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By Admin (from 30/10/2012 @ 04:00:55, in ro - TV Network, read 2551 times)

Stiu, te-ai speriat!

Probabil te gandesti: Oh, nu! Iar Legea atractiei! Nu-i nimic, doar citeste mai departe sa vezi ca este vorba despre o lege, este vorba despre atractie, dar nu e aceea la care te gandesti...

Cand am pus mana prima data pe o carte de-a lui Dale Carnegie, am citit-o pe nerasuflate si imediat am pornit in cautarea celorlalte carti scrise de el. Acolo am gasit modele de bun simt in relatiile dintre oameni, atat de simple, atat de normale, incat nici nu-mi dau seama de ce ar trebui scrise intr-o carte.

Imi aduceau aminte de vorbele bunicii “ce tie nu-ti place, altuia nu-i face” dar si de vorbele lui Napoleon Hill “mai intai ofera din ceea ce iti doresti din belsug” (De la idee la bani).


Astazi, este o lupta acerba pentru atentia noastra, se doreste atentia noastra simultan in mai multe directii in acelasi timp. In unele situatii, atentia ne este atrasa chiar si atunci suntem in trafic sau ne odihnim, cand cei din jurul nostru vad ca suntem “pusi pe ganduri”.
Traim intr-o oscilatie permanenta intre trecut si viitor fara sa mai “savuram” clipa de acum, singura certitudine de fapt.

Simt ca aceasta realitate este o cauza importanta pentru inrautatirea relatiilor dintre oameni, in special in familie.


Citind, te intrebi poate, ce legatura este intre asta si titlul de mai sus? Ei bine, in contradictie cu starea de prezenta “absenta” este starea acceptare si de comuniune. Tu cum te simti cand te simti acceptat(a), cand ceea ce faci este apreciat de catre cei din jur?

Eu ma simt atras fata de acesti oameni, as vrea sa petrec si mai mult timp in preajma lor. Acesta stare de acceptare de catre ceilalti ne pune zambetul pe buze si devenim noi la randu-ne atractivi.
Se pare ca fericirea sta in lucrurile mici.

Urmareste filmul si spune-ti parerea.


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Cu totii am vrea sa cunoastem secretele din interiorul marilor corporatii si sa avem idee despre cum lucreaza acestea. De cele mai multe ori ne gândim ca exista lucruri care ne sunt ascunse, din cauza ca suntem “prea marunti” si “prea prosti” ca sa întelegem cuvinte marete.

John Perkins este un barbat care sustine ca a lucrat adânc în interiorul fortelor motorii ale globalizarii corporatiste si încearca în cartea sa, “Confesiunile unui asasin economic”, sa dezvaluie secretele  ”asasinilor  economici”, el însusi facând la un moment dat parte dintre ei.

Un asasin economic este o persoana extrem de bine platita sa convinga tarile importante pentru SUA, din punct de vedere strategic, sa accepte niste împrumuturi imense pentru a dezvolta infrastructura si sa se asigure ca proiectele profitabile vor fi oferite corporatiilor americane.

Acestea ajungeau pâna la urma sa fie înglodate în datorii uriase si astfel intrau sub controlul guvernului SUA si al Bancii Mondiale, aceste institutii având un rol de “camatari”, fortând tarile sa li se supuna si directionând banii în buzunarele a câteva familii bogate care controleaza resursele naturale ale planetei.

Desi a fost sfatuit de multe persoane sa nu scrie cartea, acesta a publicat-o pâna la urma, descriind drumul sau de la “angajatul” care trebuia sa forteze “mâna” liderilor pentru a crea o politica favorabila  SUA si pâna la avocatul pasionat de apararea drepturilor celor care se afla la voia corporatiilor.

John Perkins povesteste toate aranjamentele la care a luat parte: afacerile cu petrol ale SUA in Ecuador, Venezuela si tarile arabe, razboiul din Irak, sau subjugarea a numeroase tari din lumea a treia prin împrumuturi externe cât mai mari si mai dificil de rambursat.

“Mijloacele prin care s-a realizat acest lucru variaza de la rapoarte financiare false, alegeri legislative trucate, mita, santaj si  chiar crima”, spune chiar Perkins.
În cele ce urmeaza, va prezentam un discurs al lui John Perkins, vorbind despre metodele de lucru ale unui asasin economic.


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Score another point for medical marijuana advocates: a new study shows that smoking pot is much less harmful to users' lungs than smoking tobacco.

When researchers studied 20 years of data from more than 5,000 adults, they predictably found significant lung damage in the tobacco smokers: the more they smoked, the worse their air flow rate and lung volume became. But those who smoked up to one joint a day aced a lung function test: air flow rate actually slightly increased in the marijuana users, up to a certain level.

