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By Admins (from 17/07/2013 @ 09:08:27, in en - Science and Society, read 1727 times)

No. While the word "Zeitgeist" is also associated with Peter Joseph's film series, "Zeitgeist: The Movie", "Zeitgeist: Addendum" and "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward", the film series based content isn't to be confused with the tenets of "The Zeitgeist Movement" here. Rather, the films were mere inspirations for "The Zeitgeist Movement" due to their popularity and overall message of seeking truth, peace, and sustainability in society.

The term "Zeitgeist" is defined as the ‘The General intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era." The Term "movement" very simply implies "motion" and change, Therefore The Zeitgeist Movement is thus an organization which urges change in the dominant intellectual, moral and cultural climate of the time.

The Movement is not about Comparative Religion, False-Flag Terrorism, Economic Hit-men, Fractional Reserve Banking or the Federal Reserve. The films are unrelated to The Movement in detail and are personal expressions of Peter Joseph. There is often some confusion in this regard and in the most extreme cases some people have the knee-jerk reaction that TZM support's forbidden "Conspiracy Theories" or is "Anti-Religious" or the like. This type of rhetoric tends to be of a pejorative/insulting nature, used in the context of dismissal of The Movement by an erroneous and "taboo" external association. The fact is, there is no direct association whatsoever.

If you are not familiar with what TZM actually is, please review our extensive literature and video/lecture materials on this website.


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Stimate client
Ca urmare solicitarii d-voastra inregistrata la SC E-ON Energie Romania Departamentul Centru Servicii Clienti va transmite urmatoarele:

Dorinta dumneavoastrã de a trece la program consum, se va putea concretiza în urma completãrii si semnarii Conventiei de consum.

Dupa completare si semnare, vã rugãm sã ne transmiteti cele doua exemplare ale Conventiei de consum, însotite de o copie a  buletinului (cartii) de identitate, pe adresa OP 1, CP 10 Târgu Mures, Judetul Mures, pentru procesare in sistemul informatic de facturare si semnarea de cãtre reprezentantii companiei noastre.

Dupã semnarea actelor aditionale de catre reprezentantii legali ai companiei noastre, un exemplar vã va fi restituit prin postã sau prin e-mail.
Cu speranta ca ati inteles cele consemnate de noi va multumim de intelegere si speram sa avem o colaborare buna in continuare.
Cu stima,
În numele si pentru E.ON Energie România,
Agent Relatii Clienti Rezidentiali 
T:     +40 265-200366
F:     +40 265-200367
E.ON Servicii Clienti S.R.L.
Str. Justitiei nr. 12
540069, Târgu Mures
E.ON Servicii Clienti SRL., Sediul Social/Registered Office: 540069, Târgu Mures, Justitiei 12, CUI/VAT 31601124,
Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie/Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dan Morari,
Director General/General Director: Ramona Pergel, George Precup (Adjunct/Deputy)




Conventie de consum

1) Consumator casnic

Facturarea consumului de energie electricã în baza consumului mediu estimat de furnizor sau a optiunilor clientului.

Regularizarea consumului se va face prin citirea si emiterea facturii de regularizare.

2) Preturi si tarife

Facturile emise în baza datelor din tabelul de mai jos vor fi calculate la tariful stabilit în contractul de furnizare a energiei electrice tinând cont de preturile în vigoare la data emiterii facturilor.

3) Conditii de platã

Toate facturile emise, atât cele în baza consumului estimat, cât si cele de regularizare, vor respecta prevederile Deciziei ANRE nr. 57/1999 completatã prin Ordinul ANRE nr. 5/2003.

4) Conventia de consum


Consum contractat


Modificãrile cantitãtilor de energie electrice se pot efectua pânã cel târziu la data de 20 a lunii, pentru perioada rãmasã, prin încheierea unei noi conventii de consum.

Prezenta conventie face parte integrantã din contractul de furnizare a energiei electrice si a fost încheiatã în douã exemplare, câte unul pentru fiecare parte.

Nume, Prenume

Cod postal Localitatea Judetul

Data nasterii
Strada Numãr Bloc Scara Etaj Apartament

Numãr loc de consum

Nume Prenume
Reprezentant E.ON Energie România
Reprezentat prin (Nume Prenume)

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By Admins (from 16/07/2013 @ 09:07:01, in en - Science and Society, read 1585 times)

Recognizing the power of art and media to help change the world, "The Zeitgeist Media Festival" is an annual world-wide arts festival that occurs late each summer.

