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Expertii în energie cred ca algele reprezinta o sursa promitatoare de biocombustibil, ca alternativa la carbune si petrol. Ideea acestora este acum mai aproape de realitate, dupa ce o echipa de cercetatori din SUA a descoperit cum pot fi convertite în energie zaharurile din alge.

O reuşită revoluţionară aduce biocombustibilul din alge mai aproape de realitate

Un microb creat în laborator metabolizeaza toate zaharurile din algele brune, acestea devenind o sursa alternativa de energie la un cost similar cu cel al petrolului.

Echipa de cercetatori de la Bio Architecture Lab din Berkeley, California, a modificat o bacterie E. coli, permitând acesteia sa transforme zaharurile din alge brune în etanol. Spre deosebire de microbii conceputi pâna acum, acesta poate folosi principala grupa de zaharuri din algele brune, alginatul.

"Cercetatorii nostri au conceput o metoda prin care toate grupele de zaharuri din alge pot fi transformate în energie, reusind acest lucru cu un cost mic", a declarat Daniel Trunfio, directorul Bio Architecture Lab.

Algele constituie o sursa de biocombustibil extrem de promitatoare în comparatie cu porumbul si trestia de zahar. Spre deosebire de aceste surse traditionale de etanol, algele nu necesita folosirea terenurilor arabile în detrimentul culturilor plantate în scop alimentar.

Oamenii de stiinta estimeaza ca mai putin de 3% din apele de coasta ale planetei pot furniza suficiente alge pentru a înlocui 227 de miliarde de litri de combustibil de origine fosila. În conditii optime, algele pot produce anual 19.000 de litri de etanol pe hectar, productivitatea pe hectar fiind dubla în comparatie cu cea a sfeclei de zahar si de 5 ori mai mare decât cea a porumbului.

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Neurologii de la Universitatea Newcastle din Anglia au obtinut o finantare de 4,4 milioane de lire sterline din partea fundatiei Wellcome Trust pentru cercetari asupra unei tehnici de fertilizare in vitro controversate, prin care se încearca modificarea unor parti din ovul ce prezinta un risc de a transmite fatului defectele genetice ale mamei.

Procedura implica transferarea ADN-ului din ovulul mamei în ovulul unei donatoare, pentru a înlocui mitocondriile defectuoase. Apoi, ovulul este implantat în uterul mamei, prevenind astfel transmiterea unor gene defectuoase fatului. Gratie acestei proceduri, bebelusii nu vor mai fi afectati de numeroase boli incurabile care afecteaza ficatul, rinichii, creierul, muschii si inima.

Copiii cu trei părinţi vor deveni realitate în maxim trei ani

Mitocondriile sunt "bateriile microscopice" care alimenteaza cu energie toate celulele vii din corp. Atunci când aceste baterii celulare nu functioneaza, pacientii ajung sa sufere de boli foarte grave care afecteaza toate tesuturile care depind de mitocondrii - mai ales muschii, inima si creierul. În Marea Britanie exista mii de pacienti cu aceste afectiuni.

"În fiecare an, avem ca pacienti sute de persoane a caror viata este profund afectata de bolile mitocondriale", a afirmat profesorul Doug Turnbull, cercetatorul care coordoneaza acest proiect. "Vrem sa schimbam ceva în viata acestor oameni", a adaugat Turnbull.

"Finantarea ne va permite sa derulam experimente prin care sa demonstram ca aceasta tehnica, inspirata din procedurile de fertilizare in vitro folosite astazi, este sigura si eficienta", a mai spus Turnbull.

Cercetatorii spun ca doar 0,2% din ADN-ul bebelusului va proveni din ovulul donatoarei, iar acest material genetic care provine de la a treia persoana nu va contine nicio caracteristica a donatoarei.

Sir Mark Walport, conducatorul fundatiei Wellcome Trust, a declarat ca întâmpina "cu bucurie aceasta oportunitate de a explica publicului de ce noi consideram ca aceasta tehnica este esentiala pentru a oferi familiilor afectate de aceste boli sansa de a avea copii sanatosi, lucru pe care multi dintre noi îl considera ceva firesc".

