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Obama began discussing US ambassador Christopher Stevens. On September 11, he was killed in Benghazi, Libya (subscribers get more). 

Obama inverted truth like he always does.

He claimed Stevens went there last year to help Libyans "cope with violent conflict, care for the wounded, and craft a vision for the future in which the rights of all Libyans would be respected."

"And after the revolution, he supported the birth of a new democracy, as Libyans held elections, and built new institutions, and began to move forward after decades of dictatorship."

Fact check

Stevens was an imperial front man. He urged violent intervention. He supported NATO's killing machine throughout months of slaughter. He participated in Libya's destruction.

He helped turn Africa's most developed country into a charnel house. Tens of thousands were murdered. Multiples more were injured. Many more were displaced. 

Mostly civilians were harmed. NATO attacks willfully targeted them. At issue was replacing another independent government with a puppet one.

Casualties inflicted doing it aren't counted. Obama claimed Stevens "was killed in the city he helped to save." He bears responsibility for destroying it and much of Libya. He helped install its puppet government.

Obama continued extolling a war criminal. It takes one to know one. He blamed terrorists and Al Qaeda for killing him. Again he lied like he always does. 

Mark Robertson and Finian Cunningham explained what Obama suppressed. Their Global Research article discussed Libya's Green Resistance: the committed Jamahiriya loyalists. They're freedom fighters. They want imperial occupiers driven out.

Stevens "used a Tripoli hotel as his base, since the Green Resistance had burned down the US embassy in the capital, Tripoli."

He moved to Benghazi. He thought he'd be safer there. He thought wrong. Green Resistance fighters targeted him. On September 11, he was killed. The date was likely coincidental.

Obama tried distancing himself from the anti-Muslim hate film. It sparked violence in 30 or more countries. Israel's fingerprints are all over it. It also reflected virulent US anti-Islamic sentiment. 

Since taking office, Obama waged war on Islam. Bush did before him. Ravaging one country after another is policy. Millions died. Millions more suffer horrendously. Human misery never is taken into account. Grief isn't in America's vocabulary.

Obama outrageously claimed America "has not and will not seek to dictate the outcome of democratic transitions abroad. (It's) the obligation of all leaders in all countries to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism."

Washington deplores democracy. It won't tolerate it at home or abroad. No nation in world history committed more violent extremism than America. Countless millions of corpses attest to its record. Viciousness defines its agenda. It long predated Obama's term in office.

Its unparalleled and unconscionable. Obama continues America's sordid tradition. He urged remembering that "Muslims have suffered  the most at the hands of extremism." He omitted explaining who bears most responsibility.

America's culture is violent. Its roots are long-standing. It's reflected worldwide and at home. Among all Western nations, it has by far the highest homicide rate. It has a passion for owning guns and using them.

Violent films are some of its most popular. Similar video games crowd out simpler, more innocent street play of earlier generations. Its society isn't called a rape culture for nothing. Women experience extreme violence. Usually it's committed by a husband, another relative, or someone they know.

Major media largely suppress it. Child and elder abuse are largely ignored. Imperial wars are called liberating ones. Peace, tranquility and safety are illusions.

Foreign wars, homeland repression, and domestic violence crowd them out. It begs the question. What kind of country glorifies mass killing, assaults and abuse? Why is pacifism considered sissy and unpatriotic?

What gives America the right to claim exceptionalism and moral superiority? How can it call itself indispensable? No nation anywhere matches its deplorable record.

Obama had the audacity to claim otherwise in New York. Imperial arrogance was on display. He railed unjustifiably against Iran. He barely stopped short of declaring war. Doing so would constitute naked aggression.

Threatening Iran for Israel

Iran threatens no one. It's nuclear program is peaceful. World leaders know. US and Israeli intelligence know it. No matter. America threatens war. Perhaps it's planned sometime post-November elections. 

Obama or Romney make no difference. Both represent two sides of the same coin. They're venal imperial scoundrels. In New York, Obama was blunt, saying:

"Make no mistake: a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained."

"It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear arms race in the region and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty."

"That is why….the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. (There's) still time, (but it's) not unlimited."

International law is clear. No nation may interfere in the internal affairs of others. None can dictate policy or wage preemptive war. America asserts the right for both unilaterally. Doing so reveals an out-of-control menace.

Israel matches its threat regionally. On September 23, Mossad-connected DEBKAfile (DF) headlined "Hamas signs binding military commitment to Iran-led war on Israel," saying:

Hamas co-founder and member of its leadership Mahoud al-Sahar, as well as Iranian deputy military commander Marwan Issa met earlier in September in Beirut.

DF claims they and Hezbollah agreed to wage war on Israel. Saying so inverts truth. They're committed to defending themselves if attacked and providing aid.

DF also claims 22,000 elite Iranian al Qods Bridades fighters built up positions in Syria and Lebanon on Israel's borders. No evidence whatever proves it.

DF suggests Hamas is "under contract to defer to Tehran" militarily. Moreover, Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and Hamas allegedly agreed to cooperate against Israel.

"In a potential outbreak of war," Iran's military command will be in charge.

No country threatens Israel. None plan war. Saying so inverts truth. Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) research director Patrick Clawson openly urges provoking Iran into attacking Israel.

WINEP is a right wing pro-Israeli front group. It wants Washington to create a false flag extreme enough to spark an Iranian military response.

Speaking at a policy forum on "How to Build US-Israeli Coordination on Preventing an Iranian Nuclear Breakout," he discussed earlier provocations that worked.

It's (v)ery hard for me to see how the United States president can get us to war with Iran," he said. Traditional ways would be best. 

His terminology was code language for urging replicating earlier successful US false flags. None stand out more than 9/11. "We can do a variety of things to increase pressure," he said.

Sanctions are one of many options, he added. So are covert methods. 

"(W)e could get nastier about it," he stressed. "So, if in fact the Iranians aren't going to compromise, it would be best if somebody else started the war." 

By that, he means America. He's mindless about potential catastrophic consequences. Numerous past articles discussed it. No sane leader would chance it. 

No legitimate analyst would urge it. No military commander worth his salt would risk it. Odds favor it happening anyway. Belligerent Zionists make it more likely. Netanyahu may be worst of all.

