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By Admins (from 07/11/2014 @ 06:08:13, in en - Video Alert, read 1494 times)

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Incognito browsing: pages you view in incognito tabs won't stick around in your browser's history, cookie store, or search history after you've closed all of your incognito tabs. Any files you download will be kept. Arsène Lupin recommends: incognito BROWSER !

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Într-un interviu pentru emisiunea "Pasasport diplomatic", John Perkins povesteste cât de simplu este să corupi un guvern si să îl faci să îti execute ordinele.

Munca dumneavoastră a fost cea de asasin economic. Cum ati fost recrutat pentru acest post?

Eram încă la facultate si un bun prieten al socrului meu era foarte sus-pus în Agentia Natională de Securitate a SUA si m-a ajutat să fiu chemat la teste printre care detectorul de minciuni, teste de personalitate, si au ajuns la concluzia că as fi un bun asasin economic. Apoi am lucrat ca voluntar timp de 3 ani, credeam că va fi bine să merg în alte tări, să trăiesc în pădurile amazoniene, să învăt tehnici de supravietuire, alte limbi, si după ce am terminat munca de voluntar, m-au contactat din nou si m-au recrutat.

Ce vârstă aveati la momentul acela?

Să vedem, cred că aveam în jur de 25 de ani, aproape 26.

Si toate acestea păreau ceva romantic, ca în filmele cu James Bond.

Nu numai asta, dar tatăl meu era învătător într-o scoală primară. Nu câstiga mult ca învătător, dar aveam printre colegii de clasă băieti din familii foarte bogate, din New York, Argentina, România, Paris, si întotdeauna povesteau lucruri romantice despre unde trăiau înainte, cât de multi bani aveau, masini... si eram foarte invidios. Si îmi doream dintotdeauna să călătoresc si eu mult. Deci da, când am fost recrutat, mă simteam ca James Bond, era un vis devenit realitate pentru un băiar de la tară din SUA.

Ce s-a întâmplat după aceasta, când ati început să vă simtiti dezamăgit de ce se întâmpla?

Când am început, credeam că tot ce fac era bine, pentru că am învătat la facultatea economică în SUA ce spunea Banca Mondială, si anume că dacă vrei să ajuti o tară să se dezvolte, trebuie să investesti sume mari de la Banca Mondială si alte organizatii în proiecte de infrastructură, să angajezi companii americane să construiască centrale electrice, autostrăzi si parcuri industriale. Si la început credeam că fac un lucru bun, dar cu timpul mi-am dat seama că prin asta ajutam doar pe cei foarte bogati si companiile noastre. Majoritatea oamenilor sufereau, nu trăiau deloc mai bine, de fapt, pământurile lor erau invadate cu proiecte hidroelectrice, cu foraje de petrol, cu munti distrusi pentru exploatarea petrolului. Cum se întâmplă azi în România, unde sunt distrusi muntii pentru aur. Deci cu timpul am văzut cât de destructiv era ceea ce făceam noi si îmi măcina sufletul si inima. Dar la început, până să văd toate acestea, trăiam foarte bine, călătoream cu avionul la clasa I în locurile minunate la care visam înainte, era greu să renunt. Mă convingeam că nu e asa. Multi refuzau să vadă ce se întâmplă. Si da, a durat un timp, apoi ceva s-a întâmplat când eram în Insulele Virgine, unde am avut un moment de luciditate si am înteles că nu mai pot continua, mă rodea prea tare si am plecat.

Concret, cum se derula această activitate, ce vi s-a cerut si ce ati obtinut?

Practic, treaba mea era să identific tări cu resurse de care au nevoie companiile americane, multinationalele de astăzi, resurse ca petrol, gaze, aur, de genul acesta, si să facilitez credite uriase acestor tări de la Banca Mondială sau alte organizatii. Iar eu mergeam la presedintele acestei tări sau la ministrul de finante sau cineva într-o functie înaltă în stat si îi spuneam practic: "stiti, dacă cereti acest credit, tara dvs nu va putea plăti niciodată aceste credite", si ei stiau asta, si în cele din urmă deveneau sclavii politicii noastre, a companiilor noastre. Dar în realitate spuneam: "dacă semnati acordul, dvs si prietenii dvs veti primi foarte multi bani. Fratele dvs poate să obtină licenta utilajelor John Deere si un contract foarte avantajos de la investitorii nostri în constructii. Sora dvs. poate obtine licenta Coca Cola si vom cumpăra multă Coca Cola la preturi foarte mari. La fel, vă vom da multă electricitate pentru fabricile dvs. si asa mai departe. Deci prietenii dvs vor face foarte multi bani.

Dar Microsoft?

