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I said it and I repeat it: I am ashamed to belong to the human race. Among all animal species, the human race is the most infamous, capable of the biggest monstrosities imaginable. We are the only species on this marvelous planet that manipulates its fellow humans through slavery, religion and politics.

And we always manage to motivate that it is righteous what we do, because that's what God wants. And we have the Bible full of passages which adjust to every injustice we perpetrate to others: Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. Exodus 21: 20-21

How hypocritical can we be to consider ourselves one with God? To consider the fairy tales as reality is called paranoid schizophrenia. But if one could discuss rationally with religious people, there would be no religious people. The only god is the Nature and the laws that guides it.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards themselves? Why don't we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal from, and kill people, so that we can be protected from people who kidnap, harass, steal and kill us?

EPPS: What right? I bought 'em. I paid for 'em.

BASS: Of course you did. The law says you have the right to hold a nigger, but begging the law's lies. Is everything right because the law allows it? Suppose they'd pass a law taking away your liberty and making you a


BASS: Suppose.

EPPS: That ain't a supposable case.

BASS: Because the law states that your liberties are undeniable? Because society deems it so? Laws change.
Social systems crumble. Universal truths are constant. It is a
fact, it is a plain fact that what is true and right is true and right for all. White and black alike.

EPPS: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yah compare me to a nigger, Bass? Yah might as well ask what the difference is between a white man and a baboon. Now, I seen one of them critters in Orleans that knowed just as much as any nigger I got. Yah'd call them fellers citizens, I s'pose?

BASS: Look here; you can't laugh me down in that way. These niggers are human beings. If they are allowed to scale no higher than brute animals, you and men like you will
have to answer for it. There's an ill...

EPPS: Ahhh!

BASS: A fearful ill, resting on this nation...

EPPS: You betray yourself a foreigner!

BASS: That will not go unpunished forever. There will be a
reckoning yet.

March, 1852, conversation between Epps, a slave owner and Bass, a canadian hired and paid to build with the help of the slaves an extension to the villa of the former, dialogue from the movie 12 Years a Slave, after a true story narrated in the book with the same name by Solomon Northup, a violinist, black free citizen, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery.

Agence France-Presse presented a series of news in 2011: dozens of seasonal agricultural workers coming from the Balkans and the Indian subcontinent were released from the hands of armed exploiters in Greece where they were forced to work in greenhouses under conditions similar to slavery, mistreated, with the wages seized and forced to sleep in improvised shelters near the fields of work.

In 2009 DutchNews reported of about 50 workers, many from Romania, who were abused when working on an asparagus plantation in Holland, living in miserable, similar to slavery conditions. All of them lived in one dirty room with no windows, without having the right to leave the farm and being forced to buy the food at exorbitant prices. The owner of the farm was penalized by the authorities since 2005, accumulating fines amounting to over half a million euro for hiring illegal immigrants and paying them below the minimum wage.

Do we have to wonder that the american prisons, many of private management, are even today filled with people jailed for minor offenses such as consuming a plant like cannabis (marijuana), plant that never killed a single person, universal panacea used on Earth for thousands of years to treat many diseases and ailments? Hemp breathes in four times the carbon dioxide of trees, it can be used to make paper products, textiles, moulded plastics, food for humans and livestock, essential oils, nutritional supplements, it can be utilized with great success in constructions, and yet its cultivation today is illegal in most countries.

The president of the British Medical Association Sir John Russell Reynolds stated in 1890 that the "Indian Hemp, when pure and administred carefully, is one of the most valuable medicines we possess."

And yet, human ignorance overwhelms us. The current educational systems generate continuously individuals less and less trained, proud of their nationalities, religions and the nonsense society and the more corrupted governments print them in the subconscious as values.

"As an oncologist, I see patients who have extreme pain, depression and nausea... I feel comfortable being able to recommend one medication - a medication they can even grow themselves, which is very empowering - with few side effects, rather than multiple prescriptions for medications with severe side effects" declared Donald Abrams, MD, about marijuana.

You really do not notice the veil that prevents you from seeing the truth about your freedom in this so-called democracy? Don't you understand who is stopping you to be free and abuses and manipulates you?

Plato said that good people don't need laws to tell them to act responsibly but bad people will always find a way around the laws.

Laws are created precisely by our oppressors. The government is the one who exploits you.