“We found exactly what we thought we would find in relation to tobacco exposure: a consistent loss of lung function with increasing exposure,” said the paper’s lead author, Mark Pletcher, MD, MPH, associate professor in the Division of Clinical Epidemiology at University of California, San Francisco. “We were, however, surprised that we found such a different pattern of association with marijuana exposure.”

The NIH-funded study, published in the Journal of American Medical Association, measured air flow rate (how fast you can blow out air) and lung volume (how much air you can hold) in 18- to 30-year-old adults from Oakland, Chicago, Minneapolis and Birmingham.

Researchers caution that the findings don't point to the health benefits of heavy marijuana use.

“Our findings suggest that occasional use of marijuana for these or other purposes may not be associated with adverse consequences on pulmonary function,” Pletcher said. “On the other hand, our findings do suggest an accelerated decline in pulmonary function with heavier use – either very frequent use or frequent use over many years – and a resulting need for caution and moderation when marijuana use is considered.”

Source: - Author: Sheila Eldred - (Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:05 PM ET)

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Dixie Elixirs has made their drinks available to anyone with a prescription for medical marijuana.

The drinks come in eight different flavors, including pink lemonade, root beer and grape. But if the company really wants to get their drinks into the hands of marijuana lovers, they may want to start working on pizza and nachos flavors.

But marijuana is only legal to consume in 14 states with a prescription from a doctor. So, unless you are one of the approximately half-million people who is a medical marijuana patient, this pot-infused soda won't do you much good.


It's an open secret that you can smoke marijuana and still be a valuable part of society. But when you think of smoking weed, you're more likely to think of Cheech and Chong than the people running the United States government. (Even though at least two U.S. presidents have admitted smoking it.)

The drink makers say part of the reason they developed their line of mary-jane drinks was to remove that "reefer madness" stigma associated with marijuana smokers.

If California voters decide to make recreational marijuana legal this November, you may start seeing these organic sodas (the drink makers really know their audience) in grocery stores and liquor stores right next to the stuff from Pepsi and Coke.

But if Coca-Cola's history is any sign of what the company might do next, they could return to the heady days of putting mind-altering substances in their sodas.

At a time of sagging soda sales, drink makers are looking for a way to boost sales, and marijuana might be the answer. Medical marijuana has already proven an effective way at boosting newspaper sales, of all things. The New York Times reports that medical marijuana ads in small Colorado newspapers boost revenues enough for it to increase the size of its staff.

Source: - Author: David Teeghman (Tue Oct 19, 2010) - Photo: Dixie Elixirs

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A sostenerlo è una recente ricerca realizzata dai ricercatori australiani della University of Western Sidney e pubblicata sul Nutrition Journal.

La ricerca ha coinvolto oltre 156mila uomini e donne, di cui è stato analizzato lo stile di vita e la dieta seguita.

Dalle analisi è emerso che il consumo maggiore di carne e alimenti in genere ricchi di grassi saturi ha fatto aumentare dal 10% al 25% il rischio di sviluppare una forma di asma (AS) e/o asma o rinite allergica (AS/HF).

Sono state rilevate tuttavia differenze di risposta alla dieta da parte di maschi e femmine.
In generale i ricercatori hanno scoperto che il consumo di carne era direttamente collegato con l’asma. Nel caso del consumo di formaggio il rischio aumentava soltanto negli uomini, mentre nelle donne sembra avesse un effetto protettivo, così come il pane integrale.

Anche il pollame e il pesce sono risultati collegati all’aumento del rischio di asma e febbre da fieno, sia nelle donne che negli uomini.

“Osservando le analisi per entrambi i sessi – ha spiegato il dottor Rosenkranz, coordinatore della ricerca – le diete in genere ad alto contenuto di carne, in particolare le diete caratterizzate da un maggiore consumo di pollame, pesce e carni rosse e lavorate nelle femmine, e le diete caratterizzate da una maggiore quantità di carne rossa, carni lavorate, e il consumo di formaggio nei maschi, sembrano essere fattori di rischio diagnosi per AS e AS/HF in questa popolazione”.

Fonte: via

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Mission Statement

Founded in 2008, The Zeitgeist Movement is a Sustainability Advocacy Organization which conducts community based activism and awareness actions through a network of Global/Regional Chapters, Project Teams, Annual Events, Media and Charity Work.

The Movement's principle focus includes the recognition that the majority of the social problems which plague the human species at this time are not the sole result of some institutional corruption, scarcity, a political policy, a flaw of "human nature" or other commonly held assumptions of causality.