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This is especially problematic for victims of severe burns. A new customized sugary gel substance can work wonders to re-grow skin and the associated blood vessels, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

The method involves a specially designed hydrogel, a water-based polymer. This one is made of mostly water with dissolved dextran, a type of sugar, and polyethlyene glycol (a common substance found in everything from antifreeze to laxatives).

We have seen hydrogels used before in creating artificial skin — last winter, Rice University researchers used a PEG hydrogel, doped with human growth factors and platelets, to induce the growth of artificial vessels. But this new one is interesting because the researchers didn’t add anything — no growth factors or anything else. This particular hydrogel’s physical structure apparently rendered that unnecessary. The researchers aren’t even certain how this happened.Sharon Gerecht, an assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, and her postdoc Guoming Sun set out to use their hydrogel as a wound dressing for severe burns. An artificial skin dressing offers greater protection against infection and promotes healing better than other types of wound coverings, they say in their paper, published in this week’s edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In a study involving mice, the researchers removed badly burned skin from the center of a burn wound, and covered this opening with the hydrogel. As a control, they covered some wounds with a material derived from cow collagen, which is currently used to treat human burn victims at the Hopkins Burn Center. The other wounds were left alone with just the hydrogel.

After three weeks, the hydrogel worked even better than the control, the researchers say. This was a surprise, so the team worked out a supplementary study to determine why the hydrogel breaks down so readily and how the animals' bodies were able to use it to generate new dermal tissue. It turns out that the body’s natural inflammatory response — involving neutrophils and macrophages — accumulated easily inside the hydrogel. Its physical structure enabled their easy entry, which promoted the breakdown of the hydrogel and enabling blood vessels to fill it in. Gerecht also believes the hydrogel might recruit bone marrow stem cells, which are naturally induced to differentiate into skin and blood vessel cells.

This is good news, because the faster this process happens, the less chance there is for scarring, Gerecht said in a Hopkins news release.

“Our study clearly demonstrates that dextran hydrogel alone, without the addition of growth factors or cytokines, promotes rapid [vessel growth] and complete skin regeneration, thus holding great potential to serve as a unique device for superior treatment of dermal wounds in clinical applications,” they write.

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Logaritmi, seno, coseno e radici quadrate: mettersi a fare i calcoli con carta e penna non è affatto facile. Per fortuna, qualcuno ha trovato il modo di racchiudere una grande potenza di calcolo in un guscio compatto e dallo stile inconfondibile. Si tratta della Hp-35, la prima calcolatrice scientifica dotata di tutte le funzioni necessarie per passare un esame di analisi matematica. Nel giro di pochi anni, la prodigiosa macchinetta conquista il mercato, e sopravvive a una serie di crash-test incredibili.

Infuso di scienza Ma la pubblicità è più cool Soluzioni intelligenti

Con la semplice pressione di un tasto, la Hp-35 eseguiva funzioni trigonometriche e logaritmiche restituendo il risultato su un piccolo schermo a led rossi. Fino a allora, calcoli del genere potevano essere fatti solo con calcolatori da tavolo (o computer), e gli studi di mercato spergiuravano sul fatto che nessun nuovo prodotto tascabile avrebbe mai intaccato la loro supremazia.

Senza farsi scoraggiare, alla Hewlett-Packard pensarono che fosse arrivato il momento di cambiare le carte in tavola, e mettere in tasca alla gente una potenza di calcolo mai vista. La Hp-35 venne messa in commercio il primo febbraio 1972: nel giro di tre anni ne erano già stati venduti 300mila esemplari. Si trattava di un prodotto pensato soprattutto per i laboratori e gli uffici dei professionisti, visto che il prezzo di partenza era di 395 dollari (circa 1.500 euro di oggi).

Il display a led poteva visualizzare fino a 10 cifre decimali e esponenti a doppia cifra, mentre l'alimentazione era fornita da tre batterie ricaricabili AA. Sulla Hp-35 c'erano, per l'appunto, 35 tasti ma mancavano le parentesi. Infatti le operazioni più complesse venivano risolte grazie all'impiego della notazione polacca inversa (Rpn), una soluzione matematica che permette di svolgere i calcoli immettendo nella macchina gli operandi (i numeri) e gli operatori (+, -, *, /) in modo separato.

