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By Admins (from 15/03/2014 @ 08:03:51, in en - Video Alert, read 2861 times)

In the second episode, James explores the hidden world of organised crime linked to the supply of cannabis in the UK, following a police drug squad and the UK Border Agency as they target gangs and smugglers. He meets the casualties of the drugs trade, including a 14-year-old addict who has convictions for burglary to fund his habit and a Vietnamese teenager smuggled into Britain by lorry to work in British cannabis farms to supply the huge demand.

Ex-EastEnders star James Alexandrou was caught smoking cannabis by the tabloids when he left the soap. Now he wants to find out the truth about the most popular illegal drug in Britain, see the lengths people will go to get it and discover exactly where it comes from.


"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."


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How to Play? Your quest is to bring the ring through the pipes until it reaches the Finish line. Avoid to touch the pipes because you will lose the life and go back to the starting point! Try to move as fast as possible because you have a count down time, you'll get the bonus time while playing. Be careful! Each pipe has its own movement.

Ruma Pipe FALSH GAME: Run the pipes without errors in this wonderful classic game remake, Ruma Pipe!

Controls: Keyboard: Arrow keys.

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By Admins (from 14/03/2014 @ 07:01:48, in en - Video Alert, read 2443 times)

Ex-EastEnders star James Alexandrou explores the truth about Britain's favourite illegal drug, from cannabis sold on the street to the hidden world of organised crime. EPISODE 1 OF 2. Exploring the use and effects of Britain's most popular illegal drug.

James Alexandrou was caught smoking cannabis by the tabloids when he left the soap. Now he wants to find out the truth about the most popular illegal drug in Britain, see the lengths people will go to get it and discover exactly where it comes from.

In the first of two programs, James looks at the effects of the drug on the streets of Britain, meeting a 17-year-old who smokes weed with his parents and a mum-of-three who uses cannabis to keep her emotions in check. He meets people who are growing cannabis illegally for themselves and goes out on patrol with a police drug squad as they clamp down on large-scale cannabis growers. He also travels to California, the first state in America to license cannabis for medicinal use.


"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."


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UPDATE: It looks like deleting and banning those users does not help. Look at this screenshot from another of our Facebook groups Multilingual World Observatory (link HERE). See how many spooks without a picture left their mark...

The problem of being in the purgatory of a FB group will persist. We have found this solution: Cancel yourself from the group, you'll get the messagge you are not a member..., then ask any Admin to Add you to that same Group. That should work. Best of Luck. Ford Turani (link HERE).

We are talking about this Cannabis group we've created on Facebook (link here): Post any news articles in any language about Marijuana, Cannabis, Pot and Weed... Only the Truth! N.B.: Cannabis Cures Cancer, google it! (search link here)

Days ago our FB account as TurismoAssociati was cancelled by the "social network" (more a fascist tracking device) because we were a website and not an individual person (read more here). So we created another account as Ford Turani making a Facebook Page for Turismo Associati (this one). But strange, all our posts, pictures, comments and files uploaded before were cancelled. The group CANNABIS was still left because we had other Admins, good activists ready to spread the word of peace, love, health and evolutive information.

So we asked to Join again our group with almost 800 members. We were added by our good friend Fenwick Hunter, but, strangely, we were not able to post or comment on the Group.

Worse than that, although we were put as Admins in the group, we were still able to Join the Group...! See the image above:

Cool (Kafka's K knows what we're talking about...), we are a member of a FaceBook group, made Admins, who can not post on it's own group. We tried to make somebody else Admin, but got this messagge at the end: "No Permission to Post. You do not have permission to post in this group." OKAY?! they ask...

It sure looks like the user we've chosen to be between the Admins, CanAbizz Swiss Psy, was not made as admin, because we had no permission. But please look at the next screen shot... we can Remove him from administering the group... so it was all just smoke in our eyes:

We searched the web for analogue cases, and found this answer:

You should check and see if anyone has blocked you! If you go to your members list, look at all the members. If any of the names appear in black, they have blocked you.

Delete and ban them.

It's a tedious process, especially if you have a bunch of members, but it just might help. Member's names should always be in blue.

So we looked among the members, and found this Fucking Troll, Termerthy Gordon, the party pooper! Let's get him and see if we solve the censuring problem!

Ford Turani for

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Qube In: Score big points with long words in this cute vocabulary game, Qube-in!



