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Everything on Auto Europe & Turismo Associati

May I make changes to my rental while traveling?

If you need to make any changes to your reservation while traveling, including rental duration, locations or vehicle type, please call our toll-free number provided on your Auto Europe voucher before the expiration of the rental period. We are open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week to assist you in making any changes.

What should I do with paperwork pertaining to my rental?

We advise you to retain any paperwork you receive, including the rental agreement, final invoice, and fuel receipts - this will enable us to assist you in answering any questions you may have.

Should I read my rental voucher?

Please read your Auto Europe voucher and it's "Terms & Conditions" and contact us if you have any questions.

What will happen when I arrive to pick up my rental?

Upon arrival at your destination, you will be asked to sign a rental agreement outlining the inclusions and exclusions. Please be sure to accept what you need and decline any items that you don't need or want. Auto Europe cannot refund any charges that are accepted at the time of check out.

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