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Researchers from the University of British Columbia's School of Social Work have found that children living in homes where marijuana is grown show no noticeable health differences than those living in the average home.

The study, published in September 2013 in the International Journal of Drug Policy, was led by Janet Douglas, Ph.D, who has spent over 20 years as a child protection social worker in B.C. About a dozen of those years involved responding to cases of children living in marijuana grow-ops.

She believes the findings should serve as guidelines for social workers responding to similar cases.

"If we're going to say that children are at risk living in marijuana grow operations, then we need to be clear what those risks are. If there are no apparent health risks, then we need to scratch that off our list and not say that that's our concern if in fact we have no evidence to show that living in a grow-op impacts a child's health."

Dr. Douglas says the findings came as a surprise, since her experience led her to believe that grow-ops pose a number of health risks to children. Unsafe equipment involved with marijuana cultivation as well as molds and other air contaminants were some of her major concerns.

However, when Dr. Douglas and her colleague compared the relative health of children living in grow-ops, they found no significant differences in the amount of drugs prescribed for these children compared to their peers. Prescription data was gathered on 181 children living in grow-ops and 500 children in the comparison group.

"As far as a child welfare perspective, we just need to understand what our grounds for intervention are," says Dr. Douglas. "If these children are not at risk for health matters, then we need to not say that that's our grounds."

The study received funding from MITACS, BC Mental Health and Addictions Research Network, the BC Child and Youth Health Research Network and BC Ministry for Children and Family Development


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2132 AD. The Mothership was gone in deep space for 4 years. Today it came back. We have arrived, listen comrades, we have to find out what happened in here. You are Number 1. Take the sector 1. We will take others. We'll contact each other with the radio button in the right bottom corner. Controls: 0123456789 Backspace S up/left/right arrow. Look out for anything unusual. Don't forget to turn on the sounds.

The Mothership: Enter the mothership, a missing spacecraft and uncover its secrets.

Controls: Keyboard: Move Left, Right Left, Right arrow keys Activate/Enter door Up arrow key

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Constientizand modul cum functioneaza Universul, nu facem decat sa ne usuram existenta. Cele 12 legi ale Karmei ne ajuta sa Intelegem cum trebuie sa actionam, ce trebuie sa acceptam, pentru a trai in fapt, mai fericiti.

Ce este Karma? Karma in limba sanscrita inseamna "actiune" si este echivalentul a ceea ce Newton a numit "fiecare actiune trebuie sa aiba o reactie". Atunci cand gandim, vorbim sau actionam, initiem o forta care va actiona ca atare. Aceasta lege a cauzei si efectului nu actioneaza asupra noastra ca o forma de pedeapsa, dar ne ajuta in parcursul nostru pentru a evolua si a invata.

Constientizand modul cum functioneaza Universul, nu facem decat sa ne usuram existenta. Cele 12 legi ale Karmei ne ajuta sa Intelegem cum trebuie sa actionam, ce trebuie sa acceptam, pentru a trai in fapt, mai fericiti.


1. Cea mai importanta lege karmica: "Culegi ceea ce semeni". Aceasta lege mai este cunoscuta si ca "Legea cauzei si a efectului". Ceea ce dam Universului, primim inapoi. Daca ceea ce ne dorim este Fericire, Iubire, Pace, Prietenie... Atunci ar trebui sa fim fericiti, iubitori, si adevarati prieteni.

2. Legea creatiei - Viata nu se intampla pur si simplu, suntem coparticipanti - Suntem unul cu Universul, inauntru si in afara. Tot ceea ce ne inconjoara ne da indicii cu privire la interiorul nostru – Fii tu insuti si inconjoara-te de acele lucruri pe care le vei prezente in viata ta!

3. Legea umilintei – Daca vedem intr-o persoana o trasatura pe care o gasim negativa, atunci nu suntem noi insine concentrati la un nivel mai inalt al existentei.

4. Legea evolutiei – "Oriunde ajungi, acolo trebuie sa fii" – Pentru noi, a creste, a evolua in Spirit inseamna schimbarea. Nu trebuie sa ii schimbam pe cei din jurul nostru, sau locurile, ci pe noi insine. Cel mai mare dar care ne este dat este chiar lumea noastra interioara si singurul factor pe care il putem cu adevarat controla. Daca ne schimbam pe noi insine in adancul sufletului, viata va urma cursul pe care noi il imprimam si se schimba de asemenea.

