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Senza che ce ne accorgiamo, miliardi di api stanno morendo e la nostra catena alimentare è a rischio. Le api non si limitano a fare il miele: sono una forza lavoro immensa e umile, che impollina il 75% delle piante che coltiviamo. Tra pochi giorni gli USA potrebbero decidere di vietare i pesticidi tossici che le stanno sterminando.


Arrivare a quel divieto è possibile e noi lo sappiamo bene: dopo una mega campagna Avaaz dell'anno scorso, l'Unione Europea ha proibito quel gruppo di veleni che numerosi scienziati accusano per la morte delle api. Proprio ora le società dell'industria chimica stanno facendo pressione senza tregua sulle autorità statunitensi per impedirlo. I nostri alleati interni, però, ci fanno sapere che l'opinione pubblica potrebbe rovesciare la situazione in favore del divieto. Facciamoci sentire, allora! Se gli USA si muovono, daranno il via ad una reazione a catena nel resto del mondo.

Aiutaci a far crescere questa campagna!

Non abbiamo tempo da perdere: la task force della Casa Bianca per le api presenterà le sue proposte tra pochi giorni. Non si tratta solo di salvare le api, si tratta della nostra stessa sopravvivenza. Firmate ora questa petizione urgente, facciamo arrivare il nostro appello agli USA affinché mettano al bando quei pesticidi assassini, prima che le api si estinguano.

Ai membri della task force della Casa Bianca:

"Chiediamo di vietare immediatamente l'uso dei pesticidi neonicotinoidi finché e a meno che nuovi studi indipendenti non dimostrino che sono sicuri. La morte catastrofica di intere colonie di api potrebbe mettere a repentaglio la nostra intera catena alimentare. Se agirete ora, con urgenza e considerazione, saremo in grado di salvare le api dall'estinzione..."

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By CannabisJosh (from 09/10/2014 @ 05:09:00, in en - Video Alert, read 1713 times)

This you have to try, it's pretty easy as long as you have the ingredients on hand.  I personally love blueberries and I'm always thrilled when they are available in my area.  Enjoy!


1 large banana, sliced
8 fresh strawberries, sliced
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
3/4 Cannabis Almond Milk
1/2 cup ice
2 tablespoons honey


Place all ingredients in food processor or blender. Blend until smooth. Pour and serve.

Source: CookingWithCannabis

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Jens Waldmann is a dad, husband, and tattoo-artist. He's also a recently convicted felon. You see, Waldmann suffers from anxiety, insomnia and depression, which he's had a hard time dealing with. After many failed attempts of treatments, and hours of late-night researching online, he eventually turned to growing and smoking his own weed at home.

However, Sweden (where Waldmann lives) is pretty strict when it comes to drug policies. So after two years of regularly "self medicating," the police came knocking on his door and Waldmann was arrested, charged, and convicted for drug offences. He's now forced to go back to anxiety pills. Waldmann – who's allegedly been treating himself to be able to take care of his family – is now afraid he'll fall back into depression. So with the help of a pretty big group of friends supporting his cause, he's now trying to raise awareness around the possibilities of using weed as medicine. I caught up with him to see how that's going.

VICE: I've heard that you've been afraid to be labelled by society as a junkie, and not by a court as a criminal. It seems as if you've managed to gain a lot of support from your local community.
Jens Waldmann: Yeah. I've got a lot of support from people because of this. I knew beforehand that these were issues in the community, and that people wanted someone who can speak up about it. I felt the same way when I sat at home, scared of the police. When the police came, I told my wife that it's time to do something.

Sixty people showed up at your trial. Are you starting a movement now?
Yes, we joined forces to reach out to the public. What we're doing is that we're trying to get the truth out about cannabis – both pros and cons. Not the propaganda politicians have been scattering around them for the last 40 years with their war on drugs.

The lawsuit against you is pretty political. You have a Facebook page and for some reason I get the connotations to a political campaign.
Absolutely! We're using my situation to draw attention to this issue, to bring out a discussion. Most who are put in District Court are ashamed, which I probably would have been, too, if I had been drinking and driving, or punched someone. But I'm not ashamed! I don't feel like I've done anything wrong at all. It's society who should be ashamed of itself. I haven't raped a child or hurt someone for my pleasure. I've grown a natural flower for medicine. I don't get it. I really don't get what the problem is to be honest. All I've done is a favour to society by taking myself out of hospital care.

