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By Admin (from 24/11/2010 @ 08:00:25, in en - Global Observatory, read 3460 times)


“The only true lasting American value that’s still around today is buying things; people spending money they don’t have on things they don’t need.” - George Carlin

Yet, we continue to believe that ‘this is just the way it is’: that greed is natural and thus acceptable. This ridiculous notion is what all of the text books are based upon, this ‘me against you, us against them’ mentality is where the absurd and fallacious ‘basic economic problem’ comes from, and this incredible lie is what makes people maintain their nonsensical support for monetary-ism, despite its plainly horrific flaws. To truly put this into perspective, ‘the basic economic problem’ causes 34,000 people to die every day because of poverty, and forces around 3.4 billion people (half of all people on earth) to survive on less than $2 per day. How anyone can be aware of these statistics and still refuse to seek alternatives is nothing short of a disgusting and unsane disregard for human life. If you still believe that human wants are naturally infinite, rather than the result of the competitive environment in which we are raised – the environment which ‘forces us to fight with each other to survive’ – I will now attempt to provide some other broader examples.

A better analogy than the ‘blank canvas’ to which I earlier referred is the idea that all children are born holding a mirror; they reflect the society around them. A child born into an Italian family and raised in Italy will develop the mannerisms of the Italian culture; the accent, the traditions, the tastes and all other aspects will be ‘mirrored’ by the child. He was not born with an ‘Italian’ gene which made him this way. Similarly, a child born to German parents in Germany who is then adopted by English foster parents in England will reflect the English culture in which he is raised, rather than developing a German accent, etc. Characteristics such as dialect, tradition and taste are in no way more inherent in humans than greed: a man who lives alone on an island and has no competition for food and water will not develop the same ‘infinite wants’ as a man raised in a village of one hundred people who only have access to one fruit tree and one well.

Additionally, through further analogies, we can see that this is not just a trend limited to humans. In World War Two, dogs were trained to attack and kill Japanese soldiers; simultaneously, dogs were also trained to guide the blind. The dog that kills soldiers is not bad, just as much as the guide dog is not good: they are simply the products of training and conditioning, in no different a way as we are the products of the indoctrination of the monetary system. A frequently raised question is: ‘I’ve worked for what I have, why should people in the less-developed world be given the same for free?’ Let me simply remind you that you were born into modern Britain, where electricity, running water, hospitals, schools, cars, telephones, televisions, computers and every other piece of technology which betters your life had already been created. You contributed nothing to this, yet still have total access to it.

The vital understanding is that ‘the basic economic problem’ that we have been presented with is simply not accurate in the way that most people understand it: human wants are not infinite. Rather, the wants of humans raised in a competitive environment – where fighting others for survival is the norm – may be infinite, but to label this a natural facet of all men is simply inaccurate. In the world as it is today, our only motivation and measurement of success is monetary reward, and so to constantly seek more (even when we have no tangible use for it) seems a natural process. In this way, however, ‘the basic economic problem’ is not some ultimate obstacle to a transition to a Resource-Based Economy. If people can be conditioned to believe that they will demand materialistic gratification indefinitely, they can just as easily be conditioned to think the opposite. This is not even an alien methodology without grounds in the present system; in a 2010 speech to students at Oxford University, American studier of motivational patterns Dan Pink discussed the following unconventional approaches to employment.

In the past few years, an Australian software company named Atlassian has introduced a scheme called ‘FedEx Days’ – presumably stemming from the idea of delivering an overnight solution – to their business. The idea is that, several times a year, their entire workforce is given 24 hours of totally free time in order to engineer a solution to a problem of their choosing. They are allowed to work on absolutely anything, without limitations, targets or budgets, as long as it does not relate to their everyday paid work. Atlassian admits that some of its most successful software solutions have stemmed from these ‘FedEx Days’. The engineers who develop these ideas are motivated by the chance to fulfil their creative potential and express their ability, rather than by monetary reward or the need to meet a given expectation.


Author: Liam Blee - Source:

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By Admin (from 23/11/2010 @ 16:25:05, in en - Science and Society, read 2467 times)

Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites represent "one of several threats" to the future of the world wide web, its founder, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has warned.

Some of its "most successful inhabitants", such as Facebook and big telecommunications companies, had begun to "chip away" at its founding principles, Sir Tim wrote in a Scientific American essay published this week.

Social networking sites that do not allow users to extract the information they put into them is a "problem" that could mean the web is "broken into fragmented islands", he said. Google accused Facebook this month of leaving its more than 500 million users in a "data dead-end" with their contact details and personal information "effectively trapped".