On September 25, Haaretz headlined "The Israeli prime minister is unfit to serve," saying:

Three decades ago, Menachem Begin was unfit. For weeks, it was acknowledged but kept hidden. Netanyahu exceeds his worst extremism.

"Many government ministers know this to be true." He's pressuring Washington to launch a war of choice. Israeli military commanders deplore his "messianic madness."

He's brazen, undisciplined, and defiant. He's got a knack for turning allies into enemies. He's interfering in America's election. He favors Romney over Obama and shows it. He's looking a gift horse in the mouth.

He's compromising a longstanding alliance. He opposes most Israeli officials and commanders. In 1983, Begin said "I cannot go on" and resigned. He fell on his sword. Netanyahu is too arrogant to replicate him.

"On the contrary. The more he realizes the distance between the picture in his head and reality….the more likely he is to step up his inflammatory rhetoric and rash actions to the point of jeopardizing Israel's very existence."

He wasn't elected by popular vote. Likud finished second. The Knesset approved a governing coalition. It's obligated to replace an unfit prime minister. It's urgent, given his rage to wage war when cooler heads around him deplore it for good reason.

War on Iran would be "an existential blunder." It's much more than that. Israel's existence would be threatened. Its cities, military and nuclear facilities would be bombed for the first time. Casualties would be enormous. So would world enmity.

What kind of leader discounts madness and urges do what I say anyway? Cabinet members must replace him before it's too late. Ordinary Israeli must speak out. 

War isn't a left, right or religious issue. International law aside, avoiding it must be prioritized. Failure will fall on the heads of "all those who fail to rise above themselves and take action." 

It's their responsibility. It's urgent they prevent a potential regional holocaust. Failure may not get a second chance.

-- Mathaba Analyst Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

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In Monsanto vs. Geertson Seed Farms, No. 09-475, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case which could have an enormous effect on the future of the American food industry. This is Monsanto's third appeal of the case, and if they win a favorable ruling from the high court, a deregulated Monsanto may find itself in position to corner the markets of numerous U.S. crops, and to litigate conventional farmers into oblivion.

Here's where it gets a bit dicier. Two Supreme Court justices have what appear to be direct conflicts of interest.

Stephen Breyer
Charles Breyer, the judge who ruled in the original decision of 2007 which is being appealed, is Stephen Breyer's brother, who apparently views this as a conflict of interest and has recused himself.

Clarence Thomas
From the years 1976 - 1979, Thomas worked as an attorney for Monsanto. Thomas apparently does not see this as a conflict of interest and has not recused himself.

Fox, meet henhouse.

The lawsuit was filed by plantiffs which include the Center for Food Safety, the National Family Farm Coalition, Sierra Club, Dakota Resources Council and other farm, environmental and consumer groups and individual farmers. The original decision, here  :

The federal district court in California issued its opinion on the deregulation of “Roundup Ready” alfalfa pursuant to the Plant Protection Act on February 13, 2007.   Upon receiving Monsanto’s petition for deregulation of the alfalfa seed, APHIS conducted an Environmental Assessment and received over 500 comments in opposition to the deregulation.  The opposition’s primary concern was the potential of contamination.  APHIS, however, made a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and approved the deregulation petition, thereby allowing the seed to be sold without USDA oversight.  Geertson Seed Farms, joined by a number of growers and associations, filed claims under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)  as well as the Endangered Species Act and Plant Protection Act.  In regards to NEPA, they argued that the agency should have prepared an EIS for the deregulation.

Addressing only the NEPA claims, the court agreed that APHIS should have conducted an EIS because of the significant environmental impact posed by deregulation of the alfalfa seed.  A realistic potential for contamination existed, said the court, but the agency had not fully inquired into the extent of this potential.  The court also determined that APHIS did not adequately examine the potential effects of Roundup Ready alfalfa on organic farming and the development of glyphosate-resistant weeds and that there were “substantial questions” raised by the deregulation petition that the agency should have addressed in an EIS.  Concluding that the question of whether the introduction of the genetically engineered alfalfa and its potential to affect non-genetic alfalfa posed a significant environmental impact necessitated further study, the court found that APHIS’s decision was “arbitrary and capricious” and ordered the agency to prepare an EIS.  The court later enjoined the planting of Roundup Ready alfalfa from March 30, 2007, until completion of the EIS and reconsideration of the deregulation petition, except for those farmers who had already purchased the seed.  In May of 2007, the court enjoined any future planting of the alfalfa.  An order by the court in June, 2007 required disclosure of all Roundup Ready planting sites.

Monsanto filed appeals in 2008 and 2009. In both instances, they were unsuccessful in having the original decision reversed, so they appealed to the Supreme Court, who agreed to hear the case.

Alfalfa is the fourth most widely grown crop in the United States, behind corn, soybeans, and wheat.

South Dakota alfalfa farmer Pat Trask, one of the plaintiffs, said Monsanto's biotech alfalfa would ruin his conventional alfalfa seed business because it was certain his 9,000 acres would be contaminated by the biotech genes.

Alfalfa is very easily cross-pollinated by bees and by wind. The plant is also perennial, meaning GMO plants could live on for years.

"The way this spreads so far and wide, it will eliminate the conventional alfalfa industry," said Trask. "Monsanto will own the entire alfalfa industry."

Monsanto has a policy of filing lawsuits or taking other legal actions against farmers who harvest crops that show the presence of the company's patented gene technology. It has sued farmers even when they have tried to keep their own fields free from contamination by biotech plants on neighbouring farms.

The case has implications beyond alfalfa crops. About eight hundred reviewed genetically engineered food applications were submitted to the USDA, yet no environmental impact statements were prepared. Even as this diary is being written, a federal judge in San Francisco is reviewing a similar case involving genetically modified sugar beets. The decision is expected this week and could halt planting and use of the gm sugar beets, which account for half of America's sugar supply.

Back to the Supreme Court case, oral argument is slated to begin on April 27, 2010. With Breyer recused and Thomas opting not to recuse, the bench appears to be heavily tilted to Monsanto.

Once more with feeling. Fox, meet henhouse.