Controls: Mouse: Left Click to select the letters you want. Click shuffle if you get stuck

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In the early 1960s, a young postdoctoral student stumbled onto something that puzzled him.

After reading the literature on cannabis, he was surprised to see that while the active compound in morphine had been isolated from opium poppies 100 years before and cocaine isolated from coca leaves around the same time, the active component of marijuana was still unknown.

This simple observation launched his life's work.

That young Israeli researcher, Raphael Mechoulam, is now a heavily decorated scientist, recently nominated for the prestigious Rothschild Prize. More than 50 years ago, however, he had trouble starting his scientific journey.

For starters, he needed cannabis to study and didn't know how to obtain it. Eventually, he obtained his research supply from friends in the police department. The young scientist was in a hurry, and didn't want to wait to cut through the red tape required by Israel's Health Ministry.
"Yes, I broke the law," he told me when I met with him in Tel Aviv last year, "but I apologized and explained what I was trying to do."

It's a good thing the Israeli government didn't stall his progress, because Mechoulam was moving at breakneck speed.
By 1963, he determined the structure of cannabidiol (CBD), an important component of marijuana. A year later, he became the first person to isolate delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Over the ensuing decades, Mechoulam and his team continued to isolate numerous compounds from the cannabis plant.

Their work also went a long way toward illuminating how the drug works in the brain. When Mechoulam's team identified the first known endogenous cannabinoid, a chemical actually made by the brain itself, he named it "anandamide." In the Sanskrit language, ananda means "supreme bliss," which gives us some insight into what Mechoulam thinks of cannabinoids overall.

It was halfway through our long afternoon discussion that Mechoulam, now 83, pulled out a paper he had written in 1999, describing something known as "the entourage effect."

Think of it like this: There are more than 480 natural components found within the cannabis plant, of which 66 have been classified as "cannabinoids." Those are chemicals unique to the plant, including delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiols. There are, however, many more, including:

-- Cannabigerols (CBG);
-- Cannabichromenes (CBC);
-- other Cannabidiols (CBD);
-- other Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC);
-- Cannabinol (CBN) and cannabinodiol (CBDL);
-- other cannabinoids (such as cannabicyclol (CBL), cannabielsoin (CBE), cannabitriol (CBT) and other miscellaneous types).

Other constituents of the cannabis plant are: nitrogenous compounds (27 known), amino acids (18), proteins (3), glycoproteins (6), enzymes (2), sugars and related compounds (34), hydrocarbons (50), simple alcohols (7), aldehydes (13), ketones (13), simple acids (21), fatty acids (22), simple esters (12), lactones (1), steroids (11), terpenes (120), non-cannabinoid phenols (25), flavonoids (21), vitamins (1), pigments (2), and other elements (9).

Here is the important point. Mechoulam, along with many others, said he believes all these components of the cannabis plant likely exert some therapeutic effect, more than any single compound alone.

While science has not yet shown the exact role or mechanism for all these various compounds, evidence is mounting that these compounds work better together than in isolation: That is the "entourage effect."

Take the case of Marinol, which is pure, synthetic THC. When the drug became available in the mid-1980s, scientists thought it would have the same effect as the whole cannabis plant. But it soon became clear that most patients preferred using the whole plant to taking Marinol.

Researchers began to realize that other components, such as CBD, might have a larger role than previously realized.

To better understand the concept of the entourage effect, I traveled to the secret labs of GW Pharmaceuticals, outside London. In developing Sativex, a cannabis-based drug to treat multiple sclerosis, the company's chairman, Dr. Geoffrey Guy, told me the company ran into some of the same obstacles that Marinol faced.

More than a decade of experiments revealed that a whole plant extract, bred to contain roughly the same amounts of THC and CBD in addition to the other components in the plant, was more effective in reducing the pain and spasms of MS than a medication made of a single compound.

It could be that multiple individual compounds play a role, or it could be due to their interaction in the body; it could also be combination of both, Guy said.

Now, maybe this all sounds obvious. After all, eating real fruits, vegetables and other plants provides better nutrition than just taking vitamin pills with one nutrient or mineral in each. Science is showing us that we can likely say the same about cannabis.

As we move forward with creating medicines, like Charlotte's Web, for the patients who can benefit from cannabis -- this is an important point to keep in mind.

Unlike other drugs that may work well as single compounds, synthesized in a lab, cannabis may offer its most profound benefit as a whole plant, if we let the entourage effect flower, as Mechoulam suggested more than a decade ago.