Rather, The Movement recognizes that issues such as poverty, corruption, collapse, homelessness, war, starvation and the like appear to be "Symptoms" born out of an outdated social structure. While intermediate Reform steps and temporal Community Support are of interest to The Movement, the defining goal here is the installation of a new socioeconomic model based upon technically responsible Resource Management, Allocation and Distribution through what would be considered The Scientific Method of reasoning problems and finding optimized solutions.

This "Resource-Based Economic Model" is about taking a direct technical approach to social management as opposed to a Monetary or even Political one. It is about updating the workings of society to the most advanced and proven methods Science has to offer, leaving behind the damaging consequences and limiting inhibitions which are generated by our current system of monetary exchange, profits, corporations and other structural and motivational components.

The Movement is loyal to a train of thought, not figures or institutions. In other words, the view held is that through the use of socially targeted research and tested understandings in Science and Technology, we are now able to logically arrive at societal applications which could be profoundly more effective in meeting the needs of the human population. In fact, so much so, that there is little reason to assume war, poverty, most crimes and many other money-based scarcity effects common in our current model cannot be resolved over time.

The range of The Movement's Activism & Awareness Campaigns extend from short to long term, with the model based explicitly on Non-Violent methods of communication. The long term view, which is the transition into a Resource-Based Economic Model, is a constant pursuit and expression, as stated before. However, in the path to get there, The Movement also recognizes the need for transitional Reform techniques, along with direct Community Support.

For instance, while "Monetary Reform" itself is not an end solution proposed by The Movement, the merit of such legislative approaches are still considered valid in the context of transition and temporal integrity. Likewise, while food and clothes drives and other supportive projects to help those in need today are also not considered a long term solution, it is still considered valid in the context of helping others in a time of need, while also drawing awareness to the principle goal.

The Zeitgeist Movement also has no allegiance to a country or traditional political platforms. It views the world as a single system and the human species as a single family and recognizes that all countries must disarm and learn to share resources and ideas if we expect to survive in the long run. Hence, the solutions arrived at and promoted are in the interest to help everyone on the planet Earth, not a select group.

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Though it barely received any media attention at the time, a renowned British biochemist who back in 1998 exposed the shocking truth about how genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) cause organ damage, reproductive failure, digestive dysfunction, impaired immunity, and cancer, among many other conditions, was immediately fired from his job, and the team of researchers who assisted him dismissed from their post within 24 hours from the time when the findings went public.

Arpad Pusztai, who is considered to be one of the world's most respected and well-learned biochemists, had for three years led a team of researchers from Scotland's prestigious Rowett Research Institute (RRI) in studying the health effects of a novel GM potato with built-in Bt toxin. Much to the surprise of many, the team discovered that, contrary to industry rhetoric, Bt potato was responsible for causing severe health damage in test rats, a fact that was quickly relayed to the media out of concern for public health.

But rather than be praised for their honest assessment into this genetically-tampered potato, Pusztai and his colleagues were chastised by industry-backed government authorities, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose office was discovered to have secretly contacted RRI just hours after Pusztai and his team announced the results of their study on television. For speaking the truth, Pusztai was immediately fired from his position, and his team dismissed from their positions at the school.

Research out of Egypt finds similar results - GMOs cause severe, long-term health damage

As reported recently in Egypt Independent, similar research by Hussein Kaoud from Cairo University's Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene also made some fascinating, though politically incorrect, discoveries about the effects of GMOs on the body. After feeding nine groups of rats varying combinations of GM soy, corn, wheat, and canola, Kaoud and his team observed that these genetic poisons clearly obstructed the normal function of the animals, affirming Pusztai's research.

"I recorded the alteration of different organs, shrinkage of kidneys, change in the liver and spleen, appearance of malignant parts in the tissues, (and) kidney failure and hemorrhages in the intestine," said Kaoud about the effects of GMOs as observed in the test rats. "The brain functions were touched as well, and the rats' learning and memory abilities were seriously altered."

In Kaoud's case, his groundbreaking findings will soon be published in the respected journals Neurotoxicology and Ecotoxicology. But it remains to be seen whether or not the scientific community at large, which is heavily influenced by biotechnology interests, and the political structures that control it will accept the results as valid, or pull a similar character assassination on Kaoud and his team as punishment for defying the status quo.

What all this clearly illustrates, of course, is that modern science can hardly be considered the independent, truth-seeking, "gold standard" of interpreting and understanding reality that many people mistakenly think it is. The truth about GMOs, as uncovered by mounds of independent research, is that they are inadequately safety tested, at best, and deadly at worst. But this fact remains shrouded in deception, thanks to the corporatized, pro-GMO culture of mainstream science.