Insomma, una soluzione semplice e pratica che segnò l'inizio all'era delle calcolatrici tascabili. Di lì a poco, i successori della Hp-35 sarebbero entrati nelle tasche di tutti. Non a caso, Forbes ha definito la creatura della Hewlett uno dei 20 oggetti che hanno cambiato il mondo.

Infine, la prima compatta scientifica ha battuto anche molti record di prestazioni e resistenza: è stata in cima all'Everest, nello spazio e dentro la pancia di un ippopotamo. Nell'ultimo caso, sembra che sia stata digerita e espulsa in perfette condizioni. Altri assicurano che la loro Hp-35 è caduta dentro un cannone sparaneve e finita sotto le ruote di una Ford Gran-Torino del '73. Il risultato? Neppure un graffio.


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Casatoria nu aduce atât de multe avantaje cuplurilor precum se credea pâna acum, arata un nou studiu conform caruia casatoria nu aduce niciun avantaj în plus fata de coabitare în ceea ce priveste sanatatea, stima de sine si bunastarea psihologica.

Persoanele care trăiesc în concubinaj sunt mai fericite decât cele căsătorite

Conducatoarea studiului publicat în Journal of Marriage and Family, Kelly Musick de la Universitatea Cornell afirma ca relatia romantica în sine aduce aceste beneficii, nu casatoria.

"A te gasi într-o relatie romantica, indiferent de forma legala a acesteia, prezinta numeroase avantaje în comparatie cu starea de celibat", explica Musick.

Cercetarea a dezvaluit ca, pentru multe persoane, starea de concubinaj este o optiune mai buna decât casatoria. Participantii la studiu care traiau în concubinaj erau mai fericiti si prezentau un nivel mai ridicat al stimei de sine decât persoanele casatorite. "Acest lucru s-ar putea datora faptului ca, în concubinaj, persoanele dispun de mai multa independenta si se pot concentra mai mult pe dezvoltarea personala, lucru care se dovedeste extrem de important pentru multe persoane în anumite etape ale vietii. De asemenea, coabitarea implica mult mai putine obligatii nedorite în comparatie cu casatoria", explica Musick.

Majoritatea studiilor efectuate pâna acum comparau persoanele casatorite cu cele care nu se aflau într-o relatie. Aceasta noua cercetare a studiat viata a 2.737 de persoane singure de-a lungul a 6 ani, observându-le atunci când au început o relatie sau s-au casatorit.

Participantii la studiu si-au evaluat starea de sanatate si de fericire, raspunzând de asemenea la un chestionar despre stima de sine, depresie si legaturile cu prietenii si familia.

De-a lungul celor 6 ani, aproximativ 900 de participanti s-au casatorit ori s-au mutat cu un partener.

În general, atât casatoria cât si concubinajul au avut un efect pozitiv asupra starii de sanatate. Atât persoanele casatorite, cât si cele care doar locuiau împreuna cu partenerul au fost mai fericite si au înregistrat un numar mai mic de episoade depresive în comparatie cu persoanele care nu se aflau într-o relatie. Cercetarea a descoperit, însa, ca aceste efecte pozitive se diminuau cu timpul.

De asemenea, cercetatorii au descoperit ca atât persoanele care se casatoresc, cât si cele care doar coabiteaza tind sa limiteze timpul petrecut cu prietenii si cu familia în comparatie cu persoanele care nu se afla într-o relatie.

Studiul le permite cercetatorilor sa afirme ca perspectiva conform careia "casatoria este solutia pentru multe dintre problemele societatii" nu este realista.

"SUA, spre exemplu, promoveaza casatoria mult mai mult decât alte tari dezvoltate. Studiul nostru arata, însa, ca alte forme ale relatiilor de cuplu aduc aceleasi beneficii indivizilor. Casatoria nu este unica metoda prin care cuplurile devin mai fericite si mai sanatoase", explica dr. Musick. De aceea, cercetatorii nu încurajeaza folosirea fondurilor publice pentru promovarea casatoriei în dauna altor structuri familiale.

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Admittedly, it sounds like the most foolhardy of criminal capers, and one of the cheekiest, too.  Outside the police station in the small Victorian mill town of Todmorden, West Yorkshire, there are three large raised flower beds. If you’d visited a few months ago, you’d have found them overflowing with curly kale, carrot plants, lettuces, spring onions — all manner of vegetables and salad leaves.