According to the data offered by California Prison Focus and reported by GlobalResearch, no other society in human history has imprisoned so many of its own citizens as the United States of America. The U.S. has locked up more people than any other country: a half million more than China, which has a population five times greater than the United States. Statistics reveal that the U.S.A. holds 25% of the world’s prison population, but only 5% of the world’s people.

It's all a business for the government. This is owned by the corporations. The prison industry complex has its investors on Wall Street.Just think of this fact: today, in Texas, a person may be sentenced for up to two years’ imprisonment for possessing 4 ounces of marijuana; in New York, the 1973 Nelson Rockefeller anti-drug law provides for a mandatory prison sentence of 15 years to life for possession of 4 ounces of any illegal drug.

All this while the riches of the world do whatever they want, plotting wars, economic crises, participating in often pedophile sexual orgies, just think of Berlusconi and others like him.

A fish always rots from the head down; inform yourself about the negotiations between the Italian State and Cosa Nostra (Mafia): it's not anymore just an hypothesis, the journalistic and judicial research approaches the final conclusion, namely that negociations between representatives of the Italian State and the Mafia took place after the bombing season of '92 and '93, resulting in the merging of the two institutions. What is the big difference between a tax extortion of protection from gangsters to have a commercial activity and the imprisonment of citizens made by the government if one does not pay the taxes?

Following the studies that confirm its effectiveness (research hidden and censured by press, television, governments and politicians), increases the belief among scientists of this fact: the cannabidiol (CBD) present in marijuana slows down the growth of tumor cells and inhibits the formation of the cells that feed tumors, thereby combating cancer and metastasis. Already known the capabilities of these substances to alleviate pain, nausea and other effects related to various diseases.

For how long we will be lied and manipulated by our peers? Homo hominis lupus. Only we can liberate ourselves from the slavery in which we live, of whatever nature it may be. We can only be kept in the cages we do not or refuse to see.

In 1910, The Encyclopaedia Britannica defined anarchism as: the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups.

Interesting the differences between the definitions given by the various powers that controlled and controls a country.

In 1958, the modern Romanian language dictionary explains anarchy as the: Condition of disorganization, disorder, chaos in a country, an institution etc.; insubordination, indiscipline of an individual against an organized community. - State of production, specific to the capitalist system, in which (because of private ownership of the means of production) the social production activity is unplanned and without supervision, leading to periodic crises and unemployment.

The Romanian language explanatory dictionary from 1998 considers anarchy as a: State of disorganization, disorder, chaos in a country, an institution etc. - Attitude of disobedience, misbehavior of an individual against an organized community.

I just want to ask you this: do you consider that our present society is organized in a fair and acceptable manner, and when you will understand that you are here on Earth only to improve the conditions of those who come after you? When you will realize that we are all one?

Ford Turani for

12 Years a Slave - Screenplay by John Ridley:

Grecia: 35 de muncitori romani care lucrau in conditii de sclavie, eliberati de politie:

Staff in 'near slavery' on asparagus farm:

Disillusions of Anarchy: The Common Perception of Anarchy in Modern Day Society:


The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?:

Arrivano nuove conferme: la marijuana combatte il cancro:

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We have now a great machine to safely exploit gold in mines infested by monsters. It's controls are simple: the keyboard arrows and the spacebar. Pick up treasures and eat the monsters to prevent the monster from biting your pipes. Let bombs touch your pipes, but don't eat them! If you exploit all treasures in the mine, there are 9 more mines awaiting you, full of greater treasures and more aggresive monsters!

Gold Diggers: Exploit all the treasure in the mines, populated with harmful monsters in this exciting online game.

Controls: Keyboard: Use arrow keys to move and space bar to get back quickly. Go ahead, collect all the treasures and be ready for more...

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We are talking about this Cannabis group we've created on Facebook (link here): Post any news articles in any language about Marijuana, Cannabis, Pot and Weed... Only the Truth! N.B.: Cannabis Cures Cancer, google it! (search link here)

Days ago our FB account as TurismoAssociati was cancelled by the "social network" (more a fascist tracking device) because we were a website and not an individual person (read more here). So we created another account as Ford Turani making a Facebook Page for Turismo Associati (this one). But strange, all our posts, pictures, comments and files uploaded before were cancelled. The group CANNABIS was still left because we had other Admins, good activists ready to spread the word of peace, love, health and evolutive information.