Sources: - Author: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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By Admin (from 06/11/2012 @ 03:07:25, in en - Video Alert, read 1905 times)

In this amazing video you’ll learn more about the basics of acidic and alkaline foods. In fact, the body needs to balance the levels of PH to survive. A long-term consumption of acid-generating foods may cause a huge load of stress on the kidneys and may cause renal failure, high blood pressure and many other issues.

Watch this amazing video and choose a smart diet for yourself and your family. Beside the video, you can find a chart that shows which foods are bringing the body to acidic or alkaline states.


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Parents of elementary and middle school students in a small California town are protesting a tracking program their school recently launched, which requires students to wear identification badges embedded with radio frequency, or RFID, chips.

School superintendents struck a deal with a local maker of the technology last year to test the system to track attendance and weed out trespassers.

But students and parents, who weren't told about the RFID chips until they complained, are upset over what they say are surreptitious tactics the school used to implement the program. They also question the ethics of a monetary deal the school made with the company to test and promote its product, using students as guinea pigs.

"This is not right for our kids," said Michele Tatro, whose daughter received a badge. "I'm not willing for anybody to track me and I don't think my children should be tracked, either."

The InClass RFID system was developed by two local high school teachers in Sutter, California, who helped found the company, InCom, that markets the system. Last year, the company approached the principal and superintendent of Brittan Elementary School District with the idea of testing InClass. The company offered the elementary school a donation of "a couple thousand dollars," according to the school's attorney, Paul Nicholas Boylan, as compensation for possible inconveniences caused by the test.

Boylan said the plan seemed like a good idea at the time and that the outcry was "completely unanticipated."

"But these issues are far more complicated than they first looked," he said, admitting that "this is a test of something new. No one knows whether this technology is going to work or not."
The system consists of a photo ID card affixed to a lanyard and worn around the neck. Embedded in the card is an RFID chip that contains a 15-digit number assigned to each student. As students pass beneath a doorway scanner on their way into a classroom, the scanner records the number and sends it to a server in the school's administrative office.
The server translates the digits into names and sends an attendance list to the teacher's PDA, identifying all of the students who walked through the door. The teacher then visually verifies that the names on the PDA list match the students in the classroom.

The company installed the scanners and server last summer, but students only recently received the badges. InCom didn't return a call for comment, but according to a press release (PDF) on its website, the company plans to market the product nationwide next week at the American Association of School Administrators conference in Texas. Attorney Boylan said the school district stands to earn a royalty on future sales, and InCom has promised to install a schoolwide system at Brittan free of charge after the test is completed.

Brittan is the first school in California to use RFID, but not the first in the nation. Spring Independent School District near Houston, Texas, recently gave 28,000 students RFID badges to record when students get on and off school buses. The information is monitored by the police and school administrators to prevent child abductions and truancy. A handful of other schools have tested similar projects.

Nicole Ozer, technology and civil liberties policy director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, said the technology's privacy threats are real.

"The proliferation of RFIDs and their use in identity documents is of serious concern," Ozer said. "Not just for people with children but for all of us in terms of monitoring."

Last December, when her 13-year-old daughter, Lauren, mentioned that students at her school would be getting "nametags," Michele Tatro thought nothing of it.

"They've always had student IDs to get into dances and get discounts at football games," Tatro said. "So I didn't even fathom the tracking (aspect). I had never heard of RFID until it came to my doorstep."

Then, when Tatro collected Lauren from school a few weeks ago, her daughter was furious.

"She shoves (the badge) in front of me and says 'Look at this!'" Tatro said. "She's mad and exasperated because someone has forced this upon her, and she feels like she can't do anything about it."

The Tatros and the parents of another student told the school, which includes grades kindergarten through 8th grade, that their children wouldn't participate in the project. The school sent a letter threatening disciplinary action if students didn't participate. So the parents contacted the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California and other civil liberties groups. A handful of other parents have withdrawn their children from the test project as well.

"We tried talking to (the school superintendents) twice," Tatro said. "They didn’t see our concerns."

Parents and civil liberty groups are also concerned about who has access to the collected data.

Boylan said the system offers security advantages since administrators would immediately know if a student didn't show up for class and could notify parents quickly. School officials could also quickly identify anyone who didn't belong on campus if they weren't wearing an RFID badge. But the main draw is a more efficient and accurate way to track and verify attendance in order to receive state funds.