5. Legea responsabilitatii – Ori de cate ori se intampla ceva negativ in viata mea, inseamna ca e ceva rau si in mine – Noi oglindim ceea ce ne inconjoara si ceea ce ne inconjoara ne oglindeste pe noi. Acesta este Adevarul Universal – trebuie sa ne asumama responsabilitatea pentru ceea ce se intampla in viata noastra.

6. Legea conexiunii – Chiar daca ceva ce facem pare irelevant si pare fara sens, de fapt chiar are un sens fiindca in Univers, totul este conectat. Fiecare pas duce catre un alt pas si asa mai departe. Nici primul si nici urmatorul pas nu sunt de importanta mai scazuta, pentru ca de fiecare am avut nevoie ca sa indeplinim un scop. Trecut-prezent-viitor, toate sunt conectate.

7. Legea concentrarii – Nu te poti gandi la doua lucruri in acelasi timp. Atunci cand ne focusam asupra valorilor noastre spirituale, este imposibil sa avem ganduri de joasa factura cum ar fi mania, suferinta sau invidia.

8. Legea generozitatii si a ospitalitatii – Daca tu crezi ca ceva este adevarat, atunci la un moment dat in viata ta vei fi chemat sa demonstrezi acel adevar particular. Este un moment cand trebuie sa punem in practica ceea ce am invatat.

9. Legea lui aici si acum – Daca ne intoarcem mereu in trecut nu reusim sa fim in totalitate in prezent- AICI si ACUM. Ganduri vechi, patternuri vechi de a gandi si de a actiona, visuri vechi... Ne impiedica sa avem visuri noi si sa descoperim lumi si oameni noi.

10. Legea schimbarii – Istoria se repeta pana cand ne invatam lectia si pana cand ne dam seama ce trebuie sa schimbam in drumul nostru.

11. Legea rabdarii si a recompensei – Adevarata bucurie vine dupa ce facem ceea ce trebuie sa facem si avem rabdare, constienti ca ceea ce se ne dorim se va materializa la momentul oportun.

12. Legea semnificarii si inspiratiei – Primesti ceea ce oferi. Adevarata valoare a ceea ce traiesti este rezultatul energiei pe care tu o investesti in acel ceva si ce semnificatie dai chiar tu acelei trairi. Orice contributie personala la viata ta este de asemenea o contributie personala la intreg. Ceea ce aduci in viata ta din iubire, inspira de asemenea Intreg Universul.


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RULES. Help Sweet Tooth reach the top level with a pie on it. Watch the fierce enemies. Some levels have slippery platforms where you can't stand still but only move. Controls: left/right arow keys - to move; up arrow key - jump.

Sweet Tooth: Help Sweet Tooth jump on the platforms and reach the top level to grab the pie, avoiding the fierce enemies.

Controls: Keyboard: Move Left Left Arrow Key Move Right Right Arrow Key Jump Up Arrow Key

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Studiul, publicat on-line in revista de urologie BJUI, ajuta in explicarea ameliorarii simptomelor vezicii urinare observata la pacientii cu scleroza multipla care iau medicamente pe baza de canabis.

Constatarile prezente sugereaza faptul ca receptorii CB1 sunt implicati in controlul nervos periferic si central al mictiunii (urinarii).

Receptorii CB1 sunt activati de un compus din marihuana numit THC, cel care creaza euforia pe care utilizatorii o experimenteaza. In timp ce in cea mai mare parte sunt concentrati in creier, receptorii CB1 se gasesc de asemenea in cantitati mai mici in tot organismul, inclusiv in vezica.

Un grup international de cercetatori, condus de Dr. Claudius Fullhase de la Departamentul de Urologie a Universitatii Ludwig-Maximilians, a studiat cobai nascuti fara acesti receptori si au constatat ca acestia aveau tipare de urinari spontate mai frecvente comparativ cu soarecii sanatosi.

Vezicile acestora erau de asemenea mai putin receptive la stimularea electrica nervoasa, sugerand ca semnalizarile dintre vezica si creier ar putea fi afectate de lipsa activitatii CB1.

Scriind intr-un comentariu insotitor, Dr. Mathieu Boudes si Dr. Dirk de Ridder de la Laboratorul de Urologie Experimentala KU Leuven din Belgia - care nu au fost implicati in noul studiu - au remarcat ca ultimele descoperiri au fost primele de acest gen.