Nu am informatii despre acest caz. Ceea ce stiu sigur e că trebuia să convingem presedintii să semneze aceste acorduri de credite pentru companii ca Bechtel, cunoscută în România, Bechtel era unul din cei mai mari beneficiari. Apoi, Brown and Root, Harris Engineering si alte companii de genul acesta. Si se îmbogăteau foarte mult de pe urma acestor proiecte. Presedintele si prietenii lui la fel deveneau foarte bogati de pe urma proiectelor. Si le reaminteam că dacă nu făceau ceea ce vroiam noi, atunci li se va întâmpla ceva similar cu Mossadeq în Iran, Allende în Chile, Jacobo Arbenz în Guatemala, Lumumba în Congo si asa mai departe, presedinti care nu au intrat în joc si au fost asasinati sau demisi prin lovituri de stat orchestrate de CIA. Acesti sefi de stat erau în situatii foarte dificile. Ori luau banii si se îmbogăteau, ori îsi pierdeau slujba si posibil chiar viata.

Acestea sunt acuzatii foarte dure. De ce v-am crede? Până la urma nicio administratie SUA nu ar recunoaste că au făcut asa ceva.

De fapt, Statele Unite au recunoscut că am făcut ce am făcut, că l-au eliminat pe Mossadeq în Iran, că a făcut-o un agent CIA, Kermit Roosevelt, el a fost numit, a făcut-o. Am recunoscut că i-am făcut-o lui Allende. Henry Kissinger, fostul secretar de stat a vorbit deschis despre asta, despre aceste lucruri. Ne-am recunoscut rolul în cazul lui Ngo Dinh Diem din Vietnam, al lui Lumumba în Congo, deci am recunoscut multe din aceste asasinate sau lovituri de stat. Statele Unite le-au recunoscut pentru că în timp ele au iesit la iveală, sunt dosare care au fost desecretizate, după 25 sau 50 de ani, în functie de caz, deci noi am recunoscut multe din aceste cazuri. Sunt dovezi, aceste lucruri se întâmplă. Stim cazuri de companii care vin în diverse tări si încasează venituri enorme. O experientă recentă a fost aici cu Bechtel.

Dar acest proiect nu a fost finalizat până la urmă.

Vom vedea ce se va întâmpla. Există o istorie lungă a exploatării de către corporatii. Cred că multi îsi dau seama că aceste lucruri se întâmplă, este multă coruptie în lume iar eu am fost parte a acestui sistem.

Recent România si-a reînnoit acordul cu FMI. Aceasta înseamnă că România, guvernul României a acceptat să fie exploatată de această organizatie, respectiv SUA?

Cred că România trebuie să fie foarte atentă să nu permită să fie exploatată. Am văzut tări ca Islanda de exemplu, exploatată de sistemul bancar, apoi Ecuador, Argentina, Brazilia, iar aceste tări în cele din urmă au refuzat să plătească o parte din aceste datorii pe motiv că au fost exploatate. Si chiar a fost în avantajul lor acest pas. Deci cred că România trebuie să fie foarte atentă. Nu cred că este absolut sigur, când semnezi un contract cu FMI sau cu Banca Mondială, că vei fi exploatat, dar există o mare posibilitate pentru aceasta, iar românii trebuie să fie foarte constienti cum sunt acesti bani folositi si câtă datorie îsi asumă tara. Nu doar să spere că liderii lor fac ceea ce trebuie, dar trebuie să fie foarte atenti. Eu cred că folosirea acestor bani pentru a construi un sistem de educatie, o infrastructură, poate fi benefică unei tări. Dar trebuie să controlezi datoria. E ca în cazul unei persoane: o datorie mică, să cumperi o casă, o mică investitie, merită. Dar sunt cazuri când băncile sau altii conving persoanele să facă o datorie mai mare decât pot plăti, si încep problemele. Acelasi lucru se poate întâmpla cu tările.

Dar aceste credite pot fi atrăgătoate pentru că au o dobândă mai mică decât cele de pe piată. E posibil ca FMI să spună ok, vă dăm un credit cu o dobândă mică, în schimb vă cerem să faceti asta, asta si asta?

Absolut, există conditii. Iar FMI deseori face asta. Dobânda poate părea mică la început. Istoria arată că de fapt, tările nu-si pot plăti datoriile ci încearcă să plătească dobânda, si scot bani din sistemul de educatie, din sănătate, din multe servicii sociale, iar populatia suferă încercând să plătească creditul. In cele din urmă nu pot să plătească datoria. După care FMI se întoarce si spune: dacă nu poti să-ti plătesti datoria, trebuie să o refinantăm si să îti privatizezi sistemul de electricitate, cele de apă si canalizare, sau altele. Cred că România a avut experiente cu privatizarea. Apoi, FMI poate să spună: trebuie să vă schimbati radical sistemul juridic, cel politic, guvernul SUA poate interveni si să spună: trebuie să trimiteti trupe în Afganistan, să sprijiniti trupele noastre de acolo. Sunt tot felul de lucruri care se pot întâmpla dacă datoriile nu sunt plătite. De aceea spun că este foarte important ca cetătenii să fie foarte atenti ca guvernul să nu contracteze datorii pe care nu poate să le plătească.