Although Facebook, the world's most popular social network, recently began allowing users to download profile information, including status updates and photos, it has been roundly criticised for leaving users' networks of contacts "walled" inside its own site.

Sir Tim warned that such a "closed silo of content" risked leaving the web fragmented.

"The web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because it was built on egalitarian principles," he said. "The web as we know it, however, is being threatened in different ways...

"The more you enter, the more you become locked in. Your social networking site becomes a central platform - a closed silo of content, and one that does not give you full control over your information in it."

Sir Tim said there was a worry Facebook could become "so big that it becomes a monopoly, which tends to limit innovation".


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By Admin (from 23/11/2010 @ 14:00:23, in en - Video Alert, read 2437 times)

The Vatican has long opposed the use of condoms as a form of contraception... (... could it be because abusing altar boys without condoms never got them pregnant ???)

Il Papa Benito e i preservativi. Il Vaticano si è sempre opposto a l'uso del preservativo come forma di contraccezione... sara' perché abusare i chierichetti senza preservativo non lascia incinti?


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By Admin (from 23/11/2010 @ 13:00:13, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 4152 times)

Camporosso in Valcanale è grande e piccola allo stesso tempo, maestosa e timida, riservata e mondana. Si tratta infatti di un borgo montano a misura di bambola, costellato di casette pittoresche e popolato da meno di 1000 abitanti; allo stesso tempo, però, la sagoma imponente delle montagne conferisce al paese una solennità senza eguali, e mette in soggezione i visitatori ammirati. Situata nel lembo nord-orientale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, in provincia di Udine, Camporosso è una frazione del comune di Tarvisio, rinomata meta turistica della stagione estiva e invernale.


Per i friulani è “Cjamparos”, per gli sloveni si chiama “Žabnice” e dai tedeschi è chiamata “Saifnitz”. In ogni caso fa sorridere che il nome di Camporosso, nella lingua italiana, derivi da un divertente fraintendimento: il toponimo sloveno, Žabnice, significa infatti “località delle rane”, da cui derivò inizialmente il nome italiano “Camporospo”. Per un errore di distrazione, o forse per dare maggiore dignità a un borgo tanto bello, il nome venne poi cambiato nell’attuale Camporosso.


Benché l’affluenza turistica sia cresciuta negli ultimi anni, il paese alpino vanta una lunga storia, che affonda le radici in un tempo lontano. A fondarla furono i romani, e nel VII secolo d.C. venne occupata dalle popolazioni slave, ma la prima data davvero importante è il 1360, quando venne edificato lo splendido santuario di Lussari, destinato a diventare il più importante della vallata. Violente invasioni turche nel XV secolo, scontri sanguinosi tra truppe austriache e francesi e l’ingresso frequente di eserciti invasori furono favoriti dalla posizione geografica di Camporosso, di facile accesso.

Oggi, al contrario, la collocazione geografica del paese costituisce la sua ricchezza più grande. Il paesaggio montano, con i suoi panorami che incantano, e il clima alpino che regala abbondanti nevicate, fanno di Camporosso un’importante zona sciistica, dotata di vari impianti di risalita. Il più conosciuto è la funivia che conduce al Monte Santo di Lussari, utilizzata in estate dai pellegrini e dai turisti in gita, in inverno dominata da sciatori e snowboarder.

L’intero comprensorio del Tarvisiano offre una vasta scelta di piste, che vanno dalla Super Canin di sella Nevea alla Florianca di Tarvisio, sino alla “Di Prampero” di Camporosso, la regina indiscussa tra le piste da sci della valle. In tutto, dal borgo al Monte Lussari, si possono percorrere ben 25 km di tracciati innevati, accessibili mediante due nuovi impianti di risalita. Poco lontano c’è un altro polo sciistico, il vasto comprensorio austriaco di Nassfeld, conosciuto dalla maggior parte degli italiani come Pramollo, con oltre 100 km di piste e decine di impianti di risalita.

Gli sportivi non sono gli unici a salire sino al Santuario Mariano, dedicato alla Madonna del Lussari. Fondato nel XIV secolo e completamente ricostruito nel XVIII, l’edificio è detto “dei tre popoli” perché rappresenta, con la sua stessa esistenza, l'unione spirituale delle tre comunità che si trovano ai suoi piedi: gli italiani, gli austriaci e gli sloveni. Da sempre il santuario, a testimonianza del suo grande valore spirituale, è meta di pellegrinaggi da parte di numerosi fedeli, che qui trovano un panorama suggestivo e dominato dalla pace. Tutt’intorno hanno la possibilità di inoltrarsi nei boschi, in una natura incontaminata, caratterizzata da un connubio di culture suggestivo, sopravvissuto a secoli di storia.