Acele rezultate sugereaza in mod clar, pentru moment, o implicare la nivel local a CB1 in functionarea normala a vezicii urinare.

Conform celor doi din Belgia, studiile anterioare sugereaza ca receptorii canabinoizi pot avea un rol in tratarea simptomelor de vezica hiperactiva si a simptomelor de vezica dureroasa.

Tot la fel, un mic studiu din 2004 a constatat ca urinarea imperativa, numarul si volumul episoadelor de incontinenta, frecventa si urinarea nocturna (nicturia) "au scazut toate semnificativ" la pacientii cu scleroza multipla avansata ce urmeaza tratamente cu extracte din toata planta de Cannabis sativa (canepa).

Dr. Boudes si Dr. de Ridder au concluzionat ca in timp ce "mai multe informatii trebuiesc adunate", medicamentele (drugs=droguri) ce tintesc receptorii canabinoizi in afectiunile vezicii urinare vor fi intr-adevar "relevante pe viitor".

Studiul a fost publicat inainte de tiparire si a primit finantare de la Fundatia Germana de Cercetare (DFG)

Traducerea si adaptarea: Ford Turani pentru - Sursa: LeafScience - Study: Healthy Bladder Tied To Marijuana Pathways

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Who is Rev. Gypsy Queen, Jesus' Bitch?

A woman of strong faith, a powerful empath called to utilize this gift in vulnerability, compassion, and active (agape) Love. However, do not mistake my vulnerability for gullibility, my compassion for stupidity, or my love for weakness. I am one of the strongest people I know! 

Once a tough street kid, I don't fit societal images of success & beauty, with the exceptions of my hard earned education, & I am beautiful. I was raised in violence & poverty - I remember history - I don't live in it.  I don’t do pity or guilt – all suffer at one time or other – God holds us through each other – guilt pisses me off and I find it rather useless at best – destructive at worst.  No one is innocent but the child, in God’s love we are made innocent, we are all children.  In love - justice & mercy cannot be separated.  Now an ordained Pastor, I don't fit typical images of what it is to be a Pastor - Being Christian means to me be free to be the human beings we were created to be - in our strengths and weaknesses, in our joys and sorrows - in our ignorance/stupidity and intelligence - in the paradoxes of life. As a Christian I live as both at once "sinner" and "saint."  

The street kid was not eliminated or replaced she has been loved, transformed, empowered and driven.  I don't always get it - but trust God holds it.  I have no need to control, direct or over-come.  I live openly as I am - I have the vocabulary that ranges from "you can kiss my fucking fat ass" to the "I do believe you can place your offensive lips upon my well endowed posterior glutinous maxi mus" -  I swim in the deep waters of emotions and mysteries we attribute to the spirit - I speak things as I see them (for my astrological madgi - yes I am a Pisces on the cusp) - unlike western culture dictates, my faith is not a private affair – God/Allah/Goddess/Great Spirit - knows/sees/is all - so why try to hide/pretend/deny? I know my scripture - but do not quote memorized verses to use as a weapon of accusation/judgment.  

Everything has context – including what we consider our holy writings.  Love levels the playing field – I am no less and no greater than you.  I live by the ethic of love – an active love - not a love of sentiment, love is not always so sweet, nice or romantic in appearance - what is loving for one is destructive to another.  I attempt to love - self, others, community, society, environment, world – as love has revealed and continues to reveal itself in my life.  It is not my job to convert, convince, persuade, motivate, inspire - that may or may not happen through me - not by me - I am simply called to speak & live - my experience, testimony, faith, education and opinions (which are just that).  I let God do God’s job.

I believe we are all children of the same source – I call that source Abba/Daddy/Creator - Brother/Christ Jesus/Hommie/Source of Love - Holy Spirit/Sister/Councilor/Breath of Life.

I Love fully, live freely, and proclaim Gospel boldly! 


I have had many folks, from fb, the streets, the churches ask me “Pastor, why are you so radical about being a stoner?”  “Why are you so political?”  “Leave God at church, leave politics to the politicians – don’t bring it to the pulpit, and keep your weed behind closed doors.”

WHERE the shit gets real.  Life tore the shit out of my body.  It has been under attack from physical and sexual violence since I was 3yrs old.  The psychological shit internalized the violence, and I abused myself.  The damage has been extensive.   Western medicine, reinforced, ignored, and dismissed the damage.  Society played its role in reinforcing the damage and the injustices we perpetuate make recovery more than difficult.  Whether you or I, like it or not we are connected - your shit effects me – my shit effects you.  I can’t do anything about your shit – I can do something about mine.