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DECIZIE IMPORTANTĂ. România a legalizat marijuana medicinală.

Nu este vorba de folosirea ca drog, ci pentru oferirea unui ajutor pentru scăderea durerii si a frecventei crizelor.

Legile 143 si 339 reglementează folosirea derivatilor din marijuana în scop medical (tincturi, răsini sau fragmente vegetale) până acum interdictia acoperea atât posesia, cât si uzul de cannabis în toate formele.

Marihuana este folosită de bolnavii de cancer pentru ameliorarea durerilor si în prezent se realizează teste pentru Parkinson, Alzhemeir si sindromul Tourette.

Schimbarea legislativă oferă posibilitatea Agentiei Medicamentului să îsi dea acordul pentru producătorii care vor să scoată pe piată astfel de medicamente, iar următorul pas este ca Ministerul Sănătătii să includă preparatele pe lista de compensate, lucru care se întâmplă deja în alte nouă tări din Uniunea Europeană.

Cu doua săptămâni în urmă, si Franta a mutat compusii din marijuana de pe lista neagră pe cea albă. Medicamentele, care se dau numai cu retetă, vor ajunge în perioada următoare în farmacii.

Sursa: EVZ (4 Octombrie 2013) - Autor: Sorin Breazu

Este nevoie de o adaptare legislativa a actelor normative mentionate. Pana nu apare legea in Monitorul Oficial, nu putem vorbi de legalitate. Legea va nominaliza cu siguranta produsele medicale sub a caror forma se vor regasi canabisul/ marijuana. AvocatNet

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The object of the game is to push the boxes into the designated colored areas. You cannot push two or more boxes at once. If you ever make a wrong move or get stuck you can always restart the level. Use the arrow keys to play. GOOD LUCK!

Push It: A cool little 3D puzzle game where you push crates into their designated places....real fun for hours and hours!

Controls: Keyboard Cursor keys.

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By Admins (from 12/03/2014 @ 06:06:37, in en - Video Alert, read 2009 times)

"Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country."
- Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President


Go to The Market to buy Hemp products to help support the Hemp Industry & P.H.E!

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Românii pot beneficia, de acum legal, de tratamente cu marijuana medicinala. Urmând exemplul multor state din Europa si din lume, tara noastră intră într-o nouă etapă a evolutiei medicinei. Efectele benefice ale canabisului, în tratarea cancerului sau a altor afectiuni grave, sunt deja dovedite, asa că de acum si medicii români pot prescrie marijuana pentru pacientii lor. Rămâne de văzut câti doctori români vor apela la canabis pentru a învinge boala.

S-a dovedit că marijuana ameliorează durerea, ajută în tratarea cancerului,  în epilepsie, scleroză multiplă si alte afectiuni. Bolnavii români vor putea fi tratati cu canabis doar peste câteva luni, pentru că producătorii de medicamente nu au făcut demersurile necesare pentru a scoate pe piată astfel de tratamente.


Canabisul medicinal poate fi administrat în România pe baza unei retete de la medic, la fel ca alte substante care se află sub control national, cum este morfina.

Momentan, canabisul medicinal nu se găseste pe rafturile farmaciilor, tot pentru că producătorii nu au trimis nicio cerere la Agentia Natională a Medicamentului pentru a fi avizati să producă marijuana în scop medicinal. Dacă un producător face acest lucru, peste aproximativ 3 luni, produsul poate fi scos pe piată. Atât durează procedura.

În multe tări din lume marijuana este folosită în scop medicinal de ani buni, având efecte extraordinare în tratarea cancerului, a sindromului Tourette, a epilepsiei, a glucomului sau a altor boli cronice, planta fiind recomandată până si persoanelor inseftate cu HIV.

Legile 143 si 339 reglementează folosirea derivatilor din marijuana în scop medical (tincturi, răsini sau fragmente vegetale). Până acum, interdictia acoperea atât posesia, cât si uzul de canabis în toate formele.

Sursa: TimisOnLine (5 octombrie 2013)

Este nevoie de o adaptare legislativa a actelor normative mentionate. Pana nu apare legea in Monitorul Oficial, nu putem vorbi de legalitate. Legea va nominaliza cu siguranta produsele medicale sub a caror forma se vor regasi canabisul/ marijuana. AvocatNet

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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