The judge called for a prison sentence, but you got 75 hours of community service. Wouldn't It have been better with a prison sentence to get a more clear message out?
Of course. In that case my family and my business would have been destroyed. It would have given a more drastic picture of how flipped out all this is. If I did the same thing again, I would definitely get a prison sentence immediately. Maybe the next guy doing this will have a criminal record unlike me and end up in prison. The sad thing is that the guy probably won't be more evil than I am. We're people who just wants to feel good, and I don't get why we should be stepped on because of it.

Do you think your trial will have an impact on Sweden's conservative view on medical cannabis?
A lot of people will hopefully open their eyes. We already have meds containing stigmatic drugs, like amphetamine that we give to our kids with ADHD. We give out morphine pills to the left and the right. This is a much easier drug to make meds out of, and a lot less dangerous than the other stuff we give people.

Thanks, Jens.

Author: Rasmus Foltmar Elfton - Source: Vice


Maria Larsson: We are a community in Sweden supporting him.
The group "Avkriminalisera Cannabis " (decriminalise cannabis) has 15000 members which support him in his struggles (
LINK here for the group, and LINK here for the Community). Also the organization "Cannalisörerna" is involved (LINK here).

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By CannabisJosh (from 11/10/2014 @ 07:02:23, in en - Science and Society, read 1742 times)


2 cups fresh tomatoes, chopped˝ cup green bell
pepper, diced
˝ cup onion, diced
Ľ cup CannaOil
1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, diced
1 tablespoon ˝ fresh jalapeno, diced with seeds salt and pepper to taste
Add fresh lime juice to taste


Toss all ingredients together in a medium sized mixing bowl. Serve immediately or chill in the refrigerator.

Source: CookingWithCannabis

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By Admins (from 12/10/2014 @ 07:06:40, in ro - TV Network, read 1760 times)

Toata viata ta ai simtit ca ceva nu e in regula cu lumea.

Nu stii ce e, dar e acolo ca o aschie in minte care te inebuneste.

Stii despre ce vorbesc?


Matricea e peste tot, ne inconjoara, chiar si acum in camera aceasta.

O poti vedea cand privesti pe fereastra ta, sau cand iti pornesti televizorul.

O simti cand te duci la serviciu, cand mergi la biserica, cand iti platesti impozitele.

Este lumea care ti-a fost trasa peste ochi ca sa te orbeasca fata de adevar.



Care adevar?

Ca esti un sclav, Neo.

Ca toti ceilalti te-ai nascut legat, nascut intr-o inchisoare pe care nu o poti mirosi, sau gusta sau atinge.

O inchisoare pentru mintea ta.









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By CannabisJosh (from 13/10/2014 @ 07:02:35, in en - Science and Society, read 1995 times)


1 tea bag
1 bud of Cannabis
1/2 cup of Hot Apple Cider
1 shot of Captain Morgan's Rum


Take the tea bag and cut the top open a little. Empty out the tea matter and replace it with some of your favourite Cannabis.

Add the tea bag and Hot Apple Cider to a safe and heat resistant drinking cup. Add one shot of Captain Morgan's rum. Give a gentle stir every couple minutes for the next 10 minutes.

Add a touch of boiling apple cider to your cup (to warm it up). Stir and enjoy some fresh Apple Chronic Cider!

Click below for something AWESOME!

Source: CookingWithCannabis

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Cheese and bread, you normally don't think something so good can come from it.  Add some marijuana and we have us a pretty good snack.


2 Slices of cheese
2 Slices of bread
3 Tablespoons of Cannabutter


Step 1: Pre-heat your skillet over low - medium heat.
Step 2: Spread your Cannabisbutter over both sides of each slice.
Step 3: Place both slices of bread on the skillet.
Step 4: Once slices are lightly brown flip them over and place your cheese on each slice of bread.
Step 5:  Place the slices on top of each other with cheese touching; continue to lightly brown the bread remembering to flip.
Once both sides are brown enough to your liking enjoy!

It's grilled cheese and marijuana!  What is better then those two things together.

