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Umberto Veronesi, da sempre a favore della liberalizzazione delle cosiddette 'droghe leggere', che interviene così sul tema sul numero del settimanale 'Oggi'.

"La marijuana fa male? Come ministro della Salute, quando ricoprii l'incarico anni or sono, mi posi anch'io questa domanda - ricorda il direttore scientifico dell'Istituto europeo di oncologia di Milano - E me la posi anche come medico e soprattutto come padre di famiglia. Ebbene, la commissione scientifica che avevo nominato concluse che i cosiddetti 'danni da spinello' sono praticamente inesistenti. Dopo quella, altre commissioni scientifiche giunsero alle stesse conclusioni. E oggi perfino l'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità ha invitato i governi a depenalizzare l'uso personale di marijuana, consapevole su dati scientifici che l'uso di spinelli non fa male".

Nella sua rubrica lo scienziato definisce "infondata anche la credenza che la marijuana dia dipendenza e apra la strada all'uso delle droghe pesanti, come cocaina e morfina. Liberalizzare lo spinello non è malinteso permissivismo, ma una posizione realistica che punta alla riduzione del danno. Risulta che metà dei nostri giovani e molti adulti fanno uso di marijuana. Ha senso criminalizzarli?".

Fonte: AdnKronos Salute

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Un passo importante, che fissa la corretta interpretazione della normativa sulle droghe. Incapaci di produrre una innovazione politica all'altezza del mutato contesto internazionale, in Italia il testo unico sulle droghe viene rivisto e riscritto dalla giurisprudenza, ieri dalla Corte di cassazione, l'altro ieri dalla sentenza con cui la Corte costituzionale ha giudicato illegittima l'intera legge Fini-Giovanardi. Potrebbero tranquillamente riferirvisi le argomentazioni usate da Stefano Rodotà su la Repubblica di domenica scorsa a proposito della procreazione medicalmente assistita: "negli ultimi venti anni la tutela dei diritti è stata garantita quasi esclusivamente dai giudici costituzionali e ordinari, mentre il Parlamento cercava di ridurne illegittimamente l'ampiezza o rimaneva colpevolmente silenzioso". Un bel paradosso e il principale dei problemi per chi, come il Ministro Orlando, voglia riformare la giustizia nel solco della distinzione di ruoli tra politica e magistratura: se la politica continua a non decidere, o a decidere in senso contrario ai vincoli posti dalla Costituzione, come pretendere che non vi sia un conflitto con una giurisdizione cui sono delegate tutte le possibilità di riconoscimento dei diritti dei cittadini?

Non altro è il problema che abbiamo posto negli ultimi vent'anni in materia di droghe, sin dal referendum del 1993, che abrogò le parti più ideologiche e repressive della legge Iervolino-Vassalli, e poi qualche mese fa, all'indomani della abrogazione della legge Fini-Giovanardi. Spetta al Parlamento riscrivere da cima a fondo la legge sulla droga, tenendo conto del fallimento della war on drugs, del mutato contesto internazionale e dei cambiamenti nell'uso delle sostanze stupefacenti. E spetta al Parlamento risolvere i problemi di carattere generale sollevati da un corretto esercizio del potere giurisdizionale. Tra questi, quello delle migliaia di persone tutt'ora in carcere in forza di previsioni penali giudicate illegittime dalla sentenza della Corte costituzionale del febbraio scorso.

La perdurante ignavia del Parlamento – interrotta solo dal tentativo revanchista della Ministra Lorenzin, di reintrodurre per decreto l'intera legge Fini-Giovanardi (norme penali comprese) – ci ha costretto a riprendere la via giudiziaria. E' possibile tollerare ulteriormente il prolungarsi dell'esecuzione di pene giudicate, nella loro misura, illegittime dalla Corte costituzionale? La Corte di cassazione ha chiaramente detto di no, ma questo non basta quando il problema sia polverizzato in migliaia di situazioni personali che richiedono ricorsi individuali al giudice dell'esecuzione, ed essendo la gran parte degli interessati privi della minima cognizione giuridica e di un'adeguata assistenza legale. Tocca allora andare città per città e carcere per carcere, a informare i detenuti e spiegare loro che possono chiedere la rideterminazione della pena e, molto probabilmente, essere scarcerati. E' quello che stiamo facendo, con i garanti dei detenuti, le camere penali e le altre associazioni che hanno aderito alla campagna "Cancellare le pene illegittime". In Friuli, dove la campagna è stata presentata alla stampa il 2 agosto scorso, potrebbero essere 262 su 644 i detenuti interessati al ricalcolo delle pene, a Ferrara 50 su 300. Interessa al Ministro Orlando e ai riformatori della giustizia e delle istituzioni questa riaffermazione in concreto di principi basilari dello stato di diritto?