Ma Camporosso in Valcanale, per quanto riservata e intima, non va messa in secondo piano rispetto al paesaggio che l’avvolge: il centro stesso del borgo, infatti, vanta alcuni gioielli storico-artistici imperdibili, che vale la pena di visitare mentre si passeggia per le viuzze strette e tortuose. Tra gli edifici più importanti c’è la parrocchiale, fondata nel 1444 ma ampliata successivamente con l’aggiunta di un’abside gotica, sorretta da massicci contrafforti, decorata da un fine affresco di scuola tedesca. Recentemente è stato rimesso a nuovo, ed è tornato in funzione, l’antico e preziosissimo organo che era stato danneggiato dal terremoto del 1976.


Da vedere anche la chiesetta di Santa Dorotea, realizzata prima dell’anno Mille, decorata da splendidi affreschi in fase di recupero. A Santa Dorotea sono dedicati i festeggiamenti patronali, che costituiscono l’evento più importante del paese, ma le occasioni di festa a Camporosso in Valcanale sono numerose e si distribuiscono generose nell’arco dell’anno.


Tra gli appuntamenti più sentiti, tutti all’insegna della tradizione, ci sono la fiaccolata sul Monte Santo di Lussari, la festa della Befana, il funerale del Carnevale, la Sagra del Paese e la giornata delle Palme. Caratteristica è la festa dei Krampus, diavoli travestiti che sfilano per la città, accompagnati dagli Angeli di San Nicola che rassicurano i bambini e li deliziano con qualche regalo goloso.


Raggiungere questo piccolo borgo montano, appollaiato tra le alture e i pascoli, non è difficile, qualunque mezzo si scelga per gli spostamenti. Chi usa l’auto e viene da Udine deve percorrere l’Autostrada A23 fino all’uscita di Tarvisio, poi continuare sulla Statale 13 seguendo le indicazioni. Chi opta per il treno può scendere alla stazione ferroviaria di Tarvisio-Boscoverde, sulla linea Udine/Vienna, quindi proseguire in autobus fino alla meta. Infine, per chi prende l’aereo, ci sono gli aeroporti di Trieste, Klagenfurt e Lubiana, rispettivamente a 133 km, 70 km e 107 km.


Giunti a destinazione verrete accolti da un clima un po’ inaspettato: il paese, pur essendo ad appena 754 metri di altitudine, gode di un clima continentale più rigido e nevoso rispetto ad altre località di montagna. Qui i valori medi del mese più freddo, gennaio, passano da una minima di -7°C a una massima di 1°C, e in luglio si va dagli 11°C ai 24°C. Le precipitazioni sono abbondanti per tutta la stagione estiva, quando cadono in media più di 130 mm di pioggia mensili.


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By Admin (from 23/11/2010 @ 11:00:29, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 3188 times)

 Statisticile medicale sunt necrutatoare, dar cat se poate de exacte: in ultimii ani, numarul cazurilor de cancer, in statele civilizate, aproape s-a triplat. Nici Romania nu face exceptie, dimpotriva, tara noastra se situeaza pe un nedorit loc fruntas in acest „top al mortii”, numarul deceselor provocate de cancer fiind depasit doar de numarul celor cauzate de maladiile cardiovasculare. Din fericire, peste nu multi ani, suferinzii de cancer vor avea posibilitatea de a tine sub control aceasta teribila boala, gratie unei descoperiri facute recent de oamenii de stiinta.

Milioane de persoane diagnosticate cu cancer vor putea, in viitorul apropiat, sa-si „tina in frau” boala, prin intermediul unor modificari genetice care vor actiona ca veritabile tratamente de intretinere. Si aceasta dupa ce oamenii de stiinta au demonstrat pentru prima oara ca sistemul imunitar al organismului poate tine tumorile intr-o stare similara hibernarii, timp de decenii intregi, fara ca acestea sa le mai puna in pericol viata. Descoperirea, considerata de expertii medicali „surprinzatoare”, va genera tratamente capabile a permite pacientilor sa duca o viata absolut normala, chiar si avand inca in organism celule canceroase, care vor fi insa neutralizate.

