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Facebook comments on website or blog: when someone comments on one article that same comment shows up on every article on the website. Here is the code to replace the URL to comment on.
By Admins (from 12/12/2013 @ 07:01:09, in en - Global Observatory, read 3197 times)
It is just incredible how crappy Facebook is in general. The comment tool box is especially shitty.

Really?! YES! And you know it. There is no point in hiding your feelings; just say it: 'Send em (Fakebook) to Hell!'.

Have you ever tried Facebook's so called "developers" section where you can "create" apps (applications)? Have you ever got mad because there are no solutions, valid indications or answers and all you get is frustration because you lost your precious time on their products?

I've got to tell you the truth, folks! It's all a lie, just a big fu**cking lie: there are no apps, no functionality, no convenience on having the Facebook comment box on your website or blog, it's only just another way to get your phone number and/or credit card data.

That's right! What kind of fascist authentification way is to ask a Facebook user for the debit card details to activate his account?! This should be illegal! But it's just another way for Facebook to get your personal informations and pass them to their parteners...

Don't believe that? Read then: 2004: Facebook is created with CIA money and U.S Military backing. Facebook was originally conceived as a sexist and elitist Harvard tool to rate who was “Hot or Not” or this: Tired of helping CIA? Quit Facebook, Venezuela minister urges .

Have you ever noticed that you are being bullied by Facebook, your comments are being censured from your contacts' walls or worse? That's what we're talking about!

But let's get back to your problem (not our problem anymore because TurismoAssociati decided to pass on Disqus comments application): the FascistFacebook Comments box that should let people comment on content on your site using their Facebook profile and show this activity to their friends in news feed. It SHOULD also contain built-in moderation tools and special social relevance ranking. CRAP! No such a thing, and we begun looking at this Social Plugin long time ago...

You all started HERE and after their security check inserted the codes in the body and head of your website pages.

But then you realized you were being mislead: Facebook comments on your website or blog basicly worked except the fact that when someone comments on one article that same comment shows up on every article on the website. Obviously, you don't want that.

So why is it so difficult to find a solution to that? Googling you always find the generic instructions but you never find the real solution that works for any website (not just WordPress, but dBlog too or any other).

Here it is the code to replace the URL to comment on:

Simple replace the comments div with this javascript code (taken from this stackoverflow link)...

<script>document.write("<div class='fb-comments' data-href='" + window.loca tion.href + "' data-num-posts='2' data-width='470'></div>");</script>
This "worked", but then you realised you had two other problems...

Hell, yeah! The admin/moderation comment tool does not work properly (or at all) and the comments made for the same article on Facebook will not appear on your website, like you smart developer thought (and should be, but Facebook is developed by morons, just think of its bastard father, Mark Zuckerberg).

So why use it or why lose your time with any Facebook social plug-ins applications boxes fascist tools and any other of their weird stuff, when there are not so many webmasters that use them?! Get smart! Leave Facebook alone. Fuck them!

Asked yourself why the indications on how to do anything there are so hairy and hard to understand? Because are written by non english speakers in globish, not english and you don't understand if the Facebook foreign developers are talking about 'comment or content' on their video.

So our advice is: forget the Facebook comments plug in for your website alone, it will just be a breach to your privacy and blog and phone contact and credit card details and who knows what else and try to use any other transparent free product. It works better and saves you a lot of time and stress.

Good luck!

Author: Ford Turani for TurismoAssociati.it