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By Admin (from 17/04/2011 @ 14:00:47, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 1673 times)

Nel distretto di Spittal non è situato solo il Millstättersee, ma anche il Weissensee, del quale acqua è meravigliosa nonchè bevibile, si trova ad un'altitudine di 930 metri. Le più di 2000 ore di sole e la favorevole temperatura di ben 24° C lo rendono un vero e proprio paradiso nella stagione estiva.

Lo sci nautico, l’immersione subacquea ed anche il salto dello scoglio (tanto amato dai giovani austriaci) Vi aspettano. L’immersione che raggiunge fino ai 20 metri di profondità è davvero unica per i laghi, e Vi vengono offerti dei corsi per provare, corsi speciali ed anche corsi di un giorno solo. Con il motoscafo è possibile provare a praticare il paracadutismo. Un'altra esperienza un pò diversa, ma molto divertente che Vi consigliamo assolutamente è il giro della banana oppure dei gommoni.
22 diverse specie di pesci sono presenti nel lago, e per i pescatori ci sarà la possibilità di gelare i pesci proprio subito dopo averli pescati. Il meraviglioso mondo montano intorno al lago con un panorama fiabesco, è anche il punto di partenza per tante escursioni. Quest'ultime vanno dai 930 metri fino ai 2300 metri di altitudine e sono ricchissime di leggende. Anche il nordic walking e la corsa in mountainbike sono praticabili in perfette condizioni.

In inverno Vi potrete divertire un mondo andando con gli sci da discesa e con gi sci da fondo. Quando il lago è ghiacciato, si può anche praticare il pattinaggio oppure l'hockey su giaccio.
Tanti hotel ed alberghi così come gli incantevoli paesaggi Vi aspettano. Gli amanti della natura troveranno inoltre un campeggio sul lago.


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By Admin (from 17/04/2011 @ 11:00:39, in en - Science and Society, read 2650 times)

The world of computing is in transition. As chips become smaller and faster, they dissipate more heat, which is energy that is entirely wasted.

By some estimates the difference between the amount of energy required to carry out a computation and the amount that today's computers actually use, is some eight orders of magnitude. Clearly, there is room for improvement.

So the search is on to find more efficient forms of computation, and there is no shortage of options.

One of the outside runners in the race to take the world of logic by storm is reversible computing. By that, computer scientists mean computation that takes place in steps that are time reversible.

So if a logic gate changes an input X into a output Y, then there is an inverse operation which reverses this step. Crucially, these must be one-to one mappings, meaning that a given input produces a single unique output.

These requirements for reversibility place tight constraints on the types of physical systems that can do this kind of work, not to mention on their design and manufacture. Ordinary computer chips do not qualify--their logic gates are not reversible and they also suffer from another problem.

When conventional logic gates produce several outputs, some of these are not used and the energy required to generate them is simply lost. These are known as garbage states. "Minimization of the garbage outputs is one of the major goals in reversible logic design and synthesis," say Himanshu Thapliyal and Nagarajan Ranganathan at the University of South Florida.

Today, they propose a new way of detecting errors in computations and say that their method is ideally applicable to reversible computing and, what's more, naturally reduces the number of garbage states that a computation produces.

Before we look at their approach, let's quickly go over a conventional method of error detection. This simply involves doing the calculation twice and comparing the results. If they are the same, then the computation is considered error free.

This method has an obvious limitation if the original computation and its duplication both make the same error.

Thapliyal and Ranganathan have a different approach which gets around this problem. If a reversible computation produces a series of outputs, then the inverse computation on these outputs should reproduce the original states.

So their idea is to perform the inverse computation on the output states and if this reproduces the original states, then the computation is error free. And because this relies on reversible logic steps, it naturally minimises the amount of garbage states that are produced in between.

There are one or two caveats, of course. The first is that nobody has succeeded in building a properly reversible logic gate so this work is entirely theoretical.

But there are a number of computing schemes that have the potential to work like this. Thapliyal and Ranganathan point in particular to the emerging technology of quantum cellular automata and show how their approach might be applied.