Cea mai buna protectie: un sistem imunitar puternic

 Specialistii in oncologie stiau de multa vreme ca boala canceroasa poate stagna in corpul uman timp de multi ani, inainte de a se reactiva, brusc. Dar pana in prezent, nimeni nu putea preciza cum se desfasoara acest proces. O echipa condusa de profesorul Robert Schreiber, de la Washington University School of Medicine a ajuns, facand experiente pe cobai modificati genetic pentru a dezvolta tumori canceroase, la concluzia ca unele forme de cancer sunt tinute de organism in stare de „echilibru” timp de decenii intregi, fara a fi complet eliminate dar si fara posibilitatea de a invada tot corpul. Este, sugereaza cercetatorii, un proces similar cu cel al infestarii cronice cu Mycobacterium tuberculosis, bacteria responsabila de aparitia tuberculozei. Pacientii pot fi infectati de multe decenii, fara sa prezinte simptome de TBC. Dar boala apare de indata ce sistemul imunitar este slabit.

„Cu ajutorul modelului animal pe care l-am dezvoltat, am reusit sa reproducem starea tumorii „adormite”, in conditii de laborator si am putut vedea prin ce mecanisme celulele cancerigene sunt tinute la respect de catre sistemul imunitar”, spune Schreiber. S-a observat ca in timpul fazei de „hibernare”, organismul declanseaza procese biologice prin care sistemul sau imunitar reduce tendinta tumorii de a creste si ucide unele celule maligne, dar nu suficient de rapid pentru a micsora sau distruge definitiv tumora.

„Intr-o zi vom putea sa folosim imunoterapia pentru a induce periodic in mod artificial procesul de echilibrare si a face din cancer o boala cronica, dar controlabila, cu ajutorul medicatiei. Functionarea perfecta a sistemului imunitar constituie una dintre cheile problemei, intrucat previne dezvoltarea cancerelor. Nu intamplator, cancerul poate sa apara si la pacientii cu organe transplantate, desi aceste organe sunt perfect sanatoase: faptul ca sistemul imunitar al primitorului de organe este suprimat face ca organismul sau sa fie lipsit de aparare in fata agresivitatii celulelor canceroase care se mai afla inca in corp.

Si astfel, boala va recidiva, atacand si organul sanatos, abia transplantat. Cercetarile viitoare si validarea clinica a acestui proces vor duce la transformarea cancerului intr-o maladie cronica, similara altor boli grave dar care nu ajung sa aiba un potential letal, multumita tratamentelor medicamentoase”, spune dr. Mark Smyth, de la Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre din Australia, coautor la studiul mentionat.

Autor: GABRIEL TUDOR - Sursa:

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By Admin (from 23/11/2010 @ 08:00:40, in en - Global Observatory, read 2199 times)


History is filled with examples of wars, invasions, genocides, and all manner of abuses of power that have been waged by men and women who desire to steal what they do not already possess, and in this way, it is easy to see why it is so widely assumed that humans as a race are implicitly competitive, acquisitive, and self-serving. Despite the implications of this evidence, however, this is simply superficial and untrue. I believe that the best way of explaining this is through a particularly excellent quotation, which came from the Belgian economist Bernard Lietaer, who worked closely on the creation of the EU currency system, and who succinctly summarises the issue:
“Greed and competition are not the result of immutable human temperament; greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being continuously created and amplified as a direct result of the money we are using. We can produce more than enough food to feed everyone, and enough work for everybody in the world, but there is clearly not enough money to pay for it all. The job of the central banks is to create and maintain this scarcity, and the direct consequence of this is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive.”
- Bernard Lietaer

What exactly does Lietaer mean by this? Firstly, he points out that greed, competition and all similar characteristics are ‘not the result of immutable human temperament’: in other words, they are in no way fundamentally incorporated into the human race, which in turn means that they can be changed and removed. Secondly, he addresses their true origin: ‘the money we are using’. Essentially, his point is this; people are conditioned to be greedy and materialistic because monetary-ism is designed to create competition through scarcity: if there isn’t enough to go round, people will work harder in order to obtain that ‘stuff’, even if it is at the expense of others. This is why people become greedy, or, as Lietaer poetically puts it, why ‘we have to fight with each other in order to survive’.

How, exactly, have we been manipulated to believe that our wants are infinite and that our greed is primordial? Modern culture is, in fact, riddled with institutions that perpetuate this myth, although we rarely stop to question either their motives or their methods. Perhaps the biggest contributor is the advertising and marketing industry. Their simple procedure is to make people feel inadequate, inept, and inferior because of what they do or do not own, and then offer their particular product as the ‘cure’ to these insufficiencies. They constantly bombard the population with messages and images of models and celebrities who are ‘better people’ than you because of the labels on their clothes. Vast expenditure is used to achieve this: ZenithOptimedia reported that over $542 billion will be spent on advertising globally by the end of 2010, whilst “it is currently estimated that a child sees more than 40,000 television commercials a year”. The simple fact is that, in surrendering to their suggestions of inferiority and purchasing their products, consumers are parading those labels on their behalf, becoming a walking advertisement with no earned wage.

