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Using high doses of marijuana extract, prepared via methods outlined by well-known cannabis activist Rick Simpson, the patient experienced rapid reductions in leukemic cell counts.

Local doctors Yadvinder Singh, MD and Chamandeep Bali, ND detailed the case last month in the journal Case Reports in Oncology.

"Despite the nonstandardization of the medicines, the dose was readily titrated according to the biological response of the patient and produced a potentially life-saving response, namely, the drop in the leukemic blast cell count."

The patient, who was first diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age of 14, eventually turned to high doses of cannabis extract after 34 months of traditional chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy treatments proved unsuccessful.

Although the patient passed away 11 weeks into marijuana treatment, her death was caused by severe intestinal bleeding, a common side-effect of chemotherapy.

On the other hand, after starting marijuana treatment, the doctors report that the patient experienced almost no side-effects, and became healthy enough to return home from her placement at a palliative care center.

"It must be noted that where our most advanced chemotherapeutic agents had failed to control the blast counts and had devastating side effects that ultimately resulted in the death of the patient, the cannabinoid therapy had no toxic side effects and only psychosomatic properties, with an increase in the patient's vitality."

While case reports on marijuana's anti-cancer effects are rare, the authors note that an abundance of pre-clinical studies support the potential of cannabis compounds to fight various cancers, including leukemia.

What's more, both research and the current case report suggest a dose-dependent effect, meaning that higher doses show stronger anti-cancer activity.

Unfortunately, despite the promise, progress in clinical settings has been slow.

"It goes without saying that much more research and, even more importantly, phase clinical trials need to be implemented to determine the benefits of such therapies. Laboratory analysis is critical to figure out the constituents/profiles/ratios of the vast cannabis strains that show the most favored properties for exerting possible anticancer effects."

Cannabis also appears to be safer and less toxic than traditional cancer therapies, according to the authors, who conclude: "It is tempting to speculate that, with integration of this care in a setting of full medical and laboratory support, a better outcome may indeed be achieved in the future."

Source: LeafScience

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Researchers at the University of Manitoba believe hemp seeds could offer a safer alternative to drugs traditionally prescribed for hypertension. Previous studies, they note, suggest that proteins found in hemp seed possess a variety of cardiovascular benefits.

"Preliminary in vitro studies have shown that industrial hemp seed peptides possess both antioxidant and antihypertensive properties."

In a new study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, the team found that an 8-week diet of hydrolyzed hemp protein could slow the development of hypertension in genetically-prone rats.

What's more, the diet was also effective at reducing signs of hypertension – plasma ACE and renin levels – in rats with already established conditions.

"The results confirm the potential of HMH (hemp seed meal hydrolysate) as a useful ingredient that can be used to formulate functional foods and nutraceuticals for the prevention and treatment of hypertension."

While a number of foods have been found to help control blood pressure, the researchers suggest that the protein content of hemp seeds, as well as being easy to digest, make it an ideal choice.

"The presence of superior amino acid profile in hemp seed proteins (principally identified as edestin and albumin) and high digestibility promotes their efficacy as a source of health-enhancing bioactive peptides."

Despite the positive results, more work still needs to be done. The team says the next step is to identify and purify the protein sequences responsible for its antihypertensive effects.

The study received funding from the Manitoba Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative (ARDI) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Source: LeafScience

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In a recent ‘Ask The Doctor’ column, Dr. Heather Auld, Fellow at the University of Arizona Department of Integrative Medicine and a practising obstetrician/gynecologist, explained why the time has come for marijuana to be placed back into the U.S. pharmacopeia.

1. Marijuana has been used as medicine for more than 3,000 years

The use of medical marijuana has been traced to ancient civilizations in China, India, and Egypt. One of the earliest pieces of evidence is a book written by Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung in 2737 BCE, which described the benefits of cannabis in treating constipation, gout, rheumatism and absent-mindedness.

Dr. Auld writes that “only in recent decades has it been removed from our pharmacies.”

2. The American Medical Association supports medical marijuana and its use in research

When marijuana prohibition was passed in 1937, the American Medical Association (AMA) was one of the only voices of opposition. Indeed, the AMA was well aware that marijuana, since entering Western medicine in the mid-1800s, was commonly prescribed for a wide range of conditions.

