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By Admin (from 22/11/2011 @ 22:49:04, in en - Video Alert, read 3456 times)

Webster Griffin Tarpley is an author, journalist, lecturer, and critic of US foreign and domestic policy. Tarpley maintains that the September 11 attacks were engineered by a rogue network of the military industrial complex and intelligence agencies.

His writings and speeches describe a model of false flag terror operations by a rogue network in the military/intelligence sector working with moles in the private sector and in corporate media, and locates such contemporary false flag operations in a historical context stretching back in the English speaking world to at least the "gunpowder plot" in England in 1605. He also maintains that "The notion of anthropogenic global warming is a fraud."


RT, previously known as Russia Today, is a global multilingual television news network based in the Russian Federation run by RIA Novosti.
RT shows round the clock news bulletins, documentaries, talk shows, and debates, as well as sports news and cultural programs on Russia. The service is aimed at the overseas market, similar to other international news channels, and broadcast through satellite and cable operators throughout the world.

In addition to the flagship English-language broadcast, it also runs Arabic and Spanish language channels, and RT America, which is oriented to viewers in the United States. It broadcasts from its headquarters in Moscow and its studio in Washington, DC, and also has bureaus in Miami, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Delhi and Tel Aviv.
RT is the second most-watched foreign news channel in the United States, after BBC News. By March 2010, its videos had garnered more than 83 million views on YouTube and has also set a TV News Channel record after exceeding a view count on YouTube of half a billion. It has 2,000 employees worldwide.

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The Charge of Crimes Against Peace was filed against George W Bush (former President of the U.S.) and Anthony L Blair (former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) wherein they were charged of having committed Crimes against Peace, in that the Accused persons planned, prepared and invaded the sovereign state of Iraq on 19 March 2003 in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law.

The Tribunal adjudicated and evaluated the evidence presented on facts and law as in any court of law and found the two former heads of state of the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, guilty as charged.

The judges of the Tribunal were satisfied that the charges were proven beyond reasonable doubt and delivered a reasoned judgement. The verdict and the names of the persons found guilty will be entered in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and publicized worldwide.
Further hearings were deferred to examine the wealth of evidence of other charges relating to torture of prisoners.

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad asked "Why is it that the murder of one man is considered a criminal act whereas the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people committed in wars, is not considered so?"

Below are some of the photographs from the hearings and at below those are links to coverage of this important hearing which outcome is a significant historical step along the road to justice and to ensure that the criminals may be brought to justice once any person is capable of arresting them, or carrying out the sentence according to the law.

The Tribunal


The Court Room


The Prosecuting Team


Prosecution and Defense Teams

The prosecuting team is headed by Prof Gurdial Singh Nijar and assisted by Professor Francis Boyle and Avtaran Singh. The Defence team is headed by Jason Kay.

Please see the links below for coverage of the trial, and ensure you do not miss further updates by registering your email at, liking our Facebook page, following @mathaba on Twitter or subscribing to our main news feed. #

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Camera Deputatilor a adoptat, astazi marti, cu 168 de voturi "pentru", 111 voturi "împotriva" si 14 abtineri, Legea privind câinii comunitari, informeaza Mediafax.

Legea a fost adoptata dupa mai multe saptamâni de amânari.
Viceliderul grupului PSD Aura Vasile a propus si de aceasta data retrimiterea proiectului la comisie, însa propunerea a fost respinsa prin vot de catre plen.

Camera Deputatilor este forul decizional în privinta acestui act normativ.

Ultima data, votul pentru proiectul de lege privind gestionarea câinilor vagabonzi a fost amânat pe data de 2 noiembrie.

„Liderii de grup au stabilit sa votam doar proiecte de lege cu raport de respingere. Probabil initiativa va intra la vot saptamâna viitoare“, declara la acea data presedintele Camerei Deputatilor, Roberta Anastase.

Anastase mai spunea la acea vreme ca demersul PDL de strângere de semnaturi în favoarea proiectului este în curs de derulare si "merge foarte bine".

Camera Deputatilor a adoptat pe 17 octombrie legea pe articole, însa votul final a fost amânat de mai multe ori din cauza dezbaterilor tensionate asupra proiectului.