The entire fashion industry, and the advertising agencies with which they work with, have created and installed an artificial system of values within all of us, convincing the population that a person can be deemed good or bad, worthy or unworthy, simply because of their ability to purchase the latest designer goods. Thus, we constantly lust for more: our idea of self-fulfillment and achievement becomes so clouded and illogical that we believe that the greatest sense of accomplishment in life comes from purchasing certain commercial articles. ‘Fashions’ are thus created: endless advertising manipulates our values, creating trends that people are forced to adhere to, simply out of fear that they will be mocked for failure to conform. We lose all sense of perspective and balance; the way we continually evaluate our self-worth on some imaginary, materialistic, commercial scale fuels our need to constantly purchase more in order to be the apparent best person that we can. The manifestation of our values is quantified by the fact that, in culture is, in fact, riddled with institutions that perpetuate this myth, although we rarely stop to question either their motives or their methods. Perhaps the biggest contributor is the advertising and marketing industry. Their simple procedure is to make people feel inadequate, inept, and inferior because of what they do or do not own, and then offer their particular product as the ‘cure’ to these insufficiencies. They constantly bombard the population with messages and images of models and celebrities who are ‘better people’ than you because of the labels on their clothes. Vast expenditure is used to achieve this: ZenithOptimedia reported that over $542 billion will be spent on advertising globally by the end of 2010, whilst “it is currently estimated that a child sees more than 40,000 television commercials a year”. The simple fact is that, in surrendering to their suggestions of inferiority and purchasing their products, consumers are parading those labels on their behalf, becoming a walking advertisement with no earned wage.
The entire fashion industry, and the advertising agencies with which they work with, have created and installed an artificial system of values within all of us, convincing the population that a person can be deemed good or bad, worthy or unworthy, simply because of their ability to purchase the latest designer goods. Thus, we constantly lust for more: our idea of self-fulfillment and achievement becomes so clouded and illogical that we believe that the greatest sense of accomplishment in life comes from purchasing certain commercial articles. ‘Fashions’ are thus created: endless advertising manipulates our values, creating trends that people are forced to adhere to, simply out of fear that they will be mocked for failure to conform. We lose all sense of perspective and balance; the way we continually evaluate our self-worth on some imaginary, materialistic, commercial scale fuels our need to constantly purchase more in order to be the apparent best person that we can. The manifestation of our values is quantified by the fact that, in the USA alone, over $250 billion is spent annually on fashion, whilst the US Department of Education’s 2010 budget was only $46.7 billion.


Author: Liam Blee - Source:

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By Admin (from 22/11/2010 @ 17:00:01, in en - Global Observatory, read 3607 times)

WIKILEAKS has revealed plans to publish a new tranche of secrets, this one seven times larger than last month's massive 400,000 military reports about the Iraq war.

The announcement comes days after Swedish authorities issued an arrest warrant for the organisation's editor, the Australian citizen Julian Assange, following a two month investigation into allegations of rape.

WikiLeaks announced on Twitter yesterday afternoon: "Next release is 7x the size of the Iraq War Logs. Intense pressure over it for months."

It has published two massive tranches of secret US military reports about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - 77,000 files on Afghanistan in July, and 400,000 files on Iraq last month. It has not discussed where the material came from. But US authorities have charged a soldier, intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, over the thefts.

Mr Assange has been in England since leaving Sweden in August after publicity surrounding the allegations made by the two women.

Both had separate and brief sexual liaisons with the WikiLeaks editor while he was there, and both allege they had consensual sex with him, but that he refused to wear a condom.

Mr Assange and his supporters have alleged he is the victim of a US-initiated smear campaign as a result of his work.

"I request the District Court of Stockholm to detain Mr Assange in his absence, suspected of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion," the Swedish Director of Prosecutions, Marianne Ny, said last week.

In a statement the same day Mr Assange's London lawyer, Mark Stephens, said the allegations were "false and without basis". He also said Mr Assange has repeatedly offered to be interviewed.

"All of these offers have been flatly refused by a prosecutor who is abusing her powers by insisting that he return to Sweden at his own expense to be subjected to another media circus that she will orchestrate."