Source: CookingWithCannabis

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You have scanned  a document with Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended, let's say an old library book, with yellow pages and stamps on it and want to do the text recognition to transform the image scan into plain text for Microsoft Word Office, Apache Open Office Writer, RTF and Word Pad documents software or other word text editor.

Then you should select from the menu:

Document > OCR Text Recognition > Recognise Text Using OCR...

One will get the window: Recognise Text with the Pages options (All pages, Current page or From page 1 to XX) and the Setting to Edit (Primary OCR Language - where you should select the text language from the scan: Romanian, English, Italian, etc.), PDF Output Style and Downsample Images options.

Unfortunately, sometimes you will have this message (not recognising the diacritics characters you have on the text, for example when the conversion is for Romanian language):

Acrobat could not perform recognition (OCR) on this page because: This page has graphics other than images or text on it. It cannot be captured.

What to do?

Jut save the scanned pages as images (.PNG):

File > Save As... > select *.PNG

and then open again these png files with Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended and just do the same operation of Text Recognition for the language of the text.

Now the text will have the diacritics for your language, very useful for the text you want to select, copy and paste in a text editor software!

Arturo Find for

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"My psychedelic experience showed me that in life, there is only "the Moment" (Carpe Diem - Seize the day). Everything, is a moment. All our life, past, future and present, is only a moment (a second). When I went to Amsterdam in 2008 and ate the magic psilocybin mushroom I understood that. I was literally travelling in time (and I know, I felt the last moment on this planet [my eyes fill with tears now, when I recall to you that moment in bed, during the night]. With the eyes closed or opened in the dark, it was just feeling. No hallucinations or fake ideas, just "feeling the rain" knowing how it is to be dead (or on the verge of it): so beautiful, so much peace and happiness, so much understanding on that last moment. It was a moment in 2001 when we became friends, it is a moment know when you read this line, this word, and it will only be a moment when, many years in the future, we will pass on the other side of morning. And remember my friend, my very good friend, not to be afraid then, because I will be there for you, holding your hand, hugging you. What I felt? I felt I was watched, Nature was asking me what was my opinion or solution to life. I knew that when my thin raft will sink, all my energy will become, with the dirt just another mushroom. I understood that those shrooms had all the knowledge from all the people that lived on this planet Earth (at least). I felt again something I too often forget: that life is magic, beautiful, worth living and dying for. I understood that we are manipulated with politics, religion and finance by evil forces just to steal our love, energy and happiness. I knew that calling the magic mushrooms or the cannabis illegal was not only a theft for the life, liberties of the individual and the well being of the human race, but a crime against Mother Nature, against the right of any person, any, to have the chance of understanding WHY is here, living on this Terra Ferma and what could be after. It's only a moment, a split second, one after another, just a frame that make our life movie, but if we stop to observe the spectacle we're in on this theater scene, we notice only a frame, a split second: the Moment. The movie will begin in five moments, the mindless voice announced; all those unseated will await the next show..." - Arturo Find

The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round, and it has thrills and chills and is very brightly colored, and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they've begun to question, 'Is this real, or is this just a ride?', and other people have remembered, and they've come back to us and they say 'Hey, don't worry. Don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.' and we KILL THOSE PEOPLE.

"Shut him up! We have alot invested in this ride! SHUT HIM UP! Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account, and my family. This just has to be real."

It's just a ride.

But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that. You ever noticed that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because ... It's just a ride.

And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear wants you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead see all of us as one.

Here's what we can do to change the world right now, to a better ride:

Take all that money we spent on weapons and defense each year and instead spend it feeding, clothing, and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and WE CAN EXPLORE SPACE, TOGETHER, BOTH INNER AND OUTER, forever ... in peace.

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"...the whole system has to go. The modern criminal justice system is incompatible with neuroscience. It simply is not possible to have the two of them in the same room." - Robert Maurice Sapolsky

Throughout his science investigative career, Alan Alda has met with Dr. Sapolsky several times. In this video they discuss what Neuroscience could contribute to the alternatives to incarceration: rehabilitation, therapy, and more. Dr. Sapolksy is well-known for his early work studying primates in Kenya. His current research revolves around stress levels and the relationship with neurodegeneration.

In this extended version, Alan asks Sapolsky his views about free will, morality, and what outside factors could contribute to making a person break the law.

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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