A exista vreo tară în care acest sistem pe care l-ati prezentat, nu a functionat, si a dat gres?

Da, mai ales în ultima vreme, multe tări au refuzat să plătească datoriile. Cel mai recent caz, pe care îl consider foarte important, este cel al Islandei. Islanda avea datorii mari si a declarat că ele au fost contractate ilegal de anumiti politicieni si bancheri, iar Islanda a votat printr-un referendum, o majoritate uriasă, de 90% a votat să nu plătească datoriile. Eu însumi am fost în Islanda, încurajându-i să nu plătească datoriile. Ba chiar au adus în fata justitiei bancherii si pe cei care au semnat contractul, au fost acuzati de activităti criminale, sau chiar neglijente. Ecuador a făcut ceva similar, când presedintele Rafael Correa, care a terminat facultatea economică din Illinois, SUA, întelege sistemul. El a spus că anterior, un dictator a semnat contractul iar poporul nu a fost de acord cu el si nu îl vor plăti. Au refuzat să plătească si acum îl renegociază la o paritate cam de 30 de centi pe dolar. Îl renegociază cu o dobândă mult mai mică.

Sunt si alte mari puteri pe piete lumii, precum China si Rusia, care folosesc aceleasi metode ca si Statele Unite. S-a întâmplat vreodată ca metodele folosite de SUA, FMI sau Banca Mondială să se fi lovit de Rusia sau China în anumite tări si s-a produs un conflict deschis, sau mai putin deschis?

Da, vedem asta si acum. Există o bancă înfiintată de tările BRICS (Brazilia, Rusia, India, China si Africa de Sud). Este în competitie directă cu Banca Mondială. In plus, unele tări din America de Sud au format o coalitie, Banca Sual condusă de Venezuela, spunând că nu vor să împrumute bani de la Banca Mondială sau FMI, ci au creat propriile fonduri. Deci există acum reactii destul de multe si cred că Banca Mondială si FMI sunt în competitie cu alte organizatii. Personal, cred că acest lucru este foarte sănătos.După prăbusirea Uniunii Sovietice a rămas doar SUA si cred că în anumite domenii SUA a făcut greseli serioase, a exploatat tări. Nu sunt sigur că Statele Unite ca stat, ci mai ales bănci private, companii private. Există un nou imperiu mondial, nu neapărat America, imperiul corporatiilor, al băncilor. Multe dintre acestea nici măcar nu plătesc impozite în Statele Unite.Nu e o conspiratie, liderii acestor corporatii nu se întâlnesc să comită fapte ilegale, dar toti sunt ghidati de un singur tel, să maximalizeze profitul, indiferent de costul social sau ecologic. Ceea ce este un tel foarte periculos, si unul relativ nou.

Încă mai există multe discutii si mult mister referitor la ce s-a întâmplat în 1989. Cum de regimul Ceausescu, care părea atât de stabil si de ferm, s-a părbusit atât de brusc. Aveti informatii despre ce s-a întâmplat de fapt?

Nu am fost implicat personal, deci nu am informatii din interior. Dar ce ni s-a spus în SUA e că aici a fost o revolutie. In România, oamenii mi-au spus că a fost o lovitură de stat pentru a răsturna puterea, pentru mai multe motive politice. Ceausescu se opunea FMI-ului, a plătit toate datoriile si era privit ca socialistic, nu unul care lua partea Rusiei, nu genul acesta de comunist, cu un socialist independent, care nu mai vroia datorii, dimpotrivă, putea ajuta alte state să scape de datoriile lor. Cred că este foarte posibil, ca în spatele cortinei să se fi derulat ceva mult mai serios, mult mai secret. În mod clar, si-a făcut multi dusmani. Si-a făcut dusmani FMI-ul, Banca Mondială, si poate si SUA. Dar nu am informatii interne, nu stiu ce s-a întâmplat, dar cred că e ceva care merită studiat de români, în orice mod posibil, studiati si mai mult această chestiune.

În cartea dvs. faceti o afirmatie foarte îndrăzneată, si anume că "nu e de mirare că teroristii ne atacă". Este aceasta o modalitate de a spune că ISIL sunt luptători ai libertătii si luptă să respingă "imperialismul american", iar statele occidentale sunt rele si doar încearcă să sece tările sărace de resurse?