Today the beds are bare. Why? Because people have been wandering up to the police station forecourt in broad daylight and digging up the vegetables. And what are the cops doing about this brazen theft from right under their noses? Nothing Well, that’s not quite correct.

‘I watch ’em on camera as they come up and pick them,’ says desk officer Janet Scott, with a huge grin. It’s the smile that explains everything.

For the vegetable-swipers are not thieves. The police station carrots — and thousands of vegetables in 70 large beds around the town — are there for the taking. Locals are encouraged to help themselves. A few tomatoes here, a handful of broccoli there. If they’re in season, they’re yours. Free.

So there are (or were) raspberries, apricots and apples on the canal towpath; blackcurrants, redcurrants and strawberries beside the doctor’s surgery; beans and peas outside the college; cherries in the supermarket car park; and mint, rosemary, thyme and fennel by the health centre.

The vegetable plots are the most visible sign of an amazing plan: to make Todmorden the first town in the country that is self-sufficient in food.

‘And we want to do it by 2018,’ says Mary Clear, 56, a grandmother of ten and co-founder of Incredible Edible, as the scheme is called.

‘It’s a very ambitious aim. But if you don’t aim high, you might as well stay in bed, mightn’t you?’

So what’s to stop me turning up with a huge carrier bag and grabbing all the rosemary in the town?

‘Nothing,’ says Mary.

What’s to stop me nabbing all the apples?


All your raspberries?


It just doesn’t happen like that, she says. ‘We trust people. We truly believe — we are witness to it — that people are decent.’

When she sees the Big Issue seller gathering fruit for his lunch, she feels only pleasure. What does it matter, argues Mary, if once in a while she turns up with her margarine tub to find that all the strawberries are gone?

‘This is a revolution,’ she says. ‘But we are gentle revolutionaries. Everything we do is underpinned by kindness.’

The idea came about after she and co-founder Pam Warhurst, the former owner of the town’s Bear Cafe, began fretting about the state of the world and wondered what they could do.

They reasoned that all they could do is start locally, so they got a group of people, mostly women, together in the cafe.

‘Wars come about by men having drinks in bars, good things come about when women drink coffee together,’ says Mary.  ‘Our thinking was: there’s so much blame in the world — blame local government, blame politicians, blame bankers, blame technology — we thought, let’s just do something positive instead.’ We’re standing by a car park in the town centre. Mary points to a housing estate up the hill. Her face lights up.

‘The children walk past here on the way to school. We’ve filled the flower beds with fennel and they’ve all been taught that if you bite fennel, it tastes like a liquorice gobstopper. When I see the children popping little bits of herb into their mouths, I just think it’s brilliant.’

She takes me over to the front garden of her own house, a few yards away.  Three years ago, when Incredible Edible was launched, she did a very unusual thing: she lowered her front wall, in order to encourage passers-by to walk into her garden and help themselves to whatever vegetables took their fancy.

There were signs asking people to take something but it took six months for folk to ‘get it’, she says. They get it now. Obviously a few town-centre vegetable plants — even thousands of them — are not going to feed a community of 15,000 by themselves.

But the police station potatoes act as a recruiting sergeant — to encourage residents to grow their own food at home. Today, hundreds of townspeople who began by helping themselves to the communal veg are now well on the way to self-sufficiency. But out on the street, what gets planted where? There’s kindness even in that.

‘The ticket man at the railway station, who was very much loved, was unwell. Before he died, we asked him: “What’s your favourite vegetable, Reg?” It was broccoli. So we planted memorial beds with broccoli at the station. One stop up the line, at Hebden Bridge, they loved Reg, too — and they’ve also planted broccoli in his memory.’ Not that all the plots are — how does one put this delicately? — ‘official’.

Take the herb bushes by the canal. Owners British Waterways had no idea locals had been sowing plants there until an official inspected the area ahead of a visit by the Prince of Wales last year (Charles is a huge Incredible Edible fan).

Estelle Brown, a 67-year-old former interior designer who tended the plot, received an email from British Waterways.

‘I was a bit worried to open it,’ she says. ‘But it said: “How do you build a raised bed? Because my boss wants one outside his office window.”’