The federal government claims that marijuana has ‘no accepted medical use’ and continues to classify it in the same category as heroin, MDMA, and PCP. This claim is made by the government despite countless studies existing which highlight its many industrial and medicinal uses. One very recent study sheds light not only on how the plant could be beneficial, but how casual marijuana use doesn’t even lead to lung damage and could even have positive effects on the lungs.

marijuanahold 210x131 Shocking: Positive Effects of Marijuana on Lungs

Marijuana Use May Have Positive Effects on Lungs

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined 5,115 men and women over the course of two decades – between March 26, 1985 and August 19, 2006. The data also showed that high-use of the plant, about one joint every day for 7 years, had little to no negative impact on lung air flow rates or lung volume. What’s shocking is that there is evidence pointing to slight increases in lung air flow rates as well as enhancements in lung volume from occasional marijuana use – positive effects of marijuana many wouldn’t believe. According to one of the study’s co-authors, Stefan Kertesz:

“With marijuana use increasing and large numbers of people who have been and continue to be exposed, knowing whether it causes lasting damage to lung function is important for public-health messaging and medical use of marijuana…at levels of marijuana exposure commonly seen in Americans, occasional marijuana use was associated with increases in lung air flow rates and increases in lung capacity.”

Yet this is only one more finding to compliment the many past findings regarding the lack of danger and positive aspects of cannabis. Studies have found marijuana use to be beneficial in treating multiple sclerosis, Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, brachial plexus neuropathies, insomnia, memory disorders, anxiety disorders, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and many more conditions. Most notably, the plant possesses a significant painkilling effect as well as noticeable improvements in sleep.

Some cannabis activists actually state that certain properties of marijuana can act as a “cure-all” in the right forms. Marijuana low in THC, the active ingredient responsible for psychoactive effects, and high in CBD (cannabidiol), offer the health promoting aspects of cannabis while avoiding the “high”. Although both THC and CBD are considered cannabinoids, CBD acts as a neutralizer and blocks the psychoactive effects of THC. Hemp is a perfect example of a plant containing low or no THC levels and high CBD levels, yet it is still illegal to grow within the United States.

Why is marijuana illegal? Whether individuals choose to use marijuana or hemp should be their choice. There is plenty of information available portraying the positive aspects of these plants, but government censorship still persists. No matter what, being able to use these substances is our given right, and no authority should be able to take that away from us.

Source: Natural Society


Based on the technology from MIT professor David Wilson, this grill would collect thermal energy from the sun and store it to allow cooking times for up to twenty five hours at temperatures above 450 degrees Fahrenheit. The study is being conducted by Derek Ham, Eric Uva, and Theodora Vardouli, all part of an entrepreneurship course called “iTeams.” I-Teams, (short for “Innovation Teams”) is a unique MIT course that assembles cross-disciplinary teams of students from across MIT.  The goal of i-Teams is to teach students the process of science and technology commercialization focusing on how to judge a technology’s commercial potential.  Each team has access to faculty, practitioners, business mentors, and fellow students throughout their project.

“There are a lot of solar cookers out there,” says Wilson, “but surprisingly not many using latent-heat storage as an attribute to cook the food.” Wilson’s technology uses a Fresnel lens to harness the sun’s energy to melt down a container of Lithium Nitrate. The Lithium Nitrate serves as a solar battery. Due to its phase change reaction, the thermal energy is able to be stored at longer periods of time and at higher temperatures. Heat is then redistributed through convection, which allows for outdoor cooking.

This study is very timely because although the students are creating a new grill for American backyards, the business plan is designed to allow the grills to be deployed in developing countries as an alternative source for cooking. Wilson originally came up for the idea during his time spent in Nigeria. While there he noticed a large set of problems linked to practice of cooking with firewood. These problems include reports of women being raped during their daily search for firewood, constant increase in deforestation, and respiratory health issues due to the daily inhalation of smoke in closed proximities. According to the United Nations Statistics Division, 55 percent of households in sub-Saharan Africa depend on firewood. In developing countries this Solar Grill would become a solution to a growing need.

In the US market, according to the Barbecue Industry Association, about 75 percent of all U.S. households owned a barbecue grill in 1999, and 40 percent owned more than one. To respond to the demands of the American public, the proposed US model would be a hybrid system of both propane and solar cooking capabilities. This would allow you to have your flame kissed meat as well as the ability to slow roast corn from the thermal convection. Currently the technology is in its prototype stage, but if all goes well in a few years you might be able to have Solar-Cooked food at your next barbecue.

The students are currently taking a market survey on this technology via Survey Monkey. You can visit and take their survey at:

Post Submitted By Derek Ham
MIT Solar Barbecue iTeam



Mr. Connett has voiced his concern over the dangers posed by fluoride and the very poor science underpinning its supposed efficacy in 'protecting children's teeth.'

Actual studies, (like the ones done, by the National Institute of Dental Research) on 39,000 children, show NO Significant Difference In The Number of Cavities, on Those Who Drank Fluoridated Water, vs. Those Who Didn't, Proves, (In fact) That Fluoride CAN, Give You "Dental Fluorosis" a sophisticated name, for Brown, Pitted Teeth.

In 1954, the Christian Science Monitor surveyed all 81 Nobel Prize winners in the fields of chemistry, medicine and physiology on their opinion regarding water fluoridation. Seventy-nine percent, failed to endorse water fluoridation.

Fluoride Poisoning & Cancer:
Fluoride can give you a lot of other things too, namely cancer, including osteosarcoma in children.

Qualified scientists in numerous laboratory tests have found that fluoride in water, even 1.0 part per million, (the amount typically used in water fluoridation) is a carcinogen and mutagen.

Fluoridation of water causes 20,000 plus cancer deaths per year in the U.S.

Other Poisoning Maladies:
If you're pregnant, fluoride may increase your chances of having a child with Down's syndrome.

If you're a senior, it will make you more likely to have hip fractures.

If you're a virile guy, it could make you infertile as it tends, (according to a study in India) to cause testicular damage.

A little fluoride goes a long way, because it accumulates in the bones, teeth, in our food chain and within the environment.

Fluoridated Water Often Contains Other Highly Toxic Materials:
The fluoride that is most likely added to your water supply, is really hydrofluorosilicic acid in a "hazardous waste liquor" which also contains lead, mercury, beryllium, radioactive material, arsenic and other pollutants.

