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Medicinal Cannabis (2010) is myth shattering, information packed documentary. You will learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated effects on human health.

This game-changing movie presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the real science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant.

Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health from Marijuana Movie on Vimeo.

Executive Producer: James Schmachtenberger
Director & Producer: Lindsey Ward
Director of Photography: Troy Brajkovich

In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated affects on human health.
Topics include:
*What the consensus is from over 15000 scientific and medical trials
*What conditions have been proven to benefit from medical marijuana
*Its historical use as medicine dating back over 5300 years
*Methods of delivery and their different advantages
*Government sponsored studies intended to show Marijuana having negative effects that yielded the exact opposite results
*Common myths about negative effects of Marijuana and what the research really says about these topics


Parents across Australia are waking up in droves to the dangers of vaccines, as evidenced by new government figures showing a major uptick in the number of parents who are choosing not to vaccinate their children. According to the data, there has been a 600 percent increase in recent years in the number of informed vaccine opponents who are simply not willing to inject their offspring with toxic, and largely untested, chemical cocktails.

So many Australian parents are taking charge of their children's health and making informed vaccination decisions, in fact, the Australian government is now working feverishly to dissuade and re-indoctrinate them back into the vaccine fold. According to 3AW 693 News Talk in Australia, the Australian Medical Association, along with the Academy of Science, has published a 20-page propaganda pamphlet that attempts to discard all the opposing science against vaccines as "common myths," and instead reassure everyone that vaccines are perfectly safe.

But people are not buying it, and the establishment "down under" is starting to panic. During a recent interview with talk show host Neil Mitchell, who on numerous occasions has taken the liberty to express his misguided opinion that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are committing child abuse, Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) President Meryl Dorey explained how her work in presenting the vaccination science often ignored by the mainstream media is helping to shift public opinions.

"We believe that everyone has the right to make an informed decision about vaccination, and that includes having access to both sides of this issue," said Dorey to a belligerent Mitchell during the segment. "We absolutely oppose any form of compulsory vaccination," she added, contradicting radical new proposals that childhood vaccines be mandatory.

Mitchell, none too pleased with Dorey's well-reasoned and logical approach to the vaccination issue, quickly employed common badgering and manipulation techniques in an attempt to put words in Dorey's mouth and make her appear to be some kind of nutcase. But his feeble attempts were a complete failure, as Dorey successfully pointed out several important, and often omitted, facts about vaccines that simply cannot be refuted.

"We actually have the highest level of vaccination in Australia that we've ever had against whooping cough, and the highest level of whooping cough that we've ever had," explained Dorey, debunking the myth that decreased vaccination rates are responsible for the recent comeback of whooping cough in some areas. "We have more whooping cough now than we had since before the vaccine was added to the mass vaccination schedule in 1953."

You can listen to the full segment with Meryl Dorey here:

Sources for this article include:

Learn more: - Author: Jonathan Benson, staff writer


The king is conducting a survey...
How do you feel about paying taxes?

USEFUL IDIOTS in black with their faces covered and carrying weapons ... look familiar?

By Admins (from 30/04/2013 @ 04:08:00, in en - Science and Society, read 1613 times)

Marijuana is the biggest destructive force in the history of mankind. It has ruined so many lives that the punishment for use should be death! In this video, I walk you through just a few of the victims of this devil's weed.

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This video is sponsored by the Adult Autopilot. The Adult Autopilot teaches you how to make money like I do, with Adult websites, and it also supports this channel at the same time! Click here to watch a video about it.

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Re-uploaded as TED have decided to censor Rupert and remove this video from the TEDx youtube channel. Follow this link for TED's statement on the matter and Dr. Sheldrake's response:

If anyone would like to prepare a transcript or caption file in any language so non-English speakers or the deaf and hard of hearing can enjoy this talk, please do so and I will be happy to upload it. Just PM me. Or the video is embedded on the Amara project website, so you can add subtitles there at:

RUPERT SHELDRAKE, Ph.D. (born 28 June 1942) is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize. He then studied philosophy and history of science at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow, before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University.

While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots.

From 1968 to 1969, based in the Botany Department of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, he studied rain forest plants. From 1974 to 1985 he was Principal Plant Physiologist and Consultant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. While in India, he also lived for a year and a half at the ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths in Tamil Nadu, where he wrote his first book, A New Science of Life.

From 2005-2010 he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project funded from Trinity College,Cambridge. He is a Fellow of Schumacher College , in Dartington, Devon, a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences near San Francisco, and a Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut.

