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Il punto della situazione

La Mafia "Sabbatean" tenta disperatamente di corrompere Putin con offerte di dominio mondiale: illuminati gnostici.

Il culto della mafia di Satana che ha preso il controllo del sistema finanziario dell'Occidente sta letteralmente offrendo il mondo al Presidente russo Vladimir Putin, in un disperato tentativo di mantenere il potere, a quanto riferito da un grande maestro gnostico degli Illuminati e da un agente del MI6. Ciò potrebbe spiegare come mai la Russia sta ufficialmente percorrendo la strada dell’ovviamente falso attentato di Bostonm un’operazione psicologica di guerra contro il popolo americano. Può anche essere il motivo per cui è stato dato il via libera al Giappone e alla Russia per risolvere una crisi territoriale che dura dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale.
Tuttavia, qualsiasi ruolo per Putin più grande di quello che ha ora è estremamente improbabile dato che l'esercito americano non ha più intenzione seguire i regimi Sionisti.

E' anche chiaro che una grande resa dei conti ha segretamente avuto luogo negli Stati Uniti e che i Sionisti hanno dapprima chiuso gli occhi e ora sono in uno stato di paura e sottomissione. La prova di ciò può essere vista in molti luoghi.

Un chiaro esempio è la situazione in Siria, dove i tentativi di avviare una guerra più grande vengono attualmente annullati. La Psy-Ops Israeliana di accusare la Siria di usare armi chimiche, al fine di incitare gli Stati Uniti ad invadere il paese per loro, per esempio, non è riuscita. Il governo israeliano è anche diventato lo zimbello del mondo per aver ripetuto per ben più di 20 anni che "l'Iran è a uno o due mesi di distanza dall’ottenere una bomba nucleare."

Invece la comunità militare e l’Intelligence mondiale hanno finalmente capito che il "terrore islamico fondamentalista" è gestito dai Sionisti e non dai Musulmani. Il regime cripto-ebreo saudita è anche oggi sotto grave attacco per il suo ruolo nel finanziamento del caos e degli omicidi. Tutti i discendenti maschi del Re Saudita originale saranno giudicati per assassinio se non addirittura portati all’ordine di cessare e desistere immediatamente, secondo diverse società segrete, tra le quali il Drago Verde.

In ogni caso, i Sionisti che tentano di avviare la Terza guerra Mondiale, stanno fallendo su tutti i fronti.

In Asia una flottiglia di tirapiedi sionisti mandati a provocare la Cina viene ignorata. Le visite di massa al santuario Yasukuni a Tokyo da parte di politici, non sono riuscite a provocare più di una risposta razionale da parte della Cina per chiedere un dibattito sincero circa la verità storica. I tentativi di avviare il terrore nucleare in Asia e dare la colpa alla Corea del Nord sono stati annullati.

Invece il Giappone il 28 Aprile ha dichiarato di essere un paese indipendente, per la prima volta. Link.

Questa cerimonia celebra ufficialmente la firma del trattato di pace di San Francisco nel 1952, ma in realtà celebra l'indipendenza giapponese dall’ordine segreto sionista per omicidi, corruzione, propaganda e dal ricatto di più alto livello.

La nuova mossa per rafforzare le relazioni con la Russia è un buon segno di ciò. I paesi hanno firmato un accordo di pace nel 1956, in cui la Russia ha accettato di restituire 2 di 4 isole contese. I giapponesi sono stati costretti a rinnegare ciò attraverso i Sionisti come parte di una campagna per mantenere la loro colonia giapponese isolata dai suoi vicini. Il primo ministro Abe e il Presidente Putin hanno annunciato che lavoreranno verso un accordo di pace basato su tale precedente accordo. Ecco perché la Russia e il Giappone hanno ora deciso di andare avanti e di migliorare radicalmente i rapporti economici in Estremo Oriente. Inoltre “dal momento che entrambi condividono i confini con la Cina”  si sono messi d’accordo, dato il loro comune interesse, nel fare in modo che la Cina non diventi “prepotente” in futuro.

Anche la situazione in Corea del Nord si sta stabilizzando. Gli Illuminati gnostici dicono di voler rimuovere Kim Jong-un dal potere. L’Intelligence militare giapponese dice che Kim Jon-un ha in realtà poco potere e che sono i potenti provocatori Generali ad essere interessati a ricorrere al conflitto. Tuttavia, il governo cinese e le fonti nordcoreane entrambi affermano che seri progressi sono stati compiuti nel riunificare pacificamente la Corea e nella normalizzazione delle relazioni tra la regione e il mondo. Ecco un esempio di ciò che la Corea del Nord sta sta dichiarando in questo momento: link.

 Questo è un grido lontano dalla propaganda sionista che sta dipingendo la Corea del Nord come un pazzo regime deciso a far partire il caos nucleare. E 'anche interessante notare che le provocatorie esercitazioni militari US/Sud coreane sono state fermate.