The Cover-up:
"Fluoridation is an attempt by industry to camouflage their deadliest pollutant, with government officials and Madison Avenue advertisers beating the drums. The fluoridation empire is like a castle built on quicksand", says Gladys Caldwell, author, "Fluoridation and Truth Decay", 1974.

As far back as April of 1950 in the Journal of the American Dental Association, (Vol. 40:440) a study by G. J. Cox and H.C. Hodge, "Toxicity of Fluorides in Relation to Their Use in Dentistry", made it clear that fluoride is a poison: "Some of the basic and necessary metabolic processes in the cell are stopped by concentrations of fluorides such as those found in acute poisoning. These changes are comparable to those seen in high-grade anoxia (lack of sufficient oxygen in the body tissues) and are the basis for describing fluorides as general protoplasmic poisons."

Historically, Fluorides WERE Used -- For Mind Control:
Research scientist, Charles Elliot Perkins, (sent by the U.S. Government to take charge of I.G. Farben chemical plants in Germany following WWII) discovered that;
"The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty." In his report to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in October of 1954, he said, "Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him."

This is why Fluorides are a key ingredient of PROZAC and many other psychiatric drugs ... PROZAC, scientific name Fluoxetine, is 94% fluoride.



The pineal gland produces vital brain chemicals such as:


Melatonin is increasingly becoming known for its anti-aging, immune boosting and antioxidant qualities, also its ability to promote healthy sleeping patterns and protect us from electromagnetic pollution. When people begin to supplement with melatonin, many report increased feeling and empathy, leading to more harmonious relationships between family members and friends.

Melatonin levels can be boosted quite simply with supplements. Start with 1mg a night and progress upwards from there at a rate you feel comfortable with. Initially you may feel groggy in the morning – this is due to an excess of melatonin receptors resulting from long term deficiency - this will pass. Take melatonin at bedtime and certainly not before driving or using heavy machinery. Although it was once abundant in our brains, we are now unused to operating in the meditative state it promotes. Melatonin rich foods include montmorency cherries and grasses such as wheat grass and barley grass. Festuca arundinacea grass has the highest melatonin content of any plant.


Pinoline is a MAOI or mono-amine oxidase inhibitor. Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme which breaks down certain neurotransmitters. When MAOI’s are introduced the neurotransmitter levels go up. One way to boost these levels is with ‘Happy Tea’ - passion flower, (which contains analogues of pinoline) mixed with St John’s Wort. Don’t drink more than three or four mugs a day of this tea – as with most herbs moderation is a good idea. MAOI’s also occur in raw cacao - one reason raw chocolate makes people feel good.


DMT (dimethyltryptamine) operates as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It is probably necessary for optimal brain function and is still produced in significant quantities by the pineal gland during peak experiences. It is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism and is in some natural food sources but is broken down by monoamine oxidase. If MAOI’s are being taken in the DMT has more chance of staying in circulation and reaching the brain. MAOI’s should be consumed separately from tyramine rich foods such as animal products including dairy, fermented products, and soy products*.

To increase the DMT and MAOI effects you can supplement with very small daily doses of ayahuasca brew. This can be made up by boiling up two herbs - banisteriopsis caapi and psychotria viridis - together with the juice of an acid fruit such as oranges for several hours. The banisteriopsis contains plentiful supplies of MAOI's, the psychotria DMT. One tablespoonful of a weak brew first thing in the morning is a good starting point. Again, it is important not to consume tyramine rich foods such as animal, dairy, soy or fermented products at the same time. * In large doses ayahuasca can produce very dramatic effects including visions and a substantially altered sense of perception but in these small doses it just wakens the brain up a little, enhancing mood, creativity, inspiration, visual perception, and practical effectiveness.

Passionflower and ayahuasca herbs may be obtained on-line from a number of suppliers.

Meditation also quiets the left side of the brain and can help boost levels of these crucial biochemicals. In our current situation there is a lot to be said for lining the whole lot up - excellent diet, biochemical supplementation, meditative and natural lifestyle.

There are many harmful environment factors and dietary choices that can affect the health of the pineal gland and healthy foods that can help detoxify/decalcify it:

1. Mercury - this is really bad for the pineal gland. Its poison. Don't let this get into your body. Mercury tooth fillings are pineal toxins. Have them removed. All medical vaccines are also mercury tainted. Thimersal (a vaccine preservative) is methyl mercury and is very difficult to get out of the brain once its in there. Avoid eating fish and bottom feeders such as shrimps and prawns. Tuna and dolphin meat is particularly bad for mercury – the bigger the fish the higher the concentration of mercury in its body tissue.

Eco light bulbs – if one is smashed mercury vapor is released into the room and inhaled. Avoid at all costs breaking one indoors.

Mercury can be removed from the body by the daily use of chlorella, wheatgrass and spirulina. Cilantro herb taken daily can help remove mercury from brain tissue.

2. Fluoride - in toothpastes and tap water. Its another heavy duty poison. Avoid it at all costs. It calcifies the pineal tissue and basically shuts the gland down.

3. Organic foods - some pesticides are pineal toxins. Organic healthy food with a high ratio of raw is supportive to pineal detox. Meat is not helpful either. Some people who channel seem to not be affected but for many the toxicity and density of meat will pose challenges and we want to make the work easy if we can.

4. Alcohol + Smoking. Naturally these need to go along with the emotional attachments to using them (usually boils down to self worth issues or unresolved trauma).

5. Heart Healing - raises the overall vibration of the being and heals fear – a useful advantage for when we start seeing other dimensions.

6. Other Toxins - if something is toxic do not put it in your body. If you cant say its name its most likely bad. Toxins include artificial sweeteners (aspartame K) , refined sugar, phylenanine (in squashes), E numbers beginning with 1, deodorants, cleaning chemicals, dental mouthwashes (saltwater is suffice) and air fresheners.

7. Raw Chocolate. Raw cacao is a pineal gland stimulant / detoxifier in high doses because of the high antioxidant content.