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By Admins (from 07/09/2014 @ 07:08:13, in ro - TV Network, read 1625 times)

Cand veti fi gata sa va ridicati, va veti ridica...

Toata puterea de care aveti nevoie este in mainile voastre.
Priviti in jurul vostru: sistemul nostru financiar a fost deturnat de generatii de hoti, in timp ce voi munciti din ce in ce mai greu pentru din ce in ce mai putin.

Jocul este trucat inpotriva voastra... ne-au transformat pe toti in sclavi.
Uitati-va in inima sistemului nostru financiar: un pret a fost stabilit pentru pretioasele noastre resurse: hrana, apa, energie, aur... insasi valoarea banilor a fost distorsionata de excroci de talie mondiala intr-o gigantica conspiratie a unei coruptii de neoprit.

Ei jefuiesc miliarde de oameni de trilioane de dolari pe an, oameni buni!
Nu e nevoie de masuri de austeritate! Nu e nevoie de suferinte financiare! Nu e nevoie de saracie! Nu exista limitari! Suntem victimele unui jaf de proportii inimaginabile! Am fost indepartati de natura care suprima simtul umanitatii!

Adevarul este ca... este mai mult decat suficient pentru a ne descurca. In urma cu 60 de ani productivitatea crestea atat de repede incat s-a preconizat ca o familie ar fi putut trai azi confortabil cu un singur venit de la un singur furnizor lucrand doar 10 ore pe saptamana.

Putem produce foarte multe bunuri economisind timp.

Ce s-a intamplat cu acel vis?

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Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, fondatorul fundatiei belgiene cu acelasi nume, inginer in fizica nucleara de origine iraniana, a facut timp de multi ani cercetari in domeniul obtinerii energiei din vidul cosmic (sau a "free energy" cum mai este denumita) si din plasma. A realizat o serie de dispozitive care ar revolutiona obtinerea energiei de orice fel pentru oamenii de pe intreaga planeta cat si transporturile de orice fel, de la cele locale pana la cele galactice, care ar "incheia" pentru totdeauna era combustibilor fosili si dictatura corporatiilor energetice mondiale. Tehnologia denumita MAGRAV se anunta astfel un prim pas catre lumea de maine, catre eliminarea programelor de control si catre manifestarea abundentei.

In anul 2012 fundatia a invitat reprezentantii tuturor statelor planetei la o conferinta in care li s-a pus la dispozitie aceasta tehnologie in mod gratuit cu conditia respectarii pacii planetare. Din 21 martie 2013 fundatia a inceput o serie de conferinte publice referitoare la aceste subiecte si la implementarea cat mai rapida a lor in viata comunitatilor.
Fundatia Keshe a lucrat mai bine de doua decenii pentru a inregistra patente in toata lumea, astfel incat atunci cand noua tehnologie va fi prezentata pe piata, sa nu fie nevoie de sume colosale pentru a putea fi folosita, deoarece intentia primara este aceea de a fi oferita in mod caritabil tuturor oamenilor de pe aceasta planeta.

Fundatia a fost inregistrata ca o organizatie non-profit in Olanda si are un birou permanent in Ninove – Belgia, iar scopul sau este dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii spatiale precum: transporturi, generarea de electricitate, sisteme de sanatate si de nutritie pentru calatoriile spatiale.
Se pare ca singurele conditii pentru ca acest pas sa fie facut erau cooperarea guvernelor si implicit a oamenilor de stiinta din fiecare tara si intentia de a folosi aceasta noua tehnologie intr-un sens benefic, ceea ce, in ciuda nivelului de constiinta mediu de pe planeta care este destul de scazut, poate deveni realitate.

Avand se pare motive sa se teama ca viata sa ar putea fi in pericol, ieri Mehran Tavakoli Keshe a acordat un interviu emisiunii Mike Harris Show la care au participat peste 3 milioane de ascultatori, iar astazi, in urma cu cateva ore, a pus la dispozitia intregii planete prin intermediul filialei din Taiwan a fundatiei, continutul legendarului stick USB cu detalii despre tehnologia MAGRAV care a fost inmanat in anul 2012 reprezentantilor mai multor state.

Iata linkurile de download:

· versiune .iso (imagine DVD): GoogleDocs
· link alternativ cu arhiva .rar: onedrive

Va recomand sa downloadati arhiva si sa dati mai departe acest mesaj astfel incat planurile acestei tehnologii sa ajunga in posesia a cator mai multi oameni, mai ales a celor care le pot pune in practica !!