Incredible Edible is also about much more than plots of veg. It’s about educating people about food, and stimulating the local economy.

There are lessons in pickling and preserving fruits, courses on bread-making, and the local college is to offer a BTEC in horticulture. The thinking is that young people who have grown up among the street veg may make a career in food.

Crucially, the scheme is also about helping local businesses. The Bear, a wonderful shop and cafe with a magnificent original Victorian frontage, sources all its ingredients from farmers within a 30-mile radius. There’s a brilliant daily market. People here can eat well on local produce, and thousands now do.

Meanwhile, the local school was recently awarded a Ł500,000 Lottery grant to set up a fish farm in order to provide food for the locals and to teach useful skills to young people.

Jenny Coleman, 62, who retired here from London, explains: ‘We need something for our young people to do. If you’re an 18-year-old, there’s got to be a good answer to the question: why would I want to stay in Todmorden?’

The day I visit, the town is battered by a bitterly-cold rain storm.  Yet the place radiates warmth. People speak to each other in the street, wave as neighbours drive past, smile.  If the phrase hadn’t been hijacked, the words ‘we’re all in this together’ would spring to mind.

So what sort of place is Todmorden (known locally, without exception, as ‘Tod’)? If you’re assuming it’s largely peopled by middle-class grandmothers, think again. Nor is this place a mecca for the gin-and-Jag golf club set.

Set in a Pennine valley — once, the road through the town served as the border between Yorkshire and Lancashire — it is a vibrant mix of age, class and ethnicity. A third of households do not own a car; a fifth do not have central heating.  You can snap up a terrace house for Ł50,000 — or spend close to Ł1?million on a handsome stone villa with seven bedrooms.  And the scheme has brought this varied community closer together, according to Pam Warhurst.  Take one example. ‘The police have told us that, year on year, there has been a reduction in vandalism since we started,’ she says. ‘We weren’t expecting this.’

So why has it happened?

Pam says: ‘If you take a grass verge that was used as a litter bin and a dog toilet and turn it into a place full of herbs and fruit trees, people won’t vandalise it. I think we are hard-wired not to damage food.’

Pam reckons a project like Incredible Edible could thrive in all sorts of places. ‘If the population is very transient, it’s difficult. But if you’ve got schools, shops, back gardens and verges, you can do it.’ Similar schemes are being piloted in 21 other towns in the UK, and there’s been interest shown from as far afield as Spain, Germany, Hong Kong and Canada. And, this week, Mary Clear gave a talk to an all-party group of MPs at Westminster.

Todmorden was visited by a planner from New Zealand, working on the rebuilding of his country after February’s earthquake.

Mary says: ‘He went back saying: “Why wouldn’t we rebuild the railway station with pick-your-own herbs? Why wouldn’t we rebuild the health centre with apple trees?” ‘What we’ve done is not clever. It just wasn’t being done.’

The final word goes to an outsider. Joe Strachan is a wealthy U.S. former sales director who decided to settle in Tod with his Scottish wife, after many years in California.  He is 61 but looks 41. He became active with Incredible Edible six months ago, and couldn’t be happier digging, sowing and juicing fruit. I find myself next to him, sheltering from the driving rain. Why, I ask, would someone forsake the sunshine of California for all this?

His answer sums up what the people around here have achieved.

‘There’s a nobility to growing food and allowing people to share it. There’s a feeling we’re doing something significant rather than just moaning that the state can’t take care of us.  ‘Maybe we all need to learn to take care of ourselves.’

Source: DailyMail via

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Altre 20mila persone, in un anno, sono rimaste senza lavoro. Il numero di disoccupati in Italia è salito nel periodo dello  0,9%, attestandosi a quota 2,2 milioni di persone. Sempre più persone si gettano così alla ricerca di lavoro tramite Web, pensando che questo sia uno strumento in grado di semplificare la ricerca. “Per certe categorie, come top manager o chi vuole lavorare nella comunicazione digitale, il Web è sempre più funzionale - spiega Eugenia Burchi, Social Media Analyst di Blogmeter - Per gli operai o giovani senza istruzione è meno vero, anche se possono spesso fare riferimento alle pagine Facebook delle aziende a cui sono interessati”. Il problema è che Internet, in tempi di crisi, ha reso la ricerca di lavoro una competizione. 

