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By Admins (from 29/01/2014 @ 07:02:50, in en - Video Alert, read 1656 times)
Culture In Decline Episode #3 covers a new disease epidemic rapidly spreading across the world: "Consumption-Vanity Disorder". A disease spread not through a mutating virus or genetic predisposition - but through cultural "Memes" - turning the world into a cesspool of mini-malls, fashion obsessions, fake tits and belligerent gadgetry.

Special Guest: Comedian Lee Camp

* Many Subtitles Added ( click "cc" )

"Maybe it's while you're shopping. Maybe it's while you're watching television. Maybe it's while you're applying spray-on tanner to your fake breasts.
We all have those moments each and every day when we feel, even if just for a second, that we're living in an illusion, that we have bought in to a paradigm that doesn't fit and can't sustain. "Culture in Decline" abuses your illusions and molests your thoughts in all the right ways. Peter Joseph brilliantly and cleverly pulls back the shower curtain to reveal a species circling the drain. Love it or hate it, I promise you'll never be quite the same after watching it."
-Lee Camp
By Admins (from 30/01/2014 @ 06:09:26, in en - Video Alert, read 1616 times)
In this episode, Peter investigates the nature of War and human conflict; the White House declares War On Nature itself; a french chef prepares an international delicacy for the kids; Louie the Logic Gremlin returns to piss everyone off and our Man on the Street gets rowdy.

Special guest appearances by Stephane Chivot, Katie Goodman & Rick Overton.

VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: You will see Peter Joseph's Alter-Ego's nipples.

* Many Subtitles Added ( click "cc" )

"You might sit down to watch this and go, “Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.” And you’d be right. And you might say, I can’t do a goddamned thing about this.
All I want to do is have a bottle of wine -- or two -- instead. And you’d be right…if you stopped there. But it seems the only thing that ever has really changed anything is a change in thought. Peter Joseph and the Zeitgeist Movement is doing that. But, like, really. The flat world is looking rounder.
I so want to have that bottle of wine, but Peter entices me with a reason not to. Or maybe I’ll have it, but then
tomorrow I think I’ll try to unfuck things up a bit."
-Katie Goodman
By Admins (from 31/01/2014 @ 06:08:46, in en - Video Alert, read 2309 times)
In this installment of Peter Joseph's public access parody,the subject of Security and True Safety will be investigated. The evil terrorists are revealed to be at it again with a new airline scare; our Guy In A Tie reminds us of who is in control and a special award show finds a very special recipient in the Gun Control Debate.

Special guest appearances by Chad Fisher (Alex Jones) & Rick Overton.

* Many Subtitles Added ( click "cc" )

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Any re-upload of these fully copyright episodes must adhere to these terms:
1) Please do not re-upload within 3 days of the original publishing date.
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By Admins (from 01/02/2014 @ 06:09:36, in en - Video Alert, read 1924 times)
In this final episode of the season, Dr. Peter Joseph shows off his fresh new Time Machine, guiding the audience through a vision of two possible futures. The first exploring the current trends that just may lead us all into vast new levels of decline; The second showing what the world could be...if anyone actually gave a damn to make it happen. ;)
Louie the Logic Gremlin is sleeping; Bob is Dead.

Special guest appearances by Kellee Maize & Rick Overton.

* Many Subtitles Added ( click "cc" )

UPDATE: *Season One, Two DVD Set now available. Help support future episodes:

Season Two?
“Culture in Decline” is only possible if some level of basic support is enabled.
Peter Joseph makes everything he creates free online and freely downloadable in DVD / BluRay / HD- High Res Video Download, reducing income support at all times. If you feel Culture in Decline is a Series that should continue, any little bit helps if you care to support the effort.


Jason J. McDougall, PhD, an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia, was one of the experts who spoke at a session called “Medical Marijuana and the rheumatologist”, reports Rheumatology Update. The session took place during the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in San Diego and was the first ever to be held on the topic.

