Ildiko Racz, Ph.D of the University of Bonn, discovered that BCP is a cannabinoid.

And not just any cannabinoid, but one that acts specifically on the body's CB2 cannabinoid pathways. On the other hand, the pathways responsible for the marijuana high, CB1 receptors, aren't affected by BCP. Writing in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), they summarized:

"Here, we report that the widespread plant volatile â-caryophyllene (BCP) selectively binds to the CB2 receptor and that it is a functional CB2 agonist. Intriguingly, BCP is a common constituent of the essential oils of numerous spice and food plants and a major component in Cannabis."

Interestingly, scientists have been trying to develop a viable synthetic cannabinoid that targets only CB2 receptors for a very long time.

Many now exist, and research has shown the promise of CB2-selective cannabinoids in combating many inflammatory disorders, ranging from arthritis and bladder cystitis to multiple sclerosis and HIV-associated dementia. And all without the marijuana high.

But Dr. Racz and Dr. Zimmer's latest study, published last month in the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology, shows that BCP produces similar anti-inflammatory effects. Although the study was only done in mice, they found that BCP given orally was more effective than injections of the synthetic CB2 cannabinoid JWH-133.

This, they note, suggests that BCP could indeed be a superior medicine than synthetics. Not to mention, it's widely available as a food.

"It is likely that BCP belongs to a group of common plant natural products with major potential impact on human health. The oral intake of this dietary cannabinoid with vegetable food could be advantageous in the daily routine clinical practice over synthetic cannabinoid agonists."

Unfortunately, although still in its early stages, the discovery of BCP and its potential to eliminate synthetics sets a dangerous precedent. Frankly speaking, modern medicine isn't too friendly with the idea of plants replacing pills. And medical marijuana makes for a great example.


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The ZX Spectrum is an 8-bit personal home computer released in the United Kingdom in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd. The early Spectrum models' great success as a games platform came in spite of its lack of built-in joystick ports, primitive sound generation, and colour support that was optimised for text display: the hardware limitations of the platform required a particular level of creativity from video game designers. Most Spectrum software was originally distributed on audio cassette tapes. The Spectrum was intended to work with a normal domestic cassette recorder, and despite differences in audio reproduction fidelity, the software loading process was quite reliable, if somewhat slow (by today's standards).

You can enjoy the programs/games, free on-line, no download needed, here:

The "modern" browsers, strangely will block the Qaop/Java - ZX Spectrum emulator released under the GNU GPL licence (a Java applet which can be embedded on a page, but can also be run as a simple application) that will help you play these games:

Abydos Apulija 13 Curse of Oddville Donkey Kong Reloaded Gem Chaser Hobbit Vah Kas Cut Intergalactic Space Rescue Knights and Demons Dx Lost Treasure Ossuary Ramiro El Vampiro Souls Tank Battle Thunderturds Toofy's Winter Nuts Vampe Goto Vampe Zx Striker

Antiquity Jones Barbarians Bouncing Bob Redux Catacombs of Balachor Cheril The Goddess Earthraid Endless Forms Most Beautiful Freddie Lakers Airline Capers Jinj 2 Belmonte's Revenge Lost In My Spectrum Lost Tapes of Albion Majikazo Pariboro Phantomas en el Museo Shuttlebug Speccy Bros Toofy In Fan Land

Alter Ego Catch the Cash Chessboard Attack Devil's Castle Dingo Flynns Adventure in Bombland Frank'n'Stein Rebooted Future Looter Marbles of Wisdom Utter Tripe

Binary Bob Esponja La Aventura Box Reloaded Cheril of the Bosque Cheril Perils Crimbo Esta en el Pantano Forest Raider Cherry Ghost Castle Gloop Troops Heart Stealer Horace in the Mystic Woods King of Pong Kyd Cadet Lala Prologue Merlin La Aventura Moggy Adventure Mole Hunter Nelo and Quqo Oddi The Viking Sir Ababol Smiler in Arrowe Land Shogun Stratego Viaje al Centro de la Napia Trooper Point 5 Vinn Vole's Existential Nightmare Zombie Calavera Prologue

Banger Management Black Horse La Corona Encantada Grand Pr1x Heritage Home Brew King's Valley Kuiper Pursuit Party Worms Snake Bingo W.H.B

American Pool American Tag Team Wrestling Ano Gaia Astroball Bangers and Mash Biff Block Dizzy Bully's Sporting Darts Count Duckula 2 Doctor Who: Dalek Attack Fireman Sam Graeme Souness Soccer Manager Grand Prix Challenge Head The Ball Hideous Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis International 5-A-Side Jet-Story Match of the Day Neighbours Night Run Paperboy 2 Pixy The Microdot 2 Postman Pat 3 Potsworth and Co Reckless Rufus Rikosphere Sleep Walker Snare Sword of the Samurai Turbo The Tortoise World Cup