Though synthetic drugs grew popular during the 20th century, the AMA has continued to support research on marijuana’s medical potential, a position they maintain to this day.

3. The ‘high’ is only from one component

Cannabis contains more than 400 chemical compounds, of which more than 60 have been identified as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the medically active ingredients in cannabis, including the one that gets you high, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

But other cannabinoids are known to offer similar medical benefits, without the high. Cannabinoids like cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THC-A) have been extracted from cannabis to produce non-psychoactive forms of medical marijuana. These are especially popular for paediatric patients.

4. Our body contains a natural cannabinoid system that regulates health and illness

It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that scientists discovered why marijuana works so well, and for so many different illnesses. The discovery was a natural system in the human body called the endocannabinoid system, which includes chemicals that mimic the activity of cannabis, called endocannabinoids.

Much like cannabis, Dr. Auld notes that endocannabinoids act to “decrease inflammation, increase immunity, decrease pain, and increase appetite.”

5. Smoking or vaporizing marijuana is better for pain relief

Although some believe there are better methods than smoking or vaporizing, Dr. Auld argues that it could be ideal for those in pain. Oral ingestion of cannabis provides longer-lasting relief, but also takes about an hour to achieve effect. Patients in pain usually require more immediate action, which smoked or vaporized marijuana provides.

6. Marijuana may be superior to narcotic painkillers for neuropathy or nerve pain

While opioid painkillers are incredibly potent and can work wonders for certain types of pain, they are much less effective in cases of nerve pain. In studies, marijuana performs just as well as gabapentin, a leading pharmaceutical used to treat neuropathy.

Also, Dr. Auld notes that “whereas narcotics commonly increase nausea and vomiting, marijuana relieves those symptoms.”

7. When combined, marijuana can decrease the amount of narcotics needed for pain relief

Studies suggest that marijuana can reduce the need for prescription painkillers when given together. The popularity of painkillers has led to a rise in accidental overdoses in the U.S., with opioids claiming over 16,000 lives in 2010. By reducing the need for high doses, medical marijuana offers a promising solution for doctors and patients.

8. The main side effect of marijuana is euphoria or extreme feelings of well-being

One of the most common reasons for doctors to dismiss medical marijuana is the unwanted side effect of getting high. Yet those who have never experienced a marijuana high can easily forget what the high actually does. Feelings of euphoria, while unwanted for some, can provide comfort for patients with debilitating or chronic illnesses.

9. Unlike highly addictive narcotic painkillers, marijuana has the same addictive potential as caffeine

Even when compared to common recreational drugs, studies have ranked marijuana among the least addictive.

A study conducted by NIDA researchers concluded that 9% of people who ever try marijuana will become addicted to it at some point, which is similar to caffeine. On the other hand, the same study found an addictive potential of 15% for alcohol and 32% for tobacco.

10. Marijuana is being studied as a treatment for tumors and various forms of cancer

For cancer patients, relief of nausea and pain are not the only potential benefits of marijuana.

In fact, compounds in marijuana have shown anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects in numerous animal models, “particularly in brain and skin tumors,” Dr. Auld writes, “but also in lung cancer, lymphoma and colon cancer.”

Last November 2013, a drug company called GW Pharmaceuticals began the first clinical trials of a marijuana-based treatment for battling cancer.

Source: LeafScience with LINKS for each point!

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Now, for the first time, researchers have found that cannabis rich in CBD can slow the progress of colon cancer in live animal models.

Using a botanical extract made from high-CBD cannabis, researchers from Italy and the UK were able to reduce pre-cancerous lesions and tumor growth in mice with colon cancer.

The results, released last month in the journal Phytomedicine, also suggest that cannabis extract can selectively target colon cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Both CB1 and CB2 pathways seem to facilitate its effects.

"In conclusion, we have shown that CBD BDS (botanical drug substance) exerts beneficial actions in experimental models of colon cancer and antiproliferative CB1 and CB2 mediated effects in colorectal cancer cells."

The authors believe that the results could have "clinical relevance for the use of cannabis-based medicines in cancer patients," since current colon cancer treatments are "very toxic" and still "fail to prevent disease progression" in some patients.