Some great methods include:

Blue Ice Skate Fish Oil (THE most powerful thing some have ever taken for decalcification, when they take it it literally feels as if there was gunk in their eye that was being washed away. Contains a very powerful substance called "Activator X" discovered by Weston Price. )

MSM (Start at a comfortable dose and work your way up to 7 to 10,000 mg per day, as soon as possible. It starts really working at that dose although lower doses are still beneficial. Very powerful for general detoxification, and hair, skin, nails, bone building as well)

Citric acid (LOTS of lemons* will work. You can also just buy citric acid)

Garlic* (Take about half a bulb a day or more for awhile, if you crush it and soak in raw apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice it will deodorize it. Make sure you put the juice on a salad or something later.)

Further Decalcification

Raw apple cider vinegar* (Contains malic acid. Take alot of it. Make sure it's raw, as that is very important.)

Sungazing (Gazing at the sun during the first 15 minutes of sunrise and last 15 minutes of sunset will do wonders for your pineal gland)

Chant Thoh* (Say Thoooh, with the oh pronounced like toe, in middle c three times, then wait 24 hours and do it again three times, then wait 24 hours and do it again. This is very powerful)

*Foods to Avoid with MAO Inhibitors

(a few hours before and afterwards)

Mono-amine Oxidase Inhibitors stop monoamine oxidase enzymes working . A side-effect of this is that the monoamine tyramine is also not broken down properly and this can cause unpleasant symptoms and even be dangerous. By taking care, these problems can easily be avoided.

The following categories of food may contain substantial amounts of tyramine and should be avoided in conjunction with maoi's:

Banana Peel
Bean Curd (Tofu)
Beans and Peas
Protein Extracts
Shrimp Paste
Soups if they contain miso or protein extracts
Soy Sauce
Spoiled, old or fermented food

Foods to be Consumed in only Small Quantities in conjunction with maoi's:

Other Dairy Products
Red Plums
Soy Sauce

Original artwork by: Alex Grey (



A Honey Bees dance is where they communicate where to find food, a new home, and things of this nature.  Using this information, an experiment was done called the “Schafberg Experiment”, which was named after the mountain it was performed on.  The only source of food for a colony was placed on the far side of the mountain.  The bees could not fly over the mountain.  However, when they communicated where the food was to be found, they communicated this angle exactly across the mountain, relative to themselves, even though it was an angle they had never flown to the food source, but rather would have had to figure out in their head.

Further evidence of this amazing ability and that they take into account the roundness of the earth is found in their typical food finding dances.  When Honey Bees dance to communicate where a good food source is, they will dance on a comb surface.  The dance consists of the bee turning in circles, on each revolution the bee will bisect the circle at an angle;  the angle with respect to the 12 o’clock represents the angle to fly with respect to the sun.  For instance, if the bee ran from 6 to 12 o’clock, this would mean fly straight forward towards the sun; 7 to 1 o’clock would mean fly just to the right of the sun; 12 to 6 o’clock, fly directly away from the sun.

But it gets even better; these little dances can take a really long time.  So the angle of the sun is going to have changed in the meantime.  The dances might even take all night to communicate.  So while doing the dance, the bee actually calculates the change in angle based on where the sun is right now with respect to the hive.  So if it’s at night when they are doing the dance, they calibrate the angles to associate with where the sun is right now on the other side of the world!  Likewise, when the bees are following the instructions and flying towards the food, they calibrate what they learned based on where the sun is right now vs when the instructions were given.  So basically, bee’s are tiny little math nerds with amazing time keeping abilities and ability to calculate distances without any discernible measuring device… NERDS!!!!

Now in addition to knowing angles, they also need to know how far they need to go in each direction. In order to accomplish this, they wiggle their abdomen’s while crossing the circle.  The more wiggles, the greater the distance; and like with the angles, this is no vague notion of distance.  The bees take and communicate relatively precise measurements on how far they need to go.  Now if the distance to the food source is under about 80 meters, it has been found that the bees will not do the wiggle part of the dance, but will just give the direction to the best spot to go.

But this isn’t the only fascinating things honey bees do.  Today I also found out a boatload of other crazy information about the absolutely amazing Honey Bee:

  • Honey Bees share out jobs based on their age.  For instance, worker bees that are 1-2 days old spend their time cleaning cells, starting with the one they were born in, and keeping the brood warm; from 3-5 days old they feed older larvae;  from 6-11 days old they feed the youngest larvae; from 12-17 days old they produce wax, build combs, carry food, and perform undertaker duties; from 18-21 days old they get guard duty, protecting the hive entrance;  from 22 days on until their death at around 40-45 days, they get to fly from the hive collecting pollen, nectar, water, pollinating plants, and things like that.
  • Honey Bees do die when stinging humans, but not when stinging many other things.  The reason being that the barbs in the stinger get caught in our flesh and rip off the stinger and some of the bee’s insides attached to the stinger, spelling certain doom for the bee.  For stinging insects, for instance, this is not the case and they can continue to sting the insect multiple times without harm to themselves.
    Honey Bees can fly around 15-20 miles per hour.
    Honey Bees can’t see red, but they can see well in the ultra-violet;  flowers then end up being like beacons for them as they reflect a ton of ultra-violet light.
  • Honey Bees are not native to the Americas.  They were brought over by Europeans.  Native Americans called Honey Bees “White Man’s Flies”.
  • A Honey Bee colony will fly a total of around 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey.  In addition to this, a hive can produce as much as 60 pounds of honey in a good season with about 25 pounds more than they need to survive the winter.
  • When a colony gets crowded, the bees will decide to make a new queen bee.  The process to do this is as follows:
  1. step 1: Bees construct up to 20 wax queen cells
  2. step 2: The current Queen lays fertilized eggs in each queen cell.
  3. step 3: The young nurse bees feed the young queen larvae with a special rich creamy food called Royal Jelly and extend the cell downwards until it is about 25mm in length.
  4. step 4: Nine days after laying, the first queen cell is sealed with a layer of wax.
  5. step 5: A large swarm, called the prime swarm, of bees leaves the hive led by the older bees.  The old queen gets starved so she is thinner and able to fly.  The older bees then convince the old queen to join the swarm and they go off scouting for a new place to create a colony.  Amazingly, this swarm will take a lot of breaks along the way, sending out scouts to go search.  Scouts report back and from this information, they chose the best spot to go next.
  6. step 6: Eight days later the first virgin queen leaves her cell.  Now, either she then takes an additional small swarm and leaves this hive to start a new one.  Or she locates and kills her sister potential queens by stinging them through the wax wall of their cells.
  7. step 7: The young queen flies around and orients herself to her new surroundings.
  8. step 8: The queen will take several mating flights and will mate with up to 20 male bees called drones; the drones will die after mating.
  9. step 9: Three days later the mated queen will begin to lay fertilized eggs at a rate of about 2000 per day.  Fertilized eggs become female worker bees.  Unfertilized eggs get fertilized by male drones and become new drones.  At any given time there is 1 queen bee, up to 40,000 or so female worker bees and a few hundred male drones.
  10. step 10: This queen will stay with the colony for at least a year until a large enough swarm is available to go start a new colony somewhere else.  Though the worker bees only live 40 or so days and drone bees die in mating or are evicted from the hive in the autumn to conserve food as they do no actual work, the queen bee can live up to 5 years.
  • An average sized colony in the summer will contain over 35,000-40,000 bees and in the winter about 5000 bees.
  • Honey Bees are cold blooded.  Unlike many cold blooded creatures, they do have the ability to generate heat by vibrating their bodies; a bee in flight for instance will typically have a body temperature of about 130 F.  However, if caught in cold rain or the like, a bee can lose the ability to move.  A honeybee hive is typically kept at around 98 F.
  • Honey Bees make honey by taking nectar from flowers and mixing it with enzymes from glands in their mouths.  This is then stored in hexagonal wax honeycombs until the water content has been reduced to around 17%.  Once this happens worker bees cap the combs with a wax seal until the bees need it for food, for instance in the winter time.
  • Capped honey can be kept without spoiling for many thousands of years; the current oldest known honey that is still good being found in the tombs of Pharaohs, put there over 3000 years ago and still tasty.
  • Honey Bees make wax by clustering a bunch of bees together, raising their body temperatures.  Their wax producing glands under their abdomen then slowly secrets slivers of wax.  Other worker bees then harvest these wax strands and take them where they are needed.
  • It takes eating about 6 pounds of honey for Honey Bees to produce about 1 pound of wax.
  • Royal Jelly, the food only fed to the queen and future queen larvae, is a creamy white color and is very rich in proteins and fatty acids.  It is a substance produced by glands in the mouth of young bees.  Because so little is needed (only enough for one bee), it is extremely expensive to buy, though supposedly has many health benefits associated with it.
  • Honey Bees do not hibernate.  They stay very active year round, though in the winter primarily stick to staying inside their hive for warmth as they are cold blooded.
  • Honey Bees are generally considered the highest form of insect life with the most sophisticated colonies and complex behaviors, even among other bee types.
  • Changing queens will change the personality and behavior of bee colonies.  Beekeepers use this fact to control certain bee-haviors among colonies like aggressiveness and enthusiasm for their work.
  • If the queen bee dies prematurely, the worker bees will immediately start doing what is necessary to create a new one from existing larvae.  As long as there are larvae that are under 3 days old, they can be converted to being a queen bee.  The bees know if the queen dies because they will stop smelling her pheromones.
  • Honey Bees pheromone communication is extremely sophisticated.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Honey Bees do in fact sleep, though there is always a ton of activity in the hive 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Research done in 1988 does show though that occasionally Honey Bees will take a rest and become relaxed, body temperature drops, and become somewhat unresponsive.  Their sleep is nothing like human sleep, but it is considered a form of sleep.
  • It would only take about one ounce of honey to fuel a honey bee for a flight around the world!  Now that’s efficiency.
  • Two million flowers must be tapped to make just one pound of honey (no wonder they need to be so efficient).
  • Smoke triggers bees to stop whatever they are doing and consume as much honey as they can as there may be a need to abandon the hive if there is a fire.  This allows beekeepers to divert their attention so they don’t get swarmed while they do things to the hive.
  • Beekeeping has been going on for about 13,000 years, with the Egyptians particularly having developed very sophisticated means for keeping hives and harvesting honey.
  • A Honey Bee can fly as far as 5 miles from the hive to search for food.
  • Ounce for ounce, honey is one of the healthiest things you can eat and contains many beneficiary medicinal values.  It’s also a decent antibacterial and works extremely well at helping get rid of pink eye and helping burns heal as well as soothing the pain of deep burns.  It has also been shown to help allergies, if you eat honey made from the area you live in.
  • After working 16 hour days making honey for about 20 days of it’s life (1/2 it’s life), a worker bee will only be able to make about 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in that lifespan.

Source: - Author: Daven Hiskey

Other sources:
British Beekeeper Association, Bee F.A.Q.
Honey Bee Trivia
Honey Bee
Beekeepers PBC F.A.Q.
Southwick, E. E. “Bee sleep”. American Bee Journal 131:165-166, 1991)


Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness.

According to the Vancouver Sun:1

"Researchers, led by Vancouver's Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, noticed in the early weeks of the [2009 H1N1] pandemic that people who got a flu shot for the 2008-09 winter seemed to be more likely to get infected with the pandemic virus than people who hadn't received a flu shot. Five studies done in several provinces showed the same unsettling results."

New Study Confirms: Flu Vaccine Really Does Increase Your Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness

In March last year, ABC News reported:2

"There is renewed controversy surrounding influenza vaccines, with some studies showing people immunised against the seasonal flu might have been at greater risk during the swine flu outbreak...

'What was a bit surprising when we looked at some of the data from Canada and Hong Kong in the last year is that people who have been vaccinated in 2008 with the seasonal or ordinary vaccine seemed to have twice the risk of getting swine flu compared to the people who hadn't received that vaccine,' [Professor Collignon from the Australian National University] said.

ANU microbiologists say it is the opposite of what vaccines should do.

Professor Collignon says the findings of the study also highlight the benefits for healthy people who are exposed to some illnesses. 'Some interesting data has become available which suggests that if you get immunised with the seasonal vaccine, you get less broad protection than if you get a natural infection,' he said.

'It is particularly relevant for children because it is a condition they call original antigenic sin, which basically means if you get infected with a natural virus, that gives you not only protection against that virus but similar viruses or even in fact quite different flu viruses in the next year.'