“There is a social stigma attached to cannabis that is not wholly justified… These are serious drugs and we need to take them seriously as a way of managing pain effectively.”

Dr. McDougall also explained the difference between plant-derived and synthetic cannabinoids and those that occur naturally in the body – endocannabinoids.

Since marijuana remains illegal in most parts of the world, much of the research has been done with synthetic cannabinoids and endocannabinoids instead. Yet a stigma still follows, it seems.

“These endocannabinoids are serious contenders to try and alleviate pain and inflammation in rheumatic diseases, we need to stop sniggering about it and talk about it, and embrace them with the necessary caution of course.”

Dr. McDougall has conducted research on the use of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids in treating osteoarthritis. In an earlier talk on “The Basic Science of Chronic Pain,” he noted that 36% of authorized marijuana patients in Canada were smoking marijuana to treat arthritis.

Based on the data compiled by Health Canada and the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCIC), this represented the largest portion of patients using cannabis for any specific condition.

Other speakers at the San Diego conference offered support, but were less enthusiastic about the idea of using plant-derived medicine.

Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, an Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University Health Center, said that a lack of clinical studies prevents rheumatologists from knowing the true benefits of marijuana as a medicine.

She added that despite nearly all patients using marijuana in its natural form, the plant contains many chemicals that vary in concentration from strain to strain. This, she believes, makes it a poor choice compared to standardized products.

Still, Professor Fitzcharles seemed to recognize the benefits of cannabinoids as well, concluding that researchers need to “forge ahead” with research.

Source: RheumatologyUpdate via


Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communication technicians, whereby you receive and respond to information and instructions without being aware of it. Messages in the form of printed words, pictures or voices presented either very rapidly or very obscurely bypass your conscious awareness. Anything consciously perceived can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, argued, and possibly rejected. Anything programmed subliminally to your subconsciousness meets no resistance. This subliminal information is stored in your brain and capable of influencing your judgment, behavior and attitudes.
The use of subliminal techniques in print communication media has been going on in the United States at least since the World War I period. For example, Norman Rockwell's first cover on The Saturday Evening Post during 1917 incorporated embedded SEXes. Whenever an embedded word or picture accidentally became consciously visible, the readers would pass it off as a joke, an accident, or a product of their imaginations.

Jonathan Adampants gives a full in-depth analysis of the mind manipulation and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques utilised by Fox News anchors Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes during an interview with Kevin Barrett about 9/11.

Serious commercial experiments with subliminal messaging were conducted in the mid 50-s. On June 22, 1956, the British Broadcasting Corporation experimented with projecting subliminal images on television. Pictures were flashed on the screen too quickly to be seen consciously, but they did make an impression on the subconscious. The BBC experiment was followed by experiments by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Mexico's Televisa commercial TV and radio network, US TV station WTWO in Bangor and many more.

Typical and most famous picture with subliminal message

Experiments were not limited to television. In 1958, radio station WAAF in Chicago broadcast "subaudible" commercials. Seattle's KOL broadcast hardly audible taped messages "below" the music played by its disc jockeys. "How about a cup of coffee?" was one, and "Someone's at the door" was another. On December 8, 1972, The New York Times reported that In-Flight Motion Pictures, Inc. would begin selling subliminal commercials embedded in the movies they would distribute to all the major airlines. Supermarkets across the country are reducing theft an average 30 to 50 percent by broadcasting subliminal messages such as "I will not steal" and "We are watching you". Stimutech, Inc. of East Lansing, Michigan markets a computer video system that flashes subliminal messages on your television while you watch the regular programming. Subliminal messages are prepared by teams of psychologists who use Freudian ideas to change the thinking patterns and behavior of the viewer.