The beauty of this approach is that it has the potential to be dissipation-free. So not only would it use far less energy than conventional computing, it needn't lose any energy at all. At least in theory.

At first glance, that seems to contradict one of the foundations of computer science: Rolf Landauer's principle that the erasure of a bit of information always dissipates a small amount of energy as heat. This is the basic reason that conventional chips get so hot.

But this principle need not apply to reversible computing because if no bits are erased, no energy is dissipated. In fact, there is no known limit to the efficiency of reversible computing. If a perfectly reversible physical process can be found to carry and process the bits, then computing could become dissipation free.

For the moment, that's wild dream. But in the next few years, as quantum processes begin to play a larger part in computation of all kinds, we may well hear much more about reversible computing and its potential to slash the energy wasted in computing.


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By Admin (from 17/04/2011 @ 08:00:46, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 2558 times)

Nimic nu-i mai de pret ca sanatatea, dar din pacate multi nu o pretuiesc decât dupa ce o pierd, spune o veche butada, izvorâta din dorinta oamenilor de a fi mereu sanatosi. Dorinta ce pare acum utopica, dar care, ne asigura geneticienii, va fi perfect realizabila, chiar in cursul acestui secol. 

Expertii in terapia genica au anuntat, la inceputul lunii mai 2006, descoperirea unei modalitati prin care celulele defecte sunt "convinse" sa se repare singure. Spre deosebire de tentativele facute pâna acum, care vizau inlocuirea genelor afectate, noua metoda are in vedere punerea in valoare a propriilor mecanisme de corectie ale celulelor. Oamenii de stiinta germani au prezentat, in cadrul conferintei anuale a Societatii Europene de Genetica Umana, desfasurata la Amsterdam, un medicament ce poate influenta felul in care se comporta o gena, in organismul pacientilor cu starea de sanatate deteriorata.

Astfel, s-a dovedit ca este posibila stimularea unei gene "inrudite" cu cea defecta, pentru reducerea simptomelor anumitor boli. Cercetarile au fost focalizate pe atrofia spinala musculara, o maladie ereditara relativ frecventa si una dintre principalele cauze ale mortalitatii infantile, afectând 1 din 6000 de nou-nascuti. Boala, provocata de degenerarea neuronilor motori din cordul spinal, determina slabirea si atrofierea muschilor de la picioare, mâini si trunchi. La pacientii cu atrofie musculara, gena care produce neuroni motorii lipseste, dar ei au in schimb "cópii" ale acesteia, insuficiente insa pentru a preveni manifestarile bolii. Specialistii de la Institutul de Genetica al Universitatii din Köln au descoperit ca medicamentul numit Valproate (deja folosit in tratarea epilepsiei) poate creste nivelul proteinei ce formeaza neuroni motori, de pâna la patru ori!

Experimentele efectuate asupra unor pacienti cu atrofie musculara au aratat o vizibila imbunatatire a starii lor de sanatate, celulele nervoase fiind stimulate sa se "repare", prin intermediul revolutionarei terapii genice. "Acest proiect demonstreaza ca e posibil sa influentam comportamentul genelor, recurgând la medicamente. Metoda descoperita de noi va spori calitatea vietii pentru bolnavii cu atrofie musculara", spune prof. Brunhilde Wirth.


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By Admin (from 16/04/2011 @ 14:00:04, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 2398 times)

Il Millstättersee si trova nel distretto di Spittal e con i suoi 141 metri di profondità, è il lago più profondo della regione.


Le attività che esso Vi offre sono innumerevoli, come gli scivoli per bambini, lo sport nautico, il windsurf e la barca a vela, la più grande torre per il salto alta 10 metri, i parchi giochi per i piccoli e molto altro ancora...
Anche il remare sta diventando uno sport sempre più richiesto. In estate le temperature dell’acqua sono molto confortevoli per fare il bagno e divertirsi.