"In California, the funding of schools is based on attendance," Boylan said. "Therefore we want (attendance) to be as accurate as we can. If we are wrong for whatever reason, it means we are getting less money than we should be getting." The system provides an audit trail to back up the district's claims if the state questions their numbers.
Boylan couldn't say how scanners above bathroom doors would help track attendance. InCom installed scanners outside 7th and 8th-grade classrooms at Brittan and above bathroom doors in a cafeteria. But
Boylan noted that the bathroom scanners never worked properly anyway, and the school has since asked InCom to remove them.

Boylan said the school properly notified parents about the test, as the law requires, and got no complaints. He said the school held an open board meeting to discuss the test and posted public notices describing the essence of the test, but could not say where exactly the notices were placed.

"At the office, possibly in town," he said.

On Jan. 12, Brittan did announce in its weekly newsletter (PDF) that the school would soon require students to wear ID badges, but didn't mention RFID chips or scanners in classroom doors.

It said only that the school would soon issue "new safety ID badges" that students should wear "at all times" during normal school hours. The announcement also said students would be held accountable for the cost of replacing lost or destroyed badges.

Lauren Tatro said that when principal Earnie Graham distributed the badges, he didn't mention the RFID chips in them or give students a choice about wearing the badges.

"Students asked questions," Tatro said, "but they couldn’t really be answered very well. We got just the basics of what they were but nothing about the tracking."

A week after receiving parent complaints, the school scheduled a gathering to demonstrate the technology and answer questions, but notified parents only a day in advance.

"We're not opposed to technology," Tatro said. "We’re opposed to the way they're applying the technology. This is a test bed (to gauge) public acceptance of this. If they get away with it here, somebody else will try something even more invasive somewhere else."

Boylan said the school is currently discussing with the company how much data it needs to test the system. And the school has decided to allow students to opt out of wearing badges until it makes a formal decision about the status of the project next week.

But Tatro said that even if the school modifies or cancels the project, they plan to lobby schools to abandon such plans nationwide.

"We feel a bit of responsibility that we have to make this known," Tatro said. "We don't want to deal with another application of it somewhere else. Even if they retract, we will press forward in any lobbying to the appropriate people that we don't want this technology used in this application in society."

Source: - Author: Kim Zetter

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During the last days, we posted on ShittyFaceBook less then the usual. After more then 12 hours of inactivity, when trying to connect and share with Turismo Associati's Facebook friends, we've got this messagge: "Facebook Login - Account Disabled - Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ (it reads FuCK) page here."

So we want to know what happened (yes, we like to consider ourselves free persons)...

Disabled - Harassment


The Merriam Webster dictionary gives this definition of the transitive verb

HARASS \hə-ˈras; ˈher-əs, ˈha-rəs\

1   a : exhaust, fatigue

    b (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct

2:  to worry and impede by repeated raids

Of course, FaceBook is above common sense (must come with the C.I.A. ownership):

One of Facebook's main priorities is the comfort and safety of our members. Your account has been disabled for violating Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.

Our policies prohibit:

Ą Credible threats to harm others or the promotion of self-destructive behavior

Ą Targeting individuals on the site is not allowed

Ą Hate speech or singling people out based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or disease

Ą Graphic content including sadistic displays of violence against people or animals and depictions of sexual assault

Not to mention that if this generic answer does not answer your doubts, Facebook invites users to go away: If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, please contact us.

This is great, they connect to your mail account to see again if you are you (who the hell should you be?!) so they get free access to your private e-mails (what would you do with your privacy anyway?).

But they have two more funny questions:

Does Facebook disable everyone that gets reported?

A Facebook administrator looks into each report to decide the appropriate course of action. If no violation of our community standards has occurred, no action will be taken. If a violation has occurred, you may receive a warning or become disabled, depending on the severity of the violation.

Yeap! You got confused. Don't worry, you've got millions of neurons that you can lose...

What if I didn't receive a warning before becoming disabled?

Depending on the severity of the violation, a warning might not have been issued before disabling your account. Please note that we do not restore accounts that were disabled for severe violations of the Facebook Community Standards.

In conclusion, it seems Turismo Associati, the Trilingual World Observatory: italiano, english, română; GLOBAL NEWS & more, harassed your ass with information.

Our advice?

Look outside your window and see the Sun. Go take a walk and FUBAR FascistFaceBook. You are too beautiful to be spied by some perverted liars.

Author: TA, the one that had some good moments with you my ex Facebook friends, the one that was designated to post's news articles on that "social network".

Here are some facts about What is FACEBOOK:

One of the dumbest ideas ever on Facebook is that friends can automatically add you to groups. How To Stop People From Adding You To Facebook Groups

Facebook stole every contact and phone number in your phone – here’s how to undo the damage.


Facebook is a trap, says web founder.

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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