So we asked to Join again our group with almost 800 members. We were added by our good friend Fenwick Hunter, but, strangely, we were not able to post or comment on the Group.

Worse than that, although we were put as Admins in the group, we were still able to Join the Group...! See the image above:

Cool (Kafka's K knows what we're talking about...), we are a member of a FaceBook group, made Admins, who can not post on it's own group. We tried to make somebody else Admin, but got this messagge at the end: "No Permission to Post. You do not have permission to post in this group." OKAY?! they ask...

It sure looks like the user we've chosen to be between the Admins, CanAbizz Swiss Psy, was not made as admin, because we had no permission. But please look at the next screen shot... we can Remove him from administering the group... so it was all just smoke in our eyes:

We searched the web for analogue cases, and found this answer:

You should check and see if anyone has blocked you! If you go to your members list, look at all the members. If any of the names appear in black, they have blocked you.

Delete and ban them.

It's a tedious process, especially if you have a bunch of members, but it just might help. Member's names should always be in blue.

So we looked among the members, and found this Fucking Troll, Termerthy Gordon, the party pooper! Let's get him and see if we solve the censuring problem!

Ford Turani for

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Crearea de frica ignoranta si confuzie.

A castiga lupta pentru atentie – A se capta cu orice pret atentia respectivilor si a-i determina sa faca ce vrei tu!

A crea nevoile lor si a-i ajuta apoi sa le acopere (Este vechea sintagma a lui Nietzsche : "Daca vrei ca lumea sa-ti fie recunoscatore, nu le da ceva ci ia-le ceva, apoi ajuta-i sa indure lipsa!")

A crea si controla fortele opuse. Crearea de asocieri in religii, partide, etc., apoi crearea de asocieri opuse acestora.

Crearea izolarii. Izolarea de viata de odinioara, de prieteni de familie, de obiectele din trecut ale subiectului respectiv si chiar crearea de neincredere in propria-i judecata.

Impunerea unei ierarhii si autoritati de sus in jos (obedienta!). Principiul ascultarii orbeste si fara cracnire. (Problema cozilor de topor care indeplinesc asemenea "misiuni" e ca ei insisi au fost astfel "spalati pe creier" si astfel devin ei insisi sclavizati si decerebralizati!)

Instaurarea unei situatii economice prabusite. Toata miscarea banilor trebuie sa se faca de jos in sus, toti sclavii sa munceasca pentru stapanii lor, toate resursele sa fie detinute de conducatorii lor. Asa vor avea puterea sa angajeze sau sa concedieze pe oricine ar dori.

Secretul. Informatiile despre activitatile din "structura" fie ele adevarate sau distorsionate sunt facute sa ajunga spre varful piramidei. Nimic important nu ar trebui sa "rasufle" spre baza piramidei. Numai varful piramidei ar trebui sa cunoasca adevaratul scop si destinatia finala. Asta asigura ca intotdeauna puterea ramane acolo unde trebuie sa fie! (Aici mi se pare ca internetul le-a dat o lovitura fara precedent! Aici incep sa se "desire" itele si este doar "inceputul"!)

A face ca totul sa fie relativ. In aceasta mascarada, "ei" vor sa discrediteze principiile de moralitate si responsabilitate facandu-le relative si subordonate "cuiva din varf"! Scopul scuza mijloacele. Trauma e folosita pentru a crea subiecti tot mai obedienti, totul in numele unui viitor mai bun! Frica (la nevoie teroarea) si simtamantul de vinovatie sunt elemente de coeziune. Iubirea si bucuria se distribuie in doze mici obedientului.

Controlul mijloacelor de comunicare si propaganda care se autopromoveaza. Numai cei din varf stiu exact despre ce e vorba, ce se intampla si care e scopul. Despotul foloseste propaganda si inventeaza cuvinte noi si intelesuri noi. Cuvintelor vechi si puternice ca "libertate", "iubire", etc., li se dau intelesuri noi si sunt programate dinspre varf spre baza piramidei sa domine actiunile celor din structurile inferioare. Cuvintele devin scopuri in sine. Prin puterea propagandei valorile umane sunt rasturnate cu susul in jos adevarurile evidente sunt trecute sub tacere iar minciunile stau ca adevaruri, sau adevarurilor li se da doar un crampei de atentie.