The idea is to engage the artistic community and their power to changes values. It proposes that needed changes in the structural/economic workings of society can only manifest in tandem with a personal/social transformation of values in each of us. While intellectual knowledge serves its role of showing the path, many in the world follow their feelings- not the knowledge. The Zeitgeist Media Festival works to bridge those levels, while also illuminating a focus where changing and improving the world is no longer considered a fringe, suspect or ever dangerous pursuit - but rather the highest and most honorable level of personal/social integrity we have.

Participating in The Zeitgeist Media Festival does not mean each event must meet some strict requirement of focus or even be dedicated to the tenets of The Movement. However, participation does require that each act understand and agree with a general train of thought with respect to human and social sustainability and the self-evident factors that comprise a Global View of Earth as a single system and how that relates to our Human Family.

The Zeitgeist Media Festival also globally works with local Food Drives to help the many homeless and suffering directly.


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By Admins (from 16/07/2013 @ 09:05:07, in en - Video Alert, read 1961 times)

Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, David Wilcock, David Icke, Michael Talbot, Gregg Braden,David Lynch, James Traitz, Robert Anton Wilson, Neil Kramer, Grant Morrison, Bill Hicks.

Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

Neo: What is the Matrix?

Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

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The 2012 french elections were rigged, censored, and manipulated. Nicolas Sarcozy had been spotted before the elections buying a house in the Hamptons; which proves that the french ruling elite had already changed their minds to whom their “guy” was going to be this time. The French and International Mainstream Media completely censored several other candidates as they always do, particularly a french comic, who is known for calling these past decades of French politics “a constantly encouraged hymn towards fascism”.  That is what our elites love to do, keep us guessing while we run like mice through their mazed contraptions. And you cannot blame them, it is their instinct to survive, it just so happens that they force their instinct on everyone else through fascism against the poor.

Since C.I.A Sarcozy came into power, the mainstream media had been portraying France as this homophobic nation full of nationalists. But in reality, when 500 homophobes in France would get together it made front page news around the world. Yet protests of 500,000 staging protests simultaneously against austerity measures imposed by the E.U, barely even get mentioned in the local media. France is an anarchist nation since Mikhail Bakunin, and the same corporations that funded Hitler and Stalin are doing everything in their power to get nazi sympathy in France back. Communist as well. I went to a socialist university in France jam packed with anarchist haters (communists, nazis), and they were renting out space to this corporation that was developing photo face recognition software for the modern global Gestapo. 3 of the so called activists at that school even knew it existed, and they thought it was good for them… statists!

The big problem you see is this, Francois Hollande and Nicolas Sarcozy were part of the same think tank “Le Siecle” ( which already has a bad reputation and many people in it with bad reputations). Francois’s wife worked for Bolloré, one of the most influential families in France. Nicolas Sarcozy was also Berlusconi’s lawyer in the 1980’s and was a personal friend of both Berlusconi and Putin. This helps understand why Sarcozy rebuilt/privatized the non-existent French military in support of NATO, so that America could justify internationally having gone to Afghanistan and Iraq. Psyops programs were started in Germany and France to turn public opinion towards supporting George Bush’s imperialist war. Remember when Sarcozy and Bush went on a boat ride? Or do you remember how cozy Bush and Blair’s relationship was (Polanski made a movie about it, and you saw what happened to him)?

This was our icon on Facebook for over 2 years, and Facebook recently deleted it saying it was breaching their terms of engagement. If it is, that means that Facebook’s terms of engagement are against freedom of speech.

And with all this information of course you could argue that conflict of interest in the 21st Century is so common and normal. And some will even go even further, because they are so brainwashed; they will inadvertently say that conflict of interest should stay legal for some of the world’s wealthiest and most sophisticated mass murderers, who manipulate elections around the World, in support of private corporate interests. Is it? Because that sort of entangled mainstream rhetoric sure was paid for by some sophisticated S.O.Bs.