 E 'anche chiaro che i Sionisti non sono più supportati dalla stragrande maggioranza degli Europei e degli Americani, tra cui gli ebrei. Invece le persone si stanno svegliando e si accorgono dei loro piani per creare un unico mondo "Nuovo Ordine Mondiale" una dittatura totalitaria.

Per esempio, un recente sondaggio mostra che la maggioranza dei francesi, tedeschi, inglesi, italiani e spagnoli non si fidano della UE o dovrei dire la EUSSR.
E 'anche chiaro che i tentativi di terrorizzare il popolo americano ad accettare il regime totalitario stanno fallendo. Un recente sondaggio di opinione effettuato dopo il finto attentato a Boston “Spettacolo Psy-ops” che invece di aumentare la disponibilità di americani a "rinunciare alla libertà per la sicurezza", ha fatto il contrario. Link.

Ci sono anche segni che i Sionisti stanno cominciando a perdere il controllo delle propria magica macchina di stampa del denaro conosciuta come la Federal Reserve e la Banca Centrale Europea. La settimana scorsa la criminale finanziaria Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs, US Treasury ecc) e il criminale di guerra Henry Kissinger sono apparsi su di una notizia di Xinhua mentre incontravano il presidente cinese Xi Jinping. Fonti governative cinesi dicono che erano in missione di accattonaggio, ma sono stati mandati via a mani vuote. Le stesse fonti dicono che il governo cinese ritiene che il terremoto visto in Cina la scorsa settimana è stato causato da un'arma artificiale e faceva parte di un fallito tentativo di estorcere denaro dalla Cina. L’ "influenza aviaria" in corso, un attacco con armi biologiche contro la Cina è stato visto nello stesso modo.
Le varie bombe che vanno in giro per il mondo (in Cecoslovacchia, Iraq, Siria, ecc) sono viste più come l'agonia della morente macchina del terrore sionista e fanno parte di una fallita campagna di riuscire a mantenere il controllo attraverso la paura. Sono loro che devono avere paura perché stanno andando giù e vanno giù di brutto.

Potrei anche ricordare a Bill Gates che io sono annoiato e stanco che il mio account Hotmail venga censurato e controllato. Le persone che ho incontrato e alle quali ho chiesto di inviarmi e-mail, mi chiamano al telefono regolarmente per dirmi la posta ritorna in dietro con un messaggio che dice "ci sono problemi con questo account di e-mail." Gli unici messaggi che sembrano passare, contengono avvertimenti di attacchi terroristici nucleari. Il mio account Skype è stato violato in modo simile. State sprecando il vostro tempo Signor Gates e i suoi amici satanici, gli unici importanti messaggi che invio sono scritti a mano e consegnati a mano da inviati personali.

La loggia massonica P2 in Italia ha ammesso che gli algoritmi del sistema finanziario occidentale sono “rotti" e che un qualche tipo di accordo doveva essere raggiunto nel corso dei conti di garanzia globale.
Hanno suggerito di contattare un certo Sultano nel Sud Est Asiatico. Questo messaggio è stato inoltrato. E 'tempo di porre fine alla guerra finanziaria e tagliare i finanziamenti dei Sionisti al terrorismo.

La gente del mondo vuole la pace.
Sursa: - via - Autore: Benjamin Fulford

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L-theanine, an FDA approved safe food supplement, is isolated from the tea plant or synthesized artificially and sold in a purified form.

L-theanine reduces cortisol levels and increases relaxation associated with recovery from a stressful task. Importantly, it increases activity in alpha brain waves which improves cognition and enhance mental alertness without any drowsiness. Not only does it helps maintain a calm alertness during the day but also results in deeper sleep at night without morning drowsiness or impaired concentration.

Additionally, L-theanine increases dopamine and serotonin production and decreases norepinephrine concentrations (a stress hormone which affects parts of the brain, where attention and responses are controlled).

Stress Buster
A 2006 study in the "Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy," found increased amount of the inhibitory transmitter GABA present in the brain with the use of L-theanine, and therefore concluded its  "calming" effect on the nervous system.

Depression Use
A 2009 study in "Amino Acids" found that the amount of dopamine produced by the brain was increased by L-theanine. Dopamine is a major neurotransmitter that affects mood, attention, memory and sleep. Similarly there are numerous other studies that show its potential in depression treatment.

Schizophrenia Use
According to a study by M.S. Ritsner et al., at the Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel published in the January 2011 "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry", l-theanine produced modest to moderate improvements in scores on psychopathology evaluation tests done on schizophrenic patients.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
As obsessive-compulsive disorder often occurs alongside depression or other anxiety disorders which are successfully treated by l-theanine, therefore it has also been used in  treating OCD effectively.

Bipolar Use
Many studies postulate that theanine modulates the levels of neurotransmitters, ie - if one's dopamine levels are too high, theanine lowers it. If one's serotonin levels are too low - it raises it.