Opozitia a acuzat Puterea ca sprijina o lege ce va da voie primarilor sa eutanasieze în masa câinii fara stapân si care permite sub acoperamânt legal tratamente brutale pentru animale.

Anterior acestei dati, votul la legea privind eutanasierea maidanezilor a mai suferit o amânare pe data de 18 octombrie. Atunci, social-democratii au parasit sala de plen în semn de protest.

Amânarea a fost ceruta din partea puterii, deoarece cei din coalitia de guvernare nu aveau suficiente voturi încât sa treaca legea, fiind necesare 167 de voturi.


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Una risata fa bene all’anima, e anche al fisico. Ridere, infatti, innalzerebbe la soglia del dolore, aumentando il livello di endorfine, le molecole analgesiche prodotte dal nostro cervello. A dirlo sono i ricercatori dell’ Università di Oxford guidati dallo psicologo evoluzionista Robin Dunbar, con uno studio pubblicato su Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Ecco la dimostrazione. Attraverso 6 diversi esperimenti, i ricercatori hanno testato la resistenza al dolore (per esempio la capacità di sopportare un oggetto ghiacciato su un braccio) in vari gruppi di volontari, prima e dopo averli fatti assistere ad alcuni sketch televisivi. Sono stati scelti degli episodi da Friends, i Simpson e South Park (ovvero delle serie comiche), dei documentari sulla natura (rilassanti, ma non umoristici) e alcuni programmi giudicati neutri (per esempio sul golf). Gli esperimenti sono stati poi ripetuti su alcuni volontari che avevano assistito a una commedia dal vivo.

I risultati? L’ilarità sembra aver aumentato la capacità di sopportare gli stress fisici e il dolore nei partecipanti, fino al 10% in più di quanto sperimentato prima della visione degli sketch, come riporta anche Bbc News; nessuna differenza significativa, invece, è stata osservata per chi aveva assistito al programma di golf o ai documentari. Gli effetti delle risate, inoltre, sarebbero proporzionali al loro fragore, alla loro spontaneità e al loro grado di contagiosità.

Gli autori dello studio ipotizzano che questo innalzamento della soglia del dolore sia dovuto a un aumento della produzione di endorfine (non rivelabili nel sangue, perché bloccate nel sistema nervoso centrale dalla barriera emato-encefalica, e quindi impossibili da misurare in modo non invasivo). Dunbar si spinge anche oltre: la risata avrebbe svolto un ruolo importante anche nel corso dell’evoluzione umana, favorendo la socializzazione. Una sorta di “grooming a distanza”, come dice lo psicologo dalle pagine del New York Times.


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By Admin (from 22/11/2011 @ 11:00:10, in ro - Observator Global, read 1908 times)

Femeile care au o copie defectă a unei gene numită RAD51D au sanse de 1/11 să dezvolte cancer ovarian, spun cercetătorii, care consideră acestă informatie drept cea mai importantă descoperire din ultimul deceniu în domeniul cercetărilor asupra genelor implicate în cancerul ovarian.

Descoperire: o nouă genă implicată în apariţia cancerului ovarian

Specialistii de la Centrul de Cercetare a Cancerului din Marea Britanie speră ca în câtiva ani să poată pune la punct un test pentru a identifica femeile care riscă să se îmbolnăvească; unele dintre acestea r putea opta pentru îndepărtarea chirurgicală a ovarelor, pentru a împiedica aparitia bolii. si, desigur, un medicament care să împiedice dezvoltarea cancerului .

Experimentele de laborator au sugerat că celulele cu gene RAD51D defecte sunt sensibile la inhibitorii PARP - o nouă clasă de medicamente concepute pentru a trata cancerul cauzat de două gene defecte, BRCA1 si BRCA2, implicate în cancerul de sân si cel ovarian. Inhibitorii PARP blochează mecanismele de reparare a ADN în celulele canceroase, ducând astfel la moartea acestor celule.

Cele mai mari companii farmaceutice din lume lucrează acum la crearea unor inhibitori de acest gen. Unul dintre aceste medicamente, testat în cadrul unui studiu clinic, a reusit să încetinească progresia cancerului ovarian.