Author: Dylan Welch - Source:

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By Admin (from 22/11/2010 @ 13:00:56, in it - Scienze e Societa, read 3746 times)

Il Monte Cavallo, in estate, è una scultura silenziosa di rocce chiare, tappezzata qua e là di pascoli, arbusti e foreste scure; in inverno si trasforma in un colosso di neve e ghiaccio, glassato di cristalli lucenti e sferzato dall’aria pungente delle Alpi Friulane. Sulle sue pareti massicce, nel versante orientale, si apre una conca naturale suggestiva, che ospita l’abitato di Piancavallo.


Piancavallo è un borgo montano in provincia di Pordenone, nel Friui-Venezia Giulia, frazione del comune di Aviano. Abbarbicata a 1267 metri di quota, immersa in questa vallata soleggiata e spaziosa a due passi dalla foresta del Cansiglio, la cittadella è una meta turistica rinomata, che sa fare innamorare i visitatori in ogni stagione dell’anno. Non è necessario avere alle spalle una lunga storia per possedere tanti gioielli preziosi, da offrire agli ospiti: Piancavallo è infatti una località piuttosto giovane, nata negli anni Sessanta principalmente come meta invernale, che da subito ha saputo diffondere la sua fama in Italia e in Europa, e si è attrezzata ben presto per incrementare anche il turismo estivo.

Tra i suoi primati c’è l’adozione dell’innevamento artificiale: è stata infatti la prima stazione sciistica italiana a farne uso, garantendo in ogni momento della stagione sciistica, anche in mancanza di nevicate abbondanti, delle piste sempre perfette. Piste che hanno fatto da scenario, nel corso degli anni, a un gran numero di gare, competizioni e importanti eventi sportivi: dal 1979 all’inizio degli anni Novanta il comprensorio ha ospitato una serie di competizioni femminili di Coppa del Mondo e sci alpino, ed è stata nel 1998 una tappa del Giro d’Italia. Dal 1970 è stata sede del Rally Piancavallo, un evento di risonanza europea, e tuttora continua a svolgersi annualmente un rally importante a livello nazionale.


Ma le piste di Piancavallo, dalle più ripide alle più ampie e rassicuranti, non sono fatte solo per i professionisti: per chi ama lo sci e lo snowboard ci sono più di 25 km di piste di difficoltà e pendenza variabile, 26 km di tracciati per lo sci di fondo, in parte illuminati, e alcune zone di snowpark riservate alle evoluzioni dei più temerari. Quando la primavera inizia ad accarezzare le piste, e il primo sole fa sciogliere i ghiaccioli che agghindano la montagna, il candore delle nevi cede il posto a un verde smeraldino, fresco, pronto per essere assaporato. Le discese per lo sci si trasformano in divertenti percorsi di alpine coaster, una sorta di montagna russa che permette di sfrecciare tra i monti a gran velocità, nell’abitacolo di un piccolo veicolo su rotaia. Passeggiando nei dintorni di Piancavallo si possono inoltre incontrare i maneggi, le imponenti pareti rocciose per l’arrampicata, gli appassionanti percorsi per la mountain bike e delle visioni paesaggistiche mozzafiato.


Dalle vette più alte, in particolare, si possono ammirare scorci stupendi: quando il sole avvolge tutta la vallata e inonda le cime montane, gli sguardi più acuti arrivano a sfiorare il blu del mare adriatico, che genera un contrasto commovente con la sagoma austera delle Dolomiti. Chi vuole immergersi davvero in quest’aria cristallina, e desidera un’emozione indimenticabile, potrà raggiungere la Castaldia, a 1108 metri di quota, e provare l’ebbrezza di un volo in deltaplano.

Un’emozione diversa, ma comunque affascinante, la regalano le numerose manifestazioni che vengono organizzate a Piancavallo nell’arco dell’anno. Ogni stagione ha i suoi momenti di festa e di svago, che fanno conoscere lo spirito locale ai visitatori più curiosi: in estate ci sono il festival della Fisarmonica, che si tiene alla fine di luglio, e il festival del Folklore di inizio agosto, per non parlare della magica notte di San Lorenzo con il suo concerto di Musica sotto le Stelle. In inverno si svolgono però gli eventi più suggestivi: il 26 e il 31 di dicembre, quando le stelle iniziano a punteggiare di luci il velluto scuro della sera, le montagne vengono illuminare dalla tradizionale fiaccolata sugli sci, e non bisogna dimenticare la lunga serie di manifestazioni sportive che si disputano sulla neve.