Corrects Adrenal Fatigue
With Chronic Stress your adrenal gland can be overworked as it would be producing stress hormones constantly which results in its degradation. The relaxing effect L-theanine has on your body helps to reduce stress levels and restore your adrenal glands to proper function.

High Blood Pressure
Department of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol found that L-theanine significantly reduced the blood pressure elevating properties of caffeine when co-administered with 200 mg of L-theanine. Similarly many other studies show its usage in treating Hypertension.

Immune Booster
A 2008 study in "Nutrition Reviews" showed enhanced action of the immune system cells gamma-delta-T cells with L-theanine.

- An article in the Oct. 1, 2000 issue of "Cancer Letters" explains that l-theanine boosts some chemotherapy drugs' effects. Chemo drugs cause significant decreases in leukocyte white blood cells and bone marrow cells. Theanine significantly reversed these changes, indicating that theanine can selectively moderate chemotherapy toxicity.
- A study published in "Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry" in April 2002, found beneficial effects against liver cancer with the use of dietary powdered green tea and theanine.

Protection from Glutamate Neurotoxicity
L-theanine also directly provides neuroprotection against glutamate neurotoxicity through blockade of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), and a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors.

The Food and Drug Administration classifies L-theanine supplements as "Generally Recognized as Safe" in dosages up to 250mg. But as always, check with your health care provider before consuming any L-theanine supplement. Do not use L-theanine on children, if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

L-Theanine is used is single doses of 50mg to 200mg.

Taking theanine along with medications for high blood pressure might cause your blood pressure to go too low.
L-theanine may potentiate other sedative, anxiolytic, or tranquilizing drugs.
L-theanine may also increase the intoxicating effects of alcohol.
There have been no documented interactions of L-theanine with antidepressants, however, you should always consult your health care provider before combining any other drug therapy with L-theanine.


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1. Inteligenta naturala
Acest tip de inteligenta desemneaza capacitatea umana de a face diferenta intre lucrurile vii (plante, animale) si sensibilitatea la alte caracteristici ale lumii noastre (nori, ritmurile de rock, etc.). Aceasta capacitate a fost in mod clar o valoare in trecutul nostru evolutiv ca vanatori, culegatori si agricultori. Ea continua sa fie esentiala in roluri precum cele de botanist sau bucatar-sef. De asemenea se speculeaza faptul ca o mare parte din societatea de consum a zilelor noastre exploateaza acest tip de inteligenta.

2. Inteligenta muzicala
Inteligenta muzicala este capacitatea care ne ajuta sa discernem pasul, ritmul, tonul si timbrul. Acest tip de inteligenta ne permitem sa recunoastem, sa cream, sa reproducem si sa reflectam cu ajutorul muzicii, dupa cum o demonstreaza compozitorii, dirijorii sau muzicienii. Interesant de stiut este faptul ca exista o legatura afectiva intre emotii si muzica, la fel si-n cazul inteligentei muzicale si matematice. Tinerii cu acest tip de inteligenta, de obicei, isi formeaza propriul ritm.

3. Inteligenta logico- matematica
Inteligenta logico-matematica este capacitatea de a calcula, de a lua in considerare propuneri si ipoteze, de a efectua operatiuni matematice. Ea ne permite sa percepem relatii, conexiuni si sa ne folosim de gandirea abstracta, simboluri, rationamente, de modele de gandire inductive si deductive. Inteligenta logica este bine dezvoltata la persoanele care sunt atrase de domeniul matematicii, stiintelor si cel detectiv. Acest tip de inteligenta este depistat la tinerii care sunt atrasi de probleme aritmetice, jocuri de strategie si experimente.

4. Inteligenta existentiala
Aceasta categorie de inteligenta vizeaza sensibilitatea si capacitatea de a aborda intrebari profunde despre existenta umana, despre sensul vietii, de ce murim sau de ce ne aflam aici.

5. Inteligenta interpersonala
Inteligenta interpersonala o reprezinta abilitatea de a interactiona si a-i intelege eficient pe ceilalti. Aceasta implica o comunicare verbala si nonverbala dezvoltata, capacitatea de a nota distinctii in starea de spirit si temperamentele altora. Aici se incadreaza profesorii, politicienii, actorii etc. Tinerii cu acest tip de inteligenta sunt lideri printre semenii lor, sunt buni la comunicare si incearca sa inteleaga si sa multumeasca nevoile celor din jur.

6. Inteligenta corporala
Inteligenta corporala este recunoscuta prin capacitatea de a manipula obiecte si prin varietatea de aptitudini fizice de care se ajuta. Acest tip de inteligenta implica sincronizare si perfectiune prin uniunea corpului cu a mintii. Sportivii, dansatorii si chirurgii se incadreaza in aceasta categorie.