He lives in London with his wife Jill Purce and two sons.

He has appeared in many TV programs in Britain and overseas, and was one of the participants (along with Stephen Jay Gould, Daniel Dennett, Oliver Sacks, Freeman Dyson and Stephen Toulmin) in a TV series called A Glorious Accident, shown on PBS channels throughout the US. He has often taken part in BBC and other radio programmes. He has written for newspapers such as the Guardian, where he had a regular monthly column, The Times, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Sunday Times, Times Educational Supplement, Times Higher Education Supplement and Times Literary Supplement, and has contributed to a variety of magazines, including New Scientist, Resurgence, the Ecologist and the Spectator.

Books by Rupert Sheldrake:
A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1981). New edition 2009 (in the US published as Morphic Resonance)
The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (1988)
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God (1992)
Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science (1994) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Institute for Social Inventions)
Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home, and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (1999) (Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network)
The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003)

With Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna:
Trialogues at the Edge of the West (1992), republished as Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (2001)
The Evolutionary Mind (1998)

With Matthew Fox:
Natural Grace: Dialogues on Science and Spirituality (1996)
The Physics of Angels: Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet (1996)

These videos are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license, so they can be freely shared and reposted. (from


Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov (14 March 1934 – 21 September 2000) was a Russian general practitioner who took part in the sixth Soviet Antarctic Expedition in 1960–1961. He was the only doctor stationed at the Novolazarevskaya Station and, while there, developed peritonitis, which meant he had to perform an appendectomy on himself, a famous case of self-surgery.

Leonid Rogozov was born in Dauriya Station, Chita Oblast, a remote village in Eastern Siberia, just 17 km from the Soviet border with Mongolia and China, near Manzhouli. His father was killed in World War II in 1943. In 1953 he completed his studies at a secondary school in Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai and was admitted to the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute (now Saint Petersburg). After graduating in 1959 as a general practitioner, he started clinical training to specialise in surgery. In September 1960, at the age of 26, he interrupted his training and joined the sixth Soviet Antarctic Expedition as a doctor.

From September 1960 until October 1962, Rogozov worked in Antarctica, including his role as the sole doctor in a team of thirteen researchers at the Novolazarevskaya Station, which was established in January 1961.

On the morning of 29 April 1961, Rogozov experienced general weakness, nausea, and moderate fever, and later pain in the lower right portion of the abdomen. All possible conservative treatment measures did not help. By 30 April signs of localised peritonitis became apparent, and his condition worsened considerably by the evening. Mirny, the nearest Soviet research station, was more than 1,600 km (1,000 mi) from Novolazarevskaya. Antarctic research stations of other countries did not have an aircraft. Severe blizzard conditions prevented aircraft landing in any case. Rogozov had no option but to perform the operation on himself.

The operation started at about 22:00 on 30 April with the help of a driver and meteorologist, who were providing instruments and holding a mirror to observe areas not directly visible, while Rogozov was in a semi-reclining position, half-turned to his left side. A solution of 0.5% novocaine was used for local anaesthesia of the abdominal wall. Rogozov made a 10–12 cm incision and proceeded to expose the appendix. General weakness and nausea developed about 30–40 minutes after the start of the operation, so that short pauses for rest were repeatedly needed after that. According to his report the appendix was found to have a 2x2 cm perforation at its base. Antibiotics were administered directly into the peritoneal cavity. By about midnight the operation was complete.

After a brief period of postoperative weakness, the signs of peritonitis disappeared. Rogozov's temperature returned to normal after five days, and the stitches were removed seven days after the operation. He resumed his regular duties in about two weeks. The self-surgery captured the imagination of the Soviet public at the time. In 1961 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour.

In October 1962 Rogozov returned to Leningrad and started working on a PhD at his alma mater. In September 1966 he defended a PhD thesis titled Resection of the esophagus for treating esophageal cancer. He later worked as a doctor in various hospitals in Saint Petersburg. From 1986 to 2000 he served as the head of the surgery department of Saint Petersburg Research Institute for Tubercular Pulmonology.
Rogozov died, aged 66, in Saint Petersburg, Russia, from lung cancer.



This post is about one of the most controversial natural cancer-fighting substances, and the cancer industry’s attempt to destroy it.
Lies, cover-ups, betrayal…this is one unbelievable story that sprawls over several decades.
There is a massive amount of information and many books written about this, I’ve tried my best to distill it down for you.