Last Spring I got news on changes in my healthcare providers approach to “care.”  I got pissed off, I am not an addict and refuse to be treated like one.  Choice – I could roll over and take it up the ass again – or find another option.  I lamented/vented/prayed – I got on-line and started educating myself.  DO NOT DO IT THIS WAY ITS DANGEROUS TO YOUR LIFE – I had no help from my DR. I tried to set up getting my card & access so it would be available just as I took my last declining doses of 9 scripts.  Didn’t quite get the timing right.  I went into a period of massive withdrawal.  I couldn’t get out of bed.  I was in more pain that I had ever experience – and I know pain all to well – including that of giving birth.  I couldn’t eat ANYTHING.  I could not sleep, but was not exactly conscious either.  Mother begged me to go to the hospital, I refused.  I was going to live free or go home.  All she could do was take my pulse often, and bring me water to sip.  After two weeks - I finally got my apt. and my script for cannabis, I took several hits, found instant pain relief and ate my first meal in that time – potatoes & eggs – best meal I ever had.  Took another couple of hits and slept for four hrs straight, for the first time sence I was a very young kid.  Sleeping is dangerous to ones survival, yet rest is required to live.

Since April of 2013 I have treated my PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue & insomnia, Acid Reflux, Morbid Obesity, and Diabetes II with one very beautifully created plant!  I have never been able to think more clearly.  I have no symptoms of PTSD.  I haven’t had a flashback since I began, and only one night terror.  My pain levels are managed at an ave of 3 on a 10 point scale down from an average range of 6.5 – 9 daily.  I have lost more than ½ of my body weight & going.  I can walk again – lost my wheelchair last Sept., and my cane in Dec.  My Diabetes is being well managed without the intervention and consequences of drugs. 

Beyond the personal recovery I have family, and many dear friends who still suffer, or at risk of jail, or in prison – ALL cause back in the day we were ignorant and bought the propaganda that lead to the criminalization of this God given gift.

WHY - In a nut shell – Love!  I was not loved as a kid.  I was found by love, transformed by love, taught to love, called to love.  Not the sentimental BS we tend to throw around on the surface, the nice, sweet, romantic, notions.  I’m talkin hard core unconditional acceptance that allows one to be who they are as they are.  It doesn’t require change – it does compel it.  The change is not always readily recognized cause behavior doesn’t always change – the heart changes the way we relate to others.  Faith is in relationship – with self, with the sacred, with each other - religion/morality – is all the crap we have attached to faith.  I have choices, I can be a product of my history, or I can learn, grow and utilize its lessons to live in harmony with the world around me – Joy is possible even and often in the midst of suffering.  I choose joy! I choose Life!  I don’t have to like you or agree with you in order to love you.  I fight the fight for me and for you.

Below is a link to my campaign to raise a bit of start up money so I can build on the work I've been doing at my own expense because I am not currently sanctioned or supported by my church body.

Pastor Ginamarie L. Pezzi for



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Space Bounty: Complete missions to defeat the Dark Alliance! Play Space Bounty!

Controls: Keyboard and Mouse: Aim and Fire Left Click Jump, Crouch, Move Left,Right W, A, S, D keys Select Weapon 1~6 Use MedKit 6 or Q

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Researchers from Canada, U.S., Germany and The Netherlands surveyed 953 patients from 31 countries on their experiences with different forms of medical marijuana.

Published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, the results show that patients are more satisfied overall with natural cannabis. Pharmaceutical preparations only scored higher in 1 of 9 categories measured, which was “ease of preparation and intake.”

“In general, herbal non-pharmaceutical CBMs (cannabinoid-based medicines) received higher appreciation scores by participants than pharmaceutical products containing cannabinoids.”

The study may be unwelcome news for companies that manufacture cannabis-based pharmaceuticals, such as Marinol and Sativex.

Despite being more accepted by health professionals, patients seem to find natural cannabis superior when it comes to dose needed, onset and duration of effects and, perhaps most important, side effect profile.

“Besides the need for such products to be standardized and quality controlled, our data suggest that overall there is good satisfaction with whole plant preparations that are affordable and administered in an inhaled manner, or in the form of a tincture.”

Out of the different methods of taking cannabis, vaporizing was reported to have the least side effects, followed by tea and smoking. Patients also report paying more to obtain cannabis pharmaceuticals rather than cannabis itself.