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Cu ceva vreme inainte am publicat articole despre anunturile facute de catre Mehran Keshe cu privire la proiectele umanitare pe care le-a conceput pentru umanitate, astfel incat sa ne eliberam de sclavia energetica a actualului sistem corupt al cabalei ( articolele le gasiti pe blogul meu la categorii, Fundatia Keshe ). Dupa cum observam la momentul actual viata ii este pusa in pericol si a facut publica documentatia pentru construirea unor reactoare cu plasma la rece si nave cosmice cu propulsie nucleara. Probabil aceste documente daca ajung la un grup de cercetatori, finantat de catre o entitate binevoitoare si progresista sau de catre un stat care doreste binele propriului popor si natiuni, le poate pune in aplicare si saltul va fi enorm. Chiar si din concurenta alte multe state ar urma rapid sa implementeze aceste tehnologii si beneficiul la nivelul populatiei ar fi enorm.

Speram ca aceasta trecere la noile tehnologii sa se faca cat mai rapid si in mod cat mai pasnic cu putinta !
Daca nu puteti downloada din linkurile expuse incercati aici : RichardPresser

Drum drept spre Lumina !

Sursa: Burebista2012

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Drinking Raw Cannabis Juice Cures BRAIN TUMORS - LEAF Documentary.

We just finished the english caption of the entire documentary. Please, help translate it in all the languages of the world so the people would know the truth about the magic of cannabis: dotsub . Join us on: DotSub subtitling group - facebook and on our website:

It is no secret that our world is seeing a huge increase in poor health and cancer cases. It should come as no surprise when we look at what we eat daily, the condition of our environment and the types of body care products we use daily that contain a ton of cancer causing agents. Mainstream medicine suggests that chemotherapy and radiation are the best means to go about treating cancer, but there is a growing body of evidence to suggest there exist much better cures.

Cannabinoids may very well be one of the best disease and cancer fighting treatments out there. If you have heard of Rick Simpson you have heard of his methods of preparing cannabis or hemp in such a way where he is able to extract the oil from it and use that oil to treat cancer. Rick has been very successful in his work and his popularity is growing as a result. At the same time, he has received a great deal of flack for his methods as they pose a serious threat to the business that is cancer.

What are cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate canbinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces  compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. Cannabinoids also play a role in immune system generation and re-generation. The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can also be found in Cannabis. It is important to note that the cannabinoids are plentiful in both hemp and cannabis. The differentiation between hemp and cannabis is simply that hemp only contains 0.3% THC while cannabis is 0.4% THC or higher. (Technically they are both strains of Cannabis Sativa.)

Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. While not every strain of cannabis has the same effect, more and more patients are seeing success in cancer reduction in a short period of time by using cannabis. Contrary to popular thought and belief, smoking the cannabis does not assist a great deal in treating disease within the body as therapeutic levels cannot be reached through smoking. Creating oil from the plant or eating the plant is the best way to go about getting the necessary ingredients which are the cannabinoids. Another aspect of smoking the cannabis that must be looked at is the fact that when the cannabis is heated and burnt it changes the chemical structure and acidity of the THC which changes its ability to be therapeutic. Further, anytime you burn something and inhale it, you create oxidation within the body. That oxidation is not healthy for the body and can lead to health issues itself.

Cannabinoids can prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 – 8 ounces of raw flower and leaf juice from any Hemp plant.

Cannabis – whether Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, male, female, hermaphrodite, wild, bred for fiber, seeds or medicinal resin – is a vegetable with every dietary essential we can’t synthesize: Essential Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Essential Cannabinoid acids and hundreds of anti-Cancer compounds. It is important to note that when we isolate to important compounds of cannabis and take them in supplement we miss out of the bio-synergistic compounds that go along with it in full plant form. This makes it more difficult for the body to determine what exactly it is taking in.

“If you heat the plant, you will decarboxylate THC-acid and you will get high, you”ll get your 10 mg. If you don’t heat it, you can go up to five or six hundred milligrams & use it as a Dietary Cannabis. . . and push it up to the Anti-oxidant and Neuro-protective levels which come into play at hundreds of milligrams,” stated Dr. William Courtney.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) maintains our biological systems by regulating each cell tissue. It uses Arachadonic acid/Omega 6 to make Endo-Cannabinoids: fatty molecules that communicate harm between cells. Dietary Cannabis mimics the ECS by providing Cannabinoids when there is an Arachadonic acid deficiency or Clinical Cannabinoid Deficiency.