Oltre a questo, potrete anche fare dei giri in barca sul lago per esplorazioni più rilassati, giri in motoscafo facendo il giro della Banana, l’immersione subacquea ed andare a pesca. Chi non vuole restare sempre in acqua, può divertirsi giocando a tennis, volleyball, golf, oppure andando a cavallo. Intorno al lago potrete oltretutto trovare tante passeggiate e piste per andare in mountainbike, così come un tracciato di go-cart, nonchè la possibilità di praticare il paracadutismo. Inoltre gli hotel e gli alberghi Vi daranno la possibilità di campeggiare sul lago.
In inverno il lago si trasformerà in un'incantevole pista di pattinaggio, e potrete anche fare romantiche passeggiate nella natura bianca oppure attraversare le colline delle Alpi in sella ad un cavallo. Tutto ciò sarà sicuramente un completo distacco dallo stress della Vostra routine quotidiana!


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By Admin (from 16/04/2011 @ 11:00:31, in en - Science and Society, read 2235 times)

Australian designer Jaron Dickson has come up with a concept for a hydrogen-powered, flying yacht. If that wasn’t cool enough, the yacht is based on the legendary Soviet super-vehicle the Ekranoplan. As a result, this cool little boat, which has been shortlisted for an Australian Design Award, is called the EkranoYacht – read on for a look!

For those of you not familiar with the Ekranoplan, it was a massive vehicle conceived in Scandinavia but realized by the Soviets during the Cold War. Essentially half plane, half boat, the Ekranoplan would ‘skim’ across the water (or land) on short wings using the ‘ground effect’. This allowed the vehicle to ‘fly’ just above the ground on of a cushion of high-pressure air created by the aerodynamic interaction between the wings and the surface. The Soviets design a massive 550-ton Ekranoplan that could transport vehicles and troops at an a stunning 450mph – all while remaining up to 66 feet over the water. Unsurprisingly, it earned the nickname “The Caspian Sea Monster”. Unfortunately, their production fell with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Ok, science and history lesson over! Back to the EkranoYacht!

According to Dickson, who is a student at Monash University in Australia, the EkranoYacht is a “hydrogen powered wing-in-ground effect vehicle for permanent residence – set for 2025. The conventional ways of living have changed dramatically, people are less bound by the country or topographical location which they reside. Using hydrogen power and flying 4m above the water’s surface, the project focuses on more efficient sea travel and protecting the environment. To truly show your wealth and success is freedom, and the ultimate freedom is bringing you home where ever you go.”

Dickson added that, “Humans are always thinking of new ways travel and improve their dynamic lives. My design is a ‘blue-sky concept’, but this type of forward and different thinking could possibly turn into a reality one day. My project has the livability of a yacht and the convenience of an aeroplane.”

Source: Inhabitat

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By Admin (from 16/04/2011 @ 08:00:44, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 2224 times)
 Daca, privind Luna cu regularitate, aveti sentimentul ca ea pare tot mai mica, seara de seara, aflati ca acest fapt se petrece nu doar in mintea dumneavoastra, ci si in realitate! Fenomenul a fost de altfel deja confirmat de astronomii elvetieni de la Observatorul Cantonal din Zürich, care au efectuat o serie de masuratori sub conducerea dr. Alfred Zeeiman.

"Daca in primii ani ai deceniului sapte, atunci cand au inceput proiectele americane de cucerire a Lunii, astrul noptii avea un diametru estimat la circa 3888 km, astazi, dupa aproape patru decenii, acesta nu depaseste 3700 km! Scaderea este considerabila, caci in acest ritm, in câteva sute de ani, Luna va disparea de pe bolta cereasca! Dar efectele se vor manifesta mult mai devreme, prin maree devastatoare, ce se vor transforma cu timpul in veritabile valuri tsunami! Topirea gheturilor polare va fi accentuata, ducând la cresterea alarmanta a nivelului oceanului planetar, in vreme ce succesiunea obisnuita a zilelor si a noptilor va disparea total, urmând sa existe doar o zi de sase luni si o noapte la fel de lunga, ca in regiunile polare!", a avertizat specialistul elvetian.