Dobandirea si impunerea increderii absolute. Este principiul "Increderii Totale". Despotii trebuie sa aibe incredere Absoluta in ei insisi! Toti ceilalti trebuie sa-i trateze pe despoti ca pe Zei! Frica si adularea fara urma de indoiala este hrana de care au nevoie despotii pentru a-si duce la final misiunea.

Un comportament brutal si executarea tuturor altor principii. Pentru a face manipularea sa lucreze, brutalitatea trebuie sa impuna celelalte principii fara lamentari despre "daca e bine sau rau".

Care e adevaratul scop al celor din varful piramidei, evolutia omenirii asa cum ei pretind? Guvernele au ca scop prosperitatea si bunastarea populatiilor lor? Dupa cum se vede in realitate este exact opusul: prosperitatea conducatorilor se bazeaza pe sclavizarea celorlalti!

Dimensiunea spirituala, constientizarea a ceea ce se petrece cu adevarat, sunt marile obstacole impotriva controlului mental total. Cei ce vor sa sclavizeze pe altii ii vor pe acestia ignoranti si decuplati de ei insisi si ceilalti. Asta se face zilnic printr-o educatie nefolositoare, prin a va tine permanent ocupati si in confuzie, bombardandu-ne cu stiri despre violenta si cruzimi, pornografie, alcool si droguri, intreceri sportive si distractie, prin a ne oferi hrana cu toxine, prin invidie, lacomie, vinovatie, furie, frica, etc.!

Autoeducati-va si reintoarceti-va spre voi insiva!

Sfârsitul programat al democratiei

Globalizarea poate fi definită ca ideologie prin faptul că se opune statelor suverane; globalizarea identifică statele nationale suverane ca inamici cheie, mai ales din cauză că principala functie a statului este (sau ar trebui să fie) slujirea intereselor celor multi, ale poporului, înainte de interesele celor putini. În consecintă, fortele globalizării caută să slăbească, să dizolve si eventual să distrugă fundatiile statelor nationale ca institutii sociale de bază, pentru a le înlocui într-o nouă ordine supranatională cu noi structuri, globale sau suprastatale, de conducere: structuri sociale, politice, economice, financiare si militare. Asemenea structuri globale sunt cele care vor pune în practică obiectivele politice si interesele economice ale unui mic număr de grupuri si organizatii foarte puternice care astăzi conduc si orientează procesul globalizării într-o directie clar stabilită.

Aceste grupuri ale puterii conduse de interese private au reusit deja ceva nemaivăzut în întreaga istorie a umanitătii: "privatizarea" puterii la scară mondială.

"Globalizarea" este la ora actuală un eufemism a ceea ce fostii presedinti SUA Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman si George H.W. Bush – în diferite momente ale istoriei moderne – au enuntat ca "Noua Ordine Mondială". Noua Ordine Mondială! Evident, când fostul presedinte George Bush Sr. a folosit nestingherit acest termen pe 11 septembrie 1991, elita puterii s-a miscat rapid pentru a se asigura că nu va mai fi folosit des si în locul său a plasat ideea mult mai neutră si aparent inocentă a "globalizării", care mai are azi si un alt înteles: "Imperialismul SUA".

Adevăratii stăpâni ai lumii nu mai sunt guvernele tărilor, ci conducătorii grupurilor multinationale financiare sau industriale si ai unor institutiilor internationale "opace" (FMI, Banca Mondială, OCDE, OMC, băncile centrale). Prin urmare, cei care conduc lumea nu sunt alesi în mod democratic, în ciuda impactului deciziilor lor asupra vietii populatiei. Puterea acestor organizatii se exercită la o dimensiune planetară, în timp ce puterea statelor e limitată la o dimensiune natională. De altfel ponderea societătilor multinationale în fluxurile financiare a depăsit-o de mult pe cea a statelor.

La dimensiune transnatională, mai bogate decât statele si reprezentând principalele surse de finantare ale partidelor politice de orice orientare în majoritatea tărilor, aceste organizatii se situează de fapt mai presus de legi si de puterea politică, mai presus de democratie.

Editarea: - Sursa:

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Use the mouse to make matches of three or more of the same kind. A successful match will color the underlying tiles golden. Fill the entire grid with golden tiles to complete the level. The milk bottle fills up as you make matches. Click on the bottle when it's full. Click to slide an entire row sideways and click again to let go.