Doctors who have been researching cannabis and it’s benefits in diet for some time have recommended that people make cannabis a part of their everyday diet. To reiterate, the plant does not need to contain high levels of THC and it can simply be hemp. Eating Cannabis that does contain THC will not get you high. Also, smoking it does not give the same results as eating or juicing the plant. If we view the plant simple as a vegetable like all other vegetables we eat, it makes sense that we wouldn’t put it inside rolling papers and smoke it to get the nutritional benefits.

Sources: collective-evolution


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By Admins (from 04/09/2014 @ 08:10:33, in en - Science and Society, read 1563 times)

You would think that with the latest Operating System from Microsoft, Windows 8, it would be easy to connect a smartphone with Windows Phone OS. Think again.

It looks like Windows complicated the things, making it very difficult to manage a device. If you open the Manage Bluetooh devices (opening Search with Windows Key and Q and looking for Bluetooth), after you turn on Bluetooth you'll get: Your PC is searching for and can be discovered by Bluetooth devices... that will never stop searching. And furthermore, sometimes, just sometimes, you'll get the Pair Devices option to recognise the phone and pc.

If you're lucky to see the Pair option, it's partially OK. But you'll have to go to this next step:

1) open cmd (type cmd in windows search winkey+Q and open it)
2) type in fsquirt
3) a window will open that says send/receive files via bluetooth
4) enable your PC to receive files from the smartphone you connected before.

It worked for me. Please comment.

Arturo Find for

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FIX YouTube Preview Not Showing On Facebook TUTORIAL.

Sometimes when posting a video from YouTube onto your Facebook Timeline or Facebook Fan Page, the YouTube video thumbnail preview doesn't show up on Facebook. Whether you just uploaded the video to YouTube, or maybe you just changed the thumbnail, or possibly it's not even your video to begin with, this is a common issue and has a super easy fix!

All you need to do is take the YouTube video URL link that you were trying to post to Facebook and paste the YouTube video link on this site: LINK HERE.

Once you've pasted the video URL there, just press the "debug" button and make sure that it pulls up a picture of the correct video thumbnail below. Once you see the thumbnail, go back to your Facebook Timeline, or Fan Page and paste the YouTube link again and it will pull up the embedded video!

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By Admins (from 02/09/2014 @ 07:02:26, in en - Video Alert, read 1851 times)

We just finished the english caption of the entire documentary. Please, help translate it in all the languages of the world so the people would know the truth about the magic of cannabis: LINK  . Join us on: DotSub subtitling group - LINK .


Approx. 106,000 Americans die yearly from prescribed medications. Source: Journal of American Medical Association

I totally believe in what we're doing and I think it's the most important thing that I can be doing right now

There are so many people who are sick and if this can help them people have to know about this.

Research is finding that there's an alternative.

It's fantastic that I have to share this with my family that we are doing this together

and that we both feel so passionately about it

Dr. William Courtney, MD: She was on over 40 different medicines, she had been on Methotrexate and Plaquenil,

one of those which nearly destroyed her vision

potent anti inflammatory Brexin

was on all sorts of painkillers and all sorts of antibiotics

she had classic steroid toxicity

her face was the shape of a moon because there is a lot of swelling that occurs in the face

At the age of 16 she was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis that evolved into a lupus condition

with diagnose of interstitial cystitis and autoimmune disorder, in bed for 4 years

her mother thought she would never survive

Kristen began juicing using raw cannabis leaves.

I went to talk to William as a friend and as a doctor

about his experience with patients and how they used cannabis

Seeing what the juicing did for me, using it in this form was so significant, it changed my life.


"In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many of the foods we consume."

About 4 to 6 weeks after I started on juicing everyday I had no more back pain,

I didn't need pain pills, I felt the best day I ever had.

A lot of people think cannabis and pot are not medicine


I stumbled on an article in Scientific American, december 2004

they had an article on marijuana as The Brain's Own Marijuana and introduced the idea

that the body produces compounds that are very similar to those found in marijuana or cannabis

Cannabis actually goes up stream, it provides feedback from the postsynaptic nerve

to the presynaptic nerve which is unheard in neurochemistry where

all neurotransmissions were unidirectional and all of the sudden swimming

against that force a little cannabinoid molecule that tied the hole system together.

The phytocannabinoids from this plant augment the body's attempt to restore

and increase function to a normal level.

So it mimics the regulatory system of cellular physiology

and recently the Food and Drug Administration has approved of CBD

which is a cannabinoid like THC, one of 80 cannabinoids.

The federal patent compares vitamin C, vitamin E and CBD or cannabidiol.