Nu, în mod clar nu cred că societătile occidentale sunt rele, sunt un american loial tării mele. Cred că am făcut lucruri minunate în lume. Societatea occidentală nu e doar SUA, sunt toate statele vestice si am obtinut rezultate uriase în stiintă, medicină, tehnologie, arte, muzică, am trimis oameni pe Lună, am atins lucruri minunate. Dar am creat si o economie a mortii în acest proces, una bazată pe distrugerea pământului, a resurselor pe care se bazează însăsi economia. La fel, această economie e bazată în mare măsură pe război sau pe intimidare. Si e timpul să trecem la o economie a vietii. Să curătăm poluarea. Să plătim companiile care acum produc bombe si mitraliere, să producă echipamente care curătă râurile, oceanele, lacurile, aerul, solul. Să plătim companiile să facă asta, să încurajăm tinerii absolventi să se ocupe de asta, să găsim metode prin care oamenii înfometati pot să-si procure alimente, noi tehnologii de transport, energie, comunicatii. În ce priveste ISIS si ISIL, este o organizatie brutală si nu sunt deloc în favoarea lor. Sunt foarte, foarte brutali. Noi, cei din vest trebuie să vedem că ei sunt sprijiniti de atât de multi oameni pentru că sunt disperati. Există oameni brutali, dictatori, fanatici. Bin Laden era un fanatic, era bogat, provenea dintr-o familie foarte bogată dar era fanatic. Dar avea o masă mare de sustinători, oameni săraci, pentru că erau lor le dă putere.A lupta împotriva lor în general nu îi va opri, sau poate doar pe termen scurt. Dar ceea ce trebuie să facem ca să oprim aceste acte de teroare e să facem o lume mai bună. O lume în care oamenii nu li se vor alătura, nu îi vor asculta pe fanatici, pe Bin Ladeni, pe liderii ISIS, pentru că nu au nevoie. Oamenii disperati îi ascultă. Oamenii înfometati, cei a căror pământ a fost distrus, care se tem că alte tări, ca Israel le-au luat pământurile. Trebuie să întelegem că acestea sunt rădăcinile terorismului.

Toate acestea sună foarte frumos si visăm la toate acestea în copilărie. Dar sunt realizabile? Vedeti semne bune?

Nu as vorbi cu dvs. dacă nu as crede că toate acestea sunt realizabile. Nu as veni în România, în Marea Britanie, în China, în Turcia. Călătoresc tot timpul si vorbesc despre lucrurile acestea pentru că cred cu adevărat că suntem pe pragul de a crea o lume nouă. Cred că a început o revolutie a constiintei, poate cea mai mare revolutie din istorie. Oamenii chiar se trezesc. Trăim pe o navă spatială foarte fragilă numită Pământ si nu există nave de salvare care să ne ducă de aici. Trebuie să avem grijă de planeta aceasta. Iar dvs în România sunteti chiar în centrul ei. Dacă vă uitati la lanturile muntoase ale lumii, formează o cruce: din Asia în Europa, muntii trec din est spre vest, iar din Americi, de la nord la sud. Iar dvs sunteti chiar la mijloc si cred că România are o istorie de miracole. Aveti sfinti care au făcut minuni, aveti preoti care au făcut minuni, aveti localnici care chiar recent au făcut minuni oprind exploatarea de aur la Rosia Montană. Cred că puteti fi lideri în lume. Acum câteva zile Chile a promulgat o lege care interzice minele de aur si au spus că s-au inspirat din România. Deci am multe multe sperante că putem crea o lume mai bună, prin noua constiintă. Putem urma o cale mai bună ca cea din trecut si cred că România poate fi un lider în acest proces. De asta sunt aici.


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In recent years, a focus on brain structures and regions has given way to an emphasis on neurological networks: how cells and regions interact, with consciousness shaped not by any given set of brain regions, but by their interplay.

Understanding the networks, however, is no easy task, and researchers are developing ever more sophisticated ways of characterizing them. One such approach, described in a new Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface study, involves not simply networks but networks of networks.

Perhaps some aspects of consciousness arise from these meta-networks—and to investigate the proposition, the researchers analyzed fMRI scans of 15 people after being injected with psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, and compared them to scans of their brain activity after receiving a placebo.

Investigating psychedelia wasn't the direct purpose of the experiment, said study co-author Giovanni Petri, a mathematician at Italy's Institute for Scientific Interchange. Rather, psilocybin makes for an ideal test system: It's a sure-fire way of altering consciousness.

"In a normal brain, many things are happening. You don't know what is going on, or what is responsible for that," said Petri. "So you try to perturb the state of consciousness a bit, and see what happens."

A representation of that is seen in the image above. Each circle depicts relationships between networks—the dots and colors correspond not to brain regions, but to especially connection-rich networks—with normal-state brains at left, and psilocybin-influenced brains at right.

In mathematical terms, said Petri, normal brains have a well-ordered correlation state. There's not much cross-linking between networks. That changes after the psilocybin dose. Suddenly the networks are cross-linking like crazy, but not in random ways. New types of order emerge.