Le gare di sci alpino, anche di livello internazionale, lasciano ampio spazio ai professionisti più giovani e si alternano alle gare di fondo: una competizione particolarmente attesa è la “sei ore di fondo”, una maratona che si svolge nell’apposito anello di circa 3 km.

Tutto è ancora più suggestivo se si ha il favore del clima, e se il cielo concede qualche nevicata romantica e pittoresca. A Piancavallo gli inverni sono freddi ma meno rigidi rispetto ad altre stazioni alpine, e le estati sono piacevoli e ventilate: le temperature medie di gennaio, il mese più freddo, vanno da una minima di 1°C a una massima di 6°C, mentre in luglio, il mese più caldo, si passa dai 19°C ai 27°C. Le precipitazioni si concentrano specialmente in primavera e in autunno, quando piove in media per 9 giorni al mese.


Se avete deciso di trascorrere una vacanza a Piancavallo non vi resta che pianificare il viaggio, scegliendo il mezzo di trasporto che fa per voi. Se viaggiate in auto e venite da Trieste o Udine dovete prendere la A4 e , una volta giunti a Portogruaro, continuare in direzione di Pordenone sulla A28, poi seguire le indicazioni per Aviano e Piancavallo per circa 30 km. Se venite invece da Venezia/Mestre avete due alternative: potete adottare la stessa strada, percorrendo la A4 fino a Portogruaro poi la A28 fino a Pordenone, oppure continuare sulla A27 fino a Conegliano, continuare sulla S.S. Pontebbana fino a Orsago e seguire le indicazioni fino alla meta. Per chi viaggia in treno c’è la stazione ferroviaria di Pordenone a circa 30 km, collegata a Piancavallo da un servizio pullman dell’ATAP. Per finire a poco più di un’ora di pullman ci sono tre aeroporti internazionali, quello del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, quello di Venezia e quello di Treviso, rispettivamente a 116 km, 96 km e 84 km.


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By Admin (from 22/11/2010 @ 11:00:39, in ro - Stiinta si Societate, read 2633 times)

 Dante spunea ca iubirea misca Soarele si celelalte stele, idee pe care astazi o luam in sens aproape strict metaforic. Daca insa trecem dincolo de literatura, nu e greu sa remarcam ca supremul sentiment apare de fapt ca mecanismul central – ca sa vorbim in termeni tehnici – aflat la baza ordinii, a armoniei si a transformarilor perpetue din Univers. Poate fi acesta un tulburator argument pentru a reconsidera, fie si numai la nivel teoretic, legile cosmice, pe cele ale viului si, desigur, ale fiintei umane? Sa vedem ce spune faimosul neuropsihiatru si etolog Boris Cyrulnik de la Universitatea Toulon.

„Topirea” creierului

Exista in viata doua momente diferite când dragostea ne face inteligenti: când suntem bebelusi, inainte de a incepe sa vorbim, apoi la vârsta maturitatii sexuale. In prima etapa, daca nu suntem inconjurati cu afectivitate (cineva care sa ne atinga blând, sa ne vorbeasca, sa ne spele, sa ne hraneasca, sa ne mângâie), creierul ni se atrofiaza, iar dezvoltarea biologica si cea psihologica sunt stopate.

Tehnologiile moderne de neruo-imagerie permit chiar masurarea „topirii” cerebrale provocate de izolarea senzoriala si de carenta afectiva. Se produce o atrofiere a lobilor prefrontali, care astfel blocheaza, altereaza sau chiar suprima soclul neurologic ce permite in special anticiparea. O alta zona, numita sistem limbic – unde se afla suportul neuronal al memoriei si al emotiilor – se atrofiaza si ea.

In 1985, B. Cyrulnik a fost invitat in România, pentru a cunoaste copii abandonati de parinti si toti colegii ii spuneau ca era vorba despre encefalopatii si autism. Având o formatie etologica, stia totusi ca o alterare senzoriala putea provoca o atrofie la nivelul corespunzator din creier. Toate scanarile efectuate atunci in Franta au relevat atrofii frontale si limbice. Prin urmare, un copil cu carenta afectiva nu va putea nici sa anticipeze, nici sa-si utilizeze memoria, din moment ce baza neurologica nu e stimulata.

 Copiii studiati de cercetator nu puteau alcatui fraze, nu puteau gândi, nu puteau nici macar sa-si reprezinte timpul, sa se localizeze in timp. Inaintea cuvântului, hrana afectiva constituie un stimulent cerebral al fundamentelor care permit reprezentarea timpului (adica expunerea notiunii respective), a matematicii, a geometriei s.a.m.d.