CBD turned out to be more potent than either of those two.

Non Psychoactive

...thing that I warn my patients out is

if you're going to be juicing this flower and this leaves you're going to be doing this high dose,

non psychoactive, cannabinoid dietary approach, please do not heat it.

When you heat cannabis you make it psychoactive which for a large part of the community

the psychoactivity of a plant is the measure of its medical quality but its really quite the inverse.

To heat cannabis in any way you're destroying some of the medicinal proprieties of it

To use the plant effectively we have to use it the way it evolved over 34 million years,

which is raw, because when is raw the THC is bonded as THC acid

it requires aging, drying, so as a hunter-gatherer we gather this plant, we know as well

as this plant ages it changes character and suddenly has a psychoactive effect.

Dr. Brett Wright, M.D.: I think that's the most exciting area of cannabis research:

is looking at non psychoactive cannabinoids.

Because if you do heat it you'll decarboxylate the THC acid and you're going

to have 600 mg of THC acid with the CBD acid and be unconscious probably the better part of the week.

Between heating the plant whether that's in a sucker, a cookie or baked good, butter,

vaporized, smoked, all those techniques convert THC acid which is not psychoactive into THC

and provide you with that 10 mg dose,

but if you eat the plant raw then THC acid is the way is found in the plant and not psychoactive.

The juicing allows to get up to the 500 to 600 mg which is 60 times more than you can tolerate if it was heated.

This treatment is not psychoactive where people would have to be stoned when they take it

they can take it and go to work and play with their kids

It's hard for me to understand the laws against something like green leaf therapy

and to think that Prednisone is legal.

We're still fighting the stigma of marijuana back from the 20-30-40-50's

The Controversy

Attorney Keith Failder, Former Prosecutor: I was a prosecutor for 8 years in Mendocino County so I know it

it from both as a defense attorney and as a prosecutor that the 1972 Controlled Substances Act

said that marijuana had no medical value whatsoever

But the Government has a Patent on its medical proprieties,

the Food and Drug Administration has approved that it is investigated as a drug...

I have not found the United States to be very open about cannabis research.

In order to print an article in a journal you have to use cannabis that they certified for your study

and there are physicians who waited 3-4-5-6 years, some even longer then that to just get a sample.

The Federal Government has been kind of schizophrenic in the way it looks at marijuana:

it says it has no medical value under that act but at the same time

the Federal Government has been funding research on marijuana for years and decades and

even patented certain strains of marijuana because they recognized it has its medical value.

The California Narcotic Officers' Association does not believe in Medical Marijuana,

they believe it's all a big scam and that's how they train law enforcement officers.

Law enforcement is allowed to take a percentage of all assets that are forfeited and seized

under the state and federal asset forfeiture law,

so it takes the really enlightened passion of law enforcement officer to recognize that they use

the Medical Marijuana laws are designed to protect patients.

Tom Allman, Mendocino County Sheriff: I was trained: when somebody had marijuana you took them to jail.

It was no medicine. The use for marijuana as an illegal substance and the people went to jail for.

In 1996 California took a huge leap. I didn't support Proposition 215 because of the education I had,

the experience I had and what I've seen through the illegal marijuana gardens that I've seen throughout my career.

Since 1996 I have changed my opinion somewhat: I believe there is a very clear medicinal use for marijuana,

that being said I believe that there are a large percentage of people who use marijuana as an excuse

to either make profits or for recreation. The people who use marijuana for the true intended use

that the voters passed, medicinal, I'll do anything I can to support their rights.

Proposition 215 (or the Compassionate Use Act of 1996) is a California law concerning the use of medical cannabis. It was enacted, on November 5, 1996.
There's many more things that law enforcement can be focused on than Medicinal Marijuana.

I don't want to give the impression at all that I support people who are growing marijuana

for medical purposes 364 days of the year and then 1 day a year they make a big sale for a couple of hundred

thousands dollars and they are commercial sellers a day of the year. They are the people that are causing

problems for the people who really and truly need and can use medical marijuana.

Baby Amber 2 years old - Diagnosed with terminal brain tumors

Terrified! When you're told as a parent that your child does have a tumor in her brain. It took 24 hours

in an operating room, they gave us a 10 percent chance of survival with treatment.