House Of Chocolates: This game is as good as a "House of Chocolates" sounds. Match the different chocolate pieces to complete each time based puzzle of a level. Tons of levels to uncover.... very addicting.

Controls: Mouse to aim & click, that's all.

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By Admins (from 28/02/2014 @ 07:03:30, in en - Video Alert, read 1662 times)

This documentary was made by a couple of journalists who just happened to be present when what John Perkins described in Zeitgeist Addendum happened to Hugo Chavez. The attempted coup is exposed in plain as day video footage.

This is a documentary about the April 2002 Venezuelan coup attempt which briefly deposed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. A television crew from Ireland's national broadcaster, RTE happened to be recording a documentary about Chávez during the events of April 11, 2002.


Shifting focus, they followed the events as they occurred. During their filming, the crew recorded images of the events that they say contradict explanations given by Chávez's opposition, the private media, the US State Department, and then White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.

The documentary says that the coup was the result of a conspiracy between various old guard and anti-Chávez factions within Venezuela and the United States.

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Use the Arrow Keys to move arround the store. Press the SPACE bar to steal the wanted item(s). Exit the store but don't get caught in order to advance to the next level. Good luck...!

Jewel Thief: Sneak into a jewelry store and steal the precious jewels avoiding the security devices, guards and other customers around.

Controls: Keyboard: Arrow keys, Space bar

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Sistemul ce l-am cladit si il sustinem (deocamdata) se pregateste sa scape de oameni. Gradul de automatizare creste, eliminand puterea de cumparare pentru majoritatea oamenilor. Va veni o vreme in care locurile de munca stagneaza, productia creste si puterea de cumparare scade. Sistemul se va opri. Bancile vor falimenta si nimic nu mai functioneaza. Avansam rapid in acea directie.

Oamenii sunt impasibili pentru ca sunt hipnotizati. Cei ce controleaza media au avut grija de ei. Insa cand majoritatea oamenilor continua sa fie concediati si nu mai exista putere de cumparare, sistemul se prabuseste… oamenii vor invada. Deja se intampla asta. S-a cheltuit tot ce se putea, s-a vandut tot ce era de vandut in tara asta si ceea ce a mai ramas de facut este imprumutul. Ne-am imprumutat, am platit mai mult decat era nevoie. Ce mai asteptam? Sunt prea putini care au curajul sa iasa in fata. Unii inca mai spera la o alternativa... asteapta ajutor. Ajutor de la cine???

Guvernul imprumuta bani si ii cheltuie pe nevoile demnitarilor in timp ce TU platesti datoria si dobanda. Trebuie sa impulsionam schimbarea si sa ne adaptam schimbarii. Resursele sunt inca abundente, chiar si pentru cei 7 miliarde de oameni care traiesc acum pe Terra. Ceea ce e gresit este modul de impartire a resurselor. In timp ce unii folosesc si irosesc bunuri de care nu au nevoie, altii mor de foame. Inca mai astepti ajutor de la guvern sau te-ai hotarat sa iti faci singur destinul? Crezi ca esti mic si neinsemnat? Impreuna putem schimba sistemul.

Cei care sunt suficient de nebuni incat sa creada ca pot schimba lumea, sunt cei care o schimba cu adevarat.

Cuvintele au detinut intotdeauna puterea. Insa pentru asta e nevoie de dialog. Dialog, pe care conducatorii alesi de catre noi refuza sa il aiba. Ce fac ei in schimb? Isi trimit detasamentele sa ne reduca la tacere. Iar noi ar trebui sa ne supunem. Daca ei nu doresc sa discute inseamna ca vremea discutiilor a luat sfarsit. In momentul in care un conducator nu-si mai reprezinta poporul, acel conducator trebuie schimbat! In clipa in care un sistem este restrictiv cu populatia, sistemul trebuie schimbat! Ce vedem in jurul nostru? Cruzime si nedreptate, intoleranta si asuprire, minciuna si hotie... iar acolo unde odinioara aveam puterea de a ne opune, avem acum supraveghere si cenzura, obligandu-ne sa ne conformam si cerandu-ne supunere. Cum de s-a intamplat asta? Cine e de vina? Cu siguranta ca unii sunt mai responsabili decat altii iar vinovatii (sper), vor fi trasi la raspundere. Trebuie trasi la raspundere!