7. Inteligenta lingvistica
Inteligenta lingvistica este capacitatea de a gandi in cuvinte si de a folosi limbajul verbal pentru a exprima si aprecia lucrurile complexe. Aceasta ne permite sa intelegem ordinea si sensul cuvintelor, sa aplicam abilitatile meta- lingvistice si sa reflectam asupra modului de utilizare a cuvintelor. Inteligenta lingvistica este cea mai impartasita competenta umana si evidentiata in cazul poetilor, romancierilor, dar si jurnalistilor. Tinerii care sunt inclinati spre acest tip de inteligenta le place sa scrie, sa citeasca, sa rezolve puzzle-uri, etc.

8. Inteligenta intra- personala
Inteligenta intra-personala este capacitatea de intelege de la sine gandurile si sentimentele si de a folosi aceste cunostinte in directionarea si planificarea vietii (si nu numai). Inteligenta intra-personala implica nu numai o apreciere de sine, ci si a conditiei umane. Este evidentiata la psihologi, lideri spirituali si filozofi. Tinerii inclinati spre acest tip de inteligenta pot fi timizi, insa sunt constienti de propriile sentimente; de asemenea, ei sunt persoane ce se automotiveaza.

9. Inteligenta spatiala
Inteligenta spatiala este reprezentata de abilitatea de a gandi in trei dimensiuni. Capacitatile de baza incluzand; imaginarul mental, rationamentul spatial, manipularea imaginii, aptitudini artistice si imaginatie activa. In aceasta categorie intra marinarii, pilotii, sculptorii si arhitectii. Tinerii cu acest tip de inteligenta pot fi fascinati de puzzle-uri, labirinturi, desen, grafica, etc.


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Proprio la norma più proibizionista che l’ordinamento italiano abbia conosciuto contiene tra le sue pieghe un via libera a chi, come in un recente caso esaminato dal tribunale di Ferrara, preferisce esercitare il pollice verde tra le mura domestiche piuttosto che scender in strada ad alimentare indirettamente il traffico di stupefacenti della malavita. Lo dice a chiare lettere il giudice Franco Attinà nelle motivazioni alla sentenza con cui ha assolto due giovani arrestati e finiti a processo lo scorso 20 marzo per coltivazione di marijuana.

Nella loro abitazione i carabinieri trovarono 9 grammi e quattro piantine di marijuana, con tanto di materiale per la relativa coltivazione. In sede di arringa difensiva l’avvocato Alberto Zaina del foro di Rimini aveva fatto presente che ci si trovava di fronte a un uso personale della coltivazione dello stupefacente, richiamando in questo senso una normativa del Consiglio d’Europa in favore della non punibilità della condotta. In subordine Zaina avanzava un “sospetto di anticostituzionalità” dell’art 73 del dpr 309 del 1990 (la “Fini-Giovanardi” nel momento in cui punisce la coltivazione) “nel momento in cui equipara inopinatamente derivati della cannabis, oppiacei e cocaina”.

Il giudice Attinà è andato oltre, non rimettendo gli atti alla Corte Costituzionale ma pronunciandosi direttamente con la formula assolutoria “perché il fatto non è previsto dalla legge come reato”. Nelle quattro pagine di motivazioni della sentenza 536 del 2013 viene ricordato come la “sostanza di proprietà dei due imputati fosse impiegata per uso personale”. E questo perché “hanno provato a coltivare le piante in proprio perché stanchi di doversi procurare per strada lo stupefacente, con i rischi connessi e con l’inconveniente di alimentare i traffici della malavita”.

Non c’era insomma dietro a quell’attività alcuna necessità economica che motivasse la volontà di vendere il ‘raccolto’. Il giudice poi si discosta da quello che è l’orientamento delle Sezioni Unite della Cassazione per il quale la coltivazione sarebbe sempre penalmente rilevante a prescindere dall’uso cui è destinato. E nel farlo Attinà attinge all’esperienza di quello che avviene nella vita di tutti i giorni: le argomentazioni della Cassazione “non paiono aderenti alla realtà che nei palazzi di giustizia si sperimenta quotidianamente. Le quantità di stupefacenti in circolazione nella società italiana sono enormi, sicché quattro piantine coltivate in un appartamento da due giovani non possono aumentare in misura apprezzabile tale quantità. Anzi, l’assuntore abituale di stupefacenti – ove si rivolga ai traffici di strada per soddisfare il proprio bisogno – determina un aumento della domanda complessiva e quindi della quantità di sostanza che circola nella collettività”, evitando “di contribuire all’incremento dei traffici legati alla criminalità”.