This substance is called Amygdalin or Vitamin B-17.

Although technically not a vitamin, Vitamin B-17 was the name given to Amygdalin by bio-chemist Dr. Ernst T. Krebs in 1952.

We’re about to get technical, so stay with me. By the end of this post it will all make sense.

How B-17 works (a tale of two enzymes):
is an enzyme found everywhere in the body except for cancer cells.
Beta-Glucosidase is an enzyme found only in and around cancer cells.

Hold that thought.

Vitamin B-17 is a molecule made up of four parts:
-2 parts Glucose
-1 part Benzaldahyde
-1 part Hydrogen Cyanide

I know what you’re thinking.

Don’t worry, Cyanide in this form is non-toxic, just like it is in Vitamin B-12.

Normal healthy cells contain the enzyme Rhodanese which neutralizes the Benzaldahyde and Hydrogen Cyanide in B-17. It converts them to the useful nutrient compounds Thyiocyanate and Benzoic acid.

Here’s the amazing part:
The glucose delivers B-17 to the cancer cells, but cancer cells do not have the enzyme Rhodanese to neutralize the cyanide.
Instead they have a unique enzyme called Beta-Glucosidase. This “unlocking enzyme”, found only in cancer cells, releases the Benzaldahyde and Cyanide from the glucose and each other creating a targeted poison that kills the cancer cell.

This is about the closest thing to “natural chemo” that I’ve ever heard of.

This is also why integrative doctors and many health experts identify a lack of essential nutrients like a Vitamin B-17 and/or a proteolytic (protein digesting) enzyme deficiency, as contributing “causes” of cancer.

In other words, cancer is a natural process that occurs in your body when it is deprived of essential nutrients. Restore the nutrients and your body will be able to heal itself.

Where can you find B-17?
In the foods no one eats of course!
B-17 occurs in abundances in nature and is bitter to the taste.
In order to improve taste of certain foods, the food industry has eliminated bitter substances like B-17 by selection and cross-breeding.

When is the last time you ate something bitter on purpose?

B-17 is present in foods rich in nitrilosides i.e. bitter foods like bitter almonds.
One of the highest concentrations of B-17 is found in raw apricot seeds
aka apricot kernels.

Most folks have no idea what an apricot kernel looks like because they are actually hidden inside the pit.

Next time you eat a peach or an apricot, crack open the pit and inside you will find the kernel.

I heard about apricot kernels having an anti-cancer benefit years ago, but never took the time to investigate until recently. It wasn’t a part of my original anti-cancer diet, but it is now.
The first time I read about them, I couldn’t wait to eat one. I took a peach pit outside on the driveway and hit it with a hammer. The pit and kernel exploded into bits, but fortunately I was able to recover half of the kernel and eat it.
Note: Hammer on the driveway is not the best method.

Apricot and peach kernels look and taste like an almond at first, but there’s a bitter surprise coming. You will be tempted to spit it out, but don’t do it! Truth be told, I don’t particularly like the taste, but I eat them anyway, and a part of me gets a little excited every time I taste this bitter natural cancer poison. The first time you eat one is weird, but you will get accustomed to the taste.

We eat the kernels straight out of the bag, but if you just can’t get used to the taste, you can grind them up in a Nut & Seed Grinder and add them to smoothies, soups, salads, etc.
They are more palatable that way.

How much should you eat?
It’s recommended that you introduce them to your system gradually:
One per hour for the first few days, should be fine.
Eventually you can eat 10-20 at a time, up to three times per day, depending on your body. If you overdo it you might get a little queasy.
Your body will tell you when you’ve had enough.

B-17 is present in many foods and most fruit seeds including apples, cherries, nectarines, pears, plums, etc.
A simple thing to do is always eat the seeds after you eat the fruit.

I was happy to discover that I was unknowingly getting B-17 everyday from my Coconut Fruit Smoothies thanks to the blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

Also I never would’ve imagined that this book existed, but it does!
The Little Cyanide Cookbook: Delicious Recipes Rich in Vitamin B17 by June De Spain.

As you know, scientists and researchers have often studied the diets of indigenous peoples around the world to discover their “health secrets”.
The Hunzakuts of Northern Pakistan are no exception. They often live to be over 100 years old. In 1922 British surgeon Dr. Robert McCarrison reported that they had never had a case of cancer and they ate copious amounts of Apricot kernels. In fact a Hunza man’s wealth was determined by the amount of Apricot trees he owned!
You can read more about them in The Healthy Hunzas by J.I. Rodale

I Buy Raw Apricot Kernels Here

Enter Laetrile
When the powerful cancer-fighting properties of Amygdalin/B-17 were discovered, the next logical step was to extract and administer this substance in concentrated doses much higher than you can get from eating the seeds, and that’s what Dr. Ernst T. Krebs began to do.