The most known experiment with subliminal messaging was conducted by a marketing researcher and psychologist James Vicary in 1957 during the presentation of the movie Picnic. Every 5 seconds the words "Hungry? Eat popcorn. Drink Coca Cola" were projected for 0.003 seconds. That is extremely fast. What you see in the picture on the left, for example, flashes for 0.04 seconds. Sales of popcorn and Coke in that New Jersey theater increased 57.8 percent and 18.1 percent respectively. Numerous scientific researches following these experiments confirmed beyond any doubt that subliminal messaging works. When advertising industry and government agencies understood the potential of subliminal messaging they started investing millions in developing and perfecting of subliminal techniques, which can be used not only for marketing, but also for propaganda and mind control. In 1962 Vicary suddenly confesses that he fabricated the results of his experiment... Why would someone discredit himself in such a way and lose his dignity and credibility? It's obvious that he was paid to do so by those who use subliminal messages to manipulate you. Remember the quote from "Usual Suspect" : The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist... That's exactly the trick they are trying to pull, I.E. convincing the world that subliminal technique does not work. And they did a pretty good job. There are so many people that refuse to believe that a secret technology which modifies behavior invisibly, channels basic value systems, manages human motives and drives them into pathological behaviors in the interest of certain power structures has been in existence and widespread use for decades if not more. They will call you crazy if you'll dare to say anything like that and yet subliminal messages are being bombarded at you continuously throughout the day, through books, movies, magazines, television, radio and music. Every major newspaper, every poster, every magazine in America have subliminal messages embedded in them.

So how can something that we don't notice affect our behavior? Well, unheeded doesn't mean unseen. Let us first understand how our perception works. As you know, our mind consists of two interacting parts: conscious and subconscious. The subconscious part of mind operates below the level of conscious awareness, it controls reflexes, automatic functions and handles the processing and storing of incoming information. Subconsciousness is able to process 20,000 bits of information simultaneously, while consciousness can deal only with 7 ± 2 bits of information at the same time.

Instead of the simplistic five senses of Aristotle—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell— there are at least thirty-seven known, differentiated sensory inputs into the brain. All of the information picked by these senses is sent to the brain and absorbed by the subconsciousness, however, only very concrete and relevant data is passed to the conscious mind after it has been processed and reduced. All the rest remains ignored. A good example of this is the Cocktail Party Effect : You can talk with a friend in a crowded party and still listen and understand what he says even if the place is very noisy. You can simultaneously ignore what another nearby person is saying, but if someone over the other side of the room suddenly mentiones your name, you notice that sound and respond to it immediately. Not only that your name immediately triggers your attention, you usualy are aware of the entire sentence it has came in. From this experience we can learn that our brain records everything that takes place around us. Interesting that certain words like SEX, BLOOD, DEATH, FUCK and such have the same effect in triggering your attention as your name.
So, only the information considered as "relevant" goes to the consciousness. Non essential information, short or vague stimuli are stored in the subconscious without reaching our awareness. Important to stress that they are NOT discarded, but stored. E V E R Y T H I N G you have ever experienced in your life, from every stranger's face you have ever glanced at in a crowd to every spider web you gazed at as a child, can be retrieved from your memory by hypnosis or by electrical stimulation of the brain cells in temporal lobes. Hence whatever was subliminally put into your brain will stay there forever and in the right circumstances will trigger the right reaction in you. That is not being said that subliminal messages determine your reaction in an inexorable manner. The accepted opinion is that subliminal messages rather strengthen, accelerate and reinforce reactions in persons who are ALREADY PREDISPOSED to the subject of the message. But I guess one can't be sure.


The most common subliminal message is S E X.


Clone High E09 (click for animated gif)


New X-men #118

Screenshot from House (S06E05)

Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince

 Click images for highlights if you can't see subliminal embeds.



Now look at a picture from "Windows to Color" board book for toddlers made by a division of the Walt Disney Company - Baby Einstein. Out of all numbers in the world they picked the one which represents position for simultaneous oral sex. Note that this is not the original number of the truck, it was doctored. How do I know it? Look at the number plate: it's inverted, as well as the letters on the door, which means that the image was flipped and the number 69 was added to the truck afterward.