"We can speculate on the implications of such an organization," wrote the researchers, who were led by neurobiologist Paul Expert of King's College London. "One possible by-product of this greater communication across the whole brain is the phenomenon of synaesthesia"—the experience, common during psychedelic experiences, of sensory mix-up: tasting colors, feeling sounds, seeing smells, and so on.

Petri notes that the network depiction above is still a simplified abstraction, with the analysis mapped onto a circular, two-dimensional scaffold. A truer way of visualizing it, he said, would be in three dimensions, with connections between networks forming a sponge-like topography.

That level of interpretation is still beyond the researchers' mathematical ken, Petri says. They hope to refine their methods in future research, and to track network fluctuations over longer periods of time and with different drugs.

"The big question in neuroscience is where consciousness comes from," Petri said. For now, he said, "We don't know."

Source: wired

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Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communication technicians, whereby you receive and respond to information and instructions without being aware of it. Messages in the form of printed words, pictures or voices presented either very rapidly or very obscurely bypass your conscious awareness. Anything consciously perceived can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, argued, and possibly rejected. Anything programmed subliminally to your subconsciousness meets no resistance. This subliminal information is stored in your brain and capable of influencing your judgment, behavior and attitudes.
The use of subliminal techniques in print communication media has been going on in the United States at least since the World War I period. For example, Norman Rockwell's first cover on The Saturday Evening Post during 1917 incorporated embedded SEXes. Whenever an embedded word or picture accidentally became consciously visible, the readers would pass it off as a joke, an accident, or a product of their imaginations.

Jonathan Adampants gives a full in-depth analysis of the mind manipulation and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques utilised by Fox News anchors Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes during an interview with Kevin Barrett about 9/11.

Serious commercial experiments with subliminal messaging were conducted in the mid 50-s. On June 22, 1956, the British Broadcasting Corporation experimented with projecting subliminal images on television. Pictures were flashed on the screen too quickly to be seen consciously, but they did make an impression on the subconscious. The BBC experiment was followed by experiments by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Mexico's Televisa commercial TV and radio network, US TV station WTWO in Bangor and many more.

Typical and most famous picture with subliminal message

Experiments were not limited to television. In 1958, radio station WAAF in Chicago broadcast "subaudible" commercials. Seattle's KOL broadcast hardly audible taped messages "below" the music played by its disc jockeys. "How about a cup of coffee?" was one, and "Someone's at the door" was another. On December 8, 1972, The New York Times reported that In-Flight Motion Pictures, Inc. would begin selling subliminal commercials embedded in the movies they would distribute to all the major airlines. Supermarkets across the country are reducing theft an average 30 to 50 percent by broadcasting subliminal messages such as "I will not steal" and "We are watching you". Stimutech, Inc. of East Lansing, Michigan markets a computer video system that flashes subliminal messages on your television while you watch the regular programming. Subliminal messages are prepared by teams of psychologists who use Freudian ideas to change the thinking patterns and behavior of the viewer.

The most known experiment with subliminal messaging was conducted by a marketing researcher and psychologist James Vicary in 1957 during the presentation of the movie Picnic. Every 5 seconds the words "Hungry? Eat popcorn. Drink Coca Cola" were projected for 0.003 seconds. That is extremely fast. What you see in the picture on the left, for example, flashes for 0.04 seconds. Sales of popcorn and Coke in that New Jersey theater increased 57.8 percent and 18.1 percent respectively. Numerous scientific researches following these experiments confirmed beyond any doubt that subliminal messaging works. When advertising industry and government agencies understood the potential of subliminal messaging they started investing millions in developing and perfecting of subliminal techniques, which can be used not only for marketing, but also for propaganda and mind control. In 1962 Vicary suddenly confesses that he fabricated the results of his experiment... Why would someone discredit himself in such a way and lose his dignity and credibility? It's obvious that he was paid to do so by those who use subliminal messages to manipulate you. Remember the quote from "Usual Suspect" : The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist... That's exactly the trick they are trying to pull, I.E. convincing the world that subliminal technique does not work. And they did a pretty good job. There are so many people that refuse to believe that a secret technology which modifies behavior invisibly, channels basic value systems, manages human motives and drives them into pathological behaviors in the interest of certain power structures has been in existence and widespread use for decades if not more. They will call you crazy if you'll dare to say anything like that and yet subliminal messages are being bombarded at you continuously throughout the day, through books, movies, magazines, television, radio and music. Every major newspaper, every poster, every magazine in America have subliminal messages embedded in them.

So how can something that we don't notice affect our behavior? Well, unheeded doesn't mean unseen. Let us first understand how our perception works. As you know, our mind consists of two interacting parts: conscious and subconscious. The subconscious part of mind operates below the level of conscious awareness, it controls reflexes, automatic functions and handles the processing and storing of incoming information. Subconsciousness is able to process 20,000 bits of information simultaneously, while consciousness can deal only with 7 ± 2 bits of information at the same time.