Laetrile is the clinical name given to concentrated B-17 in supplement form or used in IV injections for medical treatment patented by Krebs.
Word rapidly spread through the health community about the success of cancer treatments using laetrile in the 1950′s and 60′s.
Although it was not approved for treatment by the FDA, doctors like John A. Richardson M.D. began using it “illegally” to treat patients at his clinic in San Francisco, and it was working remarkably better than orthodox treatments.
His success with laetrile is documented in Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience by John A. Richardson M.D. and Patricia Irving, R.N.
Originally written in 1977, the book was updated in 2005 with follow ups on the patients they treated; many of whom are still alive!

The FDA considers Laetrile an unapproved drug, therefore you cannot buy Laetrile in the US, but you can buy B17 Amygdalin in supplement form HERE.

I could stop now, but I won’t, because the story of the suppression of Laetrile is even more amazing.

The use of Laetrile has been repeatedly denounced by various researchers and industry organizations as one of the biggest frauds and quackery in the history of modern medicine.

Researchers like these fine fellows (read the caption):

That’s right, the same doctors that first demonized laetrile in 1953, also sang the praises of cigarettes!

In 1972 Sloan Kettering commissioned Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, their top researcher with over 60 years experience in cancer research to conduct tests over a 5 year period between 1972 and 1977 to determine the effectiveness of Laetrile in cancer treatment.

The Conclusions of Sugiura’s work were:

1. Laetrile inhibited the growth of tumors
2. It stopped the spreading (metastasising) of cancer in mice
3. It relieved pain
4. It acted as a cancer preventative
5. It improved general health


However at the conclusion of the trials, on June 15, 1977 Sloan Kettering released a press statement that said:

“…laetrile was found to possess neither preventative, nor tumor-regressent, nor anti-metastatic, nor curative anticancer activity.”

After having his five years of research completely railroaded, Dr. Sugiura was asked by a reporter,
“Do you stick by your belief that laetrile stops the spread of cancer?”
He replied, “I stick.”

Ralph Moss, head of Public Relations at Sloan Kettering protested against the cover up, blew the whistle in a press conference on November 18 1977, and was fired the next day.
In his words, he was fired for, “failing to carry out my most basic job responsibility, which means to lie when your boss tells you to”.

Ralph Moss has authored many must-read books including The Cancer Industry and Questioning Chemotherapy. His courage to tell the truth and expose this corrupt industry has alienated him from the medical establishment but has contributed to saving tens of thousands of lives, mine included!

Two more “definitive” studies were published in 1978 and 1982 showing that laetrile does not work.  These are the Big Two that the industry still cites today.

1. Dr. Charles Moertel, of the Mayo Clinic. – “A clinical trial of amygdalin (Laetrile) in the treatment of human cancer.” N Engl J Med 1982: 306 (4): 201-6.
2. Ellison N, Bvar D, Newell G. “Special report on Laetrile: The NCI Laetrile Review” N Engl J Med 1978: 299 (10): 549-552.

Dr. Stephen Krashen Ph.D. from the University of California produced tw0 papers in 2009 showing that both those studies were designed to fail.
Download His Analysis Here

Why in the world would the cancer industry attempt to discredit Laetrile?

Aren’t they trying to cure cancer?

Simple. Because it cannot be patented.
If it cannot be patented, it cannot produce huge profits.

And therefore it is in direct competition with pharmaceutical drugs.

The pharmaceutical industry has been exposed numerous times rigging studies in order to “prove” that natural therapies don’t work.

And as a result, there is not one natural non-toxic therapy used in conventional cancer treatment in the U.S. today.

The Pharmaceutical/Medical Industry wants you to believe that only patented, toxic, laboratory-created chemical compounds can cure disease.

Do you really believe that?

Laetrile has been used for over 50 years by cancer treatment centers outside the US, because it works!
One of the more well known is Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico founded by Dr. Ernesto Contreras in 1963 and now run by his son Dr. Franciso Contreras. I’ve been there and met Dr. Contreras personally. I was very impressed by him, his staff, and the hospital. They successfully treat many patients that are sent home to die by oncologists in the US.