Pharmaceutical preparations often cost more than herbal cannabis

While the researchers only included responses from patients who had tried at least two different forms of medical marijuana, they caution that the results have limitations.

For example, homemade cannabis preparations allow for more customization than standardized pharmaceuticals, which may improve the patient experience.

Still, the authors believe that the latest findings present “a broad picture” of the current patient experience with cannabis medicine, and may be useful for “further development of safe and effective medications based on cannabis and single cannabinoids.”

The study received funding from the International Assocation for Cannabinoid Medicine (IACM) and Bedrocan BV


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One day we found ourselves with some spare time on our hands. So we took this spare game engine that we had lying around and some random bunch of levels that we didn't know what to do with. We put the engine and the levels together and with a bit of tweaking here and there came up with this game. It's a nice little game that is otherwise pointless except for the part where we ask you to complete all 10 levels, whilst collecting the gold coins in as little time as possible... There are a bunch of random baddies running around that you have to avoid. But otherwise, just complete the game in as little time as possible and see if you make it onto the Top 100 High Score Board. Yup we know, it's pointless, but you know you want to give it a try anyway... Controls: Left/Right: Arrow Keys, Jump: Space. Good Luck...!

Pointless: Jump and run through various dangerous levels and collect the golden coins avoiding all the baddies...

Controls: Keyboard: Move Left Left Arrow Key Move Right Right Arrow Key Jump Space Bar

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Oamenii de stiinta oncologi si-au indreptat de curand atentia catre o clasa de substante chimice numite canabinoide. In timp ce marijuana este o sursa bine cunoscuta de canabinoizi - incluzand THC si CBD - organismul produce de asemenea o parte pe cont propriu.

Echipa, condusa de Barbara Adinolfi, Ph.D,  o cercetatoare post-doctorat la Departamentul de Farmacie din cadrul Universitatii din Pisa, a efectuat experimente folosind anandamida (AEA), unul dintre acesti naturali canabinoizi, si celule umane de melanom.

Constatarile acestora, publicate online in Jurnalul European de Farmacologie (European Journal of Pharmacology), au aratat ca anandamida a avut efecte toxice asupra celulelor canceroase - chiar si in doze mici.

Per ansamblu, aceste rezultate demonstreaza ca AEA (anandamida - anandamide) induce citotoxicitate fata de celulele umane de melanom in intervalul micromolar de concentratii.

Interesant este faptul ca, rolul endocanabinoizilor - "endo" vine de la endogen (exemplu: realizat de organism) - in controlarea cancerului nu este o descoperire noua.

Dupa cum noteaza autorii, s-a dovedit ca endocanabinoidele "reglementeaza semnele distinctive ale cancerului, atat cele de baza cat si cele in curs de dezvoltare." Studii anterioare arata ca organismul produce mai multi endocanabinoizi in stari de cancer si pre-canceroase.

Insa foarte putine grupuri au studiat actiunea acestora in cazuri de melanom de piele - una dintre cele mai agresive forme de cancer uman, dupa cum specifica autorii. Si in timp ce canabinoizii par a avea un efect anticancerigen general impotriva multor tipuri de cancer, mecanismele lor de actiune nu au fost identificate in mod consistent.

Studiile in vitro si in vivo au demonstrat cum canabinoizii naturali si sintetici sunt eficace in reducerea progresiei cancerului, cu toate ca efectele observate sunt complexe si uneori contradictorii.

In cel mai recent studiu, autorii au fost in masura sa evidentieze mecanismele implicate in activitatea anticancerigena a anandamidei. Cum era de asteptat, activarea cailor ce faciliteaza efectele marihuanei, receptorii CB1, a jucat un rol important.

In timp ce sunt necesare mai multe studii, cercetatorii oncologi au cautat modalitati de a creste nivelurile de canabinoizi naturali precum si livrarea canabinoizilor derivati din plante catre zone vizate drept noi terapii contra cancerului.

Cancerul de piele este adesea tratabil chirurgical, dar forme mai agresive se pot raspandi rapid si se cunoaste ca sunt rezistente la chimioterapia traditionala.

Studiul a fost publicat inainte de tiparire si a primit finantare de la Asociatia Italiana Anti-Melanom.

Traducerea si adaptarea: Ford Turani pentru - Sursa: LeafScience - Anandamide May Serve Anticancer Role In Skin Cancer

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
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21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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