Screening strategies for colon cancer have so far failed to reduce disease incidence and mortality, they add.

In 2008, colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer, was diagnosed in over 1 million individuals and caused more than 600,000 deaths worldwide.

Researchers have also made progress in studying cannabis as a treatment for brain and breast cancers.

Besides the potential to directly treat cancer, cannabis-based medicine can be used to stimulate appetite, reduce nausea and relieve pain in patients with cancer.

The study was partially funded through grants from GW Pharmaceuticals

Source: LeafScience

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Marijuana has never been linked to an overdose death, and new findings may explain why.

Published in the journal Science, French researchers have identified a natural hormone that reverses marijuana intoxication in rats.

In an interview with WebMD, study author Dr. Pier Vincenzo Piazza explained that rats exposed to THC showed a dramatic rise in a brain hormone called pregnenolone. The hormone also seemed to prevent marijuana's intoxicating effects.

"When the brain is stimulated by high doses of THC, it produces pregnenolone – a 3,000 percent increase – that inhibits the effects of THC."

But the study, originally meant for developing a treatment for cannabis addiction, has been met with different interpretations.

While the authors say that an addiction treatment based on pregnenolone could soon be tested in humans, others believe the study explains how the brain protects itself from a marijuana overdose.

By binding to cannabinoid receptors, THC triggers the release of pregnenolone, which in turn weakens THC's action on the receptors – a negative feedback loop that could prevent marijuana users from getting too high.

Considering the low rates of cannabis addiction, Mitch Earleywine, a professor of psychology at the University at Albany, SUNY, adds that a drug for cannabis abuse may not even be necessary.

"Although the authors pitch this as a novel way to treat cannabis abuse, it's actually a superb – if partial – explanation for why cannabis appears to have no potential lethal dose and why its capacity for creating addiction is more like caffeine's than that of any illicit drug."

Scientists have been studying pregnenolone since the 1940s for conditions like stress and arthritis, but only recently has the hormone caught the attention of cannabis researchers.

While pregnenolone pills are sold as supplements, Dr. Piazza and his team are now working on how to deliver the hormone in higher doses.

Source: WebMD via LeafScience

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Tereza este atrasa de Anton.
Ea îl invita pe Anton la o întâlnire.
Anton nu este interesat.
Poate ca el nu este atras de ea sau poate ca e casatorit.
Din diferite motive el refuza.

A fost Tereza REFUZATA?

Când o persoana este respinsa ea e predispusa sa simta Disperare si Frustrare; de obicei, ea va avea si simti Resentimente si Mânie fata de Anton. Respingerea a afectat activitatea Dopaminei si a Cortizolul din creierul ei,lucru ce poate cauza chiar durere fizica.

Unele efecte pe termen scurt ale acestei respingeri sunt Agresivitatea si Comportamentul Antisocial.

Acest tip de reactie emotionala ar putea de asemenea explica de ce ateii reprezinta unul dintre cele mai detestate grupuri de oameni.
Tereza este o teista si un panou i-a amintit ei ca ateii exista: "Nu credeti in Dumnezeu? Nu sunteti singuri.", sau poate ca Tereza a descoperit ca Anton, cunostinta ei, este un ateu, sau poate ca Tereza are o divergenta cu Anton despre existenta lui Dumnezeu.

Oricare dintre aceste lucruri poate provoca Terezei sa se simta Disperare: "Imi pare rau pentru tine. Ma voi ruga pentru tine." si Frustrare: "De ce-ti pasa? Lasa oamenii sa creda ceea ce doresc acestia!" De obicei ea va avea Resentimente: "Esti un nemernic imoral." si Mânie: "O sa arzi în Iad." fata de Anton.
Din acest motiv ea poate prezenta chiar Agresivitate: Vandalism, Amenintari cu Moartea, Discriminare si Comportamentul Antisocial.