Huge credit goes to G. Edward Griffin, author of World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 in 1974. He’s the reason the world knows so much about B-17 / Laetrile.
Check out his websites and The Cancer Cure Foundation at .

There’s an excellent youtube video of Edward G. Griffin telling the story of Laetrile and the cancer treatment industry HERE. Take an hour and watch it.

Wanna dig deeper? There’s a lot more information about Laetrile online.
Another great site that sums up the facts well and helped me condense this story is .


"A control for cancer is known, and it comes from nature, but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patented, and therefore is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry." - G. Edward Griffin

This is a video adaptation of a documentary filmstrip which explains the scientific rationale for Laetrile therapy. It presents evidence that cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is a deficiency disease.

It is not caused by the presence of some mysterious virus or X- factor, but by the lack of an essential food factor which, increasingly, is deleted from the menus of modern man. The native diets of those cultures where cancer is rare is examined and found to be 200 times more rich in this substance than the diet of industrialized society.

The missing food factor is called amygdalin or vitamin B17, but in its concentrated and purified form developed specifically for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. A theoretical model for the biological action of Laetrile is presented. Included are dramatic case histories of terminal cancer patients who have recovered using Laetrile therapy. Based upon the book of the same name.

G. Edward Griffin
Written and Narrated: G. Edward Griffin


During World War I, A. L. Tchijevsky, a Russian professor of Astronomy and Biological Physics, noticed that particularly severe battles followed solar flares during the sunspot peak period of 1916-17. Intrigued by the connection of human behavior to solar physics, Tchijevsky constructed an "Index of Mass Human Excitability". He compiled the histories of 72 countries from 500 BC to 1922 AD to provide a database to articulate his correlations. After rating the most significant events, Tchijevsky found that fully 80% of the most significant human events occurred during the 5 years or so of maximum sunspot activity.

The solar connection to terrestrial events has been studied by scientists ever since then, but most of the focus has been on the sun itself and on the impact of the solar cycle on the climate, weather, agriculture, commodity markets and other non-human phenomenon.

When the data is examined, it appears that when solar-geomagnetic activity is changing most rapidly and is on the ascent or on the descent of a solar cycle, when solar spots are rapidly increasing or diminishing respectively, it has the greatest potential to affect human moods, behavior patterns, creativity and historical trends.

Throughout history, cultures such as Egyptian, Hopi, Ancient Indian, Mayan, Aztec and Chinese, believed that their collective behavior could be influenced by the sun. Seers such as the famous psychic Edgar Cayce, claimed that humans meditating together could influence solar activity and that such meditations can help to establish a more peaceful future and reduce individual and collective stress. More and more groups are continuously forming with this intention. They are stanch believers that prayer, meditations and collective intentions, over time, can help upgrade consciousness and facilitate positive outcomes for the planetary whole. This is especially relevant during times of increased "human excitability," and hence increased creativity and opportunity available from the energy influxes which occur during the increase of solar activity.

Evidence for this is provided from a historical study conducted by Suitbert Ertel ("Bursts of creativity correlate with solar activity"-1997) who examined the association between solar activity and oscillations in human creativity. Using time series analysis he examined the periods of flourishing and years of increased creativity in science and the arts (e.g. painting, poetry and fiction). The results clearly show that during increased solar activity, human creative activity also peaks. Tchijevsky contributes this observation to the fact that the influence on the human nervous system is greatest when the amount of emitted energy by the sun and radiation of the earth are greatest.

We are at the beginning of the next Solar Cycle 24, which will increase over the next four to six years. There are always pessimistic and fear-based projections related to any new energetic cycles that have an interactive influence with the planet. However, the increasing light and coherence on the planet facilitates new choices and the power to change our responses to energy influxes. That’s what the global consciousness shift is about: a chance to elect heart-based choices, then take charge and do things differently and respond with more consciousness, respect, love and compassion. It’s time to end the tendency to create and repeat the same old stress-producing "play-outs" each time there in an energy influx on the planet—such as solar activity and other energetic influences—that could bring benefits and creative opportunities to help humanity spiral upward towards the next dimension of active intelligence and heart-based living.