Conflict of interest might have been uncommon, if the U.S had not already intervened in European elections many times before, and hadn’t already supported right-wing fascists like the FN’s Lepen family (who helped serve as a tool to bring France more towards accepting corporate fascism as did the fascist party of Russia). The CIA has supported other well known fascists including Berlusconi, and Putin’s only competition the fascist party itself (there is no difference between Putin and the russian fascist party, if you noticed they always vote and support the same political objectives, those of the upper class). Signor Putin, is beyond any doubt a CIA asset, who is trying to bring Russia into NATO in order to “fight” against the “Axis of evil”, or pretend to and then act as though they brought peace, instead of more profits to their pockets.

The very definition of right wing is this ( many people these last decades pretended to be on either side of the political spectrum, but who are actually beyond any doubt right wing pions):

“ In politics, the Right, right-wing and rightist has been defined as the support or acceptance of social hierarchy.”

Let us try and see if this rule applies:
Hitler?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
Stalin?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
Bush?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
Ayatollah of Iran?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
King of Saudi Arabia?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
Sarcozy?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
“Le Siecle?…. Definitely for Social Hierarchism… therefore right-wing
Obama?… Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
U.K Monarchy?… for Social Hierarchism… therefore right-wing
Leader of the D.P.R.K?…. Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
Napoleon?…. Definitely a Social Hierarchist… therefore right-wing
Roman Empire?… Definitely for Social Hierarchism.. therefore right-wing

Which proves my point, that all true leftist defenders have been murdered for thousands of years, by social hierarchists who always indoctrinated the poor into believing that hierarchist/elitist systems (while being on top, and self-proclaiming people intelligent or not), were good. Why were so many poor people murdered all throughout history? So that a few people could manipulate everyone else? Doesn’t seem very intelligent, and definitely not a good way to make sure monetary inequality doesn’t occur. Robin Hood wasn’t written yesterday. And neither was Oliver Twist, the history of Diogenes of Sinope, or all those other anarchist spirits who have been black-holed from history, simply because they were against helping social hierarchists manipulate those who had nothing, time and time again, for thousands of years.


A French website recently stated that Sarcozy was a pion for the CIA, since the website has been deleted and all of their links are now dead.

François Hollande Nicolas Sarkozy… both in the same club “Le Siecle ” …. with the likes of Édouard de Rothschild … socialist my ASS!….

The two names are in sequence in the section “personnalités politiques”:

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Welcome to our first unspun news audio edition. As you know or may not know, we  have been unspinning spin doctored news since 2010, and have been heavily censored for it.

So we decided to bring you our censored information, through this new medium. In this podcast we will be talking about the current situation in Egypt, as well as covering a wide variety of headlines which were on the front page of Yahoo News, July 3rd.

You will find out that the mainstream news is actually just as easy to debunk/ridicule as absurd conspiracy theories, such as reptilian aliens.

Source and Audio:

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By Admins (from 15/07/2013 @ 09:00:33, in en - Science and Society, read 1596 times)

"Zeitgeist Day", or Zday for short, is an annual, global event day which occurs in the middle of March, each year. The goal is to increase public awareness of The Zeitgeist Movement.

The first official "Zday" took place in 2009. These events were well documented by news agencies across the world, including the New York Times in America. An archive list of those events can be found on the site.

On the 2010 Zday there were 330 sympathetic events occurred in over 70 countries worldwide. These events were well documented by news agencies across the world, including the Huffington Post in America. More press/info can be found at

A Zeitgeist Day Event can take many forms, ranging from a simple showing of DVD media, to full lectures, and to interactive question-and-answer events with Chapter Organizers in various regions.

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The Zeitgeist Movement Global and its Chapters rarely, if ever, engage in any form of public solicitation for money. There are no "open" donation pools as with many organizations. This is deliberate. The ethic promoted is in the interest of utilizing people's time and energy, not their money. It is generally expected that those who are facilitating their Chapter and related Projects/Events are willing to allow for the inevitable financial losses they incur for the greater good. (For example, Peter Joseph, the founder of The Movement is the sole financier of the Global Chapter website, its Administration, along with the core Zeitgeist Movement "Main" events, such as Zeitgeist Day, Zeitgeist Media Festival, etc)

The only exception is the universal allowance of Official Chapters to generate and distribution a Shirt or similar supporting articles to help cover the costs of their website and/or related expenses. This is acceptable for it is also a culturally supported means of communication.

Any donations sought otherwise can only be time and project specific. For example, if a Town-hall requires $200 to obtain a venue, a trackable "Chip'in" Widget or the like may be setup in an effort to meet that exact value.