Instead of the simplistic five senses of Aristotle—sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell— there are at least thirty-seven known, differentiated sensory inputs into the brain. All of the information picked by these senses is sent to the brain and absorbed by the subconsciousness, however, only very concrete and relevant data is passed to the conscious mind after it has been processed and reduced. All the rest remains ignored. A good example of this is the Cocktail Party Effect : You can talk with a friend in a crowded party and still listen and understand what he says even if the place is very noisy. You can simultaneously ignore what another nearby person is saying, but if someone over the other side of the room suddenly mentiones your name, you notice that sound and respond to it immediately. Not only that your name immediately triggers your attention, you usualy are aware of the entire sentence it has came in. From this experience we can learn that our brain records everything that takes place around us. Interesting that certain words like SEX, BLOOD, DEATH, FUCK and such have the same effect in triggering your attention as your name.
So, only the information considered as "relevant" goes to the consciousness. Non essential information, short or vague stimuli are stored in the subconscious without reaching our awareness. Important to stress that they are NOT discarded, but stored. E V E R Y T H I N G you have ever experienced in your life, from every stranger's face you have ever glanced at in a crowd to every spider web you gazed at as a child, can be retrieved from your memory by hypnosis or by electrical stimulation of the brain cells in temporal lobes. Hence whatever was subliminally put into your brain will stay there forever and in the right circumstances will trigger the right reaction in you. That is not being said that subliminal messages determine your reaction in an inexorable manner. The accepted opinion is that subliminal messages rather strengthen, accelerate and reinforce reactions in persons who are ALREADY PREDISPOSED to the subject of the message. But I guess one can't be sure.

The most common subliminal message is S E X.

Clone High E09 (click for animated gif)

New X-men #118

Screenshot from House (S06E05)

Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince

Click images for highlights if you can't see subliminal embeds.


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Since almost all people have a strong affinity to sex, a sexual subliminal message would be the most effective one. Embedded on a certain product it's supposed to trigger viewers attention, emotions and stir up affinity in him toward the product. Unfortunately, as you're going to see for yourself, this principle has been heavily misused, abused and misapplied. Blatant sexuality on the verge of pornography can be easily found in public advertising, family movies, cartoons and children products.

The famous Farrah Fawcett’s “SEX” in the hair:

This poster had been one of the major urban legends of the late 70s. It was always puzzling why this image in particular became incredibly popular (over 12 millions copies sold). After all, there were plenty of other posters of scantily clad attractive young women.

The word SEX in print media is usually embedded into hair, creases in clothing, facial lines, or rough background surfaces. Often some noise added to disguise it, like in the House snapshot, or it can be spelled as "ssex" or "sexx", etc.

Letter-looking patterns can naturally occur in such mediums. An artist usually looks for these patterns and starts from there. For example in the following Jantzen ad the letter "X" is already formed by the stitches of the man's shirt. Then the shadow of his hand was modified a bit to look like an "E" and the letter "S"—purportedly a water ripple—was lightly painted in the gap under his arm.

A one word guarantee:

Another technique is to write numerous SEXes in interweaving mosaic-like manner on a transparent overlay which can be superimposed onto any photograph at any intensity level desired. So in the next image there are many transparent words SEX written all over her face: forehead, lips, hair, chin etc. That's besides the crown concealing the word SEX in its design.

The Inhabited Island 2. On the 8th minute of the movie slowly moving camera focuses on a wall for about 10 seconds. Quite bluntly the word SEX is etched in the stone. The family picture nearby serves as a camouflage for another word SEX. This is just one of many instances throughout the movie. Ironically, the storyline revolves around ruling elite using covert mind control means to manipulate population for their own designs and here we are: the movie makers use covert mind control means to manipulate the viewer for their own designs.

Click image for animated gif with highlight.

Another interesting technique is embedding of anamorphic images—kind of what you see when you look into a funny mirror at an amusement park or into a shiny coffee pot at home. These distorted, often grotesque images serve as a decoy for the real message which can be hidden within the ground (foliage, flowers, landscapes, reflections in bottles, ice cubes, symbols, and so forth). Although it is not consciously obvious, it may very well be obvious to our subconsciousness and recorded there.
A surprisingly large amount of subliminal death symbolism is also utilized—skulls hidden in ice cubes, clouds, etc., the word DEATH or DETH often hidden in backgrounds.
During the evolutionary development of humans, subliminal perceptions were certainly involved with survival and adjustment. Creative innovators such as artists, poets, writers and composers have utilized man's subliminal potentialities for many centuries. In at least one Rembrandt painting, for example, a hidden SEX appears (spelled as seks in Dutch). Paintings of Monet are also abundant with it.

Source: - Author: Jonathan Adampants

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Gary Wenk, PhD, professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at Ohio State University, has studied how to combat brain inflammation for over 25 years.