'We may be perversely setting ourselves up that if something really new and nasty comes along, that people who have been vaccinated may in fact be more susceptible compared to getting this natural infection.'" [Emphasis mine]

Truer words are hard to find in mainstream media. This is, after all, the fundamental basics of immunity against disease. Vaccine-induced immunity to disease is trying to mimic this natural mechanism, but failing miserably in doing so...

Case in point: research published in the Journal of Virology3 in November of last year also confirmed that the seasonal flu vaccine may actually weaken children's immune systems and increase their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine. Further, when blood samples from 27 healthy, unvaccinated children and 14 children who had received an annual flu shot were compared, the former unvaccinated group naturally built up more antibodies across a wider variety of influenza strains compared to the latter vaccinated group – which is exactly what Professor Collignon referred to in the quote above.

While the initial reports of increased pandemic disease risk associated with flu vaccination were downplayed and widely dismissed as some odd Canadian phenomenon, a new study suggests this was no fluke. According to the featured article:4

"Skowronski and a group of researchers have recreated the event in ferrets. Their findings were presented... at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, a major international infectious diseases conference taking place in San Francisco. Skowronski... worked with 32 ferrets, giving half the 2008 seasonal flu shot and the rest a placebo injection. The work was blinded, meaning the researchers didn't know which ferrets received which shot. Later, all the ferrets were infected with the pandemic H1N1 virus.

The ferrets in the vaccine group became significantly sicker than the other animals, though all recovered. 'The findings are consistent with the increased risk that we saw in the human studies,' Skowronski said." [Emphasis mine]

Proof Positive – Vaccine Industry Really Does Not Know What it's Doing...

According to the Canadian MetroNews5, researchers in other countries have also reported similar interactions between the 2008-09 flu vaccine and increased risk for more serious H1N1 illness. Remarkably, even though no one understands the reasons for this paradoxical effect, Dr. Skowronski "insisted the findings should not deter people from getting seasonal flu shots."6

"Two theories exist about what might have been behind the effect, said Skowronski, who favors the first. That theory relates to the fact that the 2008 vaccine protected against an H1N1 virus that was related to – but not similar enough to – the pandemic virus to generate antibodies that would neutralize it. The thinking is that might actually have facilitated infection with the pandemic virus," MetroNews reports.7

"Skowronski likened the mechanism to what happens with dengue viruses. People who have been infected with one subtype of dengue don't develop immunity to the other three. In fact, they are more at risk of developing a life-threatening form of dengue if they are infected with one of the other strains.

Skowronski called the second theory the infection block hypothesis. Having a bout of the flu gives the infected person antibodies that may be able, for a time, to fend off other strains; flu shots only protect against the strains they contain. So under this theory, people who didn't have flu in 2008 because they got a flu shot may have been less well armed against the pandemic virus."

It's important to realize that these are only theories, and researchers still don't know if either of them is correct. However, IF the first theory is correct, then this troubling effect is believed to be limited to pandemics in which the pandemic virus is related to a human flu virus in circulation. According to this theory, a virus with a hemagglutinin protein that humans haven't been previously exposed to would probably not trigger increased infection risk. However, as stated by Dr. Skowronski:8

"My own opinion, my own feeling would be that if you have a completely different hemagglutinin like H5 or H7... you may not see that... But who knows, frankly? The wise man knows he knows nothing when it comes to influenza, so you always have to be cautious in speculating."

That statement about sums up what the CDC and vaccine industry really know about what they are doing! Yet you're expected to just take their word, again and again, that vaccines are safe and the most effective form of disease prevention...

Flu Shots for All (Science Optional)

For the past several years, physicians in America have been insisting that every child age 6 months to 18 years must get an annual flu shot. Making matters worse, health officials have now ramped up those recommendations, telling EVERY person over the age of 6 months get a flu shot, healthy or not, low risk or high.

With all of those vaccinations, will you become more susceptible to influenza-related complications and death?

We really don't know, but if the interaction between the 2008-09 flu vaccine and H1N1 is any indication, the answer is likely to be yes. Health officials have leapt ahead with recommendations of "flu shots for all" without safety studies – so by getting a flu vaccine, you are effectively offering yourself up as a laboratory rat. In other words, YOU are the safety study!

To get a preview of the potential risks you take every time you accept a seasonal flu vaccine, listen to the following interview with a Connecticut artist and her mother, a former professor of nursing, who developed Guillaine-Barre syndrome after getting a seasonal flu shot in 2008 and today is permanently disabled with total body paralysis. This family has chosen to share their heartbreaking story to help those who have had the same experience feel less alone, and to educate others about what it means to be vaccine injured. What happened to this family is a tragic reminder of just how important it is to make well-informed decisions about vaccinations.


Nota Bene:
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

* Estas declaraciones no han sido evaluadas por la Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos. Este producto no tiene como objetivo diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.



All Vaccines Compromise Natural Immunity

The more vaccines are studied, the more apparent it becomes that safety studies are sorely lacking, as vaccine expert and pediatrician Larry Palevsky explains. For example, those that have been done compare vaccinated populations only to other vaccinated populations, and only follow vaccinated kids for 4-6 weeks.

Download Interview Transcript

As mentioned earlier, there are major differences between naturally-acquired immunity and vaccine-induced immunity – and science does confirm this. Those who disagree are simply ignoring the evidence and perpetuating ignorance. Unfortunately, while obtaining natural immunity has far greater benefits, this fact seems to be completely overlooked in the United States, considering it's recommended that U.S. babies receive 26 doses of vaccines within the first 12 months of life (which, incidentally, is twice as many vaccinations as are given to babies in Sweden and Japan).

When children are born, they develop natural immunity to a large variety of microorganisms that they breathe, eat, and touch. The immune responses initiated by cells lining their airways, skin and intestines are very important in creating "memory" and protection against the microorganisms they naturally come into contact with every day. That primary line of defense is a very important step in the maturation of your child's immune system – and it's bypassed when he/she gets a vaccine.

With vaccination, you are merely creating an antibody, but as the Journal of Virology study9 showed, the unvaccinated children actually built up more antibodies against a wider variety of flu virus strains than the vaccinated children!