Viene poi la legge specifica in materia, la “Fini-Giovanardi”, che nell’art. 73 con l’espressione “coltivazione” sembra designare “un’attività che non presenti certe caratteristiche dimensionali minime e non si attaglia agevolmente alla fattispecie di quattro piantine cresciute in vaso al’interno di un appartamento”. Secondo Attinà “una interpretazione restrittiva del termine “coltivazione” appare poi necessaria alla luce del principio di offensività del reato: una volta che si individui il bene giuridico tutelato dalla norma incriminatrice nella salute pubblica, nell’ordine pubblico e nella sicurezza pubblica, non si può ritenere che soddisfi il requisito di tipicità una condotta che per il numero delle piante, il luogo di detenzione (chiuso e inaccessibile a terzi), la destinazione al consumo personale è del tutto inidonea ad offendere anche solo in termine di pericolo quei beni”.

Infine “la coltivazione deve avere ad oggetto sostanze stupefacenti e tale caratteristica non si può desumere dalla semplice tipologia di specie di pianta botanica”. Perché il reato sussista è necessario che “le piante presentino una quantità di principio attivo sufficiente ad esplicare un’efficacia drogante. Nel caso di specie nessun accertamento è stato fatto”.

“Riconoscendo l’uso personale – commenta l’avvocato Zaina -, il giudice aderisce alla prospettazione difensiva che richiamava sincronicamente la tesi dell’uso personale della coltivazione che è ammessa in Europa”.

Fonte: - Autore: Marco Zavagli

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These were photographed yesterday afternoon, just moments before I sprayed them with cheap, undiluted, store-brand white vinegar. Here’s what all that greenery looked like this morning:

I’d say those weeds are deader than dead. And that’s why I use vinegar on the gravel paths, brick walk-ways, and blue-stone patio here at A Garden for the House. For me it has proven an effective, eco-friendly answer to Roundup.

And speaking of Roundup, Monsanto, the product’s evil manufacturer, agreed with the New York Attorney General’s office to discontinue their use of the terms “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly” in ads promoting Roundup. Why? Because these terms were bald-faced lies. Roundup is neither biodegradable nor environmentally friendly.

The next time you want to murder your weeds, why douse them with something that will remain in the soil for who knows how long? Maybe you should reach for vinegar instead. Vinegar is cheap. It’s easy to use. I keep gallons of it in my garden shed.

How to Apply: You can use a watering can, a spray bottle or a pump-sprayer to apply vinegar. I use a pump-sprayer, because it is more efficient. Be sure to rinse your sprayer after use, or metal parts (if any) can corrode.

Make your application on a warm, sunny, calm (not windy) day. Vinegar is not selective; it can potentially harm plants you wish to keep, should you accidentally spray them. As I said earlier, I use vinegar on walkways, where grass and ornamental plants are not an issue.

Will vinegar kill every weed in every garden? That I can not say. I only know that it has kept my pathways free of unwanted growth.

Update: Many of you have asked if I dilute the vinegar with water. No, I do not. I pour it directly from jug to pump-sprayer.


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We have seen a lot of solar chargers in our day. And among all of them, this is the first one we’ve seen that we will definitely run out and buy as soon as it’s made available in the U.S. It’s a portable socket that gets its power from the sun rather than the grid. You plug into a window instead of into the wall. It’s easy.

That was the whole point, according to the designers, Kyohu Song and Boa Oh: “We tried to design a portable socket, so that users can use it intuitively without special training,” they write.

It is really simple. The portable socket attaches to a window like a leech to human skin. On its underside, it has solar panels.

The solar panels suck energy from the sun. The charger converts that energy into electricity. You plug in to the charger.

Even better, the charger stores that energy. After five to eight hours of charging, the socket provides 10 hours of use. You can pop it off the window, stick it in your bag, and use it to charge up your phone with solar energy, even if you’re sitting in a dark room.

Sarah Laskow is a reporter based in New York City who covers environment, energy, and sustainability issues, among other things.

Source: - via Yanko Design - Author: Sarah Laskow

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By Admins (from 09/05/2013 @ 00:03:16, in en - Video Alert, read 1613 times)

The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system; however, in the words of Émile Durkheim, religion differs from private belief in that it is "something eminently social".

A global 2012 poll reports that 59% of the world's population is religious, 23% are not religious, and 13% are atheists.

There are numerous definitions of religion and only a few are stated here. The typical dictionary definition of religion refers to a "belief in, or the worship of, a god or gods" or the "service and worship of God or the supernatural".

However, writers and scholars have expanded upon the "belief in god" definitions as insufficient to capture the diversity of religious thought and experience.

Edward Burnett Tylor defined religion as "the belief in spiritual beings".

He argued, back in 1871, that narrowing the definition to mean the belief in a supreme deity or judgment after death or idolatry and so on, would exclude many peoples from the category of religious, and thus "has the fault of identifying religion rather with particular developments than with the deeper motive which underlies them". He also argued that the belief in spiritual beings exists in all known societies.

The anthropologist Clifford Geertz defined religion as a "system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.