“Se i tradizionali strumenti di ricerca, come referenze, giornali e siti di offerte di lavoro e di aziende restano gli strumenti più usati per trovare lavoro - spiega Burchi - oggi la ricerca di lavoro tramite i social network ha raggiunto una quota del 16%”. Tramite i social network però non si trova solo lavoro, ci si valuta reciprocamente. Secondo i dati raccolti da Blogmeter il 66% delle persone ha bocciato un datore di lavoro per via di informazioni trovate online. E le aziende fanno lo stesso con i candidati. “C’è un problema di reputazione online - spiega Eugenio Amendola, Managing Director di Anthea Consulting - L’azienda prima di assumere va sistematicamente su social media per una valutazione più completa, perché i nostri profili dicono di più e sono molto più veritieri di un cv o un colloquio”.

Occorre quindi privilegiare la cura dei propri profili web a quella del proprio curriculum vitae? “La cosa più importante è la lettera di presentazione - risponde Burchi - Il cv è superato, chi vuole trovarci ci cerca sul Web. Per questo occorre presentarsi bene e inserire i link giusti. Segnalando anche eventuali interessi diversi da quelli del settore per cui ci candidiamo. Se abbiamo un blog o un account Twitter interessante è utile segnalarlo”. Questo richiede quindi una tutela dei propri profili: “Le aziende osservano i social network e bisogna sapersi proteggere, nascondendo i profili che possono creare problemi e avendo riguardo per la nostra privacy”.

”Il lavoro si trova anche sul Web, sempre di più - afferma Burchi - Principalmente attraverso LinkedIn, ma stanno crescendo anche Twitter e Facebook”. Ci sono poi strumenti ad hoc come Viadeo, BranchOut o Jobnaut. Un buon curriculum in sostanza non basta più. Perché se è vero che la segnalazione resta il miglior modo per entrare in un’azienda, è anche vero che “i social network offrono la possibilità di segnalarsi e raccomandarsi sulla base del proprio profilo”, analizza Amendola.

Come? “I social network aiutano a comunicare se stessi - spiega Amendola - Attraverso la cura del profilo e dei collegamenti è possibile rafforzare il proprio brand personale e oggi un’identità digitale rende molto più forte un’auto-candidatura. L’interazione con il profilo dell’azienda in cui si vuole lavorare, i collegamenti con i dipendenti di questa sono i mezzi migliori per farsi conoscere”. Meglio seguire qualche semplice regola d’oro per sfruttare al meglio i social network.


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Cercetatorii au identificat 281 de markeri genetici asociati cu longevitatea, dupa ce au examinat un grup de 800 de persoane cu o medie de vârsta de 104 ani, comparând apoi genele acestora cu un grup de persoane din toate grupele de vârsta.

Multe dintre persoanele studiate cu o vârsta de peste 100 de ani atinsesera aceasta etate în ciuda unui stil de viata nesanatos. De aceea, cercetatorii de la Boston School of Medicine au concluzionat ca aceste gene au un efect mai puternic asupra longevitatii decât stilul de viata nesanatos.

Un test de sânge ne va spune dacă vom trăi 100 de ani

Folosind doar datele genetice, cercetatorii au reusit sa prezica cu o acuratete de 71% persoanele din grup care au atins vârsta de 102 ani si cu o acuratete de 85% care sunt persoanele care au atins vârsta de 105 ani.

Profesorul Thomas Perls, conducatorul studiului, a declarat ca "multe dintre genele identificate de studiul nostru erau deja asociate de cercetari precedente unor boli precum Alzheimer, afectiuni cardiovasculare, diabet si leziunilor provocate de radicalii liberi, toate acestea fiind afectiuni specifice vârstei a treia. Acest lucru este foarte interesant, pentru ca dovezile acumulate pâna acum indica faptul ca persoanele care traiesc peste 100 de ani amâna sau chiar evita aceste afectiuni ale batrânetii".

Pentru a identifica cele 281 de variatiuni genetice asociate longevitatii, cercetatorii au studiat aproximativ 250.000 de astfel de variatiuni (denumite "polimorfisme ale unui singur nucleotid").