More and more people are realizing that solar and universal energetic influxes are part of a natural cycle—they are not "out to get us". Their effects depend on how we choose to respond to them. These influxes can be a great add-on to humanity. Yet people have to take responsibility for their own energy and elect to use this creative energy influx to create deeper connections and more caring interactions with each other and Mother Earth. The GCI’s intention is to help provide self-transformational tools and technologies that help people align with their higher potentials for empowerment, in order to facilitate positive global change during the influx of the next solar cycle.
The GCI hypothesizes that:
1.    All living things are interconnected and that we communicate with each other via our biological and electromagnetic fields.
2.    Not only are humans affected by such energetic fields, but conversely the Earth’s energetic systems are also influenced by collective human emotions and consciousness. Much of the planetary field environment is made up of the collective consciousness of the inhabitants.
3.    Large numbers of people intentionally creating heart-coherent states of care, love, compassion and appreciation will generate a coherent standing wave that can help offset the current planetary-wide wave of stress, discord and incoherence.
A major factor in the global consciousness shift is enough people realizing the need to become more self-responsible for their own energy, thoughts, feelings and actions.
It is each person’s responsibility to establish balance within oneself and with the Earth. Every action counts, and by "taking charge" and increasing our coherence baseline, this shift and consciousness upgrade will be reflected in the global field environment as well. This in turn will create a mutually beneficial feedback loop between human beings and the Earth’s energetic systems.

Though not fully proven yet, we at the GCI research center feel that using our heart’s intelligence to balance and manage our mental and emotional systems, along with meditations to increase our coherence, will raise our personal frequency pitch and energetically align us with the creative opportunities and benefits that can come with this next cycle of solar activity. More people are becoming aware that they have a choice in how they interact with new energy influxes—be they spiritual, astrological, solar, lunar, environmental or social.

The Global Coherence Initiative is only one of the many emerging groups working to facilitate the planetary shift in these adventuresome and sometimes challenging times. No facilitation is "more important" than another. With a noncompetitive spirit and genuine care, all groups and individuals add a helpful piece to the grid and are energetically connected to each other at the heart level to serve the greater whole. We at the GCI honor and appreciate the love and care these groups and individual light workers from all over the world have put into this cause.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Annette Deyhle, Ph.D. and GCI Research Team

Influence of Geomagnetism and Schumann
Resonances on Human Health and Behavior

July 15, 2009

In this commentary I would like to focus on this question: Is there a connection between solar activity, geomagnetic storms and the Schumann resonances and human health and behavior?

In the last commentary, I discussed the Schumann resonances. Like a tuning fork, the earth has natural sound frequencies and these are called Schumann resonances. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given moment worldwide, which excite the cavity. These resonances form in the conductive ionosphere which acts as a wave-guide. The limited dimensions of the earth cause this wave-guide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic (EM) waves in what are extremely low frequencies bands...


By Admins (from 06/05/2013 @ 04:01:29, in en - Science and Society, read 2657 times)

In most American history classrooms, children are taught that in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and “discovered America.”  In this narrative, Columbus is portrayed as an adventurous explorer and a national hero.  It is a narrative that is profoundly romanticized and even mythical, yet despite the historical records and accounts of Columbus’s heinous crimes against indigenous peoples, he is still glorified and honored in American history and culture.

Heroificiation, as defined by author James W. Loewen, is a “degenerative process” that distorts reality and transforms “flesh-and-blood individuals into pious, perfect creatures without conflicts, pain, credibility, or human interest.”  Christopher Columbus represents but one example in human history where an individual responsible for some of the most dreadful atrocities in our human history is molded into a savior-like figure and commemorated with a national holiday.  It is disturbing how most American schoolchildren learn from history teachers and textbooks to not only venerate Columbus, but also to recite poems, sing songs, and perform in romanticized reenactments about his arrival to the Americas.  These praises, accompanied with “Columbus Day” celebrations and parades, grossly gloss over the horrors of American Indian genocide initiated by Columbus’s expeditions.

American public schools rarely discuss Columbus’s atrocities. As Corine Fairbanks points out:

Recently, Roberta Weighill, Chumash, shared that her third grade son disagreed with his teacher about the Columbus discovery story and added that he knew Columbus to be responsible for the deaths of many Native people.  The public teacher corrected him: “No. Columbus was just a slave trader.” Hmmm, just a slave trader? Oh! Is that all?