Adventurer Alien Storm Back to the Future III Captain Planet Carlos Sainz Euro Boss Extreme Football Manager 3 Hero Quest Hobgoblin Hunt For Red October - Movie Lone Wolf Lord of Chaos Moontorc Multi-Player Soccer Manager Narco Police Night Shift North & South Outrun Europa Peking Popeye 2 Predator 2 Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote Scooby Doo & Scrappy Doo Shadow Dancer Smash TV Soccer Rivals Super Monaco GP Switchblade Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles The Coin-Op Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends Titanic Blinky Top Cat Toyota Celica GT Rally

Atom Ant Back to the Future II Badlands Blinky's Scary School Bloodwych Castle Master Castle Master II Cavemania Dan Dare III Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters La Espada Sagrada Golden Axe Jungle Warrior Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager Klax Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Mad Mix 2 The Manager Manchester United Pipe Mania Plotting Poseidon Planet 11 Puzznic Rainbow Islands Rick Dangerous 2 Seahawk Sim City Snoopy Space Harrier II Subbuteo Super Off Road Turbo Outrun X-Out Zombi

Aaargh Advanced Soccer Simulator Beach Volley Butcher Hill Chase HQ Double Dragon Dragon Spirit Emlyn Hughes International Soccer Gemini Wing Hard Drivin' HATE Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Kick Off Mr Heli Myth Navy Moves p1 Navy Moves p2 The Ninja Warriors Pac-Land Pinball Power Puffy's Saga Red Heat Renegade III Robocop Run The Gauntlet Silkworm Spooked Stormlord Stunt Car Racer Super Scramble Simulator Tintin on the Moon Toobin' Tusker Viaje al Centro de la Tierra Victory Road Vigilante Xybots

Arkanoid II ATF The Bard's Tale Batman The Caped Crusader Part1 Batman The Caped Crusader Part2 Battle Ships Buggy Boy Cabal Cybernoid Cybernoid II The Empire Strikes Back Firefly Football Manager 2 The Fury Garfield Gauntlet II Ikari Warriors Impossible Mission II Laser Squad Last Ninja 2 Mad Mix Game Marauder On The Bench Operation Wolf Paris Dakar Psycho Pig UXB Rastan Samurai Warrior Rolling Thunder Soldier of Fortune Target Renegade Tetris Tracksuit Manager Under Ground WEC Le Mans

Academy Action Force II Amaurote Anarchy Arkanoid Barbarian Part1 Barbarian Part2 Basket Master Batty Bubble Bobble Colony Combat School Colony Deflektor The Double Driller El Misterio del Nilo Exolon Feud Flying Shark Gauntlet Head Over Heels Hydrofool IK+ Into The Eagle's Nest Jack The Nipper II Kikstart 2 Match Day 2 Motos Nebulus Nether Earth Outrun Ranarama Renegade Rescue Saboteur 2 The Sentinel Slaine Solomon's Key Spirits Stormbringer Tai-Pan Terramex Through The Trap Door Trantor Vulcan Xecutor XOR Zynaps

Alien Highway Antiriad Avenger Batman Bazooka Bill Bobby Bearing Bomb Jack Bounder Cliff Hanger Cobra Contact Sam Cruise CORE Dan Dare Druid Elecciones Generales Fairlight 2 Firelord Football Director Footballer Of The Year The Great Escape Green Beret Heavy on the Magick Jack The Nipper Johnny Reb 2 Kane Light Force Movie Nosferatu Paperboy Ping Pong Pippo Quazatron Rebelstar Sir Fred Starglider Starstrike II Terra Cresta Thanatos Three Weeks in Paradise The Trap Door Turbo Esprit TT Racer Uridium The Way of the Tiger Xeno Zorro

Abu Simbel Profanation Alien 8 Arc of Yesod Arnhem Astroclone Back to Skool Barry McGuigan Beach-Head 2 Benny Hill Bounty Bob Strikes Back Brainstorm Brian Bloodaxe Buck Rogers Cauldron Chaos Chuckie Egg 2 Commando Critical Mass Cyclone Daley Thompson's Supertest Day 1 Daley Thompson's Supertest Day 2 Desert Rats Dragontorc Dukes of Hazzard Dun Darach Dynamite Dan II Elite Endurance Everyone's A Wally Fairlight Falcon Patrol 2 Finders Keepers Formula One Grand National Gunfright Gyroscope Herbert's Dummy Run Highway Encounter Hyper Sports Jason's Gem Jet Set Willy 2 Jonah Barrington's Squash Journey's End Kong Strikes Back Macadam Bumper Magic Carpet Marsport Match Day Mikie Minder Monty Is Innocent Moon Cresta Nightshade Nodes of Yesod Panzadrome Popeye Raid Over Moscow Rambo Robin of the Wood Roller Coaster Saboteur Snodgits Spellbound Spy Hunter Spy vs Spy Starion Starquake Swords and Sorcery Tapper Think Tomahawk Video Pool Way of the Exploding Fist West Bank World Series Basketball Wriggler Yie Ar Kung-Fu Zaxxon