Profesorul Perls afirma ca o studiere mai amanuntita a acestor 281 de variatiuni genetice ar putea permite oamenilor de stiinta sa înteleaga de ce unele persoane evita afectiunile tipice batrânetii, ducând în cele din urma la conceperea unor noi tratamente pentru aceste boli.

De asemenea, acest studiu ar putea fi un prim pas spre conceperea unui test de sânge care ar identifica persoanele care au sanse mari sa atinga vârsta de 100 de ani. Oamenii de stiinta avertizeaza, însa, ca aceste teste ar putea încuraja aceste persoane sa nu se preocupe la fel de mult de a duce un stil de viata sanatos.

"Chiar daca unele persoane prezinta o combinatie de variante genetice care sunt corelate cu longevitatea si care par sa compenseze pentru un stil de viata de nesanatos, recomandam în continuare ca toata lumea sa încerce sa aiba un stil de viata sanatos", a conchis profesorul Perls.

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Part of a suite of statistical tools called MINE, it can tease out multiple patterns hidden in health information from around the globe, statistics amassed from a season of major league baseball, data on the changing bacterial landscape of the gut, and much more.

The researchers report their findings in a paper appearing in the December 16 2011 issue of the journal Science.

From Facebook to physics to the global economy, the world is filled with data sets that could take a person hundreds of years to analyze by eye. Sophisticated computer programs can search these data sets with great speed, but fall short when researchers attempt to even-handedly detect different kinds of patterns in large data collections.

"There are massive data sets that we want to explore, and within them, there may be many relationships that we want to understand," said Broad Institute associate member Pardis Sabeti, senior author of the paper and an assistant professor at the Center for Systems Biology at Harvard University. "The human eye is the best way to find these relationships, but these data sets are so vast that we can't do that. This toolkit gives us a way of mining the data to look for relationships."

The researchers tested their analytical toolkit on several large data sets, including one provided by Harvard colleague Peter Turnbaugh who is interested in the trillions of microorganisms that live in the gut. Working with Turnbaugh, the research team harnessed MINE to make more than 22 million comparisons and narrowed in on a few hundred patterns of interest that had not been observed before.

"The goal of this statistic is to take data with a lot of different dimensions and many possible correlations and pick out the top ones," said Michael Mitzenmacher, a senior author of the paper and professor of computer science at Harvard University. "We view this as an exploration tool -- it can find patterns and rank them in an equitable way."

One of the tool's greatest strengths is that it can detect a wide range of patterns and characterize them according to a number of different parameters a researcher might be interested in. Other statistical tools work well for searching for a specific pattern in a large data set, but cannot score and compare different kinds of possible relationships. MINE, which stands for Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration, is able to analyze a broad spectrum of patterns.

"Standard methods will see one pattern as signal and others as noise," said David Reshef, a co-first author of the paper who is currently a graduate student in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program and also worked on this project as a graduate student in the department of statistics at the University of Oxford. "There can potentially be a variety of different types of relationships in a given data set. What's exciting about our method is that it looks for any type of clear structure within the data, attempting to find all of them."

Not only does MINE attempt to identify any pattern within the data, but it also attempts to do so with an eye toward capturing different types of patterns equally well. "This ability to search for patterns in an equitable way offers tremendous exploratory potential in terms of searching for patterns without having to know ahead of time what to search for," said David Reshef.

MINE is especially powerful in exploring data sets with relationships that may harbor more than one important pattern. As a proof of concept, the researchers applied MINE to social, economic, health, and political data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners. When they compared the relationship between household income and female obesity, they found two contrasting trends in the data. Many countries follow a parabolic rate, with obesity rates rising with income but peaking and tapering off after income reaches a certain level. But in the Pacific Islands, where female obesity is a sign of status, countries follow a steep trend, with the rate of obesity climbing as income increases.

"Many data sets will contain these types of complicated relationships that are guided by multiple drivers," said Sabeti. MINE is able to identify these. "This greatly extends our capability to find interesting relationships in data."

Researchers can use MINE to generate new ideas and connections that no one has thought to look for before.

"Our tool is a hypothesis generator," said Yakir Reshef, a co-first author of the paper and a Fulbright scholar at the Weizmann Institute of Science. "The standard paradigm is hypothesis-driven science, where you come up with a hypothesis based on your personal observations. But by exploring the data, you get ideas for hypotheses that would never have occurred to you otherwise."