Alluding perhaps to Tylor's "deeper motive", Geertz remarked that "we have very little idea of how, in empirical terms, this particular miracle is accomplished. We just know that it is done, annually, weekly, daily, for some people almost hourly; and we have an enormous ethnographic literature to demonstrate it".

The theologian Antoine Vergote also emphasized the "cultural reality" of religion, which he defined as "the entirety of the linguistic expressions, emotions and, actions and signs that refer to a supernatural being or supernatural beings"; he took the term "supernatural" simply to mean whatever transcends the powers of nature or human agency.

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By Admins (from 08/05/2013 @ 04:09:57, in en - Video Alert, read 1679 times)

Religion is an organized collection of belief systems, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values.

Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the Universe.

From their ideas about the cosmos and human nature, they tend to derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.

Many religions may have organized behaviors, clergy, a definition of what constitutes adherence or membership, holy places, and scriptures.

The practice of a religion may also include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration of a deity, gods or goddesses, sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trance, initiations, funerary services, matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public service or other aspects of human culture. Religions may also contain mythology.

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Before It’s News has interviewed a person, who spoke on condition of anonymity, that has been a victim of the virus implantation. The person was engaged in journalistic exposure of political corruption, and suddenly police appeared on his doorstep with a search warrant specifying a search for evidence of possessing and distributing child pornography. The story is a bit convoluted here, but basically the gentleman did a little more investigation and found rogue .exe files on his computer that appeared as normal emule sharing directories but contained “hundreds to thousands” of child pornography files. The potential whistleblower claims the virus was deliberately planted on his computer in order to stop his activity.

The article surmises the Internet Crimes Against Children task force may be behind the virus planting, though why is unclear.

Are You A Victim?

According to a USWGO Virus Report:

“I believe it was surrounded by comine.exe along with another exe file that had random characters so I don’t remember that file name since it had a certain kind of random characters and I believe it may have been in the TEMP folder.

It came with three rogue P2P file sharing applications that were not stored in the usual file directories for programs or even portable programs. Those files are called ares.exe, emule.exe, and shareaza.exe. They share possibly illegal files and files with Trojans embedded without the computer owners permission despite invalid claims by law enforcement that no one can force a user to download and share files on P2P networks. When the user discovers them and attempts to shut down the program using process termination on Task Manager(taskmgr.exe) the rogue Trojan control program attempts to revive the operation of the rogue P2P programs and will fully operate within 3-5 seconds or even up to 10 seconds depending on processing speed from CPU. No matter how many times the user continues stopping the program it comes right back. When the user attempts to end the task then quickly remove the files even with certain software, the Trojan that controls the rogue programs seems to regenerate the rogue programs which continues to share and download illegal material which can get the user in trouble…”

ESET Virus Radar has recognized the virus, and calls it Win32/MoliVampire. The short description indicates, “Win32/MoliVampire.A is a trojan which tries to download other malware from the Internet. Win32/MoliVampire.A may be spread via peer-to-peer networks.”

The trojan contains an URL address. It tries to download a file from the address. Files are copied into a shared folder of various instant messengers and P2P applications, according to the description.

In a hurried article posted on Before It’s News, a reporter emoted:

So anyone whom receives this virus or variants of Trojans similar to this virus, is at risk of being accused of distributing and possessing child pornography then having the computers and family photos, videos, and other personal data taken away forever. Then will likely end up years in federal or state prison then receives a lifetime sex offender record, isn’t that just great!!!!!

ICE Pads Their Stats

Evidently, it isn’t only alternative-news journalists who are being targeted.  According to a Facebook page supporting 17-year-old autistic youth Andrew Rose:

“Operation Flicker was started By ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency]. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is the principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the second largest investigative agency in the federal government. Created in 2003 through a merger of the investigative and interior enforcement elements of the U.S. Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, “Operation Flicker” is part of Project Predator, a nationwide ICE initiative to protect children from sexual predators, including instances of sex tourism with minors, Internet child pornographers, criminal alien sex offenders, and child sex traffickers, according to the agency. Unfortunately, due to the system being used to net these predators, many children are being exposed to the the same Child Porn they were trying to stop.”

Apparently, in an effort to catch these dangerous internet predators, ICE attached child pornography images to .mp3 files on P2P sharing sites like LimeWire. Young Andrew Rose downloaded two songs that came with little surprise packages attached. Scandalously and shamefully, Andrew is actually being prosecuted. His lawyer, on the support page, stated:

“The FBI and ICE are the ones who exposed Andrew Rose to Child Pornography ….. They were the Traffickers and became “That which they Seek.”

Political Dissenters, Beware!

Source: - Author: Amber Harrison

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By Admins (from 06/05/2013 @ 04:01:29, in en - Science and Society, read 2656 times)

In most American history classrooms, children are taught that in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and “discovered America.”  In this narrative, Columbus is portrayed as an adventurous explorer and a national hero.  It is a narrative that is profoundly romanticized and even mythical, yet despite the historical records and accounts of Columbus’s heinous crimes against indigenous peoples, he is still glorified and honored in American history and culture.