Arlene Casen - Hospice Coordinator, 30 years experience: The Oakland Children's Hospital where they called me

and they said they had a baby who they were discharging home, this baby had completed all treatments

that would be useful for it had brain tumors

had surgery, had radiation and chemo and the tumors were still growing, still multiplying and therefore they

said to the parents: just take this baby home and make it comfortable because there's nothing more that

we know that would help its condition.'s hard to accept to the point where they wanted us to take her and try to find some acceptance

A month went by and I got in contact with the family and they said: well, we just got back from

the children's hospital, they did a CT scan, the tumors had shrunk and there are fewer of them

and they said: I'll tell you what we've been doing, we've been juicing the fan leaves of the marijuana plant

and given to our baby a shot glass of this juice everyday.

This is like this wonderful hospice story that she's no longer on hospice,

I brought the oxygen concentrator back. It's just one of those wonderful success stories.

You know, the plant is a pretty amazing plant because it appears

that the juice of this plant is saving this baby's life.

Here we have something that can really change people's lives

I mean I was laying in bed catheterized thinking that, physicians were just trying to make me comfortable,

they really didn't think that there was anything more that they could do,

and: I mean I lived to be 30, which I am now...

That was the best I could hope for...

the best I could hope for was taking enough Methadone and Percocet everyday that I just didn't feel anything at all.

Mary Ellen Jerkovich-Director Humboldt Patient Resource Center: I've been long in touch with Doctor Courtney

because we have received a doctor's recommendation from one of his patients and in it: as they start juicing

So after I contacted him I was really excited to hear that there might be

some other alternatives to smoking the cannabis.

These are friends we had the past year, they said: your father is not the same as he was when we first met him,

he seems to be much more alive, doing a lot more, more active.

And I have informed them it was because of the juice he had been taking.

Right after we start juicing he seemed to be more active, we would do things out in the garage more

and he wouldn't spend so much time in his chair.

We have run out periodically in the last year and a half and that's what made me convince that he needed it,

because when he ran out he would have trouble to get out of the car.

I had four doctors tell me that I should have a hysterectomy.

You either have no ovaries or at very least you're sterile.

...I wouldn't be able to have a child

Despite the very potent birth control, despite being sterile, a baby decided to come join the party.

We like to distinguish ourselves while being extremely scientific and people know that if they're gonna come

to us they're going to go through a lot of hoops but they're also going to get the most up-to-date scientific

knowledge on this subject and they are going to see a physician who is an expert in the field

of non psychoactive cannabinoids and there are plenty of people that want that and are looking for that.

We opened our fifth office in Luxembourg, their government is really sympathetic and open

There's an international group studying autism and CBD in Luxembourg

There is a physician there who is writing cannabis scripts who is also a senator

The Government is actually funding experiments in a research center using cannabis in large part because

of Dr. Courtney's work with non psychoactive cannabinoids and senator Colombera's work with cancer patients.

There are now facilities for testing of plants and there's been more progress made in the last 5 or 6 months,

a new strain in from Spain called "Cannatonic", 6.9 percent CBD.

That's 700% increase over "Northern Lights" which is our previous high producer.

I would like to find strains that have all of the cannabinoids present in an amount that's useful

I'd like to produce strains that are adapted to environment

In Luxembourg we're producing thousands of thousands of thousands of seeds to raise the money

to give away half a pound of seeds, because if that person grows an acre of cannabis and feeds a family

the proteins and the fat acids

an incredible food source, an incredible preventative medicine source and an incredible therapeutic source

and at the same time they're sucking 5 times as much CO2 out of the environment as an acre of trees

First we have to change Convention Treaty no.1 which was the convention that the UN put out in 1961

that says cannabis is a crime, if you have it, if you grow it, if is in your possession you should be in prison.

That dogma has dominated the world.

Right now, they're asking for input from the World Health Organization and the process of writing a letter

stating that this is a dietary essential, it's not a criminal thing, because we have to change

that treaty before we can go into Central South-America and say:

you grow an acre of this plant, feed your family, prevent illnesses.

So, Cannabis International wants: legalizing the plant globally, giving it back to people as a food source,

prevent illness is so much better then waiting until you have disease.

With my own experience, in all the patients that I've spoken to,

I believe that it's not an isolated incident, that this is the best medication.

The producers of this film recommend that you consult with your physician before attempting to juice cannabis.

For more information visit: CannabisInternational

A film by Patrick Norris and Sergio Vasquez

Producers: Eric Stromberger, Patrick Norris, Sergio Vasquez, Dr. William Courtney, Kristen Peskuski

Caption: Ford Turani for - Trilingual World Observatory: italiano, english, romana. GLOBAL NEWS & more...



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We've uploaded a video on You Tube called: "German democracy: how police beats citizens in Berlin" on July 17, 2014 at 5:21 PM. It's a video filmed by private citizens, no copyright issue that should be easily available for YouTube Google Adsense monetization.