Dupa cum puteti vedea exista o fascinanta paralela între reactia tipica a cuiva care a fost respins romantic (efectele sunt reduse daca s-a obisnuit) si reactia tipica a unui teist care întâlneste un ateu. Dar paralela este practic exprimata cu toata puterea atunci cand teistul descrie de fapt necredinta ateului drept refuz: "Ateii sunt persoane ce refuza pe Dumnezeu" spun acestia. Nu este o coincidenta faptul ca teistul alege cuvântul Respingere, pentru ca exista o discrepanta între utilizarea incorecta a cuvântului "respingere" pentru a descrie pozitia ateului si reactia teistilor care coincide cu exact aceleasi simptome ale respingerii: Disperare, Frustrare, Resentimente, Furie, Agresivitate, Comportament AntiSocial astfel obligându-i sa foloseasca acel cuvânt chiar daca nu este cel adecvat.

Inexactitatea poate fi vazuta usor prin prisma romantica.
Analogia ar arata astfel: Tereza (teist) încearca sa cupleze pe Anton (ateu), la o întâlnire pe nevazute cu Gloria (Dumnezeu). Anton nu crede nici ca Tereza cunoaste pe Gloria sau ca ea actioneaza drept un agent în numele Gloriei.

Anton a respins cu adevarat pe Gloria?

Ce se întâmpla daca Anton nu crede nici macar ca Gloria exista?
Poate ca Tereza a descris-o ca fiind prea atractiva, i-a descris personalitatea ca fiind prea perfecta pentru a fi credibila, asa ca, daca Anton nu crede ca Gloria exista în realitate, oare a respins-o el, chiar daca ea exista?

Tot ceea ce Gloria ar trebui sa faca este sa i se arate lui Anton si sa-i ceara in persoana sa o accepte, sau poate ca Tereza a descris-o pe Gloria in mod inexact.
Anton respinge pe adevarata Gloria, sau inexactul portret al Gloriei? ... care nu exista în realitate, chiar daca ea exista.

În orice caz Anton nu o respinge de fapt pe Gloria si în nici un caz Tereza nu ar avea nici un motiv sa se simta respinsa deloc.
De ce atunci teistul arata de obicei semnele clasice ale respingerii si chiar foloseste in mod gresit cuvântul Respingere, atunci când se confrunta cu un ateu?
Pentru ca Gloria este Tereza.

Credinciosul este Dumnezeu. Gloria nu s-ar fi simtit respinsa decat daca ar fi fost
Tereza, însa, a fost prezenta.

Relatia ta cu Dumnezeu este de fapt o relatie profund dinamica cu sine, cu Ego-ul tau (Dumnezeu).

Acesta este motivul pentru care Dumnezeu te cunoaste atât de bine, de aceea opiniile sale sunt atât de des opiniile tale si de aceea un alt credincios al aceluiasi Dumnezeu ca al tau poate pretinde ca este de acord cu opiniile lui Dumnezeu, dar nu cu ale tale.

Acesta este motivul pentru care Dumnezeu poate parea atât de real pentru tine, pentru ca el este real, Tu esti El.
Si credinciosule, înainte de a nega acest lucru, intreaba-te: "Esti tu cu adevarat într-o pozitie ca sa fii capabil sa negi acest lucru?"

Paul Altum: "eu spun ucide-i pe toti si lasa-i sa vada singuri ca exista Dumnezeu"

Bob O'Connell: "Impusca-i. Trage pentru a ucide."


Joseph Sneckenberg: "asta-i usor impusca-i" Casey M Jones: " 'Impusca i'. Cel putin noi stim unde se duc ei, irosire de oxigen"

Mike Holeschek: "Bate-i in cuie pe crucea aia si afiseaza"

Chriss Dunn: "Cred ca ar trebui sa-l atârnam de cruce pe liderul acelui grup, sa-i batem cuie prin mâini si picioare, sa asezam o coroana de spini pe capul lui, BAGAM o sulita in coaste, toate dupa ce a fost biciuit si batut în public! Doar asa încât ei sa poata indura ca si Hristos, ca sa înteleaga sacrificiul din spatele a ceea ce simbolizeaza acea cruce."

Bob O'Connell: "Ei sunt atei deci nu conteaza daca ii ucizi."