Desi NASA a confirmat observatiile astronomilor din Tara Cantoanelor, nici un oficial al Agentiei Spatiale Americane nu s-a incumetat sa dea o explicatie pentru aceasta anomalie. Se vehiculeaza ideea ca expeditiile americane "Apollo" ar fi destabilizat rocile de la suprafata selenara, in Marea Linistii, iar acest fapt, coroborat cu gravitatia aproape nula de pe satelitul natural al Terrei a determinat o reactie in lant de ridicare a unor uriasi nori de praf si disiparea lor in spatiu.

NASA a catalogat aceasta ipoteza drept "puerila", admitând ca mai curând poate fi vorba despre un impact al Lunii cu un meteorit de proportii considerabile, care a dus efectiv la "ciobirea" serioasa a astrului noptii. Interesant este faptul ca cea din urma ipoteza este impartasita chiar si de unii oameni ai Bisericii, care vad in ea o materializare a profetiilor biblice ce vorbeau despre "Luna care va cadea de pe cer, cu putin timp inainte de sfârsitul lumii!". Cat timp ne mai desparte de aceasta presupusa "apocalipsa cosmica", ramâne insa de vazut... 


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By Admin (from 15/04/2011 @ 14:00:09, in ro - Observator Global, read 2386 times)

Daca este sa judecam dupa cele scrise in Biblie, primii locuitori ai Tarii Fagaduintei au fost evreii, carora Moise, un personaj charismatic, considerat "ales al lui Dumnezeu", le-a poruncit sa fuga din robia egipteana, prin desert. Aceasta calatorie dramatica, ramasa in constiinta generala drept "exod", a durat nu mai putin de patruzeci de ani, prefigurând parca peregrinarile ulterioare ale poporului iudeu.

 La ora actuala, majoritatea teologilor, chiar si cei ce apartin altor culte decât iudaismul, cred ca Moise a fost un personaj real, asemenea lui Iisus Christos, Ioan Botezatorul sau Mahomed. Nu de aceeasi parere sunt doi renumiti istorici si academicieni francezi, fratii Messod si Roger Sabbah - culmea, de religie mozaica! - care sustin ca evreii nu au fugit niciodata din Egipt, iar Moise nu a existat!

Ei au ajuns la aceste concluzii stupefiante dupa ce au comparat scrierile din Vechiul Testament referitoare la Exod, cu hieroglifele egiptene datând din aceeasi perioada, adica anul 1300 i.Chr. "Evreii despre care Biblia spune ca ar fi fugit din robie nu au fost nici evrei si nici sclavi, ci un grup numeros de tarani egipteni. Pe de alta parte, ei nu au fugit din "robia Faraonului", ci au fost alungati de catre acesta, din pricina ereziei religioase pe care o sustineau, anume existenta unei singure divinitati, credinta ce venea in contradictie cu religia egipteana oficiala, prin excelenta politeista.

Probabil ca din aceasta cauza s-a format confuzia cu religia iudaica, monoteista, iar ereticii egipteni au fost automat categorisiti drept evrei", este de parere Roger Sabbah. Potrivit celor doi savanti, hieroglifele descoperite in Egipt nu pomenesc nicaieri numele evreilor, in schimb fac referire la orasul Akhet-Aton (actualmente Tell-el-Amarna, la 130 km sud de Cairo - n.n.), ai carui locuitori au fost expulzati, de catre faraonul Ai. "Scrierile egiptene descriu cu lux de amanunte aceasta deportare in masa, survenita ca pedeapsa pentru credintele religioase contrare ordinii de stat.

Moise, in calitate de conducator al evreilor in fuga lor din Egipt este cu siguranta un mit, iar daca acceptam ideea ca el a fost totusi un personaj real, in nici un caz nu era evreu, ci egiptean, fiind probabil unul dintre liderii religiosi ai ereticilor exilati de faraonul Ai. Este incitanta si ipoteza ca falsul Moise ar fi putut fi un conducator egiptean de rang inalt, intrucât simbolurile prin care Moise este regasit in Biblie - sarpele si toiagul - sunt identice cu cele prin care se recunostea puterea divina a faraonilor, sau cel putin un personaj abil care, desi nu avea sânge regal, dorea sa se foloseasca de aceste insemne spre a-si crea credibilitate."