Eternitatea de lânga noi

 Al doilea moment important ar fi cel al maturizarii sexuale. Atunci invatam sa iubim intr-o maniera noua, intensa, care se detaseaza de prima – cea fata de mama, de tata etc. Iubirea sexuala (nu vorbim doar despre relatia fizica in sine) ne obliga sa initiem aventura explorarii unei alte fiinte umane, sa asimilam inteligenta altei lumi, sa ne dezvoltam empatia.

Ce se petrece in plan biologic, când iubim? Subiectul – barbat sau femeie – nu se gândeste decât la Celalalt, in stare de veghe. Când doarme, fazele somnului paradoxal se lungesc cu 30%; sunt perioadele când procesele de memorie se incorporeaza cel mai bine. Astfel spus, pentru un indragostit, fundamentul biologic al memoriei creste cu 30%. Extinzând ideea, a te indragosti – de o femeie, de un barbat, de alta tara, de alta cultura, de o carte etc. – te provoaca la a explora.

Trebuie sa inveti acel nou domeniu, acea lume mentala a fiintei la care visezi. Biologic si psihologic, te pregatesti de cunoastere; proces stimulat de unele societati, dar descurajat de altele. Chiar si la vârste inaintate, dragostea ramâne un stimulent esential al creierului nostru si al lumii noastre psihologice intime. Iar stiinta afirma ca ar trebui sa traim cam pâna la 120 de ani!


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By Admin (from 22/11/2010 @ 08:00:05, in en - Global Observatory, read 2045 times)

“We paid the cover charge of life with our birth, and we all pay the full cost with our death, so everything else in between should be free.” - Bill Hicks

When the use of money as a means of resource allocation first occurred in ancient Mesopotamia (now Iraq and Syria) around five thousand years ago, a theory, which has since plagued humanity’s understanding of the world, was born. It has been named ‘the basic economic problem’ and is taught as gospel to all students of the free enterprise system. Sadly, challenges to its validity are thus rare, and economists of all levels are continually indoctrinated with a well-manipulated lie about the fundamentals of human sociology. It states the following:
“The world’s resources are finite, but human wants are infinite.”

The truth that so few ever learn is that there is no ‘basic economic problem’. To better understand this, some terminology must be first defined: most importantly, the erroneous phrase ‘human nature’.

Human nature is often defined as ‘the psychological attributes of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings’. Like ‘the basic economic problem’, the truth is that there is no such thing as ‘human nature’, at least to the misguided and exaggerated extent understood by the majority. Humans, as a species, are actually born with virtually nothing that is ‘common’ to all. Arguably, the only thing that we do share is a basic need for survival, through the consumption of nutritious food and clean water, and shelter from danger. No human is born wanting to die, and so we can reliably claim that the desire to survive is part of ‘human nature’. That, however, is where humanity’s universal characteristics end, and that is why there is truly no such thing as ‘human greed’ or ‘the basic economic problem’. These are all myths designed to maintain your faith in a broken system.

Secondly, the term ‘monetary-ism’ must also be defined. Monetary-ism is used in this document in place of all the other ‘ism’ ideologies: capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism (and so on and so forth), for they are all fundamentally the same. They are all irrelevant ideologies with the same deep-rooted core: an unyielding faith in the monetary system. Communist China and capitalist America are really no different in this sense, and so this term will be used to more accurately describe the market-based free-enterprise system, where labour is sold for wages in order to fuel cyclical consumption. This general economic process will henceforth be referred to as monetary-ism.

No human being is naturally greedy. In the same way, no human being is good, bad, smart, stupid, or any other variable characteristic; this simply stems from the primitive religious expectation that there are only ‘good’ and ‘evil’ people. As an overall race, human beings simply are. Every boy and every girl is born into this world equal, a blank canvas. No human being is competitive or materialistic as a result of – depending on how you value those traits – any genetic advantage or fault, and this is why ‘the basic economic problem’ is essentially nonsense; people can be conditioned to believe that their demands are infinite, but this is not an inherent, unchangeable or fixed trait.

“The first man, who, after enclosing a piece of land, took it into his head to say ‘this is mine’, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of our current civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, misfortunes and horrors would the human species have been spared had someone pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: ‘Beware of listening to this impostor. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of this earth belong to us all, and the Earth itself to nobody.’
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Author: Liam Blee - Source:

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Now Colorado is one love, I'm already packing suitcases;)
14/01/2018 @ 16:07:36
By Napasechnik
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