This is not the only sexual reference I found in this book. For example on the same page there's an image of a rose and on its left petal appears the word sex. It's not visible in the scanned image so I don't post it here. Another thing is the painting by Georgia O'Keeffe - an artist known for painting symbolical vaginal imagery.

Here's another 69 on a toddlers shirt:


Ok, here's another genius design from Disney:

Ape spanking the monkey in Disneyland:

Well, at least recently they started doing it openly ;)

Some more screenshots:


Mickey and the Beanstalk. Click the image to see animation or watch video around 5:00






This is a real scene from Ren and Stimpy that I saw myself on TV as a teen.

Watch video


Happy feet:



  Please don't tell me that the nose shape is an innocent coincidence...

 Or maybe you think that MR. NO from Tiger Mask is an innocent coincidence?


How about this innocent shape in a second grade reading book?


Snow White Pez dispenser:

Watch Video demonstration

The Punisher shape shifter

Watch the video:





I admit that some examples here could be accidental, but could all of them be?



If you or someone you know is suffering from cancer, one of the best things they can do is take away the disease's favorite food – sugar.

Sugar – Cancer's Fuel

Dr. Otto Wartburg and other health experts have been talking about how cancer loves sugar since the 1920s, but surprisingly many doctors don't tell their cancer patients that as long as they continue to eat processed foods full of the stuff, they will likely have a more difficult time fighting this disease.

The German physiologist, leading biochemist, medical doctor, and Nobel laureate was convinced that you could starve cancer right out of the body. While it may not always be that easy, this is something that could significantly change the game.

His theory was that malignant cells and tumor growth was caused by cells that generated energy via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a nonoxidative breakdown of glucose (sugar). The recycling of the metabolite from this process called glycolysis and the circulation of adhA back into the body caused anaerobic respiration. This is the reverse of what happens with healthy cells. Healthy, non-cancerous cells generate energy for the body to use through the oxidative breakdown of pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, which leads to oxidized mitochondria. He therefore concluded that cancer was really a mitochondrial dysfunction. The normal process of respiration of oxygen in the body is changed to the fermentation of sugar. If you remove the sugar, the body should not develop cancer.

The connection between sugar and cancer development is certainly not new.

Most people can easily remove the obvious culprits that are full of refined sugar – cakes, candies, cookies, etc. The problem is that many foods which are packaged and sold in the US and in other countries are full of refined sugar, but just very sneakily hidden in the packaging labels. Things like 'healthy' yogurt, cereals, whole wheat or whole grain breads, and even 'low-calorie' items can be full of sugar.

The easiest way to eliminate unwanted refined sugars is to stop buying 'convenience' or pre-packaged foods, and at least temporarily, don't eat out at restaurants – many dining establishments source their food from big companies that 'season' their food with lots of sugar and salt to make it more palatable after being frozen and shipped across the country in trucks. Even salad dressings can be loaded with sugar. To deal with cravings for sugary foods, increase your plant-based and healthy animal based proteins (no red meat) and eat more nutrition-packed foods.


By Admins (from 28/02/2014 @ 07:03:30, in en - Video Alert, read 1665 times)

This documentary was made by a couple of journalists who just happened to be present when what John Perkins described in Zeitgeist Addendum happened to Hugo Chavez. The attempted coup is exposed in plain as day video footage.

This is a documentary about the April 2002 Venezuelan coup attempt which briefly deposed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. A television crew from Ireland's national broadcaster, RTE happened to be recording a documentary about Chávez during the events of April 11, 2002.


Shifting focus, they followed the events as they occurred. During their filming, the crew recorded images of the events that they say contradict explanations given by Chávez's opposition, the private media, the US State Department, and then White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.

The documentary says that the coup was the result of a conspiracy between various old guard and anti-Chávez factions within Venezuela and the United States.

By Admins (from 02/03/2014 @ 07:09:26, in en - Video Alert, read 1811 times)


John Perkins is an American author. His best known book is Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004), in which Perkins claims to have played a role in an alleged process of economic colonization of Third World countries on behalf of what he portrays as a cabal of corporations, banks, and the United States government.



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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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