American history textbooks paint Columbus as a hero by treating his voyages into the “oceanic unknown” as exceptional and unique, as if he was the only explorer who ever journeyed to the Americas.  Aside from the fact that indigenous peoples already lived in the land we now call the United States and weren’t waiting to be “discovered,” Columbus was not the first to set sail to the Americas.  In his book, “Lies My Teacher Told Me,” Loewen provides a chronological list of expeditions that reached the Americas prior to Columbus, including explorers from Siberia, Indonesia, Japan, Afro-Phoenicia, Portugal, among other countries.  Most of the eighteen high school history textbooks surveyed by Loewen omit the factors that prompted Columbus’s voyage in the first place: social change in Europe, advancement in military technology, use of the printing press – which allowed information to travel faster and further into Europe – and the ideological and theological rationalization for conquering new land.   For example, Columbus’s greed and pursuit of gold in Haiti is either extremely downplayed or absent in textbooks.  Columbus himself aligned amassing wealth with salvation, writing:  “Gold is most excellent; gold constitutes treasure; and he who has it does all he wants in the world, and can even lift souls up to Paradise.”  Accompanying Columbus on his 1494 expedition to Haiti was Michele de Cuneo, who wrote the following account:

After we had rested for several days in our settlement it seemed to the Lord Admiral that it was time to put into execution his desire to search for gold, which was the main reason he had started on so great a voyage full of so many dangers.

In elementary school, I remember learning that Columbus was peaceful to the indigenous people, who were in turn friendly and welcoming of the Spaniards.  If anything was mentioned about war, it was always presented as, “There were good people and bad people on both sides.”  Such an explanation shamelessly ignores the fact that “over 95 million indigenous peoples throughout the Western hemisphere were enslaved, mutilated and massacred.”  The myth that Native Americans and Europeans were equally responsible for gruesome brutality was also reinforced in Disney’s animated feature, “Pocahontas.”  The film placed Native American resistance and European violence on the same plane, i.e. the extremists on “both sides” made it bad for those who wanted peace, and colonialist domination and power was not a contributing factor to any form of resistance from the Natives.  This distortion of history often likes to behave as sympathetic to Native Americans, but what it actually does is consistently depict them as “inferior” and “backwards,” while lionizing European colonizers and settlers, as well as constructing a history that is complimentary to the nationalism and pro-Americanism preached in most American schools.

I don’t think I would have learned about what Columbus really did if I didn’t start reading about Islamic history, which, too, was either ignored or vilified (especially during lessons on the Crusades) in my history classes.  1492, the same year Columbus sailed to the Americas, was also the year of the Spanish Inquisition, when Jews and Muslims were forced to convert or leave the country.  The Catholic reconquest of Spain – the Reconquista – by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella heightened interest in expanding European Christian domination, which led to their eventual agreement to sponsor Columbus’s voyage.

Upon his arrival to the Bahamas, Columbus and his sailors were greeted by Arawak men and women.  Columbus wrote of them in his log:

They … brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks’ bells. They willingly traded everything they owned… They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features…. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane… . They would make fine servants…. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.

Worth noting is how Columbus’s description of the Arawak correlates with his sense of European entitlement and superiority.  In several accounts, he praised the Arawak and other indigenous tribes for being hospitable, handsome, and intelligent, but not without saying they would make “fine servants.”  When Columbus justified enslavement and his wars against the Natives, he vilified them as “cruel,” “stupid,” and “a people warlike and numerous, whose customs and religion are very different from ours.”

It is also important to understand the genocide of indigenous people could not have been possible without racism and sexual violence. Cherokee scholar and feminist-activist Andrea Smith cites Ann Stoler’s analysis of racism to illustrate the relationship between sexual violence and colonialism: “Racism is not an effect but a tactic in the internal fission of society into binary opposition, a means of creating ‘biologized’ internal enemies, against whom society must defend itself.”  Racism marks the “other” as “inherently dirty,” and subsequently “inherently rapable.”  For this reason, Smith argues that sexual violence is a weapon of patriarchy and colonialism, as opposed to being a separate issue altogether:

Because Indian bodies are “dirty,” they are considered sexually violable and “rapable,” and the rape of bodies that are considered inherently impure or dirty simply does not count. For instance, prostitutes are almost never believed when they say they have been raped because the dominant society considers the bodies of sex workers undeserving of integrity and violable at all times. Similarly, the history of mutilation of Indian bodies, both living and dead, makes it clear that Indian people are not entitled to bodily integrity.

Sexual violence and degradation of Native bodies is evident in how Columbus used Taino women as sex slaves and sexual rewards for his men.  Columbus profited off of sex-slave trade by exporting them to other parts of the world.  In fact, most of his income came from slavery.  In 1500, he wrote to a friend:  ”A hundred castellanoes (a Spanish coin) are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten (years old) are now in demand.”