Heroificiation, as defined by author James W. Loewen, is a “degenerative process” that distorts reality and transforms “flesh-and-blood individuals into pious, perfect creatures without conflicts, pain, credibility, or human interest.”  Christopher Columbus represents but one example in human history where an individual responsible for some of the most dreadful atrocities in our human history is molded into a savior-like figure and commemorated with a national holiday.  It is disturbing how most American schoolchildren learn from history teachers and textbooks to not only venerate Columbus, but also to recite poems, sing songs, and perform in romanticized reenactments about his arrival to the Americas.  These praises, accompanied with “Columbus Day” celebrations and parades, grossly gloss over the horrors of American Indian genocide initiated by Columbus’s expeditions.

American public schools rarely discuss Columbus’s atrocities. As Corine Fairbanks points out:

Recently, Roberta Weighill, Chumash, shared that her third grade son disagreed with his teacher about the Columbus discovery story and added that he knew Columbus to be responsible for the deaths of many Native people.  The public teacher corrected him: “No. Columbus was just a slave trader.” Hmmm, just a slave trader? Oh! Is that all?

American history textbooks paint Columbus as a hero by treating his voyages into the “oceanic unknown” as exceptional and unique, as if he was the only explorer who ever journeyed to the Americas.  Aside from the fact that indigenous peoples already lived in the land we now call the United States and weren’t waiting to be “discovered,” Columbus was not the first to set sail to the Americas.  In his book, “Lies My Teacher Told Me,” Loewen provides a chronological list of expeditions that reached the Americas prior to Columbus, including explorers from Siberia, Indonesia, Japan, Afro-Phoenicia, Portugal, among other countries.  Most of the eighteen high school history textbooks surveyed by Loewen omit the factors that prompted Columbus’s voyage in the first place: social change in Europe, advancement in military technology, use of the printing press – which allowed information to travel faster and further into Europe – and the ideological and theological rationalization for conquering new land.   For example, Columbus’s greed and pursuit of gold in Haiti is either extremely downplayed or absent in textbooks.  Columbus himself aligned amassing wealth with salvation, writing:  “Gold is most excellent; gold constitutes treasure; and he who has it does all he wants in the world, and can even lift souls up to Paradise.”  Accompanying Columbus on his 1494 expedition to Haiti was Michele de Cuneo, who wrote the following account:

After we had rested for several days in our settlement it seemed to the Lord Admiral that it was time to put into execution his desire to search for gold, which was the main reason he had started on so great a voyage full of so many dangers.

In elementary school, I remember learning that Columbus was peaceful to the indigenous people, who were in turn friendly and welcoming of the Spaniards.  If anything was mentioned about war, it was always presented as, “There were good people and bad people on both sides.”  Such an explanation shamelessly ignores the fact that “over 95 million indigenous peoples throughout the Western hemisphere were enslaved, mutilated and massacred.”  The myth that Native Americans and Europeans were equally responsible for gruesome brutality was also reinforced in Disney’s animated feature, “Pocahontas.”  The film placed Native American resistance and European violence on the same plane, i.e. the extremists on “both sides” made it bad for those who wanted peace, and colonialist domination and power was not a contributing factor to any form of resistance from the Natives.  This distortion of history often likes to behave as sympathetic to Native Americans, but what it actually does is consistently depict them as “inferior” and “backwards,” while lionizing European colonizers and settlers, as well as constructing a history that is complimentary to the nationalism and pro-Americanism preached in most American schools.

I don’t think I would have learned about what Columbus really did if I didn’t start reading about Islamic history, which, too, was either ignored or vilified (especially during lessons on the Crusades) in my history classes.  1492, the same year Columbus sailed to the Americas, was also the year of the Spanish Inquisition, when Jews and Muslims were forced to convert or leave the country.  The Catholic reconquest of Spain – the Reconquista – by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella heightened interest in expanding European Christian domination, which led to their eventual agreement to sponsor Columbus’s voyage.

Upon his arrival to the Bahamas, Columbus and his sailors were greeted by Arawak men and women.  Columbus wrote of them in his log:

They … brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks’ bells. They willingly traded everything they owned… They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features…. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane… . They would make fine servants…. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.

Worth noting is how Columbus’s description of the Arawak correlates with his sense of European entitlement and superiority.  In several accounts, he praised the Arawak and other indigenous tribes for being hospitable, handsome, and intelligent, but not without saying they would make “fine servants.”  When Columbus justified enslavement and his wars against the Natives, he vilified them as “cruel,” “stupid,” and “a people warlike and numerous, whose customs and religion are very different from ours.”