Daca vrem sa fim realisti, daca ii cautam pe cei cu adevarat vinovati, trebuie doar sa privim in oglinda.

Cred ca toata lumea e de acord ca ceva teribil de gresit se petrece in legatura cu aceasta tara. Cei ce manipuleaza acest mecanism ascuns al societatii reprezinta un guvern invizibil care detine puterea in tara noastra… mintile noastre sunt modelate, gusturile noastre sunt formate, ideile ne sunt sugerate, in general de catre oameni de care nu am auzit niciodata. Saracie, coruptie, manipulare… Sunt multe probleme ce au condus la coruperea ratiunii noastre si la lipsa noastra de bun simt. Am uitat ca nedreptatea, justitia si libertatea inseamna mai mult decat simple cuvinte. Ele sunt perspective… In timp ce legile pot fi schimbate de la un an la altul sau de la un deceniu la altul, adevarul este universal. Oamenii au nevoie sa fie treziti. Au nevoie de un mesaj clar si simplu. Cei care nu au realizat deja, trebuie sa inteleaga ca ne aflam in pragul dezastrului. Fiecare barbat, femeie si copil trebuie sa simta cat de aproape suntem de haos. Desi nu toti sunt pregatiti, fiecare ar trebui sa incerce macar sa faca un mic pas spre a intelege ca e nevoie de schimbare. Libertatea nu este oferita voluntar de catre asupritor, ea trebuie ceruta si luata de catre cei asupriti. Libertatea inseamna si responsabilitatea pe care trebuie sa si-o asume cei care beneficiaza de ea.

Oamenii nu ar trebui sa se teama de guvernele lor, guvernele ar trebui sa se teama de oamenii lor.

Vremea discutiilor s-a terminat, e timpul sa facem ceva ! Oamenii se tem… in special de schimbare. Nu putem sti cum se va termina, dar putem declansa inceputul. Oare de ce nu vedem ca suntem sclavi ? Pentru ca ne-am nascut intr-o inchisoare a mintii creata special pentru noi in urma cu ceva timp de catre conducatorii nostri. Ne-am nascut in robie… insa depinde de noi daca acceptam asta. Si din cate vad in jur, acceptam. Mai mult decat ar fi normal. Bunicii nostri au luptat in razboi, parintii au fost la revolutie… va veni timpul sa-i povestesti copilului tau ce ai facut pentru a-i imbunatati viata. Imaginati-va o lume fara reguli gresite sau control, o lume fara limite, o lume a oamenilor, in care totul este posibil. Ce fel de lume va fi asta? Voi hotarati!


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Rules: The logical dominoes represent a puzzle you will have to resolve in two minutes! The chips that are deprived of the separating line are put on the board in a form of a rectangle. You have to restore the original chips or form new ones. For that you should left click on the first half of the assumed chip and release the button only when the cursor is on the second half. If you are right with the chip and there are no more chips on the board identical to it then it appears on the board.

Logical Dominos: Try to separate out all the Domino pieces which are joined together to form a grid, in this addictive puzzle.

Controls: Mouse.

General rules for the domino games: the most popular type of play are layout games, which fall into two main categories, blocking games and scoring games. The most basic domino variant is for two players and requires a double six set. The 28 tiles are shuffled face down and form the stock or boneyard. Each player draws seven tiles; the remainder are not used. Once the players begin drawing tiles, they are typically placed on-edge before the players, so that each player can see his own tiles, but none can see the value of other players' tiles. Every player can thus see how many tiles remain in the other players' hands at all times during gameplay. One player begins by downing (playing the first tile) one of their tiles. This tile starts the line of play, a series of tiles in which adjacent tiles touch with matching, i.e. equal, values. The players alternately extend the line of play with one tile at one of its two ends. The game ends when one player wins by playing their last tile, or when the game is blocked because neither player can play. If that occurs, whoever caused the block gets all of the remaining player points not counting their own.

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By Admins (from 02/03/2014 @ 07:09:26, in en - Video Alert, read 1808 times)


John Perkins is an American author. His best known book is Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004), in which Perkins claims to have played a role in an alleged process of economic colonization of Third World countries on behalf of what he portrays as a cabal of corporations, banks, and the United States government.



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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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