Likewise, events that require ticket sales must reflect a break even scenario within a certain threshold.

For instance, if the cost to rent a venue is $200 and the venue holds 50 people, the ticket price would be of $4.00 assuming full capacity will be met.

The integrity of The Movement and hence its members and chapters is reflected, in part, by the explicit lack of any financial gain inherent in the exercise. More importantly, it is also recognized that money is the most prominent corrupting factor in the world today, sociologically, and without that possible abusive propensity/interference, The Zeitgeist Movement will only strengthen these facts in its focus.


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The Zeitgeist Movement, while maintaining Press Spokesman, Lecturers, Chapter Coordinators and the like, does not support or condone a Leadership oriented structure where a single person or group sets the practices and values that others blindly follow. In fact, such a traditional "follow the leader" notion actually voids the premise and nature of TZM's educational initiatives for the goal is really to create an equally advanced level of understanding within the community so each person is able to take strides on their own, without guidance from outside of the general community developments, which are ongoing and always influential.

The Chapter Structure, for example, is viewed as "Holographic" meaning that the integrity and understanding of each regional group is expected to mirror not only the other Chapters but the whole as well. This connected yet independent view also exists for the "Members". In the view of The Movement, there is nothing more powerful than a group of people who share an Idea and can each logically deduce, in tandem, a sympathetic method of conduct that, from an external view, hence finds no leadership control or heads of anything. It is also important to note that those who engage "Coordination" are not leaders of their Chapter or Team. They are merely bridges and initiators. They do not dictate. They are volunteers who digest and take action on behalf.

It is also very important to point out that The Zeitgeist Movement itself, as is seeks to create Critical Mass, is actually commencing the very transitional process towards the "end" sought by the means itself. If we wish to live in a world without power abuses, division, despotism, scarcity and the like, the public much achieve a level of relevant education about their surroundings which is rarely seen today. Many condemn the violent dictators from history with respect to their brutal initiatives but rarely does one consider the ignorance and malleability of the public and military which blindly and thoughtlessly upheld those corrupt interests of a select distorted few. True social change will not come from "honest" leaders. It will come for a revolution of mass understanding and hence values changes within each individual.


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Fox met for three hours with the advocates, including Steve DeAngelo, the Oakland-based executive director of California's largest marijuana dispensary, and former Microsoft executive Jamen Shively, who hopes to create a Seattle-based pot brand now that Washington state has legalized recreational use.

Legalization, Fox told reporters after the meeting, is the only way to end the violence of Mexican drug cartels, which he blamed on America's war on drugs.

"The cost of the war is becoming unbearable - too high for Mexico, for Latin America and for the rest of the world," Fox said in English.

Every day, he said, 40 young people are killed in drug-related violence.

Fox's position on legalizing drugs has evolved over time since the days when he cooperated with U.S. efforts to tamp down production in Mexico during his 2000-2006 presidential term. He has been increasingly vocal in his opposition to current policies, backing two prior efforts to legalize marijuana in Mexico.

Mexico's current president, Enrique Peńa Nieto, has opposed legalization. But he recently said that he would consider world opinion on the matter, particularly in light of recent voter-approved initiatives to legalize marijuana in Washington state and Colorado for recreational use.

In San Francisco on Monday, Fox said he had signed on to attend and help develop an international summit later this month in Mexico to strategize a path to end marijuana prohibition.

Participants scheduled to attend the three-day meeting starting July 18 in San Cristobal include an American surgeon, the dean of Harvard's School of Public Health and a Mexican congressman who plans to introduce a bill to legalize marijuana in Mexico this summer, Fox said.

The bill, which he expects to be introduced by Mexican lawmaker Fernando Belaunzaran, would legalize adult recreational use of marijuana, Fox said.

Support for legalizing marijuana in the United States has been growing. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have passed medical marijuana laws, according to the pro-legalization National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. But the drug remains illegal under federal law.

Lifting the prohibition on cannabis in Mexico, however, appears to face more of an uphill battle. Mexican lawmakers have rejected previous legalization efforts and polls have shown little popular support for the idea.

But Fox promised to wage what he said was a necessary battle.

"We cannot afford more blood and the loss of more young people," Fox said. "We must get out of the trap we are in."

Source: Reuters via - Author: Ronnie Cohen - Editing by Sharon Bernstein and Eric Walsh

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
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