Specialistii de la Institutul Britanic de Cercetarea a Cancerului au comparat ADN-ul a 911 femei, care proveneau din familii cu antecedente de cancer mamar sau ovarian, cu ADN-ul provenit de la peste 10.000 de femei care au făcut parte din grupul de control. În cazul femeilor care au avut cazuri de cancer în familie, medicii au găsit opt defecte la nivelul genei RAD51D, spre deosebire de un singur defect găsit în cazul grupului de control.

Anual, la nivel mondial 230.000 de femei sunt diagnosticate cu cancer ovarian. Dintre acestea, majoritatea sunt diagnosticate în stadii avansate, ceea ce duce la moarte a 70% dintre ele, în mai putin de 5 ani. Din această cauză, medicii sunt preocupati de găsirea unui medicament eficient, care să poată opri dezvoltarea acestui tip de cancer.

Sursa: FOXNews

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By Admin (from 22/11/2011 @ 08:08:08, in en - Global Observatory, read 2022 times)

What if, instead of waiting days or weeks for a cast to be produced and prosthetic dental implants, false teeth and replacement crowns to be made, your dentist could quickly scan your jaw and "print" your new teeth using a rapid prototyping machine known as a 3D printer?

Researchers in Iran explain how medical imaging coupled with computer-aided design could be used to create a perfect-fit blueprint for prosthetic dentistry, whether to replace diseased or broken teeth and jaw bone. The blueprint can then be fed into a so-called 3D printer to build up an exact replica using a biocompatible composite material. Such technology has been used in medical prosthetics before, but this is an early step into prosthetic dentistry using rapid prototyping.

Writing in the International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, mechanical engineer Hossein Kheirollahi of the Imam Hossein University and colleague Farid Abbaszadeh of the Islamic Azad University, in Tehran, Iran, explain how current technology used to convert an MRI or CT scan into a prosthetic component requires milling technology. This carves out the appropriate solid shape from a block of polymer but has several disadvantages, uppermost being that it is very difficult to carve out a complex shape, such as a tooth. By contrast, rapid prototyping uses a 3D image held in a computer to control a laser that then "cures" powdered or liquid polymer. Almost any solid, porous, or complicated shape can be produced by this 3D-printing technology.

The Iranian team has now demonstrated how rapid prototyping can be used to fabricate dental objects such as implants and crowns quickly and easily even where features such as overhangs, sharp corners and undercuts are required. The team points out that the most appropriate medical imaging technology, CBCT (cone-beam computed tomography), which is lower cost and exposes the patient to a lower dose of ionizing radiation is best suited to the generation of the computer design for creating such dental objects ready for printing.

Source: Science Daily

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James Irwin Apollo 11 con vista Rover Lunare Soste lunari duranti la missione Apollo 17 Sotto il Sole

“Non lasceremo la Luna agli americani”, aveva dichiarato agli inizi degli anni Sessanta Nikita Khrushchev, l’allora premier dell’ Unione Sovietica, in piena Guerra Fredda. Non era passato molto tempo da quando il presidente Kennedy aveva promesso la Luna agli Stati Uniti entro gli inizi degli anni Settanta, e l’Unione Sovietica non aveva intenzione di rimanere a guardare. Quel che accadde dopo è cosa nota: la bandiera a stelle e strisce sventolò sulle lande extraterrestri nel 1969, mentre l’Urss fallì nell’impresa.

Se le impronte di Armstrong e Aldrin hanno oscurato la storia delle missioni lunari sovietiche, fu comunque la Russia la prima a conquistare il satellite. Un primato che porta la data del 14 settembre 1959, quando un oggetto spedito da Terra, senza equipaggio a bordo, si schiantava per la prima volta sul suolo lunare.