In addition to testing the ability of the suite of tools to detect patterns in biological and health data, the researchers examined data collected from the 2008 baseball season.

"One question that we thought would be particularly interesting would be to see what things were most strongly associated with salary," said David Reshef. The researchers generated a list of relationships, finding that the strongest associations with salary were hits, total bases, and an aggregate statistic that reflects how many runs a player generated for a team. "Given the stakes, baseball is so well documented. We're curious to see what can be done in this realm with tools like MINE."

Researchers from many different fields, including systems biology, computer science, statistics, and mathematics, all contributed to this project. "People are getting better at combining data from different sources, and in some ways, this project is in the spirit of that," said Yakir Reshef. "The project brought together authors from many disciplines. It symbolizes the kind of collaborations that we hope people will use this for in the future."

Other authors who contributed to this work include Hilary Finucane, Sharon Grossman, Gilean McVean, and Eric Lander. Funding for this work was provided by the Packard Foundation, Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, National Science Foundation, European Research Council, and the National Institutes of Health.

Source: ScienceDaily via

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Né sacerdote né avvocato. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), come molti illustri colleghi, disobbedì al volere di famiglia (dello zio, in particolare) e virò dagli studi giuridici a quelli scientifici. Formandosi per lo più da autodidatta, aiutato in parte dalla grande curiosità che lo aveva accompagnato sin da piccolo e in parte da alcuni fortunati incontri. Uno dei quali fu quello con l’amico Giulio Cesare Gattoni, che aveva conosciuto proprio in seminario.

Fu infatti nel laboratorio improvvisato dell’amico che Volta - complici anche le letture di alcuni libri, come The History and Present State of Electricity di Joseph Priestley (lo scienziato che aveva contribuito alla scoperta dell’ossigeno) - cominciò a interessarsi di scienza. Dell’elettricità, in particolare. Ma anche se lo ricordiamo per la costruzione dell’elettroforo (uno strumento per accumulare carica elettrica), dell’elettrometro (per misurare la differenza di potenziale), per la sua disputa con Luigi Galvani sull’ elettricità animale e per la creazione della pila, Alessandro Volta non si occupò solo di elettricità.

Intorno agli anni Settanta del Diciottesimo secolo, Volta aveva sentito degli strani racconti sul fiume Lambro, in Lombardia: passando con una candela sulla superficie delle sue acque paludose, si accendevano fiammelle di un insolito colore azzurro. Non era la prima volta che qualcuno riportava l’insolito fenomeno, fino ad allora etichettato come un’ “esalazione di aria infiammabile, di origine minerale”. Ma Volta era comunque deciso a toccare con mano quei fuochi.

L’occasione sarebbe stata una passeggiata negli stagni di Angera, nei pressi del Lago Maggiore. Si  racconta che durante una gita in barca lo scienziato smosse con un bastoncino il fondale, notando delle bollicine che risalivano verso l’alto. Se fosse riuscito a catturare quelle bollicine, pensò Volta, avrebbe potuto capirne meglio le caratteristiche. Così, come si fa con un insetto per studiarlo al microscopio una volta tornati in laboratorio, il giovane Alessandro raccolse dei campioni di quell’aria melmosa e le imprigionò in un contenitore.

Si accorse presto che così come l’idrogeno, il gas emanato dalle paludi era infiammabile. Aveva scoperto quello che solo molti anni dopo sarebbe stato riconosciuto come il più semplice degli idrocarburi della famiglia degli alcani, il metano, formula CH 4, prodotto della decomposizione di organismi viventi. Una scoperta che si dice risalire al 31 gennaio 1776 e per la quale lo scienziato italiano trovò presto un’applicazione.

Con quell’ “aria nativa delle paludi”, come si riferiva al metano, costruì infatti la pistola elettroflogopneumatica: all’interno di un contenitore di vetro mescolò insieme ossigeno e aria infiammabile che, in presenza di una scintilla, potevano esplodere lanciando in aria un tappo di sughero. Una sorta di sistema di allarme. E nelle sue ipotesi il sistema poteva funzionare anche a distanza, con un segnale di innesco trasportato per via elettrica. Non vi ricorda il telegrafo?


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