During an online conversation, some defended Columbus by arguing he was only carrying out the “norms of his time.” Justifying Columbus’s actions by the “standards” of his time, or through historical moral relativism, is problematic, not only because it dismisses genocide, sex slavery, and land theft, but also because it suggests there are overall honorable traits about Columbus and that he should be commemorated.  For instance, Bartolome de Las Casas, the Spanish-born Dominican Bishop of Chiapas, witnessed and documented the horrors of Columbus’s subjugation, enslavement, and massacre of indigenous people. He is often quoted for writing:

What we committed in the Indies stands out among the most unpardonable offenses ever committed against God and humankind and this trade [in American Indian slaves] as one of the most unjust, evil, and cruel among them.

De Las Casas was absolutely mortified by the brutality he witnessed.  In numerous accounts, he reports about Columbus commanding his men to cut off the legs of children who would run away; about Spaniards hunting and killing Natives for sport; about colonialists testing the sharpness of their blades on living, breathing Native bodies; about Columbus’s men placing bets on who would cut a person in half in a single sweep of their swords.  De Las Casas wrote:  “Such inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel. My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.”

Although De Las Casas was strongly opposed to Columbus’s enslavement and dehumanization of Native peoples, his advocacy of indigenous rights and ending slavery was motivated by his desire to “convert and baptize the ‘heathen’ Indians.”  In his debate with Juan Gines de Supulveda, who argued that the Natives were “barbarians” and predisposed to slavery, De Las Casas argued that they were intelligent and capable of attaining salvation in Christianity without coercion.

The point of mentioning De Las Casas is to show that, despite his missionary agenda, he was among Columbus’s contemporaries who were outraged and disgusted by his treatment of indigenous peoples.  In other words, if the argument is that Columbus shouldn’t be judged by “today’s standards,” then we ought to judge him based on De Las Casas’ account.  However, it is also quite unsettling that De Las Casas’ needs to be used in this manner – what does it say about the voices of Native Americans who live today and reflect on the genocide of their ancestors?  Are their voices and accounts of Columbus’s atrocities not credible enough?

Also, what are “today’s standards”?  Inherit in the romantic mythology of Columbus’s heroism is the white supremacist heteropatriarchal imperialism that colonizes, exploits, and unleashes massacres and sexual violence upon people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and in parts of the world like Pakistan where war eerily operates as if there is no war, despite US military presence, airbases, drone assaults, political intervention, etc.  Entire peoples are being vilified, demonized; their histories distorted, omitted; and Native Americans continue to resist and struggle against ongoing genocide that seeks to exterminate them. In fact, it is the logic of genocide, as Smith reminds us, that insists Native peoples must fade into nonexistence.  War criminals are still glorified; war crimes are still justified; inhumane practices against humanity are still occurring in secrecy.

The Reconsider Columbus Day effort challenges the status quo, not just for the sake of restoring dignity and honesty to human history, but also for eradicating tyranny, colonialism, and imperialism that exists in the present.  When American schoolchildren are taught to identify with Columbus, they are aligning themselves with an oppressor and making a racial distinction between “us” and “them.”   The point of dismantling the way we celebrate and honor Columbus goes beyond exposing Columbus’s personality, it’s about taking responsibility for the ways we are complicit in reinforcing the logic of genocide. It’s about decolonizing ourselves in order to bring about radical, revolutionary change to society.

Decolonize for the sake of today, and for the sake of tomorrow.



We have seen a lot of solar chargers in our day. And among all of them, this is the first one we’ve seen that we will definitely run out and buy as soon as it’s made available in the U.S. It’s a portable socket that gets its power from the sun rather than the grid. You plug into a window instead of into the wall. It’s easy.

That was the whole point, according to the designers, Kyohu Song and Boa Oh: “We tried to design a portable socket, so that users can use it intuitively without special training,” they write.

It is really simple. The portable socket attaches to a window like a leech to human skin. On its underside, it has solar panels.

The solar panels suck energy from the sun. The charger converts that energy into electricity. You plug in to the charger.

Even better, the charger stores that energy. After five to eight hours of charging, the socket provides 10 hours of use. You can pop it off the window, stick it in your bag, and use it to charge up your phone with solar energy, even if you’re sitting in a dark room.

Sarah Laskow is a reporter based in New York City who covers environment, energy, and sustainability issues, among other things.

Source: - via Yanko Design - Author: Sarah Laskow

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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