La Second Soviet Cosmic Rocket, anche nota come sonda Luna-2 (come venne ribattezzata quattro anni dopo) e come Lunik 2 (certamente più assonante con il famoso Sputnik), era partita il 12 settembre dal cosmodromo di Baikonour, in Kazakistan. Appariva come una piccola sfera (circa 390 kg di peso) con tante antenne, e non ospitava alcun astronauta: solo un magnetometro (uno strumento per rivelare eventuali campi magnetici), un contatore Geiger e uno a scintillazione (entrambi per misurare la presenza di radiazioni) e dei rivelatori di micro-meteoriti. Da Terra, il suo volo nello spazio sarebbe stato seguito attraverso la scia di gas arancione.

33 ore dopo il lancio, le comunicazioni con la sonda si persero. Poteva sembrare il fallimento della missione, e invece era la prova che lo scopo era stato raggiunto con successo: Lunik 2 si era schiantata sulla Luna, nei pressi del Mare della Serenità. Intanto i russi avevano anche avuto la conferma che la Luna non aveva una cintura radioattiva, né un forte campo magnetico.

Non era andata così bene nei tentativi che avevano preceduto questa missione. Lunik 2, infatti, a dispetto del nome, non era il secondo volo delle missioni senza equipaggio sovietiche, ma il sesto. Prima di lei c’erano stati una Luna 1 - la prima volta che una sonda riusciva a sfuggire al campo gravitazionale della Terra, che mancò sì la Luna ma raggiunse in compenso l’orbita del Sole - e altri 4 tentativi meno gloriosi.

La lista dei lanci da base russa prosegue fino ad arrivare al 1976: include una cinquantina di missioni, anche se solo 24 di queste sarebbero passate alla storia come lunari, perché arrivate effettivamente nell’orbita del satellite. Qualcuna segnò dei traguardi importanti, come la sonda Luna-3, nel 1959, che fotografò per la prima volta nella storia il lato oscuro del satellite. La Luna-9, invece, fu la prima sonda a non schiantarsi, ma compì un vero e proprio allunaggio, nel 1966.


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Un nou tratament împotriva leucemiei are rezultate uluitoare, surprinzându-i si pe cercetătorii care l-au conceput: acesta a eradicat celulele canceroase prezente în corpul primilor trei pacienti pe care a fost testat.

În primii doi dintre cei trei pacienti care au fost supusi tratamentului inovator, celulele canceroase au fost distruse complet. În cazul celui de-al treilea pacient, peste 70% dintre celulele canceroase au fost eliminate.

"În doar 3 săptămâni, tumorile au fost distruse, efectul fiind mult mai violent decât ne-am fi închipuit vreodată", a mărturisit Carl June, unul dintre medicii implicati în acest studiu.

Tratamentul inovator foloseste limfocitele T ale pacientilor. Celulele sunt extrase din corpul acestora, sunt modificate genetic pentru a ataca celulele canceroase si pentru a se înmulti, iar apoi sunt reintroduse în sângele pacientilor.

"Fiecare celulă modificată a distrus mii de celule canceroase", sustine June, "în cazul fiecărui pacient fiind eliminate tumori de cel putin 900 de grame".

Tratamentul radical prezintă si un efect secundar negativ, anticipat de cercetători: reduce numărul de celule care produc anticorpi.

Un tratament miraculos împotriva leucemiei are rezultate uluitoare! (VIDEO)

Persoanele implicate în acest tratament au încercat înainte chimioterapia, însă aceasta nu a functionat. Singura lor optiune în afara acestui tratament radical era un transplant de măduvă, care este extrem de riscant (acesta având o rată a mortalitătii de 20% si prezentând sanse de recuperare de doar 50%).

Tratamentul a fost încercat pe doar 3 pacienti deoarece cercetătorilor le-a fost extrem de greu să găsească fonduri pentru acest studiu, fiind foarte aproape ca acesta să nu aibă loc.

Acum, oamenii de stiintă vor să încerce acest tratament radical si pe alte tipuri de leucemie. Cei trei pacienti în rândul cărora a avut succes sufereau de leucemie limfocitică cronică.

Sursa: Huffington Post

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While implantable heart pumps may buy some time for people waiting to undergo heart transplants, such implants have at least one serious drawback - because they receive their power from an external source, a power cord must protrude through the skin of the patient's belly. About 40 percent of patients experience infections of that opening, which often require rehospitalization, and in extreme cases can even cause death. The presence of that cord also makes it impossible for patients to swim or take baths. Researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center are attempting to put an end to the troublesome cords, however, by developing a system that wirelessly transmits power to heart pumps.