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By Admin (from 15/04/2011 @ 11:00:21, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 2925 times)

Il capoluogo della Štajerska (Stiria slovena), il secondo centro della Slovenia per importanza, Vi invita nell'abbraccio delle colline vinifere e del verde Pohorje! Proprio ai piedi e lungo i pendii del Pohorje di Maribor si sta sviluppando un'importante area turistica che offre attivita di benessere e altre attivita piu o meno vivaci, d'inverno, d'estate o nelle stagioni intermedie quando la natura o si sveglia o si prepara al riposo.
E sulla luccicante superficie del fiume Drava, percorribile anche in zattera, nel centro della citta, ogni giorno si rispecchia la Vite antica, la piu antica vite del mondo. I vasti vigneti che dai margini della citta si arrampicano sulle colline di Maribor, sono percorsi da oltre 50 chilometri di strade del vino, che pullulano di mescite e di agriturismo che con l'ottimo vino locale e gli squisiti piatti allettano gli escursionisti, i ciclisti, i motociclisti e gli automobilisti. L'esplorazione della foresta vergine del Pohorje e delle acque intatte offre esperienze indimenticabili, riservate agli escursionisti, agli amanti dell'equitazione e della bici. Un'atmosfera ancor piu piacevole accompagna le manifestazioni - una delle piu importanti e la tradizionale Volpe d'Oro, gara femminile valida per la Coppa del mondo di sci alpino.
Gli abitanti di Maribor sono famosi per la loro ospitalita e la loro organizzazione: il festival internazionale multiculturale Lent nonché varie manifestazioni (Nell'abbraccio della Vite antica, il Settembre musicale, il Battesimo degli zatterieri, il carnevale cittadino, le gare di sci e di altri sport) sono un'ottima opportunita per svariatissime esperienze a Maribor. La vita notturna viene completata anche dal Casino di Maribor. Fate una passeggiata per il fiero centro della Slovenia nordorientale, la città universitaria di Maribor. Testimonia la fiorente storia della citta la ricca architettura dei secoli passati che si riflette nelle facciate delle case, e la citta, malgrado tutte le tempeste del passato, e riuscita a conservare bene il suo centro storico con visibili resti delle mura difensive. Maribor si sta sviluppando in un moderno centro commerciale e in uno dei piu grandi centri turistici del Paese.
Lungo il fiume Drava e costeggiando i numerosi caffè, arriverete alla Vite antica sul Lent, la più vecchia vite del mondo, inserita anche nel Guinness dei primati. Permettetevi un rinfrescante relax nelle trattorie o nelle cantine, nutrite anche la vostra anima, visitate musei, gallerie d’arte o una delle numerose manifestazioni. Potrete rilassare corpo e anima nel centro wellness & spa Habakuk oppure presso il centro sanitario e ricreativo Fontana. Abbandonatevi nell'abbraccio di Maribor che Vi offre numerose esperienze, per un'ora, un giorno, una settimana o più! A Maribor tornerete volentieri. ( Fonte:
Editing: Angelo Marcotti
No. abitanti MARIBOR : 116000
Altitudine : 275 m

Clima salubre
Temperatura media estiva : 20 °C
Temperatura media invernale : -1 °C
No. giorni di sole/anno : 266

Auto : L'autostrada A1 (E 57) che collega Maribor con Graz a nord e con Lubiana a sud-est, attraversa la citta nella sua parte orientale. Da qualsiasi direzione si arrivi in citta, l'accesso e molto semplice e ben segnato (Maribor - center).
Treno : La citta e collegata da vari treni IC con Lubiana, Capodistria, Zagabria (HR), Fiume (Rijeka, HR), Graz (A) e Vienna (A). Da Pragersko c'e il collegamento tramite un IC con Venezia e Budapest (H).
Autobus : Molte linee automobilistiche interurbane ed internazionali collegano Maribor con Lubiana, Lendava, Pirano, Zagabria (HR), Graz (A) e con altre citta.
Aereo : L'aeroporto internazionale di Maribor a Slivnica negli ultimi anni e stato usato come scalo per aerei charter e da aeroporto da allenamento delle compagnie aeree straniere. Qui possono atterrare anche aerei sportivi e privati.
Elicottero : L'eliporto si trova nei pressi dell'albergo Habakuk sotto il Pohorje.