Aceasta confuzie intre Scepticism cu Respingere a cauzat persistenta ERORII fundamentale a crestinismului. Un defect fundamental, care are implicatii negative fatale pentru religie. Religia în sine se bazeaza pe o Falsa Dihotomie, notiunea ca trebuie sa Alegeti pe Dumnezeu, sau sa-L Respingeti. Dar CREDINTA nu este o alegere, este o constrângere ce depaseste tarâmul alegerii realizata prin Argumente Convingatoare, Probe si Încredere.

Eu nu aleg ceea ce cred deoarece o percep ca pe optiunea cea mai atractiva, eu sunt obligat sa cred ceea ce consider ca este adevarat, indiferent daca îmi place sau nu, deoarece calitatea de a fi dorit nu este o conditie a adevarului.

Adevarul nu are nevoie de aprobarea ta. Fii sincer cu tine însuti.

Acest lucru necesita o introspectie onesta.

Pentru a face cu adevarat o alegere trebuie sa mi se acorde clar optiunea. Din moment ce pot avea dubii daca optiunea chiar exista, inseamna ca optiunea nu mi-a fost prezentata in mod clar, prin urmare, ma împiedica de a fi capabil sa fac o alegere.

Un Dumnezeu omniscient ar vedea cu usurinta acest defect din sistemul sau. Dar Dumnezeu nu este atotstiutor, el doar pare asa pentru ca într-un fel, într-o anumita masura, el stie exact cum sa raspunda dubiilor tale; el stie exact cum tu gandesti.

Iar daca ati fost atent atunci stiti exact de ce este asa.

Traducerea si adaptarea: Doru Trifan -

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Instructions: every racer in the Universe dreams about becoming the next king. One day you hope to challenge and beat the king in a one on one race. Then you will win the crown, the kingmobile and the king's Moon. Every challenger must pay a large fee to race against the king. To reach your goal you will have build a reputation, win money and mod a car. To build a reputation you need to win races. Winning a race against strong opposition will increase your reputation a lot. Losing against weak opposition will do your reputation no good. YOU CAN SAVE THE GAMES PLAYED AND PROFILES...

Planet Racer: Drag Race on different moons and planets, win money, build reputation, mod your car and challenge the King!

Controls: Keyboard: Arrow keys

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The fact that everyone ignores a human being fallen on the sidewalk, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do! It is by simple and heroic actions that we begin to appreciate the true meaning of the word "humanity".

Share this video to spread awareness and put an end to this phenomenon... once and for all!

I got into a nasty bike accident the day before I saw this. I'm so grateful people came to my aid and prevented a bruised rib from getting much worse. Now I wonder what would have happened if I looked different...

Experiment: Importanta aparentelor. Ce se intampla cand lesini pe strada? Experiment: The importance of appearances. What happens when you fall down on the street?

La mai bine de 5 minute dupa ce pici jos pe strada... oamenii continua sa treaca pe langa tine fara sa faca nimic.

Faptul ca toata lumea ignora o fiinta umana ce a cazut pe trotuar, nu inseamna ca acesta e modul corect de a proceda! Tocmai prin actiuni simple si eroice incepem sa apreciem adevaratul semnificat al cuvantului "umanitate".

Condivide acest video pentru a difuza constientizarea si pentru a pune capat acestui fenomen: o data pentru totdeauna!

Mai multe informatii:

experiment social, importanta aparentelor, umanitate, empatie, fiinta umana, constientizare, actiuni, eroism, experiment, importance appearances, human being, fall down, heroic actions, humanity, spread awareness

Experiment: The importance of appearances. Almost 5 minutes later after you fall down on the street... people just keep walking by and doing nothing.

The fact that everyone ignores a human being fallen on the sidewalk, doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do! It is by simple and heroic actions that we begin to appreciate the true meaning of the word "humanity".

Share this video to spread awareness and put an end to this phenomenon... once and for all!

More information:

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Famoso discorso pronunciato da John Fritzgerald Kennedy, il 27 aprile 1961, sulla reale minaccia che le società segrete costituiscono per tutto il mondo e per la libertà di ogni essere umano.

Interrompiamo questo programma per trasmettere un messaggio del Presidente.