Do you think the cyber censure would allow monetization with the Google Ads for a simple video like this?

Think again!

Here is the description of the filmed material:

For how long we will be lied and manipulated by our peers? Homo hominis lupus. Only we can liberate ourselves from the slavery in which we live, of whatever nature it may be. We can only be kept in the cages we do not or refuse to see.

In 1910, The Encyclopaedia Britannica defined anarchism as: the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups.

Interesting the differences between the definitions given by the various powers that controlled and controls a country.

In 1958, the modern Romanian language dictionary explains anarchy as the: Condition of disorganization, disorder, chaos in a country, an institution etc.; insubordination, indiscipline of an individual against an organized community. - State of production, specific to the capitalist system, in which (because of private ownership of the means of production) the social production activity is unplanned and without supervision, leading to periodic crises and unemployment.

The Romanian language explanatory dictionary from 1998 considers anarchy as a: State of disorganization, disorder, chaos in a country, an institution etc. - Attitude of disobedience, misbehavior of an individual against an organized community.

I just want to ask you this: do you consider that our present society is organized in a fair and acceptable manner, and when you will understand that you are here on Earth only to improve the conditions of those who come after you? When you will realize that we are all one?

Ford Turani for

Learn more:

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or indirectly through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, religious, cultural, ethnic and racial equality, justice, and liberty.

On Monday August 4, 2014 23:06 we get this message from YT: Your video was disabled for monetization.

Dear Turismo Associati,

This email is regarding the monetization of your video "German democracy: how police beats citizens in Berlin" ( The content in your video and/or the metadata may not be advertiser-friendly. As a result, your video is not being monetized.
Please note that YouTube reserves the right to make the final decision regarding video monetization, and partners who repeatedly submit ineligible videos may lose the ability to monetize.
As next steps, please read our Community Guidelines before enabling another video for monetization.
The YouTube Team

The content in your video and/or the metadata may not be advertiser-friendly... Who would like to see or hear the TRUTH?! All internet is full of cats...

Same fascist censure story for another video of ours: Cannabis Cures Cancer: Dr Christina Sanchez explains...

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells. The legalization of the plant is still a highly debated topic -- despite the many case studies that support its use in treating cancers, including Leukemia. Social stigma is now the predominant factor inhibiting its use and legalization, but that perception is being changed by the many pro-cannabis supporters speaking out from various fields.
It's still illegal in most areas of the world, but the cannabis plant boasts some incredible benefits -- not just as a healing medicinal, but as an eco-friendly source for clothing, energy, and even food.

Insight into how THC (the main psychoactive component of the cannabis plant) cures Cancer is explained by molecular biologist, Dr. Christina Sanchez, in the video above. A scientist at the Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, she relayed her long-time studies and enlightening findings with Cannabis Planet TV.

Cannabinoids refer to any group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. The compounds activate cannabinoid receptors in the body, and in effect the body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids. These play a major role in many processes within the body that help create a healthy environment.

But one does not have to go out of their comfort zone to experience the effects -- as cannabis has been shown to treat cancer without any psychoactive effects.

In many situations, cannabinoids have been proven to reduce Cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. While the rate of success still varies (depending on the strain of the plant used), many patients are experiencing a profound reduction of cancer in a short period of time.

A lot of debate surrounding the medicinal use of the plant is based on the perception that cannabis must be smoked for it to be beneficial; this is actually false, and could be a relief to some. Contrary to popular notion, smoking the weed does not assist a great deal in treating disease within the body, as therapeutic levels cannot be reached through such method. Instead, using the oil from the plant or eating it is the best way to go about obtaining the necessary ingredients from the cannabinoids.

The Earth offers many remedies to assist the human body in re-gaining balance. As mankind has evolved and implemented modern ways of survival, a disconnect with natural living was created, and in effect, many issues have rapidly manifested in the last few hundred years. But deriving plant-based medicines and treating food, as well as lifestyle habits, as preventable medicine will ensure that body balance is regained.

Social acceptance of the use of the cannabis plant is growing, although it is still held in different regard than chemotherapy. But as its medicinal properties are more deeply explored and shared, the world can continue to re-shape its opinion and allowance of its use.

Source: via

Here is the link to like, share or view the video:

Sadly, Google, FaceBook and YouTube are only CIA platforms to censure information and activism...

Arturo Find for

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This version of my famous 65 watt "Hans-panel" now has 10 Osram LH-CPDP Deep Red and 2 Cree XBD White leds, as well as 4 Cree XBD Royal Blue and 17 XBD Red leds. The White leds cover the whole spectrum of visible light, while the large amount of Deep Red leds optimally stimulate the phytochromes. The external power supply is now easily unplugable.