Ufficio postale : Pošta Slovenije, PE Maribor
Partizanska cesta 54, 2000 Maribor
++386 2 449 20 00

Stazione degli autobus : Avtobusna postaja Maribor
Mlinska ulica 1, 2000 Maribor

Stazione ferroviaria : Slovenske železnice, Železniška postaja Maribor
Partizanska cesta 50, 2000 Maribor
++386 2 29 22 100

Noleggio automobili : MK ATLAS
Koseskega 19, 2000 Maribor
++386 41 680 940

Centro informazioni turistiche : Zavod za turizem Maribor
Agente Italiano : +39-0543-795968

TIC 1 : TIC Maribor
Partizanska cesta 6a, 2000 Maribor
++386 2 603 42 11; F:++386 2 234 66 13;;

TIC 2 : Center naravne in kulturne dedišèine Bolfenk
Na slemenu
++386 2 603 42 11;

Polizia : Policijska postaja Maribor I.
Vošnjakova ulica 1, 2000 Maribor

Poliambulatorio : Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca
Ulica Talcev 9, 2000 Maribor
++386 2 228 62 00

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CAS technology could mean organ transplants of the future won't be the frantic race against time they are now. It has been possible to successfully cryopreserve semen, blood, embryos, oocytes, stem cells and other thin samples of small clumps of cells for a few decades now. However, cryopreservation of human internal organs, such as livers and hearts for storage and transplant, currently requires toxic doses of cryoprotectants – substances that protect biological tissue from freezing damage due to ice formation – in order to survive the cooling process. A solution could be at hand in the form of a technology used to preserve sushi that can instantly freeze water, meaning there is no time for cell damaging ice crystals to form. In fact, it’s already being used to preserve teeth.

The common misconception is that the freezing of organs will cause the cells to burst due to the formation of ice crystals within the cell, but this only occurs if the freezing rate exceeds the osmotic loss of water to the extracellular space. This makes it possible to freeze small biological samples in a process known as slow programmable freezing (SPF) or controlled-rate and slow freezing. This is currently for oocyte, skin, blood products, embryo, sperm, stem cells and general tissue preservation in hospitals, veterinary practices and research labs around the world.

However, freezing larger organs or even whole human beings can cause serious damage as a result of ice forming between cells, causing mechanical and chemical damage. To prevent this, larger doses of toxic cryprotectants are used to remove and replace water inside cells with chemicals that prevent freezing. While this can reduce the damage from freezing, the toxicity can still cause serious injuries that aren’t reversible with present technology – meaning we’re not likely to see James Bedford – the first person whose body was frozen and remains cryopreserved – up and about any time soon.

A newer technique known as vitrification, which involves an extremely rapid drop in temperature, claims to provide the benefits of crypreservation without damage due to ice crystal formation. But again, damaging levels of cryoprotectants are needed. This time to increase the viscosity and lower the freezing temperature inside the cell.

Freezing without cryoprotectants

Now a research group at Hiroshima University, borrowing supercooling technology used to preserve sushi and high-end food delicacies, has proven it is possible to freeze cells without the use of toxic cryprotectants. As reported on Singularity Hub, the “Cells Alive System” (CAS) produced by Japanese company ABI prevents freezing at supercool temperatures by vibrating the water using magnetic fields. This allows the water to be supercooled so that when the magnetic field is turned off, the water freezes instantaneously – too fast for damaging ice crystals to form.