Signore e signori, la parola "segretezza" é ripugnante in una societá aperta e libera, e noi come popolo, ci siamo opposti, intrinsecamente e storicamente, alle societá segrete, ai giuramenti segreti e alle riunioni segrete. Siamo di fronte, in tutto il mondo, ad una cospirazione monolitica e spietata, basata soprattutto su mezzi segreti per espandere la sua sfera d'influenza, sull'infiltrazione anziché sull'invasione, sulla sovversione anziché sulle elezioni, sull'intimidazione anziché sulla libera scelta. É un sistema che ha reclutato ampie risorse umane e materiali nella costruzione di una macchina affiatata, altamente efficiente, che combina operazioni militari, diplomatiche, di intelligence, operazioni economiche, scientifiche e politiche. Le sue azioni non vengono diffuse, ma tenute segrete. I suoi errori non vengono messi in evidenza, ma vengono nascosti, i suoi dissidenti non sono elogiati, ma ridotti al silenzio. Nessuna spesa viene contestata, nessun segreto viene rilevato. Ecco perché il legislatore ateniese Solone decretó che evitare le controversie fosse un crimine per ogni cittadino. Sto chiedendo il vostro aiuto, nel difficilissimo compito di informare e allertare il popolo Americano. Convinto che col vostro aiuto l'uomo diverrá quello che é nato per essere: libero ed indipendente.

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E' questo il titolo del convegno esperenziale e medico giuridico che si svolgerà a Catanzaro Sabato 14 giugno alle ore 9,00 presso la Sala del consiglio provinciale. L'incontro, organizzato dalla Cooperativa sociale "La Cura" in collaborazione con l'Associazione Ra.Gi. Onlus è stato accreditato dall'ordine degli avvocati e dei medici.

Il convegno, aperto a tutti ha il duplice obiettivo di far conoscere anche in Calabria i risultati della letteratura medico scientifica che ha dimostrato oramai da anni l'efficacia dei farmaci a base del principio attivo della Cannabis, Thc, per molte malattie e di sollecitare e sensibilizzare il mondo politico regionale nella realizzazione anche un Calabria una legge per predisporre misure necessarie che consentano l'utilizzo di cannabinoidi per uso personale nel caso di malattie come sclerosi, Sla, Parkinson, malattie oncologiche e via dicendo e la somministrazione dell'Thc anche nelle strutture sanitarie accreditate, pubbliche o private.

Dopo i saluti istituzionali e quelli del portavoce della "Cura" avvocato Antonello Talerico e della portavoce della Ra.Gi. dott.ssa Elena Sodano, ad aprire i lavori dell'incontro sarà Gianpiero Tiano, vicepresidente dell'Associazione nazionale cannabis terapeutica e che è stata la prima persona in Italia che, a seguito di un gravissimo incidente, ha iniziato a curarsi facendo uso di medicinali il cui principio attivo è l'infiorescenza della sativa e che relazionerà sul tema: Cannabis Terapeutica la situazione italiana tra promesse e difficoltà.

Seguiranno gli interventi del dott. Camillo Falvo, Giudice presso il tribunale di Messina, che parlerà della "Responsabilità penale nell'uso terapeutico"; del dott. Domenico Bosco, Neurologo e Direttore facente funzione presso l' Ospedale di Crotone che tratterà de "Gli effetti della cannabis nelle malattie neurologiche". Graditi ospiti della giornata saranno alcuni membri del direttivo de "LapianTiamo", Cannabis Social Club Racale Lecce, un'associazione no profit formata da persone affette da malattie neuromuscolari che per la prepotente urgenza dei malati promuove l'uso terapeutico della canapa medicinale attraverso la coltivazione e l'approvvigionamento ai pazienti affetti da patologie come sclerosi multipla, cancro, dolore cronico, sla, parkinson, glaucoma e tantissime altre, fornendo supporto informativo e morale ai malati che devono convivere quotidianamente con i sintomi di malattie gravi e che con l'aiuto del comitato medico-scientifico incentivano attivita' di ricerca sui vantaggi della canapa medicinale.

Parteciperanno infatti Willy Verardi che racconterà l'esperienza dell'associazione LapianTiamo" e Lucia Spiri che racconterà cosa significa "Curarsi con la Cannabis". Concluderà la giornata Rita Bernardini Segretaria dei Radicali Italiani.

Fonte: CN24 via

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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