For those of you that are new to my approach; 5 years I've been working on led panels optimised for growing marijuana. Because of the numerous bad led panels on the market, I wanted to investigate if it would be possible to grow the same amount of bud with only half the electrical power of HPS lights. I have been reporting the progress on the well-known website ledgrow . As you can see I succeeded in truly outperforming HPS lights. In Set-Up 12 I used 2 panels of 65 watt each to produce 153 grams, 5.2 Ounce, of great Marijuana with only 103 KwH of electrical power, 0.67 KWH per gram. With HPS it would take about twice the amount of electrical power and space to produce a similar amount.

These unique led panels with their patented reflectors belong to the very best on the market. You can optimise the spectrum and amount of light for 3 different phases of your plants life. There is a position for seedlings and cuttings, another is perfect for early flowering and mother plants and the third position is optimised for maximum flowering.

My panels have no light losses caused by plastic covers or lenses in front of the led's. And although they are only 65 Watt, they produce at least 35% more light than a 90 Watt UFO. The LedGrow panels are available, directly from the manufacturer, price is 240U$ or 180€ for a 65 Watt panel, power supply included.

LED light panels - Technical information:

  • 56 Watt Cree XBD and Osram LH-CPDP LED Power, total power consumption max 65 Watt
  • 3 selectable positions; (1) Seedlings and cuttings, (2) Mothers and Early weeks of flowering, and (3) Full flowering position. Easily selectable by Switch
  • 4 Cree XBD Royal Blue, 17 Cree XBD 701 Red, 2 Cree XBD White and 10 Osram LH-CPDP DeepRed Rebel Led's
  • Each Led has it's own reflector, either 106 or 123 degrees, therefore optimal control of the light pattern
  • Metal Core PCB for the very best cooling
  • No light losses caused by glass or plastic barriers in front of the LED's
  • External waterproof power supply, no heat contribution to the LED's
  • Power supply with 2 meter cable, easily unpluggable.
  • Size 26 cm * 38 cm * 4 cm, 10" * 15" * 1.6"
  • Recommended maximum grow area 50*60 cm, 20" * 24"
  • EU, USA or UK power supply included
  • Reflector easily demountable for cleaning
  • Solid construction, simple industrial design
  • Very quiet, only -45 dB at 60 cm, 24"
  • 2 year warranty
  • Discreet shipping, all around the planet

Today, the price is: 1 LedGrow panel 65 Watt, 180 euro plus 20 euro shipping.

Led growlight, 80 watt: This is a brand new and upgraded version of the famous Hans-panel, it is optimized for a higher current and delivers 15% more light than the standard 65 watt panel. Both versions belong to the very best on the market today. You can optimise the spectrum and amount of light for 3 different phases of your plants life. There is a position for seedlings and cuttings, another is perfect for early flowering and mother plants and the third position is optimised for maximum flowering. Details about the different settings

My panels have no light losses caused by plastic covers or lenses in front of the led's, but they use patented reflectors instead. This 80 watt version will produce at least 50% more light than a 90 Watt UFO. The panels are available, directly from the manufacturer, price is 265U$ or 200€ for a 80 Watt panel, power supply included. Independent grow reports from satisfied customers can be found at ledgrow

Technical information:

  • 68 Watt Cree XBD and Osram LH-CPDP LED Power, total power consumption max 80 Watt
  • 3 selectable positions; (1) Seedlings and cuttings, (2) Mothers and Early weeks of flowering, and (3) Full flowering position. Easily selectable by Switch
  • 4 Cree XBD Royal Blue, 17 Cree XBD 701 Red, 2 Cree XBD White and 10 Osram LH-CPDP DeepRed Rebel Led's
  • Each Led has it's own reflector, either 106 or 123 degrees, therefore optimal control of the light pattern
  • Metal Core PCB for the very best cooling
  • No light losses caused by glass or plastic barriers in front of the Led's
    - External waterproof power supply, no heat contribution to the Led's
  • Power supply with 2 meter cable, easily unpluggable.
  • Size 26 cm * 38 cm * 4 cm, 10" * 15" * 1.6"
  • Recommended maximum grow area 60*80 cm, 24" * 28"
  • EU, USA or UK power supply included
  • Reflector easily demountable for cleaning
  • Solid construction, simple industrial design
  • Very quiet, only -45 dB at 60 cm, 24"
  • 2 year warranty
  • Discreet shipping, all around the planet

Today, the price is: 1 LedGrow panel 80 Watt, 200 euro plus 20 euro shipping.



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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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