His research has led him to a class of compounds known as cannabinoids, which includes many of the common ingredients in marijuana.

He says, throughout all of his research, cannabinoids have been the only class of drugs he's found to work. What's more, he believes early intervention may be the best way of fighting Alzheimer's.

Dr. Wenk doesn't see cannabinoids – or anything else – as a cure. But he took the time to discuss with us how marijuana might prevent the disorder from developing.

Q: What's so important about brain inflammation?
Over the past few years, there's been a focus on inflammation in the brain as causing a lot more than Alzheimer's. We now know it plays a role in ALS, Parkinson's disease, AIDS, dementia, multiple sclerosis, autism, schizophrenia, etc.

We're beginning to see that inflammation in the brain, if it lasts too long, can be quite detrimental.

And if you do anything, such as smoke a bunch of marijuana in your 20s and 30s, you may wipe out all of the inflammation in your brain and then things start over again. And you simply die of old age before inflammation becomes an issue for you.

Q: Does this apply to other anti-inflammatories?
Another analogy would be, if you're lucky enough to get arthritis by the age of 40, and you start taking a lot of anti-inflammatories, whatever it might be, your chances of getting Alzheimer's disease are very low because you've been treating yourself day after day with these anti-inflammatories in high doses.

So the epidemiology has been sort of tapped to say, 'look, inflammation is behind a lot of diseases and anything people do – that is, consume a drug, take a nutrient, or eat something that is anti-inflammatory – is beneficial.'

Q: There's some evidence that marijuana can improve symptoms. Why is that, considering its effect on memory?
One of our findings is almost any low dose of cannabinoids in a young brain produces an impairment. What we found was that the same very, very low dose in an old brain didn't impair our animals. So as our brain ages, how it responds to any drug, including cannabinoids, changes. And that may be beneficial in the case of cannabinoids.

Still, the evidence usually involves transgenic mice. I've never found those mice, that they love to call Alzheimer's models, are very good models.

So I'm not willing to say cannabinoids, from that data, could treat Alzheimer's. But the evidence thus far, that it has properties that would slow the onset, I think is far more compelling.

Q: What's the conclusion then?
I think all we can say safely so far is using low doses of marijuana for prolonged periods of time at some point in your life, possibly when you're middle-aged to late middle-aged, is probably going to slow the onset or development of dementia, to the point where you'll most likely die of old age before you get Alzheimer's.

"We believe Alzheimer's begins when you're born"

That's actually where most of us are going with our research. In truth, we don't think we'll ever cure it – too much has gone wrong with the brain.

But if we can intervene with enough people, then we can slow the development and keep them out of nursing homes. That saves the government and families an awful lot of money. So most companies are just hoping, if we can delay the entry of Alzheimer's patients into a nursing home by just a year, you're saving hundreds of millions of dollars.

Now we believe Alzheimer's begins when you're born. This is why we think by age 30 we can diagnose it. A cure is what we tell, you know, the popular press. The reality is we're just hoping to slow it down.

Source: LeafScience

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Vax Populi:  Răzvan Anghelescu, realizator, reporter, autor de texte semiamuzante în publicatia altPHel.

Să lămurim niste lucruri. Nu îmi propun să fac misto de babe. Nu le dau bani să bată câmpii. Asa ca idee, mită primesc eu de la doamnele de la tară. Din păcate, e vorba de mere si de dulceată. Si nu, nu vreau să schimb numele emisiunii în Vox Populi. Ca să vă faceti o părere despre emisiune va recomand să vă uitati la ea măcar o dată, nu doar la clipurile pe care le pun eu aici.

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CBD is usually taken orally as a cannabis-based concentrate or extract. However, compared to smoking or vaporizing, ingesting cannabinoids orally poses a number of drawbacks, including inconsistent absorption and a delayed effect.

Vaporizing is considered a healthier alternative to smoking, and many cannabis users are now starting to switch. Unfortunately, most research involving vaporizers has focused only on THC. In fact, up till now, no study has been conducted on vaporizing CBD.

The very first study to investigate the process of vaporizing CBD was published Oct. 16 by a team at the University of Wollongong in Australia. Overall, it showed that CBD can indeed be vaporized using conventional cannabis devices. One of the most popular models, the Volcano vaporizer, was chosen for the study.

The team conducted experiments using combinations of purified THC and CBD, in order to determine the best way of administering CBD via vaporizer. Here’s what they found:


CBD begins to evaporate at a temperature of around 200°C (392°F), similar to THC, making it possible to release CBD as a gas without burning the plant matter.

In the study, vaporizing at 230°C (446°F) seemed to release more CBD than vaporizing at 210°C (410°F).

Conversion Rate

At lower doses (4-8 mg), as much as 97% of CBD was vaporized. However, the conversion rate dropped significantly as the dose increased. At 200 mg, just 40% of CBD was converted to vapor.