Vaccines usually do not impart long-term immunity because they don't create the kind of memory that occurs when you go through the process of a natural immune response. Natural exposure does not necessarily lead to symptoms of infection – it is possible for your immune system to respond and for you to obtain natural immunity without actually getting sick, if your immune system is functioning well. In fact, vaccines do NOT strengthen the healthy functioning of your immune system, but actually weaken it. Here are just some of the ways vaccines can impair and alter your immune response:

  • Some components in vaccines are neurotoxic and may depress your immune response or cause brain and immune dysfunction, particularly heavy metals such as mercury preservatives (thimerosal) and aluminum adjuvants
  • The lab altered vaccine viruses themselves may also affect your immune response in a negative way
  • Vaccines may alter your t-cell function and lead you to become chronically ill
  • Vaccines can trigger allergies or autoimmune disorders. Vaccines introduce large foreign protein molecules into your body. Your body can respond to these foreign particles in a way that causes an allergic reaction or triggers autoimmunty, especially in persons genetically or biologically vulnerable to allergy and autoimmunity

Getting a flu shot can affect your cardiovascular system because vaccination stimulates an acute inflammatory response in your body, which also could become chronic. One 2007 study published in the Annals of Medicine10 concluded that:

"Abnormalities in arterial function and LDL oxidation may persist for at least two weeks after a slight inflammatory reaction induced by influenza vaccination. These could explain in part the earlier reported increase in cardiovascular risk during the first weeks after an acute inflammatory disorder."

What You Need to Know about Informed Consent

Informed consent is especially important when it comes to vaccination because no one can predict whether you or your child will suffer a devastating vaccine reaction. Furthermore, doctors have been notoriously lax when it comes to providing patients with full disclosure of potential serious vaccine side effects.

All Americans should know that if your doctor does not provide the CDC Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) sheet, or directly discuss the potential symptoms of side effects of the vaccination you or your child is about to receive BEFORE vaccination takes place, it is a violation of federal law. Remember, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires doctors and other vaccine providers to:

  • Give written vaccine benefit and risk information to the person or guardian of the person before vaccination takes place (and, ethically, a doctor should be willing to discuss and answer all questions the patient or parent has about vaccination)
  • Keep a permanent record of all vaccines given and the manufacturer's name and lot number
  • Enter serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths that occur after vaccination in the patient's permanent medical record
  • File an official report of all serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)

If a vaccine provider fails to inform, record or report, it is a violation of federal law, and I would encourage anyone who is injured from a vaccine, who did not receive the proper warnings, to use the legal system to hold the physician responsible. For more information about the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and your rights under that law, go to the website of the nonprofit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) at, where you also can find referenced information on diseases and vaccines to help you make well educated vaccine choices. You can also sign up to be a user of the NVIC Advocacy Portal to work to protect the legal right to make vaccine choices in your state.

How to Protect Yourself Against Influenza

So the question is, why do we continue doing something that has been proven ineffective and risky? As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." This certainly could be said to apply to the practice of getting a flu shot every year and expecting to be protected against the flu without taking a health risk.

While the media is sure to continue hyping potential pandemic influenzas, remember that a healthy immune system is your best and primary defense against any viral threat. The following simple guidelines will help you keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you're far less likely to acquire influenza or other respiratory infections to begin with or, if you do, your immune system will deal with it without complications:

  • Optimize your vitamin D levels. As I've previously reported, optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. I would STRONGLY urge you to have your vitamin D level monitored to confirm your levels are therapeutic at 50-70 ng/ml year-round.

An inexpensive option to get your vitamin D levels checked on a regular basis is to join the GrassrootsHealth D*action Project.

  • Avoid Sugar, Fructose and Processed Foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice.
  • Get Enough Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you're tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article Guide to a Good Night's Sleep for some great tips to help you get quality rest.
  • Have Effective Tools to Address Stress. We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma.
  • Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads.
  • Take a Good Source of High Quality Animal-Based Omega-3 Fats. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response.
  • Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Remember that antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary and cause more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to.
  • Use Natural Antibiotics. Examples include oil of oregano and garlic. These work like broad-spectrum antibiotics against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa in your body. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, they do not appear to lead to resistance.
  • Avoid Hospitals. I'd recommend avoiding hospitals unless you're having an emergency, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds and could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to any new bug. Also keep in mind that virtually all vaccinations have the potential to reduce the effective functioning of your immune system, NOT make it stronger!

Sources and References:
Vancouver Sun September 10, 2012
MetroNews September 9, 2012
1 Vancouver Sun September 10, 2012
2 ABC News March 5, 2011
3 Journal of Virology 2011 Nov;85(22):11995-2000
4 See ref 1
5 MetroNews September 9, 2012
6 See ref 1 and 5
7 See ref 5
8 See ref 5
9, National Council on Aging Urges Older Adults to Get Their Annual Flu Shot, August 2012
10 See ref 3

Source: - Author: Dr. Mercola

Nota Bene:
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

* Estas declaraciones no han sido evaluadas por la Administración de Medicamentos y Alimentos. Este producto no tiene como objetivo diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad.


The moon has a powerful allure - it is full of beauty, legend, myth and romance. Anyone with an interest in the moon or the phases of the moon - for whatever reason - should find some valuable information here, including a free current / daily moon phases website module, how to get a moon phases calendar software application, and other lunar phases information, including links. 

Free Daily Moon Phases Website Module

This "Current Moon" module provides basic information on the current moon phase. It is intended to be a helpful general reference.

You can put this moon phases module on your website.


Brief Explanation of the Moon Phases

The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the earth, sun, and moon. The moon goes around the earth in 27.3 days, or 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes, on average. This measurement is relative to the stars and is called the sidereal period or orbital period. However, because of the earth's motion around the sun, a complete moon cycle (New Moon to New Moon) appears to earthbound observers to take a couple of days longer: 29.5305882 days to be exact. This number is called the synodic period or "lunation", and is relative to the sun.

The sun always illuminates the half of the moon facing the sun (except during lunar eclipses, when the moon passes through the earth's shadow). When the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth, the moon appears "full" to us, a bright, round disk. When the moon is between the earth and the sun, it appears dark, a "new" moon. In between, the moon's illuminated surface appears to grow (wax) to full, then decreases (wanes) to the next new moon. The edge of the shadow (the terminator) is always curved, being an oblique view of a circle, giving the moon its familiar crescent shape.

(some of above information courtesy of NASA


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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