A team led by UW associate professor of computer science and electrical engineering Joshua Smith, along with UPMC heart surgeon Pramod Bonde, created the prototype for the system. It utilizes a transmitting coil that sends out electromagnetic waves at a specific frequency, and a receiving coil that absorbs the energy from those waves, which it stores in a battery. It's a variation on the inductive power technology used in devices such as cell phone charging pads, the difference being that with those devices, the tool and the charger must be touching and held firmly in place.

The UW/UPMC system gets around that limitation, by automatically adjusting the frequency and other parameters as the transmitter and receiver move apart, or change orientation relative to one another. Presently, the wave strength is able to remain constant over a distance equivalent to the length of the transmitting coil. If a one-foot coil is used, for instance, that means it can effectively transmit power to the receiver over a distance of one foot.

If that coil were only a few inches long, that would still be sufficient for a scenario in which it were worn in a vest against the body, with the receiving coil adjacent to it, implanted under the patient's skin. Because energy would be stored in an implanted battery, that means the patient could spend periods of about two hours without having to even be near the transmitter, so they could do things like swim or bathe.

So far, the researchers have been able to use the system to power a heart pump submerged in water. Power was transmitted at about 80 percent efficiency, to a receiving coil that was just 4.3 centimeters (1.7 in) across. Animal trials are now being planned.

Ultimately, the UW/UPMC team would like to see a system in which several transmitters were located around a room, so a patient within that room could move freely about. They also believe that the technology could be used to power other types of implants, recharge consumer electronics, or even recharge underwater instruments in the ocean.

Source: GizMag

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This is the most important operation in the history of Anonymous. No operation will be executed until we make sure this operation is successful. Any videos uploaded will be updates on this operation.



Citizens of the United States, We are Anonymous.

This is an urgent emergency alert to all people of the United States. The day we've all been waiting for has unfortunately arrived. The United States is censoring the internet. Our blatant response is that we will not sit while our rights are taken away by the government we trusted them to preserve. This is not a call to arms, but a call to recognition and action!

The United States government has mastered this corrupt way of giving us a false sense of freedom. We think we are free and can do what we want, but in reality we are very limited and restricted as to what we can do, how we can think, and even how our education is obtained. We have been so distracted by this mirage of freedom, that we have just become what we were trying to escape from.

For too long, we have been idle as our brothers and sisters were arrested. During this time, the government has been scheming, plotting ways to increase censorship through means of I S P block aides, D N S blockings, search engine censorship, website censorship, and a variety of other methods that directly oppose the values and ideas of both Anonymous as well as the founding fathers of this country, who believed in free speech and press!

The United States has often been used as an example of the ideal free country. When the one nation that is known for its freedom and rights start to abuse its own people, this is when you must fight back, because others are soon to follow. Do not think that just because you are not a United States citizen, that this does not apply to you. You cannot wait for your country to decide to do the same. You must stop it before it grows, before it becomes acceptable. You must destroy its foundation before it becomes too powerful.

Has the U.S. government not learned from the past? Has it not seen the 2011 revolutions? Has it not seen that we oppose this wherever we find it and that we will continue to oppose it? Obviously the United States Government thinks they are exempt. This is not only an Anonymous collective call to action. What will a Distributed Denial of Service attack do? What's a website de face ment against the corrupted powers of the government? No. This is a call for a worldwide internet and physical protest against the powers that be. Spread this message everywhere. We will not stand for this! Tell your parents, your neighbors, your fellow workers, your school teachers, and anyone else you come in contact with. This affects anyone that desires the freedom to browse anonymously, speak freely without fear of retribution, or protest without fear of arrest.

Go to every I R C network, every social network, every online community, and tell them of the atrocity that is about to be committed. If protest is not enough, the United States government shall see that we are truly legion and we shall come together as one force opposing this attempt to censor the internet once again, and in the process discourage any other government from continuing or trying.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive censorship.
We do not forget the denial of our free rights as human beings.
To the United States government, you should've expected us.

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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