Interestingly, when administered together, the dose of CBD seemed to affect the conversion rate of THC. On average, 55% of THC was converted to vapor.


The researchers found 200 mg to be the maximum dose of CBD that could be vaporized efficiently, with higher doses producing a saturation effect.

However, the point of CBD saturation seems to be related to the vaporizer and its heating efficiency, meaning that different vaporizers may allow for higher or lower doses to be vaporized at once.

Source: LeafScience

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By Admins (from 15/11/2014 @ 08:02:53, in en - Science and Society, read 1716 times)

It's no secret that marijuana can affect a person's memory. In today's society, the stereotypical marijuana user is often perceived as someone who is forgetful and absent-minded.

But what does science say, and is there any truth behind this popular belief?

Effects On Memory

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, is known to impair nearly all aspects of memory. There is one exception, though. THC does not affect the recall of existing memories.

The most obvious effect of THC is the disruption of short-term memory. This means it will be harder to form new memories while high. THC also impairs the consolidation of short-term memories into long-term memories. This makes it difficult to remember what happened during the high — even after it wears off.

But THC does not impair your ability to recall existing memories. So, marijuana users will be able to remember things like their name and where they live, no matter how high they might get. Similarly, marijuana use does not lead to memory loss or dementia.

In fact, experts believe that the body's endocannabinoid system — a biological system made up of naturally occurring, marijuana-like compounds — acts to regulate memory formation. Specifically, it seems to function as a filter of sorts, preventing the brain from being overloaded with irrelevant or useless memories.

Dosing, Tolerance & Long-term Use

The effects of THC on memory seem to depend on dose, with larger doses having a more severe effect. But studies also show that frequent users tend to be more tolerant to marijuana and its effects.

Some studies suggest that CBD may act to reduce the memory impairments of THC. However, not enough research exists to say for certain whether this is true.

But the fact that THC impairs memory is a cause for concern, especially in cases of chronic use. However, studies have found that memory impairments are less noticeable, or sometimes absent, in heavy users. This is likely due to the tolerance that heavy users often develop.

What's more, the memory impairments do not seem to be permanent. Studies show that memory function in long-term users returns to normal once marijuana use is stopped.

Forgetting Bad Memories

While memory impairment is a downside for most marijuana users, THC can help some people forget bad memories.

In fact, studies show that the endocannabinoid system is directly involved with the extinction of negative memories. By acting on the endocannabinoid system, THC is believed to facilitate this extinction.

As a result, THC is believed to hold promise in treating anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Experts believe that marijuana can help patients with PTSD cope with traumatic memories by improving their ability to forget.

Source: LeafScience

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Marijuana users have reason to worry when it comes to taking a drug test. Marijuana is known to stay in the system for much longer than other drugs. What's more, the window of detection for THC is often unpredictable.

While infrequent users are usually clear within 3-4 days, a new study suggests that heavy users can still test positive on blood and urine tests following more than 2 weeks of abstinence.

To conduct the study, researchers recruited a group of 39 marijuana smokers who had used marijuana "daily or almost daily" for 6 months prior. The group was asked to submit to blood and urine tests during the detoxification process.

By the end of the study, more than half of blood and urine samples submitted still contained enough THC to trigger a positive reading on standard drug screens.

Blood and Urine THC

After 16 days, 16 out of 23 urine samples still contained more than 50 ng/mL of THC-COOH, a THC metabolite that shows up in urine. 50 ng/mL is a common cutoff used for urine screens. THC-COOH levels among positive samples ranged from 51 to 141 ng/mL.

When researchers looked at THC levels in blood, 11 out of 20 samples still contained more than 1 ng/mL of THC. Blood samples that tested positive for THC ranged from 1.3 to 6.4 ng/mL in concentration. However, 1 ng/mL is lower than most cutoffs used for blood screens.

Overall, the results seem to confirm the findings of previous studies, which show that THC can linger in the system for weeks — sometimes even months — after last use. The study also confirms that the detection period for each individual is often unique.

Symptoms of Withdrawal

The reason why marijuana can be detected for so long after last use is because THC is stored in the body's fat tissues. When you stop using marijuana after a period of heavy use, this THC is slowly released over time.

But, interesting enough, the amount of THC left in one's system doesn't appear to correlate with symptoms of cannabis withdrawal.

In the study, researchers tracked the severity of symptoms that subjects experienced after quitting marijuana. Common symptoms included craving, nervousness, irritability and sleep problems. Symptoms of withdrawal peaked for most subjects on day 4 and were more severe in women than men.

The severity of symptoms in general was not related to the amount of THC remaining in one's system. However, according to the researchers, one symptom of withdrawal that seemed to predict the amount of THC in a person's system was "strange dreams."

Source: LeafScience

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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