The patented CAS technology is already being used at the world’s first commercial tooth bank, The Teeth Bank, to preserve teeth and potentially as an alternative source for harvesting stem cells. The Teeth Bank allows removed teeth, previously disposed of as worthless medical waste, to be stored and re-implanted when needed. Preserved teeth can even be sculpted into different teeth before re-implantation.

The CAS technology has even been proven to reserve the tooth ligaments – an important factor for re-implantation. A 2010 study published in the journal Cryobiology detailed how the ligaments of a fresh tooth slow frozen without the CAS technology were severely damaged, while the ligaments of another tooth frozen using the CAS technology survived showing only minor damage and grew as well as those from a fresh tooth.

The technology could obviously have potential for the preservation of internal organs that currently have only a brief window of viability after being removed from a donor. Thanks to burgeoning technology, it could also provide a way for people to store replacement organs grown from their own stem cells instead of waiting on a compatible donor.

Source: GizMag

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Months in the making,  this toolkit is designed with you in mind.  It contains a breakdown of how to take individual action and encourage others, create and host events, outreach to the media and ally organizations, and plenty more.
Everyone is an activist.

Bradley Manning Support Network
All material on this website is released into the public domain unless otherwise indicated. Link and attribution appreciated.


Letter 1 (Word Count, 192):

Dear Editor,

I read your [date] article entitled [title] on the topic of Wikileaks. While I liked/had some issues with your coverage of the controversy surrounding Julian Assange, I was very disappointed that you failed to mention the other principal person involved in this controversy, the American soldier Bradley Manning without whom Wikileaks would not be a household name. US Army Intel Analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning is alleged to have released the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, and the US Diplomatic Cables.

Twenty-three year old Manning has been in solitary confinement in the military brig at Quantico, VA since last May. He is awaiting trial for a charge of indirectly “Aiding the Enemy,” which may result in the death penalty. This case is alarming not only because of the conditions of Manning’s pretrial confinement, which have prompted investigations by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, but also because the charges imply that those who blow the whistle on war crimes and government corruption via a public source, such as a major newspaper, may now be tried for indirectly “Aiding the Enemy.”


Letter 2 (Word Count, 193):

Dear Editor,

I read your [date] article entitled [title] on the topic of Wikileaks. While I liked/had some issues with your coverage of the controversy surrounding Julian Assange, I was very disappointed that you failed to mention the other principal person involved in this controversy, the American soldier Bradley Manning without whom Wikileaks would not be a household name. US Army Intel Analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning is alleged to have released the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, and the US Diplomatic Cables.

In a chat log prior to his arrest, Manning said he hoped the released cables would result in “worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms… because without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.” Famed Pentagon Papers whistle blower Daniel Ellsberg has compared Bradley’s actions to his own, both in intent and result. Of course, the “War on Terror” has changed U.S. culture significantly since the days when Ellsberg was heralded as a hero for helping end the Vietnam War. Nevertheless, international support for Bradley Manning is building, and hopefully his name will soon be as recognizable as those of Julian Assange or Daniel Ellsberg.


Letter 3 (Word Count, 203)

Dear Editor,

I read your [date] article entitled [title] on the topic of Bradley Manning, the US soldier alleged to have released to Wikileaks the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, and the US Diplomatic Cables.

You failed to mention the controversy surrounding the conditions of Manning’s pretrial confinement. Although he has not been tried or convicted of any crime, twenty-three year old Manning has been in solitary confinement in the military brig at Quantico, VA since last May, without access to sunlight or meaningful exercise. He is forced to strip naked before bed each night, and to stand at attention naked the next morning. According to Marine spokesperson 1st Lt. Brian Villiard, this is for PFC Manning’s own protection. However, Brig forensic psychiatrists have consistently maintained that there is no mental health justification for the prevention-of-injury watch imposed on PFC Manning.

The conditions of Manning’s confinement have prompted investigations by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. The U.S. was once regarded as an international leader for the quality of our justice system and our fair treatment of prisoners, but the shameful treatment of pretrial prisoner Bradley Manning seriously calls that into question.

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
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