Airwolf Alien Antics Automania Avalon Beach-Head Booty Boulder Dash Bruce Lee Cavelon Chuckie Egg Combat Lynx Conquest Daley Thompson's Decathlon Day 1 Daley Thompson's Decathlon Day 2 Doomdark's Revenge Fantastic Voyage Frank N Stein Full Throttle Hunchback II Jet Set Willy Knight Lore Kokotoni Wilf Krakatoa Kung-Fu Lazy Jones Lode Runner The Lords of Midnight Match Point Millionaire Moon Alert Ms Pacman Mugsy Mugsys Revenge Olympimania Orc Attack Pac-Man Panama Joe Pole Position Pyjamarama Rally Driver Rebelstar Raiders Sabre Wulf Skool Daze Special Delivery Tir Na Nog Tornado Low Level Trashman Travel with Trashman Turmoil Wanted Monty Mole The Wild Bunch World Cup Football Zombie Zombie

Alchemist Android 1 Android 2 Ant Attack Aquaplane Atic Atac BCs Quest for Tires Bear Bovver The Birds and the Bees Bugaboo Chequered Flag Colossal Adventure Combat Zone Cyrus IS Chess Deathchase Dictator Fighter Pilot Fred Halls of the Things Harrier Attack High Noon Horace and the Spiders Hunchback Jetpac Jumping Jack Jungle Trouble Manic Miner Maziacs Painter Pandemonia Panic Penetrator Pheenix Pinball Pogo Pssst The Pyramid River Rescue Scuba Dive Splat Stonkers Stop The Express Time-Gate Turbo Driver Valhalla Zzoom

Adventure 1 Arcadia Battle Of Britain Black Crystal Centipede The Chess Player Chess The Turk Dallas Derby Day Football Manager Galaxians Gobbleman Ground Attack Gulpman The Hobbit Horace Goes Skiing Hungry Horace Invaders Muncher Nightflite Orbiter The Quest Reversi Space Raiders Spectral Invaders Spectres Spectrum Voice Chess Spookyman Tanx

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Sativex is an oral spray made from ingredients derived from the whole cannabis plant. The two main compounds in cannabis – CBD and THC – are present in Sativex in an equal 1:1 ratio.

Both cannabis compounds (known as cannabinoids) have shown anti-cancer properties in pre-clinical studies, and seem to be effective against a wide range of cancers. Anecdotal reports also suggest that cannabis and cannabinoids have the ability to fight cancer.

However, GW Pharmaceuticals is the first company to initiate clinical research on cannabis-based medicine as a cancer therapy.

While GW has previously funded a number of pre-clinical studies on the anti-cancer effects of cannabinoids, this will be the first time the company investigates the effects in human patients, said GW Director of Research and Development Dr. Stephen Wright in a press release.

"We are very excited about moving this compound into further human study and the prospects of cannabinoids as new anti-cancer treatments. This is GW's first clinical study of cannabinoids as a potential treatment to inhibit tumor growth."

The company plans to investigate Sativex as an add-on to the standard chemotherapy agent temozolomide, rather than a stand-alone. According to GW Pharmaceuticals, pre-clinical research suggests that cannabinoids can improve the anti-cancer ability of temozolomide.

The Phase 1b/2a trial announced on Monday will involve 20 patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive and rare form of brain cancer that accounts for about 50% of all brain cancers diagnosed in the U.S. each year.

The trial will first have to prove the safety of the combined treatment regimen before further research can be done on its effectiveness.

In the U.S., clinical trials of cannabinoids for cancer are also expected in the near future. Sean McAllister, Ph.D and his colleagues at California Pacific Medical Center hope to begin the first human studies of CBD for breast cancer within the next 12 months.

Sativex is currently approved in more than 20 countries for the treatment of multiple sclerosis symptoms, and is also being studied as a treatment for cancer pain.

While Sativex has been GW's leading product, the company has a number of other cannabinoid-based drugs in its pipeline, including an epilepsy drug called Epidiolex.

Epidiolex, which contains more than 98 percent CBD, recently began clinical trials in the U.S. and UK as a treatment for pediatric epilepsy.


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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