It is also important to understand the genocide of indigenous people could not have been possible without racism and sexual violence. Cherokee scholar and feminist-activist Andrea Smith cites Ann Stoler’s analysis of racism to illustrate the relationship between sexual violence and colonialism: “Racism is not an effect but a tactic in the internal fission of society into binary opposition, a means of creating ‘biologized’ internal enemies, against whom society must defend itself.”  Racism marks the “other” as “inherently dirty,” and subsequently “inherently rapable.”  For this reason, Smith argues that sexual violence is a weapon of patriarchy and colonialism, as opposed to being a separate issue altogether:

Because Indian bodies are “dirty,” they are considered sexually violable and “rapable,” and the rape of bodies that are considered inherently impure or dirty simply does not count. For instance, prostitutes are almost never believed when they say they have been raped because the dominant society considers the bodies of sex workers undeserving of integrity and violable at all times. Similarly, the history of mutilation of Indian bodies, both living and dead, makes it clear that Indian people are not entitled to bodily integrity.

Sexual violence and degradation of Native bodies is evident in how Columbus used Taino women as sex slaves and sexual rewards for his men.  Columbus profited off of sex-slave trade by exporting them to other parts of the world.  In fact, most of his income came from slavery.  In 1500, he wrote to a friend:  ”A hundred castellanoes (a Spanish coin) are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten (years old) are now in demand.”

During an online conversation, some defended Columbus by arguing he was only carrying out the “norms of his time.” Justifying Columbus’s actions by the “standards” of his time, or through historical moral relativism, is problematic, not only because it dismisses genocide, sex slavery, and land theft, but also because it suggests there are overall honorable traits about Columbus and that he should be commemorated.  For instance, Bartolome de Las Casas, the Spanish-born Dominican Bishop of Chiapas, witnessed and documented the horrors of Columbus’s subjugation, enslavement, and massacre of indigenous people. He is often quoted for writing:

What we committed in the Indies stands out among the most unpardonable offenses ever committed against God and humankind and this trade [in American Indian slaves] as one of the most unjust, evil, and cruel among them.

De Las Casas was absolutely mortified by the brutality he witnessed.  In numerous accounts, he reports about Columbus commanding his men to cut off the legs of children who would run away; about Spaniards hunting and killing Natives for sport; about colonialists testing the sharpness of their blades on living, breathing Native bodies; about Columbus’s men placing bets on who would cut a person in half in a single sweep of their swords.  De Las Casas wrote:  “Such inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight as no age can parallel. My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature that now I tremble as I write.”

Although De Las Casas was strongly opposed to Columbus’s enslavement and dehumanization of Native peoples, his advocacy of indigenous rights and ending slavery was motivated by his desire to “convert and baptize the ‘heathen’ Indians.”  In his debate with Juan Gines de Supulveda, who argued that the Natives were “barbarians” and predisposed to slavery, De Las Casas argued that they were intelligent and capable of attaining salvation in Christianity without coercion.

The point of mentioning De Las Casas is to show that, despite his missionary agenda, he was among Columbus’s contemporaries who were outraged and disgusted by his treatment of indigenous peoples.  In other words, if the argument is that Columbus shouldn’t be judged by “today’s standards,” then we ought to judge him based on De Las Casas’ account.  However, it is also quite unsettling that De Las Casas’ needs to be used in this manner – what does it say about the voices of Native Americans who live today and reflect on the genocide of their ancestors?  Are their voices and accounts of Columbus’s atrocities not credible enough?

Also, what are “today’s standards”?  Inherit in the romantic mythology of Columbus’s heroism is the white supremacist heteropatriarchal imperialism that colonizes, exploits, and unleashes massacres and sexual violence upon people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and in parts of the world like Pakistan where war eerily operates as if there is no war, despite US military presence, airbases, drone assaults, political intervention, etc.  Entire peoples are being vilified, demonized; their histories distorted, omitted; and Native Americans continue to resist and struggle against ongoing genocide that seeks to exterminate them. In fact, it is the logic of genocide, as Smith reminds us, that insists Native peoples must fade into nonexistence.  War criminals are still glorified; war crimes are still justified; inhumane practices against humanity are still occurring in secrecy.

The Reconsider Columbus Day effort challenges the status quo, not just for the sake of restoring dignity and honesty to human history, but also for eradicating tyranny, colonialism, and imperialism that exists in the present.  When American schoolchildren are taught to identify with Columbus, they are aligning themselves with an oppressor and making a racial distinction between “us” and “them.”   The point of dismantling the way we celebrate and honor Columbus goes beyond exposing Columbus’s personality, it’s about taking responsibility for the ways we are complicit in reinforcing the logic of genocide. It’s about decolonizing ourselves in order to bring about radical, revolutionary change to society.

Decolonize for the sake of today, and for the sake of tomorrow.


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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing some research on that. And he just bought me lunch since I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that Thank you for lunch! Whenever you ha...
21/11/2016 @ 09:41:39
By Anonimo
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my...
21/11/2016 @ 09:40:41
By Anonimo


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